Exemple #1
static int vlclua_input_metas_internal( lua_State *L, input_item_t *p_item )
    if( !p_item )
        lua_pushnil( L );
        return 1;

    lua_newtable( L );
    char *psz_name;
    const char *psz_meta;

    psz_name = input_item_GetName( p_item );
    lua_pushstring( L, psz_name );
    lua_setfield( L, -2, "filename" );
    free( psz_name );

#define PUSH_META( n, m ) \
    psz_meta = vlc_meta_Get( p_item->p_meta, vlc_meta_ ## n ); \
    lua_pushstring( L, psz_meta ); \
    lua_setfield( L, -2, m )


    if (p_item->p_meta)
        PUSH_META( Title, "title" );
        PUSH_META( Artist, "artist" );
        PUSH_META( Genre, "genre" );
        PUSH_META( Copyright, "copyright" );
        PUSH_META( Album, "album" );
        PUSH_META( TrackNumber, "track_number" );
        PUSH_META( Description, "description" );
        PUSH_META( Rating, "rating" );
        PUSH_META( Date, "date" );
        PUSH_META( Setting, "setting" );
        PUSH_META( URL, "url" );
        PUSH_META( Language, "language" );
        PUSH_META( NowPlaying, "now_playing" );
        PUSH_META( Publisher, "publisher" );
        PUSH_META( EncodedBy, "encoded_by" );
        PUSH_META( ArtworkURL, "artwork_url" );
        PUSH_META( TrackID, "track_id" );

#undef PUSH_META

        char **names = vlc_meta_CopyExtraNames(p_item->p_meta);
        for(int i = 0; names[i]; i++)
            const char *meta = vlc_meta_GetExtra(p_item->p_meta, names[i]);
            lua_pushstring( L, meta );
            lua_setfield( L, -2, names[i] );

    return 1;
Exemple #2
void VlcProc::on_item_current_changed( vlc_object_t* p_obj, vlc_value_t newVal )
    input_item_t *p_item = static_cast<input_item_t*>(newVal.p_address);

    // Update short name
    char *psz_name = input_item_GetName( p_item );
    SET_TEXT( m_cVarStreamName, UString( getIntf(), psz_name ) );
    free( psz_name );

    // Update local path (if possible) or full uri
    char *psz_uri = input_item_GetURI( p_item );
    char *psz_path = make_path( psz_uri );
    char *psz_save = psz_path ? psz_path : psz_uri;
    SET_TEXT( m_cVarStreamURI, UString( getIntf(), psz_save ) );
    free( psz_path );
    free( psz_uri );

    // Update art uri
    char *psz_art = input_item_GetArtURL( p_item );
    SET_STRING( m_cVarStreamArt, string( psz_art ? psz_art : "" ) );
    free( psz_art );

    // Update playtree
    getPlaytreeVar().onUpdateCurrent( true );
Exemple #3
Fichier : meta.c Projet : Kafay/vlc
static lua_State * vlclua_meta_init( vlc_object_t *p_this, input_item_t * p_item )
    lua_State * L = luaL_newstate();
    if( !L )
        msg_Err( p_this, "Could not create new Lua State" );
        return NULL;
    char *psz_meta;

    /* Load Lua libraries */
    luaL_openlibs( L ); /* XXX: Don't open all the libs? */

    luaL_register( L, "vlc", p_reg );

    luaopen_msg( L );
    luaopen_stream( L );
    luaopen_strings( L );
    luaopen_variables( L );
    luaopen_object( L );
    luaopen_misc( L );

    lua_pushlightuserdata( L, p_this );
    lua_setfield( L, -2, "private" );

    psz_meta = input_item_GetName( p_item );
    lua_pushstring( L, psz_meta );
    lua_setfield( L, -2, "name" );
    free( psz_meta );

    psz_meta = input_item_GetArtist( p_item );
    lua_pushstring( L, psz_meta );
    lua_setfield( L, -2, "artist" );
    free( psz_meta );

    psz_meta = input_item_GetTitle( p_item ) ;
    lua_pushstring( L, psz_meta );
    lua_setfield( L, -2, "title" );
    free( psz_meta );

    psz_meta = input_item_GetAlbum( p_item );
    lua_pushstring( L, psz_meta );
    lua_setfield( L, -2, "album" );
    free( psz_meta );

    psz_meta = input_item_GetArtURL( p_item );
    lua_pushstring( L, psz_meta );
    lua_setfield( L, -2, "arturl" );
    free( psz_meta );
    /* XXX: all should be passed ( could use macro ) */

    return L;
QString PLItem::getTitle() const
    QString title;
    char *fb_name = input_item_GetTitle( p_input );
    if( EMPTY_STR( fb_name ) )
        free( fb_name );
        fb_name = input_item_GetName( p_input );
    title = qfu(fb_name);
    return title;
 * Start the input for an item
 * \param p_playlist the playlist object
 * \param p_item the item to play
 * \return nothing
static int PlayItem( playlist_t *p_playlist, playlist_item_t *p_item )
    playlist_private_t *p_sys = pl_priv(p_playlist);
    input_item_t *p_input = p_item->p_input;


    msg_Dbg( p_playlist, "creating new input thread" );

    set_current_status_item( p_playlist, p_item );

    p_sys->status.i_status = PLAYLIST_RUNNING;

    assert( p_sys->p_input == NULL );

    input_thread_t *p_input_thread = input_Create( p_playlist, p_input, NULL, p_sys->p_input_resource );
    if( p_input_thread )
        p_sys->p_input = p_input_thread;
        var_AddCallback( p_input_thread, "intf-event", InputEvent, p_playlist );

        var_SetAddress( p_playlist, "input-current", p_input_thread );

        if( input_Start( p_sys->p_input ) )
            vlc_object_release( p_input_thread );
            p_sys->p_input = p_input_thread = NULL;

