int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ // varible declarations int i=0,j=0,length=0,*array=NULL, temp=0,key=0,found=0; double arrayTime, nodeTime; Node* head=NULL; clock_t start,end; key = atoi(argv[1]);// change string to integer printf("%-15s%-15s\n","Linear search","Node Search"); //loop for all the argumens for(i=2; i<argc; i++){ FILE* input = fopen(argv[i],"r"); if(input == NULL){ printf("Unable to open %s\n",argv[i]); } else{ fscanf(input,"%d",&length); array = (int *)malloc(length*sizeof(int)); for(j=0;j<length;j++){ fscanf(input,"%d",&temp); array[j] = temp; head = insert_end(head, temp); } //timing the algorith start = clock(); found = linearSearch(array,length,key); end = clock(); arrayTime = (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; //check if the search was found if(found == 0){ printf("number not found in linear search\n"); } start = clock(); found = nodeSearch(head, key); end = clock(); nodeTime = (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if(found == 0){ printf("number not found in node search\n"); } printf("%-15lf%-15lf\n",arrayTime,nodeTime); //free the malloced memory free(array); free_node(head); head = NULL; } close(input);//close the input file } }
mn* start(mn *m) { stack *top; node *trie; ll *temp; char dump,c; int ch; top = NULL; trie = NULL; temp = NULL; printw("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tprint 1 to all the populate data\n"); scanw("%d",&ch); refresh(); printw("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t%d thanks",ch); if(ch == 1) trie = pTrain(trie); while(ch != 27) { ch = getch(); c = ch; switch(ch) { case 127: { m = delete_node(m); clear(); refresh(); traverse(m); break; } case 9: { get_key(m,top,trie); break; } default: { m = insert_end(m,c); clear(); refresh(); traverse(m); } } } clear(); refresh(); printw("press any key to exit"); refresh(); }
void main() { int opt; clrscr(); do { clrscr(); printf("\npress 1 for insert beg:"); printf("\npress 2 for insert end:"); printf("\npress 3 for insert after:"); printf("\npress 4 for insert before:"); printf("\npress 5 for delete beg:"); printf("\npress 6 for delete end:"); printf("\nlpress 7 for delete after :"); printf("\npress 8 for delete before:"); printf("\npress 9 for deleter that:"); printf("\npress 10 for delete odd:"); printf("\npress 11 for delete even:"); printf("\npress 12 for sorting:"); printf("\npress 13 for reverse:"); printf("\npress 14 for insert in sorted order ;"); printf("\npress 15 for display"); printf("\nenter the option:"); scanf("%d",&opt); switch(opt) { case 1:insert_beg(&ptr); break; case 2:insert_end(&ptr);break; case 3:insert_after(&ptr);break; case 4:insert_before(&ptr);break; case 5:delete_beg(&ptr); break; case 6:delete_end(&ptr);break; case 7:delete_after(&ptr);break; case 8:delete_before(&ptr);break; /**/ case 9:delete_that(&ptr);break; case 10:delete_alter_odd(&ptr);break; case 11:delete_alter_even(&ptr);break; case 12:sort(&ptr);break; case 13:reverse(&ptr);break; /**/ case 14:insert_sort(&ptr);break; case 15:display(&ptr);break; } getch(); }while(opt!=99); getch(); }
void get_key(mn *m, stack *top, node *trie) { ll *temp; top = NULL; char c,ch,key[20],buffer[20]; int i=0; temp = m->end; while((temp != NULL)&&(temp->a != ' ')) { key[i] = temp->a; temp = temp->prev; i++; } for(i=0;i<strlen(key);i++) { if(isalpha(key[i])) { buffer[i] = key[i]; } } strcpy(buffer,key); strrev(buffer); for(i=0;i<20;i++) key[i]=0; strcpy(key,buffer); top = Complete(trie,key,top); //stack is build till this point if(top) //printw("ok1"); top = pop(top,m,temp); //pop c = getch(); if(c==9) { while(c==9) { top = pop(top,m,temp);//pop c = getch(); } } else { ch = c; m = insert_end(m,ch); clear(); refresh(); traverse(m); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------ // Insert many nodes consecutively on either side. 1 front, 0 end // Returns 0 if successful; -1 otherwise. //------------------------------------------------------------------ int insert_many(struct node **head, char **str, int cnt, bool side){ int i; if(side){ for( i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) if((insert_front(head, str[i])) == -1) return -1; } else{ for( i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) if((insert_end(head, str[i])) == -1) return -1; } return 0; }
