int pushStack(Stack *stack, Value *value) { int inserted = insertCell(stack->items, value); if (inserted) stack->size += 1; return inserted; }
void Scene::loadCell (Ptr::CellStore *cell) { // register local scripts MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getLocalScripts().addCell (cell); std::pair<CellStoreCollection::iterator, bool> result = mActiveCells.insert(cell); if(result.second) { insertCell(*cell); mRendering.cellAdded (cell); float verts = ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE; float worldsize = ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE; if (!(cell->cell->data.flags & ESM::Cell::Interior)) { ESM::Land* land = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore()>cell->data.gridX,cell->cell->data.gridY); if (land) mPhysics->addHeightField (land->landData->heights, cell->cell->data.gridX, cell->cell->data.gridY, 0, ( worldsize/(verts-1) ), verts); } mRendering.configureAmbient(*cell); mRendering.requestMap(cell); mRendering.configureAmbient(*cell); } }
void Scene::loadCell (CellStore *cell, Loading::Listener* loadingListener) { std::pair<CellStoreCollection::iterator, bool> result = mActiveCells.insert(cell); if(result.second) { float verts = ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE; float worldsize = ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE; // Load terrain physics first... if (cell->getCell()->isExterior()) { ESM::Land* land = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Land>().search( cell->getCell()->getGridX(), cell->getCell()->getGridY() ); if (land) { // Actually only VHGT is needed here, but we'll need the rest for rendering anyway. // Load everything now to reduce IO overhead. const int flags = ESM::Land::DATA_VCLR|ESM::Land::DATA_VHGT|ESM::Land::DATA_VNML|ESM::Land::DATA_VTEX; if (!land->isDataLoaded(flags)) land->loadData(flags); mPhysics->addHeightField ( land->mLandData->mHeights, cell->getCell()->getGridX(), cell->getCell()->getGridY(), 0, worldsize / (verts-1), verts) ; } } cell->respawn(); // ... then references. This is important for adjustPosition to work correctly. /// \todo rescale depending on the state of a new GMST insertCell (*cell, true, loadingListener); mRendering.cellAdded (cell); bool waterEnabled = cell->getCell()->hasWater(); mRendering.setWaterEnabled(waterEnabled); if (waterEnabled) { mPhysics->enableWater(cell->getWaterLevel()); mRendering.setWaterHeight(cell->getWaterLevel()); } else mPhysics->disableWater(); mRendering.configureAmbient(*cell); } // register local scripts // ??? Should this go into the above if block ??? MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getLocalScripts().addCell (cell); }
void FieldGUIController::prepareField() { clearChildren(); insertLayout(); insertCell(0,0,":/Graph/White.png"); for (int i=1; i<=10; i++) { insertCell(i,0,":/Graph/Dig/"+QString::number(i)+".png"); } for (int i=1; i<=10; i++) { insertCell(0,i,":/Graph/Sum/"+QString::number(i)+".png"); } for(int i=1;i<=10;i++) { for(int j=1;j<=10;j++) { insertCell(i,j,":/Graph/Ships/Empty.png"); makeCellHoverSensitiveAndClicable(i,j,"red"); } } }
List *deepCopy(List *listToCopy) { Value *head = listToCopy->head; Value *newValue = NULL; List *newList = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List)); while (head) { newValue = (Value *) malloc(sizeof(Value)); switch (head->cons->car->type) { case booleanType: newValue->type = booleanType; newValue->boolValue = head->cons->car->boolValue; break; case integerType: newValue->type = integerType; newValue->intValue = head->cons->car->intValue; break; case floatType: newValue->type = floatType; newValue->dblValue = head->cons->car->dblValue; break; case stringType: newValue->type = stringType; newValue->stringValue = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)* strlen(head->stringValue)); strcpy(newValue->stringValue, head->cons->car->stringValue); break; case symbolType: newValue->type = symbolType; newValue->symbolValue = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)* strlen(head->cons->car->symbolValue)); strcpy(newValue->symbolValue, head->cons->car->symbolValue); break; case openType: newValue->type = openType; newValue->open = head->cons->car->open; break; case closeType: newValue->type = closeType; newValue->close = head->cons->car->close; break; default: break; } insertCell(newList, newValue); head = head->cons->cdr; } reverse(newList); return newList; }