    /* TODO store art policy in playlist private data */
    char *psz_arturl = input_item_GetArtURL( p_input );
    char *psz_name = input_item_GetName( p_input );
    /* p_input->p_meta should not be null after a successful CreateThread */
    bool b_has_art = !EMPTY_STR( psz_arturl );

    if( !b_has_art || strncmp( psz_arturl, "attachment://", 13 ) )
        PL_DEBUG( "requesting art for %s", psz_name );
        libvlc_ArtRequest( p_playlist->p_libvlc, p_input, META_REQUEST_OPTION_NONE );
    free( psz_arturl );
    free( psz_name );

    var_TriggerCallback( p_playlist, "activity" );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Exemple #6
void LocationBar::setIndex( const QModelIndex &index )
    qDeleteAll( buttons );
    qDeleteAll( actions );

    QModelIndex i = index;
    bool first = true;

    while( true )
        PLItem *item = model->getItem( i );
        QString text;

        char *fb_name = input_item_GetTitle( item->inputItem() );
        if( EMPTY_STR( fb_name ) )
            free( fb_name );
            fb_name = input_item_GetName( item->inputItem() );
        text = qfu(fb_name);

        QAbstractButton *btn = new LocationButton( text, first, !first, this );
        btn->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
        buttons.append( btn );

        QAction *action = new QAction( text, this );
        actions.append( action );
        CONNECT( btn, clicked(), action, trigger() );

        mapper->setMapping( action, item->id() );
        CONNECT( action, triggered(), mapper, map() );

        first = false;

        if( i.isValid() ) i = i.parent();
        else break;

    QString prefix;
    for( int a = actions.count() - 1; a >= 0 ; a-- )
        actions[a]->setText( prefix + actions[a]->text() );
        prefix += QString("  ");

    if( isVisible() ) layOut( size() );
Exemple #7
PLSelItem *PLSelector::addPodcastItem( playlist_item_t *p_item )
    vlc_gc_incref( p_item->p_input );
    char *psz_name = input_item_GetName( p_item->p_input );
    PLSelItem *item = addItem(
                          PL_ITEM_TYPE,  psz_name, false, podcastsParent );
    item->addAction( RM_ACTION, qtr( "Remove this podcast subscription" ) );
    item->treeItem()->setData( 0, PL_ITEM_ROLE, QVariant::fromValue( p_item ) );
    item->treeItem()->setData( 0, PL_ITEM_ID_ROLE, QVariant(p_item->i_id) );
    item->treeItem()->setData( 0, IN_ITEM_ROLE, QVariant::fromValue( p_item->p_input ) );
    CONNECT( item, action( PLSelItem* ), this, podcastRemove( PLSelItem* ) );
    free( psz_name );
    return item;
Exemple #8
Fichier : html.c Projet : Kafay/vlc
 * Recursiveyy follow the playlist
 * @param p_playlist: the playlist
 * @param p_export: the export structure
 * @param p_root: the current node
static void DoChildren( playlist_t *p_playlist, playlist_export_t *p_export,
                        playlist_item_t *p_root )
    /* Go through the playlist and add items */
    for( int i = 0; i < p_root->i_children ; i++)
        playlist_item_t *p_current = p_root->pp_children[i];
        assert( p_current );

        if( p_current->i_flags & PLAYLIST_SAVE_FLAG )

        if( p_current->i_children >= 0 )
            DoChildren( p_playlist, p_export, p_current );

        char* psz_name = NULL;
        char *psz_tmp = input_item_GetName( p_current->p_input );
        if( psz_tmp )
            psz_name = convert_xml_special_chars( psz_tmp );
        free( psz_tmp );

        if( psz_name )
            char* psz_artist = NULL;
            psz_tmp = input_item_GetArtist( p_current->p_input );
            if( psz_tmp )
                psz_artist = convert_xml_special_chars( psz_tmp );
            free( psz_tmp );

            mtime_t i_duration = input_item_GetDuration( p_current->p_input );
            int min = ( i_duration / 1000000 ) / 60;
            int sec = ( i_duration / 1000000 ) - min * 60;

            // Print the artist if we have one
            if( psz_artist && *psz_artist )
                fprintf( p_export->p_file, "    <li>%s - %s (%02d:%02d)</li>\n", psz_artist, psz_name, min, sec );
                fprintf( p_export->p_file, "    <li>%s (%2d:%2d)</li>\n", psz_name, min, sec );

            free( psz_artist );
        free( psz_name );
Exemple #9
 * Recursively follow the playlist
 * @param p_export: the export structure
 * @param p_root: the current node
static void DoChildren( playlist_export_t *p_export, playlist_item_t *p_root )
    /* Go through the playlist and add items */
    for( int i = 0; i < p_root->i_children ; i++)
        playlist_item_t *p_current = p_root->pp_children[i];
        assert( p_current );

        if( p_current->i_children >= 0 )
            DoChildren( p_export, p_current );

        char* psz_name = NULL;
        char *psz_tmp = input_item_GetName( p_current->p_input );
        if( psz_tmp )
            psz_name = vlc_xml_encode( psz_tmp );
        free( psz_tmp );

        if( psz_name )
            char* psz_artist = NULL;
            psz_tmp = input_item_GetArtist( p_current->p_input );
            if( psz_tmp )
                psz_artist = vlc_xml_encode( psz_tmp );
            free( psz_tmp );

            vlc_tick_t i_duration = input_item_GetDuration( p_current->p_input );
            int min = SEC_FROM_VLC_TICK( i_duration ) / 60;
            int sec = SEC_FROM_VLC_TICK( i_duration ) - min * 60;

