void RecordablesMap< iaf_cond_exp >::create() { // use standard names whereever you can for consistency! insert_( names::V_m, &iaf_cond_exp::get_y_elem_< iaf_cond_exp::State_::V_M > ); insert_( names::g_ex, &iaf_cond_exp::get_y_elem_< iaf_cond_exp::State_::G_EXC > ); insert_( names::g_in, &iaf_cond_exp::get_y_elem_< iaf_cond_exp::State_::G_INH > ); }
void RecordablesMap< aeif_psc_alpha >::create() { // use standard names whereever you can for consistency! insert_( names::V_m, &aeif_psc_alpha::get_y_elem_< aeif_psc_alpha::State_::V_M > ); insert_( names::I_syn_ex, &aeif_psc_alpha::get_y_elem_< aeif_psc_alpha::State_::I_EXC > ); insert_( names::I_syn_in, &aeif_psc_alpha::get_y_elem_< aeif_psc_alpha::State_::I_INH > ); insert_( names::w, &aeif_psc_alpha::get_y_elem_< aeif_psc_alpha::State_::W > ); }
void RecordablesMap< aeif_cond_alpha_RK5 >::create() { // use standard names whereever you can for consistency! insert_( names::V_m, &aeif_cond_alpha_RK5::get_y_elem_< aeif_cond_alpha_RK5::State_::V_M > ); insert_( names::g_ex, &aeif_cond_alpha_RK5::get_y_elem_< aeif_cond_alpha_RK5::State_::G_EXC > ); insert_( names::g_in, &aeif_cond_alpha_RK5::get_y_elem_< aeif_cond_alpha_RK5::State_::G_INH > ); insert_( names::w, &aeif_cond_alpha_RK5::get_y_elem_< aeif_cond_alpha_RK5::State_::W > ); }
void RecordablesMap<mynest::iaf_4_cond_exp>::create() { // use standard names whereever you can for consistency! insert_(names::V_m, &mynest::iaf_4_cond_exp::get_y_elem_<mynest::iaf_4_cond_exp::State_::V_M>); insert_("g_syn_1", &mynest::iaf_4_cond_exp::get_y_elem_<mynest::iaf_4_cond_exp::State_::G_SYN_1>); insert_("g_syn_2", &mynest::iaf_4_cond_exp::get_y_elem_<mynest::iaf_4_cond_exp::State_::G_SYN_2>); insert_("g_syn_3", &mynest::iaf_4_cond_exp::get_y_elem_<mynest::iaf_4_cond_exp::State_::G_SYN_3>); insert_("g_syn_4", &mynest::iaf_4_cond_exp::get_y_elem_<mynest::iaf_4_cond_exp::State_::G_SYN_4>); }
CString::size_type CString::insert(bool b, size_type index, bool displayText, CString::size_type minWidth, bool leftJustify, size_type count) { char temp[5*count]; // max str size will be "false" int numDigits = 0; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(displayText) { numDigits += sprintf(temp + numDigits, (b ? "true" : "false")); } else { temp[numDigits++] = (b ? '1' : '0'); } } return insert_(temp, index, numDigits, minWidth, leftJustify); }
bool split_node_(quadtree_t *tree, node_t *node){ node_t *nw; node_t *ne; node_t *sw; node_t *se; double x = node->bounds->nw->x; double y = node->bounds->nw->y; double hw = node->bounds->width / 2; double hh = node->bounds->height / 2; //minx, miny, maxx, maxy if(!(nw = node_with_bounds(x, y - hh, x + hw, y))) return 0; if(!(ne = node_with_bounds(x + hw, y - hh, x + hw * 2, y))) return 0; if(!(sw = node_with_bounds(x, y - hh * 2, x + hw, y - hh))) return 0; if(!(se = node_with_bounds(x + hw, y - hh * 2, x + hw * 2, y - hh))) return 0; node->nw = nw; node->ne = ne; node->sw = sw; node->se = se; point_t *old = node->point; node->point = NULL; return insert_(tree, node, old, false); }
list_inserter& range( SinglePassIterator first, SinglePassIterator last ) { for( ; first != last; ++first ) insert_( *first ); return *this; }
basic_node_ptr<element> child_node_list::insert_element(iterator pos, const std::string& qname) { detail::check_qname(qname); xmlNode* px = insert_(pos, create_element_(qname)); return basic_node_ptr<element>( static_cast<element*>(px->_private) ); }
list_inserter& repeat( std::size_t sz, T r ) { std::size_t i = 0; while( i++ != sz ) insert_( r ); return *this; }
list_inserter& repeat_fun( std::size_t sz, Nullary_function fun ) { std::size_t i = 0; while( i++ != sz ) insert_( fun() ); return *this; }
basic_node_ptr<instruction> child_node_list::insert_instruction(iterator pos, const std::string& target, const std::string& value) { xmlNode* px = insert_(pos, create_instruction_(target, value)); return basic_node_ptr<instruction>( static_cast<instruction*>(px->_private) ); }