void GridView::updateCellAtIndex(int idx, int row) { if (0 >= _cellCounts) return; GridViewCell* pCell = GridViewCell::create(Color4B(0, 0, 255, 255)); pCell->setIdx(idx); pCell->setRow(row); pCell->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(0, 1)); pCell->setContentSize(_cellSize); pCell->setPosition(cellPosition(idx, row)); _container->addChild(pCell); insertCell(pCell, idx); // pCell->retain(); _idxIndices.insert(idx); }
void Scene::loadCell (Ptr::CellStore *cell) { // register local scripts mWorld->getLocalScripts().addCell (cell); std::pair<CellStoreCollection::iterator, bool> result = mActiveCells.insert(cell); if(result.second){ insertCell(*cell, mEnvironment); mRendering.cellAdded (cell); mRendering.configureAmbient(*cell); } }
void Scene::loadCell (CellStore *cell, Loading::Listener* loadingListener) { std::pair<CellStoreCollection::iterator, bool> result = mActiveCells.insert(cell); if(result.second) { float verts = ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE; float worldsize = ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE; // Load terrain physics first... if (cell->getCell()->isExterior()) { ESM::Land* land = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Land>().search( cell->getCell()->getGridX(), cell->getCell()->getGridY() ); if (land) { mPhysics->addHeightField ( land->mLandData->mHeights, cell->getCell()->getGridX(), cell->getCell()->getGridY(), 0, worldsize / (verts-1), verts) ; } } cell->respawn(); // ... then references. This is important for adjustPosition to work correctly. /// \todo rescale depending on the state of a new GMST insertCell (*cell, true, loadingListener); mRendering.cellAdded (cell); mRendering.configureAmbient(*cell); } // register local scripts // ??? Should this go into the above if block ??? MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getLocalScripts().addCell (cell); }
void Scene::loadCell (Ptr::CellStore *cell) { // register local scripts MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getLocalScripts().addCell (cell); std::pair<CellStoreCollection::iterator, bool> result = mActiveCells.insert(cell); if(result.second) { /// \todo rescale depending on the state of a new GMST insertCell (*cell, true); mRendering.cellAdded (cell); float verts = ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE; float worldsize = ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE; if (cell->mCell->isExterior()) { ESM::Land* land = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Land>().search( cell->mCell->getGridX(), cell->mCell->getGridY() ); if (land) { mPhysics->addHeightField ( land->mLandData->mHeights, cell->mCell->getGridX(), cell->mCell->getGridY(), 0, worldsize / (verts-1), verts) ; } } mRendering.configureAmbient(*cell); mRendering.requestMap(cell); mRendering.configureAmbient(*cell); } }