            // Print the artist if we have one
            if( psz_artist && *psz_artist )
                fprintf( p_export->p_file, "    <li>%s - %s (%02d:%02d)</li>\n", psz_artist, psz_name, min, sec );
                fprintf( p_export->p_file, "    <li>%s (%2d:%2d)</li>\n", psz_name, min, sec );

            free( psz_artist );
        free( psz_name );
static void DisplayVoutTitle( input_resource_t *p_resource,
                              vout_thread_t *p_vout )
    if( p_resource->p_input == NULL )

    /* TODO display the title only one time for the same input ? */

    input_item_t *p_item = input_GetItem( p_resource->p_input );

    char *psz_nowplaying = input_item_GetNowPlaying( p_item );
    if( psz_nowplaying && *psz_nowplaying )
        vout_DisplayTitle( p_vout, psz_nowplaying );
        char *psz_artist = input_item_GetArtist( p_item );
        char *psz_name = input_item_GetTitle( p_item );

        if( !psz_name || *psz_name == '\0' )
            free( psz_name );
            psz_name = input_item_GetName( p_item );
        if( psz_artist && *psz_artist )
            char *psz_string;
            if( asprintf( &psz_string, "%s - %s", psz_name, psz_artist ) != -1 )
                vout_DisplayTitle( p_vout, psz_string );
                free( psz_string );
        else if( psz_name )
            vout_DisplayTitle( p_vout, psz_name );
        free( psz_name );
        free( psz_artist );
    free( psz_nowplaying );
Exemple #11
void CmdUpdateItem::execute()
    playlist_t *pPlaylist = getIntf()->p_sys->p_playlist;
    if( pPlaylist == NULL )

    input_thread_t *p_input = playlist_CurrentInput( pPlaylist );
    if( !p_input )

    // Get playlist item information
    input_item_t *pItem = input_GetItem( p_input );

    char *pszName = input_item_GetName( pItem );
    char *pszUri = input_item_GetURI( pItem );

    string name = pszName;
    // XXX: This should be done in VLC core, not here...
    // Remove path information if any
    OSFactory *pFactory = OSFactory::instance( getIntf() );
    string::size_type pos = name.rfind( pFactory->getDirSeparator() );
    if( pos != string::npos )
        name = name.substr( pos + 1, name.size() - pos + 1 );
    UString srcName( getIntf(), name.c_str() );
    UString srcURI( getIntf(), pszUri );

    free( pszName );
    free( pszUri );

    // Create commands to update the stream variables
    CmdSetText *pCmd1 = new CmdSetText( getIntf(), m_rStreamName, srcName );
    CmdSetText *pCmd2 = new CmdSetText( getIntf(), m_rStreamURI, srcURI );
    // Push the commands in the asynchronous command queue
    AsyncQueue *pQueue = AsyncQueue::instance( getIntf() );
    pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd1 ), false );
    pQueue->push( CmdGenericPtr( pCmd2 ), false );
    vlc_object_release( p_input );
 * Start the input for an item
 * \param p_playlist the playlist object
 * \param p_item the item to play
 * \return nothing
static int PlayItem( playlist_t *p_playlist, playlist_item_t *p_item )
    playlist_private_t *p_sys = pl_priv(p_playlist);
    input_item_t *p_input = p_item->p_input;


    msg_Dbg( p_playlist, "creating new input thread" );

    set_current_status_item( p_playlist, p_item );

    p_sys->status.i_status = PLAYLIST_RUNNING;

    UpdateActivity( p_playlist, DEFAULT_INPUT_ACTIVITY );

    assert( p_sys->p_input == NULL );

    if( !p_sys->p_input_resource )
        p_sys->p_input_resource = input_resource_New( VLC_OBJECT( p_playlist ) );
    input_thread_t *p_input_thread = input_Create( p_playlist, p_input, NULL, p_sys->p_input_resource );
    if( p_input_thread )
        p_sys->p_input = p_input_thread;
        var_AddCallback( p_input_thread, "intf-event", InputEvent, p_playlist );

        var_SetAddress( p_playlist, "input-current", p_input_thread );

        if( input_Start( p_sys->p_input ) )
            vlc_object_release( p_input_thread );
            p_sys->p_input = p_input_thread = NULL;

    char *psz_uri = input_item_GetURI( p_item->p_input );
    if( psz_uri && ( !strncmp( psz_uri, "directory:", 10 ) ||
                     !strncmp( psz_uri, "vlc:", 4 ) ) )
        free( psz_uri );
        return VLC_SUCCESS;
    free( psz_uri );

    /* TODO store art policy in playlist private data */
    if( var_GetInteger( p_playlist, "album-art" ) == ALBUM_ART_WHEN_PLAYED )
        bool b_has_art;

        char *psz_arturl, *psz_name;
        psz_arturl = input_item_GetArtURL( p_input );
        psz_name = input_item_GetName( p_input );

        /* p_input->p_meta should not be null after a successfull CreateThread */
        b_has_art = !EMPTY_STR( psz_arturl );

        if( !b_has_art || strncmp( psz_arturl, "attachment://", 13 ) )
            PL_DEBUG( "requesting art for %s", psz_name );
            playlist_AskForArtEnqueue( p_playlist, p_input );
        free( psz_arturl );
        free( psz_name );
    /* FIXME: this is not safe !!*/
    var_SetAddress( p_playlist, "item-current", p_input );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Exemple #13
 * Export_M3U: main export function
static void DoChildren( playlist_export_t *p_export, playlist_item_t *p_root,
                        int (*pf_fprintf) (FILE *, const char *, ...) )
    /* Write header */
    fputs( "#EXTM3U\n", p_export->p_file );

    /* Go through the playlist and add items */
    for( int i = 0; i< p_root->i_children ; i++)
        playlist_item_t *p_current = p_root->pp_children[i];
        assert( p_current );

        if( p_current->i_flags & PLAYLIST_SAVE_FLAG )

        if( p_current->i_children >= 0 )
            DoChildren( p_export, p_current, pf_fprintf );