basic_node_ptr<element> child_node_list::push_front_element(const std::string& name, basic_xmlns_ptr<const xmlns> ns) { detail::check_local_part(name); xmlNode* px = insert_(begin(), create_element_(name, ns)); return basic_node_ptr<element>( static_cast<element*>(px->_private) ); }
void buildsimpletree(tree *t) { /* make and initialize a three-species tree */ inittip(enterorder[0], t); inittip(enterorder[1], t); hookup(t->nodep[enterorder[0] - 1], t->nodep[enterorder[1] - 1]); buildnewtip(enterorder[2], t, nextsp); insert_(t->nodep[enterorder[2] - 1]->back, t->nodep[enterorder[0] - 1]); } /* buildsimpletree */
basic_node_ptr<element> child_node_list::push_front_element(const std::string& qname, const std::string& uri) { detail::check_qname(qname); detail::check_uri(uri); xmlNode* px = insert_(begin(), create_element_(qname, uri)); return basic_node_ptr<element>( static_cast<element*>(px->_private) ); }
void child_node_list::insert_adopt(iterator pos, iterator first, iterator last) { for (iterator i = first; i != last; ) { xmlNode* px = insert_(pos, (i++)->raw()); pos = iterator( static_cast<child_node*>(px->_private) ); ++pos; } }
void Parameters::addSymbol(QString key, QString description, QwtSymbol::Style value) { checkExists_(key, false); Data_ data(key); data.type = Symbol; data.v_symbol = value; data.description = description; insert_(data); }
void child_node_list::insert_clone(iterator pos, const_iterator first, const_iterator last) { for (const_iterator i = first; i != last; ++i) { xmlNode* px = i->clone_raw(true); // recursive clone: never returns null. px = insert_(pos, px); pos = iterator( static_cast<child_node*>(px->_private) ); ++pos; } }
void buildsimpletree(tree *t, long nextsp) { /* make and initialize a three-species tree */ curtree.start=curtree.nodep[enterorder[0] - 1]; setuptipf(enterorder[0], t); setuptipf(enterorder[1], t); hookup(t->nodep[enterorder[0] - 1], t->nodep[enterorder[1] - 1]); buildnewtip(enterorder[2], t, nextsp); insert_(t->nodep[enterorder[2] - 1]->back, t->nodep[enterorder[0] - 1], false); } /* buildsimpletree */
void Parameters::addColor(QString key, QString description, QColor value) { checkKey_(key); checkExists_(key, false); Data_ data(key); data.type = Color; data.v_variant = value; data.description = description; insert_(data); }
/** @brief insert * */ CString::size_type CString::insert(const char ch, CString::size_type index, CString::size_type minWidth, bool leftJustify, CString::size_type count) { char temp[count]; memset(temp, ch, count); return insert_(temp, index, count, minWidth, leftJustify); }
/* * insert_ - insert node recursively. * * if node is not right position, goto subtree and call recursively. * * if it is right position, set left, right, level and return. * */ FREE insert_(void* X, FREE T) { if(!address_tree) { left(X) = NULL; right(X) = NULL; parent(X) = NULL; level(X) = 1; address_tree = X; return X; } if(!T) { left(X) = NULL; right(X) = NULL; level(X) = 1; return X; } else if (FSIZE(X) < FSIZE(T) || ((FSIZE(X) == FSIZE(T)) && X < T)) { if(!left(T)) { parent(X) = T; } left(T) = insert_(X,left(T)); } else { if(!right(T)) { parent(X) = T; } right(T) = insert_(X, right(T)); } T = skew(T); T = split(T); return T; }
void RecordablesMap< hh_psc_alpha_gap >::create() { // use standard names whereever you can for consistency! insert_( names::V_m, &hh_psc_alpha_gap::get_y_elem_< hh_psc_alpha_gap::State_::V_M > ); insert_( names::I_ex, &hh_psc_alpha_gap::get_y_elem_< hh_psc_alpha_gap::State_::I_EXC > ); insert_( names::I_in, &hh_psc_alpha_gap::get_y_elem_< hh_psc_alpha_gap::State_::I_INH > ); insert_( names::Act_m, &hh_psc_alpha_gap::get_y_elem_< hh_psc_alpha_gap::State_::HH_M > ); insert_( names::Act_h, &hh_psc_alpha_gap::get_y_elem_< hh_psc_alpha_gap::State_::HH_H > ); insert_( names::Inact_n, &hh_psc_alpha_gap::get_y_elem_< hh_psc_alpha_gap::State_::HH_N > ); insert_( names::Inact_p, &hh_psc_alpha_gap::get_y_elem_< hh_psc_alpha_gap::State_::HH_P > ); }