setColValuesDialog::setColValuesDialog( ScriptingEnv *env, QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl ) : QDialog( parent, name, modal, fl ) { scriptEnv = env; if ( !name ) setName( "setColValuesDialog" ); setCaption( tr( "QtiPlot - Set column values" ) ); setFocusPolicy( QDialog::StrongFocus ); QHBox *hbox1=new QHBox (this, "hbox1"); hbox1->setSpacing (5); QVBox *box1=new QVBox (hbox1, "box2"); box1->setSpacing (5); explain = new QTextEdit(box1, "explain" ); explain->setReadOnly (true); explain->setPaletteBackgroundColor(QColor(197, 197, 197)); colNameLabel = new QLabel(box1, "colNameLabel" ); QVBox *box2=new QVBox (hbox1, "box2"); box2->setMargin(5); box2->setFrameStyle (QFrame::Box); QHBox *hbox2=new QHBox (box2, "hbox2"); hbox2->setMargin(5); hbox2->setSpacing (5); QLabel *TextLabel1 = new QLabel(hbox2, "TextLabel1" ); TextLabel1->setText( tr( "For row (i)" ) ); start = new QSpinBox(hbox2, "start" ); QLabel *TextLabel2 = new QLabel(hbox2, "TextLabel2" ); TextLabel2->setText( tr( "to" ) ); end = new QSpinBox(hbox2, "end" ); start->setMinValue(1); end->setMinValue(1); if (sizeof(int)==2) { // 16 bit signed integer start->setMaxValue(0x7fff); end->setMaxValue(0x7fff); } else { // 32 bit signed integer start->setMaxValue(0x7fffffff); end->setMaxValue(0x7fffffff); } QButtonGroup *GroupBox0 = new QButtonGroup(2,QGroupBox::Horizontal,tr( "" ),box2, "GroupBox0" ); GroupBox0->setLineWidth(0); GroupBox0->setFlat(true); functions = new QComboBox( FALSE, GroupBox0, "functions" ); PushButton3 = new QPushButton(GroupBox0, "PushButton3" ); PushButton3->setText( tr( "Add function" ) ); boxColumn = new QComboBox( FALSE, GroupBox0, "boxColumn" ); PushButton4 = new QPushButton(GroupBox0, "PushButton4" ); PushButton4->setText( tr( "Add column" ) ); QHBox *hbox6=new QHBox (GroupBox0, "hbox6"); hbox6->setSpacing (5); buttonPrev = new QPushButton( hbox6, "buttonPrev" ); buttonPrev->setText("&<<"); buttonNext = new QPushButton( hbox6, "buttonNext" ); buttonNext->setText("&>>"); addCellButton = new QPushButton(GroupBox0, "addCellButton" ); addCellButton->setText( tr( "Add cell" ) ); QHBox *hbox3=new QHBox (this, "hbox3"); hbox3->setSpacing (5); commandes = new ScriptEdit( env, hbox3, "commandes" ); commandes->setGeometry( QRect(10, 100, 260, 70) ); commandes->setFocus(); QVBox *box3=new QVBox (hbox3,"box3"); box3->setSpacing (5); btnOk = new QPushButton(box3, "btnOk" ); btnOk->setText( tr( "OK" ) ); btnApply = new QPushButton(box3, "btnApply" ); btnApply->setText( tr( "Apply" ) ); btnCancel = new QPushButton( box3, "btnCancel" ); btnCancel->setText( tr( "Cancel" ) ); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(this,5,5, "hlayout3"); layout->addWidget(hbox1); layout->addWidget(hbox3); setFunctions(); insertExplain(0); connect(PushButton3, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(insertFunction())); connect(PushButton4, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(insertCol())); connect(addCellButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(insertCell())); connect(btnOk, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(accept())); connect(btnApply, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(apply())); connect(btnCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(close())); connect(functions, SIGNAL(activated(int)),this, SLOT(insertExplain(int))); connect(buttonPrev, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(prevColumn())); connect(buttonNext, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(nextColumn())); }
SetColValuesDialog::SetColValuesDialog( ScriptingEnv *env, QWidget* parent, Qt::WFlags fl ) : QDialog( parent, fl ), scripted(env) { setName( "SetColValuesDialog" ); setWindowTitle( tr( "QtiPlot - Set column values" ) ); setSizeGripEnabled(true); QHBoxLayout *hbox1 = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox1->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("For row (i)"))); start = new QSpinBox(); start->setMinValue(1); hbox1->addWidget(start); hbox1->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("to"))); end = new QSpinBox(); end->setMinValue(1); hbox1->addWidget(end); if (sizeof(int)==2) { // 16 bit signed integer start->setMaxValue(0x7fff); end->setMaxValue(0x7fff); } else { // 32 bit signed integer start->setMaxValue(0x7fffffff); end->setMaxValue(0x7fffffff); } QGridLayout *gl1 = new QGridLayout(); functions = new QComboBox(false); gl1->addWidget(functions, 0, 0); btnAddFunction = new