        /* General info */

        char *psz_uri = input_item_GetURI( p_current->p_input );

        assert( psz_uri );

        char *psz_name = input_item_GetName( p_current->p_input );
        if( psz_name && strcmp( psz_uri, psz_name ) )
            char *psz_artist = input_item_GetArtist( p_current->p_input );
            if( psz_artist == NULL ) psz_artist = strdup( "" );
            mtime_t i_duration = input_item_GetDuration( p_current->p_input );
            if( psz_artist && *psz_artist )
                /* write EXTINF with artist */
                pf_fprintf( p_export->p_file, "#EXTINF:%"PRIu64",%s - %s\n",
                            i_duration / CLOCK_FREQ, psz_artist, psz_name);
                /* write EXTINF without artist */
                pf_fprintf( p_export->p_file, "#EXTINF:%"PRIu64",%s\n",
                            i_duration / CLOCK_FREQ, psz_name);
            free( psz_artist );
        free( psz_name );

        /* VLC specific options */
        vlc_mutex_lock( &p_current->p_input->lock );
        for( int j = 0; j < p_current->p_input->i_options; j++ )
            pf_fprintf( p_export->p_file, "#EXTVLCOPT:%s\n",
                        p_current->p_input->ppsz_options[j][0] == ':' ?
                        p_current->p_input->ppsz_options[j] + 1 :
                        p_current->p_input->ppsz_options[j] );
        vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_current->p_input->lock );

        /* Stupid third party players don't understand file: URIs. */
        char *psz_path = make_path( psz_uri );
        if( psz_path != NULL )
            free( psz_uri );
            psz_uri = psz_path;
        fprintf( p_export->p_file, "%s\n", psz_uri );
        free( psz_uri );
Exemple #14
static int vlclua_input_item_name( lua_State *L )
    lua_pushstring( L, input_item_GetName( vlclua_input_item_get_internal( L ) ) );
    return 1;
Exemple #15
 * Playlist stuff
void PlaylistListNode( intf_thread_t *p_intf, playlist_t *p_pl,
                           playlist_item_t *p_node, char *name, mvar_t *s,
                           int i_depth )
    if( !p_node || !p_node->p_input )

    if( p_node->i_children == -1 )
        char value[512];
        char *psz;
        playlist_item_t * p_item = playlist_CurrentPlayingItem( p_pl );
        if( !p_item || !p_item->p_input )

        mvar_t *itm = mvar_New( name, "set" );
        if( p_item->p_input == p_node->p_input )
            mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "current", "1" );
            mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "current", "0" );

        sprintf( value, "%d", p_node->i_id );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "index", value );

        psz = input_item_GetName( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "name", psz );
        free( psz );

        psz = input_item_GetURI( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "uri", psz );
        free( psz );

        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "type", "Item" );

        sprintf( value, "%d", i_depth );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "depth", value );

        if( p_node->i_flags & PLAYLIST_RO_FLAG )
            mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "ro", "ro" );
            mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "ro", "rw" );

        sprintf( value, "%"PRId64, input_item_GetDuration( p_node->p_input ) );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "duration", value );

        //Adding extra meta-information to each playlist item

        psz = input_item_GetTitle( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "title", psz );
        free( psz );

        psz = input_item_GetArtist( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "artist", psz );
        free( psz );

        psz = input_item_GetGenre( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "genre", psz );
        free( psz );

        psz = input_item_GetCopyright( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "copyright", psz );
        free( psz );

        psz = input_item_GetAlbum( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "album", psz );
        free( psz );

        psz = input_item_GetTrackNum( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "track", psz );
        free( psz );

        psz = input_item_GetDescription( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "description", psz );
        free( psz );

        psz = input_item_GetRating( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "rating", psz );
        free( psz );

        psz = input_item_GetDate( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "date", psz );
        free( psz );

        psz = input_item_GetURL( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "url", psz );
        free( psz );

        psz = input_item_GetLanguage( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "language", psz );
        free( psz );

        psz = input_item_GetNowPlaying( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "now_playing", psz );
        free( psz );

        psz = input_item_GetPublisher( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "publisher", psz );
        free( psz );

        psz = input_item_GetEncodedBy( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "encoded_by", psz );
        free( psz );

        psz = input_item_GetArtURL( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "art_url", psz );
        free( psz );

        psz = input_item_GetTrackID( p_node->p_input );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "track_id", psz );
        free( psz );

        mvar_AppendVar( s, itm );
        char value[512];
        int i_child;
        mvar_t *itm = mvar_New( name, "set" );

        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "name", p_node->p_input->psz_name );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "uri", p_node->p_input->psz_name );

        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "type", "Node" );

        sprintf( value, "%d", p_node->i_id );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "index", value );

        sprintf( value, "%d", p_node->i_children);
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "i_children", value );

        sprintf( value, "%d", i_depth );
        mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "depth", value );

        if( p_node->i_flags & PLAYLIST_RO_FLAG )
            mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "ro", "ro" );
            mvar_AppendNewVar( itm, "ro", "rw" );

        mvar_AppendVar( s, itm );

        for( i_child = 0 ; i_child < p_node->i_children ; i_child++ )
             PlaylistListNode( p_intf, p_pl, p_node->pp_children[i_child],
                               name, s, i_depth + 1);
Exemple #16
Fichier : rpn.c Projet : Kafay/vlc
void EvaluateRPN( intf_thread_t *p_intf, mvar_t  *vars,
                      rpn_stack_t *st, char *exp )
    intf_sys_t    *p_sys = p_intf->p_sys;

    while( exp != NULL && *exp != '\0' )
        char *p, *s;

        /* skip space */
        while( *exp == ' ' )

        if( *exp == '\'' )
            /* extract string */
            p = FirstWord( exp, exp );
            SSPush( st, exp );
            exp = p;

