bool scale_reconstruction::run(viennamesh::algorithm_handle &) { point_handle input_points = get_required_input<point_handle>("points"); data_handle<int> sample_option = get_input<int>("neighborhood_sample_size"); data_handle<int> neighborhood_option = get_input<int>("neighborhood_size"); data_handle<int> scale_option = get_input<int>("scale"); Point_collection points; for (int i = 0; i != input_points.size(); ++i) points.push_back(Point(input_points(i)[0], input_points(i)[1], input_points(i)[2])); scale_options options; if(sample_option.valid() && sample_option() > 0) options.sample_size=sample_option(); else options.sample_size=100; if(neighborhood_option.valid() && neighborhood_option() > 0) options.neighborhood_size=neighborhood_option(); else options.neighborhood_size=10; if(scale_option.valid() && scale_option() > 0) options.scale=scale_option(); else options.scale=1; mesh_handle output = make_data<mesh_handle>(); Point_collection & im = points; scale_reconstruction_impl(im,output(),options); set_output("mesh", output); return true; }
void LSDSLAMToPCL::depthCB(const lsd_slam_to_pcl::keyframeMsgConstPtr msg) { if (msg->isKeyframe) { pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> cloud_pcl; pcl_ros::PCLNodelet::PointIndices indices_ros; const float fxi = 1 / msg->fx; const float fyi = 1 / msg->fy; const float cxi = -msg->cx / msg->fx; const float cyi = -msg->cy / msg->fy; const int width = msg->width; const int height = msg->height; int num_pts_total = 0; boost::shared_ptr<InputPointDense> input_points(new InputPointDense[width * height]); Sophus::Sim3f cam_to_world = Sophus::Sim3f(); memcpy(, msg->, 7 * sizeof(float)); memcpy(input_points.get(), msg->, width * height * sizeof(InputPointDense)); const float cam_to_world_scale = cam_to_world.scale(); for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { // Catch boundary points if (x == 0 || y == 0 || x == width - 1 || y == height - 1) { cloud_pcl.push_back(point_invalid_); continue; } int point_indice = x + y * width; const InputPointDense point_in_curr = input_points.get()[point_indice]; if (point_in_curr.idepth <= 0) { cloud_pcl.push_back(point_invalid_); continue; } num_pts_total++; if (sparsify_factor_ > 1 && rand() % sparsify_factor_ != 0) { cloud_pcl.push_back(point_invalid_); continue; } const float depth = 1 / point_in_curr.idepth; const float depth4 = depth * depth * depth * depth; if (point_in_curr.idepth_var * depth4 > scaled_depth_var_thresh_) { cloud_pcl.push_back(point_invalid_); continue; } if (point_in_curr.idepth_var * depth4 * cam_to_world_scale * cam_to_world_scale > abs_depth_var_thresh_) { cloud_pcl.push_back(point_invalid_); continue; } if (min_near_support_ > 1) { int near_support = 0; for (int dx = -1; dx < 2; ++dx) { for (int dy = -1; dy < 2; ++dy) { const InputPointDense point_in_near = input_points.get()[x + dx + (y + dy) * width]; if (point_in_near.idepth > 0) { const float diff = point_in_near.idepth - point_in_curr.idepth; if (diff * diff < 2 * point_in_curr.idepth_var) { near_support++; } } } } if (near_support < min_near_support_) { cloud_pcl.push_back(point_invalid_); continue; } } Eigen::Vector3f point_eigen = cam_to_world * (Eigen::Vector3f((x * fxi + cxi), (y * fyi + cyi), 1) * depth); pcl::PointXYZRGB point_pcl; point_pcl.x = point_eigen[0]; point_pcl.y = point_eigen[1]; point_pcl.z = point_eigen[2]; point_pcl.r = point_in_curr.color[2]; point_pcl.g = point_in_curr.color[1]; point_pcl.b = point_in_curr.color[0]; cloud_pcl.push_back(point_pcl); indices_ros.indices.push_back(point_indice); } } uint64_t time_stamp = ros::Time::now().toNSec(); cloud_pcl.width = width; cloud_pcl.height = height; cloud_pcl.is_dense = false; indices_ros.header.stamp = pcl_conversions::fromPCL(time_stamp); cloud_publisher_.publish(boost::make_shared<const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> >(cloud_pcl)); indices_publisher_.publish(boost::make_shared<const pcl_ros::PCLNodelet::PointIndices>(indices_ros)); ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Published " << num_pts_total << " points to pointcloud, dimensions [" << cloud_pcl.width << " " << cloud_pcl.height << "]"); } else { ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Error, must subscribe to keyframe"); } }