QPushButton(tr( "Add function" )); gl1->addWidget(btnAddFunction, 0, 1); boxColumn = new QComboBox(false); gl1->addWidget(boxColumn, 1, 0); btnAddCol = new QPushButton(tr( "Add column" )); gl1->addWidget(btnAddCol, 1, 1); QHBoxLayout *hbox3 = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox3->addStretch(); buttonPrev = new QPushButton("&<<"); hbox3->addWidget(buttonPrev); buttonNext = new QPushButton("&>>"); hbox3->addWidget(buttonNext); gl1->addLayout(hbox3, 2, 0); addCellButton = new QPushButton(tr( "Add cell" )); gl1->addWidget(addCellButton, 2, 1); QGroupBox *gb = new QGroupBox(); QVBoxLayout *vbox1 = new QVBoxLayout(); vbox1->addLayout(hbox1); vbox1->addLayout(gl1); gb->setLayout(vbox1); gb->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred)); explain = new QTextEdit(); explain->setReadOnly (true); explain->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred)); QPalette palette = explain->palette(); palette.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base, Qt::lightGray); explain->setPalette(palette); QHBoxLayout *hbox2 = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox2->addWidget(explain); hbox2->addWidget(gb); commands = new ScriptEdit( scriptEnv); QVBoxLayout *vbox2 = new QVBoxLayout(); btnApply = new QPushButton(tr( "&Apply" )); vbox2->addWidget(btnApply); btnCancel = new QPushButton(tr( "&Close" )); vbox2->addWidget(btnCancel); vbox2->addStretch(); QHBoxLayout *hbox4 = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox4->addWidget(commands); hbox4->addLayout(vbox2); QVBoxLayout* vbox3 = new QVBoxLayout(); vbox3->addLayout(hbox2); #ifdef SCRIPTING_PYTHON boxMuParser = NULL; if (env->name() != QString("muParser")){ boxMuParser = new QCheckBox(tr("Use built-in muParser (much faster)")); boxMuParser->setChecked(true); vbox3->addWidget(boxMuParser); } #endif colNameLabel = new QLabel(); vbox3->addWidget(colNameLabel); vbox3->addLayout(hbox4); setLayout(vbox3); setFocusProxy (commands); commands->setFocus(); functions->insertStringList(scriptEnv->mathFunctions(), -1); if (functions->count() > 0) insertExplain(0); connect(btnAddFunction, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(insertFunction())); connect(btnAddCol, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(insertCol())); connect(addCellButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(insertCell())); connect(btnApply, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(apply())); connect(btnCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(close())); connect(functions, SIGNAL(activated(int)),this, SLOT(insertExplain(int))); connect(buttonPrev, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(prevColumn())); connect(buttonNext, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(nextColumn())); }
List *tokenize(char *expression) { int i; // counter for expression int numStart, numEnd, stringStart, symbolStart, symbolEnd;// record the start and ends of the floats numStart = numEnd = symbolStart = symbolEnd = stringStart = 0; i = 0; float floatNum; int intNum; char scratchFloat[256]; // I assume there isn't any float that has more than 256 digits. char *scratchString; char scratchInt[256]; // same thing for int char *scratchSymbol; int isFloat = 0; int notDigit = 0; char *boolString; int boolStart = 0; int boolEnd = 0; Value *newValue; List *list = initializeList(); // now while loop that does main work while (expression[i] != '\n' && expression[i] != EOF && expression[i]!