        /* extract token */
        p = FirstWord( exp, exp );
        s = exp;
        if( p == NULL )
            exp += strlen( exp );
            exp = p;

        if( *s == '\0' )

        /* 1. Integer function */
        if( !strcmp( s, "!" ) )
            SSPushN( st, ~SSPopN( st, vars ) );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "^" ) )
            SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) ^ SSPopN( st, vars ) );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "&" ) )
            SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) & SSPopN( st, vars ) );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "|" ) )
            SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) | SSPopN( st, vars ) );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "+" ) )
            SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) + SSPopN( st, vars ) );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "-" ) )
            int j = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int i = SSPopN( st, vars );
            SSPushN( st, i - j );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "*" ) )
            SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) * SSPopN( st, vars ) );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "/" ) )
            int i, j;

            j = SSPopN( st, vars );
            i = SSPopN( st, vars );

            SSPushN( st, j != 0 ? i / j : 0 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "%" ) )
            int i, j;

            j = SSPopN( st, vars );
            i = SSPopN( st, vars );

            SSPushN( st, j != 0 ? i % j : 0 );
        /* 2. integer tests */
        else if( !strcmp( s, "=" ) )
            SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) == SSPopN( st, vars ) ? -1 : 0 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "!=" ) )
            SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) != SSPopN( st, vars ) ? -1 : 0 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "<" ) )
            int j = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int i = SSPopN( st, vars );

            SSPushN( st, i < j ? -1 : 0 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, ">" ) )
            int j = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int i = SSPopN( st, vars );

            SSPushN( st, i > j ? -1 : 0 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "<=" ) )
            int j = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int i = SSPopN( st, vars );

            SSPushN( st, i <= j ? -1 : 0 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, ">=" ) )
            int j = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int i = SSPopN( st, vars );

            SSPushN( st, i >= j ? -1 : 0 );
        /* 3. string functions */
        else if( !strcmp( s, "strcat" ) )
            char *s2 = SSPop( st );
            char *s1 = SSPop( st );
            char *str = malloc( strlen( s1 ) + strlen( s2 ) + 1 );

            strcpy( str, s1 );
            strcat( str, s2 );

            SSPush( st, str );
            free( s1 );
            free( s2 );
            free( str );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "strcmp" ) )
            char *s2 = SSPop( st );
            char *s1 = SSPop( st );

            SSPushN( st, strcmp( s1, s2 ) );
            free( s1 );
            free( s2 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "strncmp" ) )
            int n = SSPopN( st, vars );
            char *s2 = SSPop( st );
            char *s1 = SSPop( st );

            SSPushN( st, strncmp( s1, s2 , n ) );
            free( s1 );
            free( s2 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "strsub" ) )
            int n = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int m = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int i_len;
            char *s = SSPop( st );
            char *str;

            if( n >= m )
                i_len = n - m + 1;
                i_len = 0;

            str = malloc( i_len + 1 );

            memcpy( str, s + m - 1, i_len );
            str[ i_len ] = '\0';

            SSPush( st, str );
            free( s );
            free( str );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "strlen" ) )
            char *str = SSPop( st );

            SSPushN( st, strlen( str ) );
            free( str );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "str_replace" ) )
            char *psz_to = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_from = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_in = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_in_current = psz_in;
            char *psz_out = malloc( strlen(psz_in) * strlen(psz_to) + 1 );
            char *psz_out_current = psz_out;

            while( (p = strstr( psz_in_current, psz_from )) != NULL )
                memcpy( psz_out_current, psz_in_current, p - psz_in_current );
                psz_out_current += p - psz_in_current;
                strcpy( psz_out_current, psz_to );
                psz_out_current += strlen(psz_to);
                psz_in_current = p + strlen(psz_from);
            strcpy( psz_out_current, psz_in_current );
            psz_out_current += strlen(psz_in_current);
            *psz_out_current = '\0';

            SSPush( st, psz_out );
            free( psz_to );
            free( psz_from );
            free( psz_in );
            free( psz_out );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "url_extract" ) )
            const char *url = mvar_GetValue( vars, "url_value" );
            char *name = SSPop( st );
            char *value = ExtractURIString( url, name );
            if( value != NULL )
                decode_URI( value );
                SSPush( st, value );
                free( value );
                SSPush( st, "" );

            free( name );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "url_encode" ) )
            char *url = SSPop( st );
            char *value = vlc_UrlEncode( url );
            free( url );
            SSPush( st, value );
            free( value );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "xml_encode" )
              || !strcmp( s, "htmlspecialchars" ) )
            char *url = SSPop( st );
            char *value = convert_xml_special_chars( url );
            free( url );
            SSPush( st, value );
            free( value );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "addslashes" ) )
            char *psz_src = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_dest;
            char *str = psz_src;

            p = psz_dest = malloc( strlen( str ) * 2 + 1 );

            while( *str != '\0' )
                if( *str == '"' || *str == '\'' || *str == '\\' )
                    *p++ = '\\';
                *p++ = *str;
            *p = '\0';

            SSPush( st, psz_dest );
            free( psz_src );
            free( psz_dest );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "stripslashes" ) )
            char *psz_src = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_dest;
            char *str = psz_src;

            p = psz_dest = strdup( psz_src );

            while( *str )
                if( *str == '\\' && *(str + 1) )
                *p++ = *str++;
            *p = '\0';

            SSPush( st, psz_dest );
            free( psz_src );
            free( psz_dest );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "realpath" ) )
            char *psz_src = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_dir = RealPath( psz_src );

            SSPush( st, psz_dir );
            free( psz_src );
            free( psz_dir );
        /* 4. stack functions */
        else if( !strcmp( s, "dup" ) )
            char *str = SSPop( st );
            SSPush( st, str );
            SSPush( st, str );
            free( str );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "drop" ) )
            char *str = SSPop( st );
            free( str );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "swap" ) )
            char *s1 = SSPop( st );
            char *s2 = SSPop( st );