int main(void) { int ch,item,pos; while(1) { printf("enter ur choice;\n"); printf("\n1:insert the number in the front\n2:insert the element in the end\n3:append in the mid\n4:display the elements\n"); printf("5:delet the node w.r.t pos\n6:delet the node with respect to data\n7:exit\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: printf("enter the number\n"); scanf("%d",&item); insert_front(item); break; case 2: printf("enter the number:\n"); scanf("%d",&item); insert_end(item); break; case 3: printf("enter the number and the postision: \n"); scanf("%d %d",&item, &pos); insert_mid(item, pos); break; case 4: display(); break; case 5: printf("enter the pos:\n"); scanf("%d",&pos); delet_pos(pos); break; case 6: printf("enter the data\n"); scanf("%d",&item); delet_data(item); break; case 7: exit(0); } } return 0; }
node* insert_end(node* head, int data)//Insert new node to the link list { //Checking the head if (head==NULL) { node *newPtr=malloc(sizeof(node));//Allocating memory to the node newPtr->value=data; newPtr->next=NULL; head=newPtr; return head; } else//Recursively go to the other node head->next=insert_end(head->next,data); return head; }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { //Error Checking// if (argc != 2){ printf("Incorrect Number of Command Line Arguments, Please try again!\n"); return 0; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "input.txt")!=0) { printf("Unable to open file!\n"); return 0; } //Open file FILE *input=fopen(argv[1],"r"); //Declaration of variable and initialization of head of link list int number,look; node *head=NULL; //Scanning and inputting value to the link list while (1) { fscanf(input, "%d", &number); if (feof(input)) break; head=insert_end(head, number); } //Print the link list print_list(head); //Inputing value to be searched in the link list printf("Please enter a number to search for:"); scanf("%d",&look); //Search the data value in the link list if((number=search(head,look))==1) printf("%d was found!\n",look); else printf("%d was not found!\n",look); //Changing the value in the link list into factorial value factorial_list(head); //Print the link list print_list(head); //Delete the memory allocated delete_list(head); //Closing the file fclose(input); return 0; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ get_special_list() Funcao que cria um lista contendo apenas os usuarios especiais de uma dada lista usando create_list() e salva os valores de posicao antiga utilizando get_old_position(). Retorna NULL quando ha erro na criacao - Parametros LIST* : lista contendo todos os usuarios - Retorno LIST* : lista contendo os usuarios especiais */ LIST *get_special_list(LIST *full_list){ LIST *special_list = create_list(); if(special_list != NULL){ int i; NODE *aux; // Mecanismo de busca semelhante a print_list() for(i = 1; (aux = get_node(full_list, i)) != NULL; i++){ // Coloca os usuarios especiais no final da nova lista. Caso n haja usuarios especiais a nova lista contera apenas a sentinela if(is_special_user(aux)) insert_end(special_list, aux->ID); } get_old_positions(full_list, special_list); } return special_list; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ get_list() Funcao que cria uma lista usando create_list() e le inteiros da stream de dados ate o fim do arquivo, inserindo nos no final da lista com ids iguais aos inteiros lidos. Caso haja erro na criacao, retorna NULL - Parametros FILE* : stream de dados a ser lida - Retorno LIST* : lista criada */ LIST *get_list(FILE *stream){ LIST *list = create_list(); if(list != NULL){ int aux; while(fscanf(stream, "%d", &aux) != EOF){ insert_end(list, aux); } // Precaucao if(list->last == NULL){ remove_end(list); } } return list; }