='\0') { if (isspace(expression[i])) { i++; continue; } if (expression[i] == ';') { break; // comment so get out } if (isdigit(expression[i]) || expression[i]=='.' || expression[i]=='-' || expression[i]=='+') { numStart = i; if (expression[i] == '.') { isFloat=1; } i++; // handle numbers here while ((!isspace(expression[i])) && expression[i] != ')' && expression[i] != '(' && expression[i] != '"' && expression[i] != ';') { if (expression[i] == '.') { if (isFloat){ notDigit =1; } isFloat=1; i++; continue; } if (!isdigit(expression[i])) { // then we know it's not a digit but a symbol notDigit = 1; } i++; } i--; numEnd = i; if (numStart == numEnd && (!isdigit(expression[numStart]))){ notDigit = 1; } if (isFloat && !notDigit) { strncpy(scratchFloat, &expression[numStart], numEnd - numStart + 1); scratchFloat[numEnd-numStart +1] = '\0'; floatNum = atof(scratchFloat); // ====== USE ME ======== I'M A FLOAT // USE ME IN FLOATNUM newValue = (Value *)malloc(sizeof(Value)); newValue->type = floatType; newValue->dblValue = floatNum; insertCell(list, newValue); } else if (!isFloat && !notDigit) { strncpy(scratchInt, &expression[numStart], numEnd - numStart + 1); scratchInt[numEnd-numStart + 1] = '\0'; intNum = atoi(scratchInt); // ========== USE ========== I'M AN INT // USE ME IN INTNUM newValue = (Value *)malloc(sizeof(Value)); newValue->type = integerType; newValue->intValue = intNum; insertCell(list, newValue); } if (notDigit) { // if it's not a digit, then it's probably a symbol // ======= USE ME ======= I'M A SYMBOL int length = numEnd - numStart + 1; scratchSymbol = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (length+1)); strncpy(scratchSymbol, &expression[numStart], length); scratchSymbol[length] = '\0'; newValue = (Value *)malloc(sizeof(Value)); newValue->type = symbolType; newValue->symbolValue = scratchSymbol; insertCell(list, newValue); } isFloat = notDigit = 0; i++; continue; } // == GOING INTO THE SWITCH STATEMENT == switch(expression[i]) { // these are for chars and strings case '(': // === USE ME === OPEN PARENS while (isspace(expression[i+1])){ i++; } newValue = (Value *)malloc(sizeof(Value)); newValue->type = openType; newValue->open = '('; insertCell(list, newValue); break; case ')': // ======= USE ME ======== CLOSE PARENS newValue = (Value *)malloc(sizeof(Value)); newValue->type = closeType; newValue->close = ')'; insertCell(list, newValue); break; case '"': stringStart = i; while (expression[++i] != '"'){ if (expression[i]=='\n'|| expression[i]=='\0'){ reverse(list); return list; } } scratchString = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (i-stringStart+2)); strncpy(scratchString, &expression[stringStart], i - stringStart+1); scratchString[i-stringStart +1] = '\0'; // terminate the string // ======== USE ME ========== STRING // I'm in scratchString newValue = (Value *)malloc(sizeof(Value)); newValue->type = stringType; newValue->stringValue = scratchString; insertCell(list, newValue); break; case '#': boolStart= i; while (!isspace(expression[i]) && expression[i] != ')' && expression[i] != '(' && expression[i] != ';' && expression[i] != '"' && expression[i] != '\n'){ i++; } i--; boolEnd = i; if (boolEnd<boolStart){ i++; } newValue = (Value *)malloc(sizeof(Value)); boolString = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(boolEnd-boolStart+2)); strncpy(boolString, &expression[boolStart], boolEnd-boolStart+1); boolString[boolEnd-boolStart+1] ='\0'; if ((strcmp(boolString,"#f")==0) || (strcmp(boolString,"#F")==0) || (strcmp(boolString,"#false")==0)){ newValue->type = booleanType; newValue->boolValue = 0; insertCell(list, newValue); free(boolString); }else if ((strcmp(boolString,"#t")==0) ||(strcmp(boolString,"#T")==0) || (strcmp(boolString,"#true")==0)) { newValue->type = booleanType; newValue->boolValue = 1; insertCell(list, newValue); free(boolString); } else{ newValue->type = symbolType; newValue->symbolValue = boolString; insertCell(list, newValue); } break; default: // every other thing is a symbol symbolStart = i; while (expression[i] != '(' && expression[i] != ')' && expression[i] != ';' && expression[i] != '"' && !isspace(expression[i]) && expression[i] != '\n' ) { i++; } i--; // take me to the end of the symbol symbolEnd = i; if (symbolEnd<symbolStart){ i++; } scratchSymbol = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (symbolEnd - symbolStart + 2)); strncpy(scratchSymbol, &expression[symbolStart], (symbolEnd-symbolStart+1)); scratchSymbol[symbolEnd-symbolStart+1] = '\0'; newValue = (Value *)malloc(sizeof(Value)); newValue->type = symbolType; newValue->symbolValue = scratchSymbol; insertCell(list, newValue); // USE ME ================== I'M A SYMBOL break; } i++; } if (!list->head){ return NULL; } reverse(list); return list; }