            SSPush( st, s1 );
            SSPush( st, s2 );
            free( s1 );
            free( s2 );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "flush" ) )
            SSClean( st );
            SSInit( st );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "store" ) )
            char *value = SSPop( st );
            char *name  = SSPop( st );

            mvar_PushNewVar( vars, name, value );
            free( name );
            free( value );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "value" ) )
            char *name  = SSPop( st );
            const char *value = mvar_GetValue( vars, name );

            SSPush( st, value );

            free( name );
        /* 5. player control */
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_play" ) )
            int i_id = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int i_ret;

            playlist_Lock( p_sys->p_playlist );
            i_ret = playlist_Control( p_sys->p_playlist, PLAYLIST_VIEWPLAY,
                                      pl_Locked, NULL,
                                      playlist_ItemGetById( p_sys->p_playlist,
                                      i_id ) );
            playlist_Unlock( p_sys->p_playlist );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist item: %i", i_id );
            SSPushN( st, i_ret );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_stop" ) )
            playlist_Control( p_sys->p_playlist, PLAYLIST_STOP, pl_Unlocked );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist stop" );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_pause" ) )
            playlist_Control( p_sys->p_playlist, PLAYLIST_PAUSE, pl_Unlocked );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist pause" );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_next" ) )
            playlist_Control( p_sys->p_playlist, PLAYLIST_SKIP, pl_Unlocked, 1 );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist next" );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_previous" ) )
            playlist_Control( p_sys->p_playlist, PLAYLIST_SKIP, pl_Unlocked, -1 );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist previous" );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_seek" ) )
            char *psz_value = SSPop( st );
            HandleSeek( p_intf, psz_value );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist seek: %s", psz_value );
            free( psz_value );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_var_type" )
                  || !strcmp( s, "vlc_config_type" ) )
            vlc_object_t *p_object;
            const char *psz_type = NULL;
            int i_type = 0;

            if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_var_type" ) )
                char *psz_object = SSPop( st );
                char *psz_variable = SSPop( st );
                bool b_need_release;

                p_object = GetVLCObject( p_intf, psz_object, &b_need_release );

                if( p_object != NULL )
                    i_type = var_Type( p_object, psz_variable );
                free( psz_variable );
                free( psz_object );
                if( b_need_release && p_object != NULL )
                    vlc_object_release( p_object );
                char *psz_variable = SSPop( st );
                p_object = VLC_OBJECT(p_intf);
                i_type = config_GetType( p_object, psz_variable );
                free( psz_variable );

            if( p_object != NULL )
                switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE )
                case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_BOOL";
                case VLC_VAR_INTEGER:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_INTEGER";
                case VLC_VAR_HOTKEY:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_HOTKEY";
                case VLC_VAR_STRING:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_STRING";
                case VLC_VAR_MODULE:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_MODULE";
                case VLC_VAR_FILE:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_FILE";
                case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY";
                case VLC_VAR_VARIABLE:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_VARIABLE";
                case VLC_VAR_FLOAT:
                    psz_type = "VLC_VAR_FLOAT";
                    psz_type = "UNDEFINED";
                psz_type = "INVALID";

            SSPush( st, psz_type );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_var_set" ) )
            char *psz_object = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_variable = SSPop( st );
            bool b_need_release;

            vlc_object_t *p_object = GetVLCObject( p_intf, psz_object,
                                                   &b_need_release );

            if( p_object != NULL )
                bool b_error = false;
                char *psz_value = NULL;
                vlc_value_t val;
                int i_type;

                i_type = var_Type( p_object, psz_variable );

                switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE )
                case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
                    val.b_bool = SSPopN( st, vars );
                    msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested %s var change: %s->%d",
                             psz_object, psz_variable, val.b_bool );
                case VLC_VAR_INTEGER:
                case VLC_VAR_HOTKEY:
                    val.i_int = SSPopN( st, vars );
                    msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested %s var change: %s->%d",
                             psz_object, psz_variable, val.i_int );
                case VLC_VAR_STRING:
                case VLC_VAR_MODULE:
                case VLC_VAR_FILE:
                case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY:
                case VLC_VAR_VARIABLE:
                    val.psz_string = psz_value = SSPop( st );
                    msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested %s var change: %s->%s",
                             psz_object, psz_variable, psz_value );
                case VLC_VAR_FLOAT:
                    psz_value = SSPop( st );
                    val.f_float = atof( psz_value );
                    msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested %s var change: %s->%f",
                             psz_object, psz_variable, val.f_float );
                    SSPopN( st, vars );
                    msg_Warn( p_intf, "invalid %s variable type %d (%s)",
                              psz_object, i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE, psz_variable );
                    b_error = true;

                if( !b_error )
                    var_Set( p_object, psz_variable, val );
                if( psz_value != NULL )
                    free( psz_value );
                msg_Warn( p_intf, "vlc_var_set called without an object" );
            free( psz_variable );
            free( psz_object );

            if( b_need_release && p_object != NULL )
                vlc_object_release( p_object );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_var_get" ) )
            char *psz_object = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_variable = SSPop( st );
            bool b_need_release;

            vlc_object_t *p_object = GetVLCObject( p_intf, psz_object,
                                                   &b_need_release );

            if( p_object != NULL )
                vlc_value_t val;
                int i_type;

                i_type = var_Type( p_object, psz_variable );
                var_Get( p_object, psz_variable, &val );

                switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE )
                case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
                    SSPushN( st, val.b_bool );
                case VLC_VAR_INTEGER:
                case VLC_VAR_HOTKEY:
                    SSPushN( st, val.i_int );
                case VLC_VAR_STRING:
                case VLC_VAR_MODULE:
                case VLC_VAR_FILE:
                case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY:
                case VLC_VAR_VARIABLE:
                    SSPush( st, val.psz_string );
                    free( val.psz_string );
                case VLC_VAR_FLOAT:
                    char psz_value[20];
                    lldiv_t value = lldiv( val.f_float * 1000000, 1000000 );
                    snprintf( psz_value, sizeof(psz_value), "%lld.%06u",
                                    value.quot, (unsigned int)value.rem );
                    SSPush( st, psz_value );
                    msg_Warn( p_intf, "invalid %s variable type %d (%s)",
                              psz_object, i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE, psz_variable );
                    SSPush( st, "" );
                msg_Warn( p_intf, "vlc_var_get called without an object" );
                SSPush( st, "" );
            free( psz_variable );
            free( psz_object );

            if( b_need_release && p_object != NULL )
                vlc_object_release( p_object );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_object_exists" ) )
            char *psz_object = SSPop( st );
            bool b_need_release;

            vlc_object_t *p_object = GetVLCObject( p_intf, psz_object,
                                                   &b_need_release );
            if( b_need_release && p_object != NULL )
                vlc_object_release( p_object );

            if( p_object != NULL )
                SSPush( st, "1" );
                SSPush( st, "0" );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_config_set" ) )
            char *psz_variable = SSPop( st );
            int i_type = config_GetType( p_intf, psz_variable );

            switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE )
            case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
            case VLC_VAR_INTEGER:
                config_PutInt( p_intf, psz_variable, SSPopN( st, vars ) );
            case VLC_VAR_STRING:
            case VLC_VAR_MODULE:
            case VLC_VAR_FILE:
            case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY:
                char *psz_string = SSPop( st );
                config_PutPsz( p_intf, psz_variable, psz_string );
                free( psz_string );
            case VLC_VAR_FLOAT:
                char *psz_string = SSPop( st );
                config_PutFloat( p_intf, psz_variable, atof(psz_string) );
                free( psz_string );
                msg_Warn( p_intf, "vlc_config_set called on unknown var (%s)",
                          psz_variable );
            free( psz_variable );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_config_get" ) )
            char *psz_variable = SSPop( st );
            int i_type = config_GetType( p_intf, psz_variable );

            switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE )
            case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
            case VLC_VAR_INTEGER:
                SSPushN( st, config_GetInt( p_intf, psz_variable ) );
            case VLC_VAR_STRING:
            case VLC_VAR_MODULE:
            case VLC_VAR_FILE:
            case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY:
                char *psz_string = config_GetPsz( p_intf, psz_variable );
                SSPush( st, psz_string );
                free( psz_string );
            case VLC_VAR_FLOAT:
                char psz_string[20];
                lldiv_t value = lldiv( config_GetFloat( p_intf, psz_variable )
                                       * 1000000, 1000000 );
                snprintf( psz_string, sizeof(psz_string), "%lld.%06u",
                          value.quot, (unsigned int)value.rem );
                SSPush( st, psz_string );
                msg_Warn( p_intf, "vlc_config_get called on unknown var (%s)",
                          psz_variable );
                SSPush( st, "" );
            free( psz_variable );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_config_save" ) )
            char *psz_module = SSPop( st );
            int i_result;

            if( !*psz_module )
                free( psz_module );
                psz_module = NULL;
            i_result = config_SaveConfigFile( p_intf, psz_module );

            if( psz_module != NULL )
                free( psz_module );
            SSPushN( st, i_result );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_config_reset" ) )
            config_ResetAll( p_intf );
        /* 6. playlist functions */
        else if( !strcmp( s, "playlist_add" ) )
            char *psz_name = SSPop( st );
            char *mrl = SSPop( st );
            input_item_t *p_input;
            int i_ret;

            p_input = MRLParse( p_intf, mrl, psz_name );

            char *psz_uri = input_item_GetURI( p_input );
            if( !p_input || !psz_uri || !*psz_uri )
                i_ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
                msg_Dbg( p_intf, "invalid requested mrl: %s", mrl );
                i_ret = playlist_AddInput( p_sys->p_playlist, p_input,
                                   PLAYLIST_APPEND, PLAYLIST_END, true,
                                   pl_Unlocked );
                if( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS )
                    playlist_item_t *p_item;
                    msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested mrl add: %s", mrl );
                    playlist_Lock( p_sys->p_playlist );
                    p_item = playlist_ItemGetByInput( p_sys->p_playlist,
                                                      p_input );
                    if( p_item )
                        i_ret = p_item->i_id;
                    playlist_Unlock( p_sys->p_playlist );
                    msg_Warn( p_intf, "adding mrl %s failed", mrl );
                vlc_gc_decref( p_input );
            free( psz_uri );
            SSPushN( st, i_ret );