int main() { int ch ; char choice; do { printf("Main menu:\n"); printf("1 Create a list\n"); printf("2 Insert in the beginning\n"); printf("3 Insert in the middle\n"); printf("4 Insert at the end\n"); printf("Enter your choice\n"); scanf("%d" , &ch); switch(ch) { case 1 : create(); break; case 2 : printf("Enter the value you want to insert : "); scanf("%d" , &a); insert_beg(); break; case 3 : printf("Enter the value you want to insert : "); scanf("%d" , &a); printf("Eter the value after which you want to insert : "); scanf("%d" , &X); insert_middle(); break; case 4 : printf("Enter the value you want to insert : "); scanf("%d" , &a); insert_end(); break; default : printf("Wrong choice\n"); break; } printf("\nDo u want to continue..??\n"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c" , &choice); printf("\n"); }while((choice=='y')||(choice=='Y')); display(); return 0; }
int main() { int ch; struct node* head; struct node* addresses[100]; scanf("%d", &ch); do { head = insert_end(head, ch); scanf("%d", &ch); } while (ch != -1); printf("\n"); print_ll(head); int cnt = hash_table_approach(head, addresses); printf("\nCount of nodes is : %d \n", cnt); struct node* mid_ptr = addresses[cnt/2]; printf("\nThe middle node is %d\n", mid_ptr->data); return 0; }
void main() { int op; do { printf("enter option\n1: insert\n2:display\n3:delete min\n 4: exit\n"); scanf("%d",&op); switch (op) { case 1: insert_end(); break; case 2: display(); break; case 3: delete_min(); break; case 4: break; } } while (op!=4); }
void NODE :: insert_loc(int val,int loc) { if(val == -1){ //-1 is an invalid or cancel value cout << endl<<MSG_INVAL_VAL<<endl; return; } if(loc<1 || loc>(No_of_nodes+1)){ //If location is out of range cout << endl<<MSG_INVAL_LOC<<endl; return; } //Create a newnode to be inserted in the list NODE *newnode; newnode = new NODE; newnode->data = val; //Set data //Set the pointers if(First == NULL){ //First ever node of the list First = newnode; Last = First; cout << "\nNew list created.\n"; } else{ //Search for correct location and insert the new node NODE *ptr, *preptr=NULL; int i=1; for(ptr=First ; ptr!=NULL ; ptr=ptr->next,++i) { if(i==loc) break; preptr = ptr; } if(ptr == First) insert_beg(val); else if(ptr == NULL) insert_end(val); else{ preptr->next = newnode; newnode->next = ptr; No_of_nodes++; cout << "\nInsertion successful.\n"; } } }
void main ( ) { clrscr(); void create ( ); void ftraverse ( ); void insert_beg ( ); void insert_end ( ); void insert_given_node ( ); create ( ); ftraverse ( ); insert_beg ( ); printf(" \n Doubly linklist after insertion at beginning: \n"); ftraverse ( ); insert_end ( ); printf(" \n Doubly linklist after insertion at end: \n"); ftraverse ( ); insert_given_node ( ); printf(" \n Doubly linklist after insertion at given node: \n"); ftraverse ( ); getch ( ); }
//Main Execution void main() { int a,i; clrscr(); while(1) { printf("\n1.insert_beg\n"); printf("2.insert_end\n"); printf("3.display\n"); printf("4.del_beg\n"); printf("5.del_end\n"); printf("6.del_after\n"); printf("7.insert_befroe\n"); printf("8.exit\n"); printf("\n"); printf("enter a choice:"); scanf("%d",&a); switch(a) { case 1:insert_beg(); break; case 2:insert_end(); break; case 3:display(); break; case 4:del_beg(); break; case 5:del_end(); break; case 6:del_after(); break; case 7:insert_before(); break; case 8: exit(1); default: printf("enter a valid choice"); } } }