void addtraverse(node *p, node *q, boolean contin) { /* traverse through a tree, finding best place to add p */ insert_(p, q); numtrees++; if (evaluate(&curtree) > bestree.likelihood) { copy_(&curtree, &bestree); addwhere = q; } copy_(&priortree, &curtree); if (!q->tip && contin) { addtraverse(p, q->next->back, contin); addtraverse(p, q->next->next->back, contin); } } /* addtraverse */
SparseMatrix NeighborhoodBuilder::build(DenseMatrix mat) const { /* * This matrix contains the k_ best neighbors for every vertex. * The candidates are sorted in ascending order. * * The matrix is updated for entry as correlations are computed. * This allows us to cut the computation time in half! * * We allocate twice the (worst-case) storage needed, as we have * to symmetrize the matrix afterwards. Alternatively we could * resize later, which might lead to a full copy. */ std::vector<T> entries(2 * k_ * mat.rows()); std::vector<DenseMatrix::value_type> sd(mat.rows()); DenseMatrix::Vector mu = mat.matrix().rowwise().mean(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mat.rows(); ++i) { mat.row(i) = mat.row(i).array() - mu[i]; sd[i] = mat.row(i).norm(); } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mat.rows(); ++i) { for(unsigned int j = i + 1; j < mat.rows(); ++j) { double cov = mat.row(i).dot(mat.row(j)); cov = fabs(cov) / (sd[i] * sd[j]); // Insert into the entries vector insert_(T(i, j, cov), entries.begin() + i * k_); insert_(T(i, j, cov), entries.begin() + j * k_); } } return buildMatrix_(entries, mat); }
void Parameters::addInt(QString key, QString description, int value, int min, int max) { checkKey_(key); checkExists_(key, false); Data_ data(key); data.type = Int; data.v_variant = value; data.description = description; if (min!=-std::numeric_limits<int>::max() || max!=std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) { data.restriction = QPoint(min, max); } insert_(data); }
void Parameters::addChar(QString key, QString description, QChar value, QStringList valid) { checkKey_(key); checkExists_(key, false); Data_ data(key); data.type = Char; data.v_variant = value; data.description = description; if (!valid.empty()) { data.restriction = valid; } insert_(data); }
void Parameters::addDouble(QString key, QString description, double value, double min, double max) { checkKey_(key); checkExists_(key, false); Data_ data(key); data.type = Double; data.v_variant = value; data.description = description; if (min!=-std::numeric_limits<double>::max() || max!=std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) { data.restriction = QPointF(min, max); } insert_(data); }
void addtraverse(node *p, node *q, boolean contin, long *numtrees, boolean *succeeded) { /* traverse through a tree, finding best place to add p */ insert_(p, q, true); (*numtrees)++; if (evaluate(&curtree) > bestree.likelihood){ copy_(&curtree, &bestree); (*succeeded)=true; } copy_(&priortree, &curtree); if (!q->tip && contin) { addtraverse(p, q->next->back, contin,numtrees,succeeded); addtraverse(p, q->next->next->back, contin,numtrees,succeeded); } } /* addtraverse */
void RecordablesMap< hh_cond_exp_traub >::create() { // use standard names whereever you can for consistency! insert_( names::V_m, &hh_cond_exp_traub::get_y_elem_< hh_cond_exp_traub::State_::V_M > ); insert_( names::g_ex, &hh_cond_exp_traub::get_y_elem_< hh_cond_exp_traub::State_::G_EXC > ); insert_( names::g_in, &hh_cond_exp_traub::get_y_elem_< hh_cond_exp_traub::State_::G_INH > ); insert_( names::Act_m, &hh_cond_exp_traub::get_y_elem_< hh_cond_exp_traub::State_::HH_M > ); insert_( names::Act_h, &hh_cond_exp_traub::get_y_elem_< hh_cond_exp_traub::State_::HH_H > ); insert_( names::Inact_n, &hh_cond_exp_traub::get_y_elem_< hh_cond_exp_traub::State_::HH_N > ); }
CString::size_type CString::insert(long num, CString::size_type index, CString::size_type minWidth, bool leftJustify, CString::size_type count) { char temp[20*count]; // a max long wont be more than 20 digits int numDigits = 0; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { numDigits += sprintf(temp + numDigits, "%ld", num); } return insert_(temp, index, numDigits, minWidth, leftJustify); }