            free( mrl );
            free( psz_name );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "playlist_empty" ) )
            playlist_Clear( p_sys->p_playlist, pl_Unlocked );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist empty" );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "playlist_delete" ) )
            int i_id = SSPopN( st, vars );
            playlist_Lock( p_sys->p_playlist );
            playlist_item_t *p_item = playlist_ItemGetById( p_sys->p_playlist,
                                                            i_id );
            if( p_item )
                playlist_DeleteFromInput( p_sys->p_playlist,
                                          p_item->p_input, pl_Locked );
                msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist delete: %d", i_id );
                msg_Dbg( p_intf, "couldn't find playlist item to delete (%d)",
                         i_id );
            playlist_Unlock( p_sys->p_playlist );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "playlist_move" ) )
            /*int i_newpos =*/ SSPopN( st, vars );
            /*int i_pos =*/ SSPopN( st, vars );
            do not release before fixing this
            if ( i_pos < i_newpos )
                playlist_Move( p_sys->p_playlist, i_pos, i_newpos + 1 );
                playlist_Move( p_sys->p_playlist, i_pos, i_newpos );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested to move playlist item %d to %d",
                     i_pos, i_newpos);
            msg_Err( p_intf, "moving using indexes is obsolete. We need to update this function" );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "playlist_sort" ) )
            int i_order = SSPopN( st, vars );
            int i_sort = SSPopN( st, vars );
            i_order = i_order % 2;
            i_sort = i_sort % 9;
            do not release before fixing this
            playlist_RecursiveNodeSort(  p_sys->p_playlist,
                                         i_sort, i_order );
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested sort playlist by : %d in order : %d",
                     i_sort, i_order );
            msg_Err( p_intf, "this needs to be fixed to use the new playlist framework" );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "services_discovery_add" ) )
            char *psz_sd = SSPop( st );
            playlist_ServicesDiscoveryAdd( p_sys->p_playlist, psz_sd );
            free( psz_sd );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "services_discovery_remove" ) )
            char *psz_sd = SSPop( st );
            playlist_ServicesDiscoveryRemove( p_sys->p_playlist, psz_sd );
            free( psz_sd );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "services_discovery_is_loaded" ) )
            char *psz_sd = SSPop( st );
            SSPushN( st,
            playlist_IsServicesDiscoveryLoaded( p_sys->p_playlist, psz_sd ) );
            free( psz_sd );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_volume_set" ) )
            char *psz_vol = SSPop( st );
            int i_value;
            audio_volume_t i_volume;
            aout_VolumeGet( p_intf, &i_volume );
            if( psz_vol[0] == '+' )
                i_value = atoi( psz_vol );
                if( (i_volume + i_value) > AOUT_VOLUME_MAX )
                    aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, AOUT_VOLUME_MAX );
                    aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, i_volume + i_value );
            else if( psz_vol[0] == '-' )
                i_value = atoi( psz_vol );
                if( (i_volume + i_value) < AOUT_VOLUME_MIN )
                    aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, AOUT_VOLUME_MIN );
                    aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, i_volume + i_value );
            else if( strstr( psz_vol, "%") != NULL )
                i_value = atoi( psz_vol );
                if( i_value < 0 ) i_value = 0;
                if( i_value > 400 ) i_value = 400;
                aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, (i_value * (AOUT_VOLUME_MAX - AOUT_VOLUME_MIN))/400+AOUT_VOLUME_MIN);
                i_value = atoi( psz_vol );
                if( i_value > AOUT_VOLUME_MAX ) i_value = AOUT_VOLUME_MAX;
                if( i_value < AOUT_VOLUME_MIN ) i_value = AOUT_VOLUME_MIN;
                aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, i_value );
            aout_VolumeGet( p_intf, &i_volume );
            free( psz_vol );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_get_meta" ) )
            char *psz_meta = SSPop( st );
            char *psz_val = NULL;
            if( p_sys->p_input && input_GetItem(p_sys->p_input) )
#define p_item input_GetItem( p_sys->p_input )
                if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "ARTIST" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetArtist( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "TITLE" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetTitle( p_item );
                    if( !psz_val )
                        psz_val = input_item_GetName( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "ALBUM" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetAlbum( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "GENRE" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetGenre( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "COPYRIGHT" ) )
                     psz_val = input_item_GetCopyright( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "TRACK_NUMBER" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetTrackNum( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "DESCRIPTION" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetDescription( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "RATING" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetRating( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "DATE" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetDate( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "URL" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetURL( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "LANGUAGE" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetLanguage( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "NOW_PLAYING" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetNowPlaying( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "PUBLISHER" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetPublisher( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "ENCODED_BY" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetEncodedBy( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "ART_URL" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetEncodedBy( p_item );
                else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "TRACK_ID" ) )
                    psz_val = input_item_GetTrackID( p_item );
#undef p_item
            if( psz_val == NULL ) psz_val = strdup( "" );
            SSPush( st, psz_val );
            free( psz_meta );
            free( psz_val );
        else if( !strcmp( s, "vlm_command" ) || !strcmp( s, "vlm_cmd" ) )
            char *psz_elt;
            char *psz_cmd = strdup( "" );
            char *psz_error;
            vlm_message_t *vlm_answer;

            /* make sure that we have a vlm object */
            if( p_intf->p_sys->p_vlm == NULL )
                p_intf->p_sys->p_vlm = vlm_New( p_intf );

            /* vlm command uses the ';' delimiter
             * (else we can't know when to stop) */
            while( strcmp( psz_elt = SSPop( st ), "" )
                   && strcmp( psz_elt, ";" ) )
                char* psz_buf;
                if( asprintf( &psz_buf, "%s %s", psz_cmd, psz_elt ) == -1 )
                    psz_buf = NULL;
                free( psz_cmd );
                free( psz_elt );
                psz_cmd = psz_buf;

            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "executing vlm command: %s", psz_cmd );
            vlm_ExecuteCommand( p_intf->p_sys->p_vlm, psz_cmd, &vlm_answer );

            if( vlm_answer->psz_value == NULL )
                psz_error = strdup( "" );
                if( asprintf( &psz_error , "%s : %s" , vlm_answer->psz_name,
                              vlm_answer->psz_value ) == -1 )
                    psz_error = NULL;

            mvar_AppendNewVar( vars, "vlm_error", psz_error );
            /* this is kind of a duplicate but we need to have the message
             * without the command name for the "export" command */
            mvar_AppendNewVar( vars, "vlm_value", vlm_answer->psz_value );
            vlm_MessageDelete( vlm_answer );

            free( psz_cmd );
            free( psz_error );
#endif /* ENABLE_VLM */
        else if( !strcmp( s, "snapshot" ) )
            if( p_sys->p_input )
                vout_thread_t *p_vout = input_GetVout( p_sys->p_input );
                if( p_vout )
                    var_TriggerCallback( p_vout, "video-snapshot" );
                    vlc_object_release( p_vout );
                    msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested snapshot" );

            SSPush( st, s );