stack* pop(stack *top,mn *m,ll *temp) { stack *n; char a[20]; int i=0; if(top == NULL) { printw("-"); return top; } n = top; if(n->key) strcpy(a,n->key); else printw("sorry"); while((temp != NULL)&&(temp->a != ' ')) { temp = temp->prev; } m->end = temp; //printw("%s",a); while(a[i] !='\0') { m = insert_end(m,a[i]); i++; } clear(); refresh(); traverse(m); top = top->next; free(n); return top; }
void main ( ) { void create ( ), traverse ( ), insert_beg ( ), insert_end ( ), delete_beg ( ), delete_end ( ); clrscr ( ); create ( ); printf ("\n Circular linklist is :\n"); traverse ( ); insert_beg ( ); printf ("\n Circular linklist after inserting in beginning is :\n"); traverse ( ); insert_end ( ); printf ("\n Circular linklist after inserting at end is :\n"); traverse ( ); delete_beg ( ); printf ("\n Circular linklist after deleting from beginning is :\n"); traverse ( ); delete_end ( ); printf ("\n Circular linklist after deleting from end is :\n"); traverse ( ); getch ( ); }
void main() { start =NULL; int choice,index,count,element,position,num_choice; do { printf("Enter your choice\n1.Insert at beginning\n2.Insert at end\n3.Delete from beginning\n"); printf("\n4.Delete end\n5.Delete a given element\n6.Display"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1:printf("Enter the element to be inserted: "); scanf("%d",&element); insert_begin(element); break; case 2:printf("Enter the element to be inserted: "); scanf("%d",&element); insert_end(element); break; case 3:delete_first(); break; case 4:delete_end(); break; case 5:printf("Enter the element to be deleted"); scanf("%d",&element); delete_element(element); break; case 6:display(); break; } printf("Do you want to continue 1.yes,"); scanf("%d",&num_choice); }while(num_choice==1); }
int main() { int choice,data,pos; header=NULL; while(1) { system("cls"); printf("\nSelect your choice: "); printf("\n1. Create List "); printf("\n2. Insert Node "); printf("\n3. Display List "); printf("\n4. Delete Node "); printf("\n5. Arrange in Ascending order"); printf("\n6. Exit\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: create(); break; case 2: system("cls"); printf("\nSelect your choice: "); printf("\n1. Insert at the End "); printf("\n2. Insert at the Beginning "); printf("\n3. Insert at a Specified Position "); printf("\n4. Back to main menu\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: system("cls"); printf("\nEnter the data of the node: "); scanf("%d",&data); insert_end(data); printf("\nNode inserted at the end of the list"); break; case 2: system("cls"); printf("\nEnter the data of the node: "); scanf("%d",&data); insert_beg(data); printf("\nNode inserted at the beginning of the list"); break; case 3: system("cls"); printf("\nEnter the position at which you want to insert the node: "); scanf("%d",&pos); printf("\nEnter the data of the node: "); scanf("%d",&data); insert_pos(data,pos); break; case 4: break; default: printf("Invalid choice!!"); } break; case 3: display(); break; case 4: system("cls"); printf("\nSelect your choice: "); printf("\n1. Delete from the End "); printf("\n2. Delete from the Beginning "); printf("\n3. Delete from a Specified Position "); printf("\n4. Delete by the data of the node"); printf("\n5. Back to main menu\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: system("cls"); delete_end(); printf("\nNode deleted from the end of the list"); break; case 2: system("cls"); delete_beg(); printf("\nNode deleted from the beginning of the list"); break; case 3: system("cls"); printf("\nEnter the position at which you want to delete the node: "); scanf("%d",&pos); delete_pos(pos); break; case 4: system("cls"); printf("\nEnter the data which you want to delete: "); scanf("%d",&data); delete_val(data); break; case 5: break; default: printf("Invalid choice!!"); } break; case 5: ascend(); system("cls"); printf("\nList rearranged in ascending order"); getch(); break; case 6: exit(0); break; default: printf("Invalid choice!!"); getch(); } } return 0; }