SetColValuesDialog::SetColValuesDialog(ScriptingEnv *env, Table *t, Qt::WFlags fl) : QDialog(t, fl), Scripted(env) { setObjectName("SetColValuesDialog"); setWindowTitle(tr("MantidPlot - Set column values")); setSizeGripEnabled(true); QHBoxLayout *hbox1 = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox1->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("For row (i)"))); start = new QSpinBox(); start->setMinimum(1); hbox1->addWidget(start); hbox1->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("to"))); end = new QSpinBox(); end->setMinimum(1); hbox1->addWidget(end); // Ideally this would be checked at compile time. Until we have 'constexpr if` // on all platforms, the added complexity and minimal cost isn't worthwhile. if (sizeof(int) == 2) { // 16 bit signed integer start->setMaximum(0x7fff); end->setMaximum(0x7fff); } else { // 32 bit signed integer start->setMaximum(0x7fffffff); end->setMaximum(0x7fffffff); } QGridLayout *gl1 = new QGridLayout(); boxColumn = new QComboBox(); gl1->addWidget(boxColumn, 1, 0); btnAddCol = new QPushButton(tr("Add column")); gl1->addWidget(btnAddCol, 1, 1); QHBoxLayout *hbox3 = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox3->addStretch(); buttonPrev = new QPushButton("&<<"); hbox3->addWidget(buttonPrev); buttonNext = new QPushButton("&>>"); hbox3->addWidget(buttonNext); gl1->addLayout(hbox3, 2, 0); addCellButton = new QPushButton(tr("Add cell")); gl1->addWidget(addCellButton, 2, 1); QGroupBox *gb = new QGroupBox(); QVBoxLayout *vbox1 = new QVBoxLayout(); vbox1->addLayout(hbox1); vbox1->addLayout(gl1); gb->setLayout(vbox1); gb->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred)); explain = new QTextEdit(); explain->setReadOnly(true); explain->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred)); QPalette palette = explain->palette(); palette.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base, Qt::lightGray); explain->setPalette(palette); QHBoxLayout *hbox2 = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox2->addWidget(explain); hbox2->addWidget(gb); commands = new ScriptEditor(this, scriptingEnv()->createCodeLexer()); QVBoxLayout *vbox2 = new QVBoxLayout(); btnApply = new QPushButton(tr("&Apply")); vbox2->addWidget(btnApply); btnCancel = new QPushButton(tr("&Close")); vbox2->addWidget(btnCancel); vbox2->addStretch(); QHBoxLayout *hbox4 = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox4->addWidget(commands); hbox4->addLayout(vbox2); QVBoxLayout *vbox3 = new QVBoxLayout(); vbox3->addLayout(hbox2); colNameLabel = new QLabel(); vbox3->addWidget(colNameLabel); vbox3->addLayout(hbox4); setLayout(vbox3); setFocusProxy(commands); commands->setFocus(); connect(btnAddCol, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(insertCol())); connect(addCellButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(insertCell())); connect(btnApply, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(apply())); connect(btnCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close())); connect(buttonPrev, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(prevColumn())); connect(buttonNext, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(nextColumn())); setTable(t); }
PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<HTMLElement> HTMLTableRowElement::insertCell(ExceptionState& exceptionState) { // The default 'index' argument value is -1. return insertCell(-1, exceptionState); }
int push(List *list, Value *value){ return insertCell(list, value); }