int main(void) { node * head; head = NULL; printf("1.insert at begginng\n2.insert at end\n3.insert after kth node\n4.insert before kth node\n5.print\n6.delete_beg\n7.delete_end\n8.delete after kth\n9.delete before kth \n10.count_using_loop\n11.count_using_recusion\n12.end\n"); int test; int end = 1; int num; int k; while(end) { scanf("%d", &test); switch(test) { case 1: scanf("%d", &num); head = insert_beg(head, num); break; case 2: scanf("%d", &num); head = insert_end(head, num); break; case 3: scanf("%d", &k); scanf("%d", &num); head = insert_aft_k(head, k, num); break; case 4: scanf("%d", &k); scanf("%d", &num); head = insert_bef_k(head, k, num); break; case 5: print(head); break; case 6: head = delete_beg(head); break; case 7: head = delete_end(head); break; case 8: scanf("%d", &k); head = delete_aft_k(head, k); break; case 9: scanf("%d", &k); head = delete_bef_k(head, k); break; case 10: num = count_loop(head); printf("%d\n", num); break; case 11: num = count_recur(head); printf("%d\n", num); break; case 12: end = 0; break; } } return 0; }
int main(){ List *list = (List*)0; int opt; int val; int k1,k2; do{ //loop printf("Select an operation:\n"); printf("1) Create a list\t2) Insert at front\n3) Insert at end\t4) Delete first"); printf("\n5) Delete last\t\t6) Display list\n7) Delete list\t\t8) Swap nodes\n9) Exit\n> "); scanf("%d",&opt); FLUSH_STDIN(); switch (opt){ case 1: //Create list if((create_list(list) == -1)) fprintf(stderr,"\nError: List already created\n"); else fprintf(stdout,"\nList successfully created\n"); break; case 2: //Insert front printf("Enter a value(integer) to insert: "); scanf("%d",&val); list = insert_front(list,val); err_check(); break; case 3: //Insert end printf("Enter a value(integer) to insert: "); scanf("%d",&val); list = insert_end(list,val); err_check(); break; case 4: //Delete first list = delete_front(list); err_check(); break; case 5: //Delete last list = delete_end(list); err_check(); break; case 6: //Display list if(display_list(list) <= 0) fprintf(stderr,"\nError: List is empty or not created. Cannot display.\n"); break; case 7: //Delete the whole list list = delete_list(list); if(list_err == LIST_DELETED) fprintf(stderr,"\nThe list has already been deleted or not even created.\n"); else printf("\nList delete successfully.\n"); break; case 8: //Swap printf("Enter key values of two nodes to be swapped: "); scanf("%d %d",&k1,&k2); list = swap_nodes(list,k1,k2); err_check(); break; case 9: //Exit break; default: //Invalid option fprintf(stderr,"\nError: Invalid option\n"); }//switch }while(opt != 9); return 0; }
int main() { int choice;//For storing user choice node *start = NULL; //pointer to the first node, which initially points nowhere do { printf("***************************************************************************\n"); printf("\t\tMENUE\n"); printf("****************************************************************************\n"); printf("\t1.Create List\n"); printf("\t2.Display\n"); printf("\t3.Count\n"); printf("\t4.Add to empty list\n"); printf("\t5.Add at beginning\n"); printf("\t6.Add at end\n"); printf("\t7.Add after node\n"); printf("\t8.Add before node\n"); printf("\t9.Delete\n"); printf("\t10.Quit\n\n"); printf("********************************************************************************\n\n"); printf("Enter your choice : "); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: create(&start); break; case 2: display(&start); break; case 3: count(&start); break; case 4: insert_empty(&start); break; case 5: insert_beginning(&start); break; case 6: insert_end(&start); break; case 7: insert_after(&start); break; case 8: insert_before(&start); break; case 9: delete_node(&start); break; case 10: break; default: printf("Wrong choice\n"); }/*End of switch */ }while(10!=choice); //End of while free_list(&start); return 0; }//end of main