Exemple #1
const Vertex* Shape::getVertex(const Coordinate &cCoordinate) const {
    //Go through all of the vertices contained
    for (std::vector<Vertex*>::const_iterator iter = internals().begin() ; iter != internals().end() ; iter++) {
        //And return the one that overlaps the coordinate
        if (**iter == cCoordinate)
            return (*iter);
    //Otherwise dont return anything
    return NULL;
Exemple #2
void runLayer(Ptr<Layer> layer, const std::vector<Mat>& inputs,
              std::vector<Mat>& outputs)
    std::vector<MatShape> inpShapes(inputs.size());
    int ddepth = CV_32F;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i)
        inpShapes[i] = shape(inputs[i]);
        if (i > 0 && ddepth != inputs[i].depth())
            CV_Error(Error::StsNotImplemented, "Mixed input data types.");
        ddepth = inputs[i].depth();

    std::vector<MatShape> outShapes, internalShapes;
    layer->getMemoryShapes(inpShapes, 0, outShapes, internalShapes);

    std::vector<Mat> internals(internalShapes.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < outShapes.size(); ++i)
        outputs[i].create(outShapes[i], ddepth);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < internalShapes.size(); ++i)
        internals[i].create(internalShapes[i], ddepth);

    layer->finalize(inputs, outputs);
    layer->forward(inputs, outputs, internals);
Exemple #3
DWORD gm_receiver_c::notify_receivers(int ev, gmsgbase &par)
    evlst_s &l = internals()(ev);

    if (l._curnext)
        return GMRBIT_FAIL; // recursive ev call! NOT supported

    for(;ASSERT(par.pass < 100, "100 iterations! vow vow");)
        DWORD bits = 0;
        gm_receiver_c *f = l._gmer_first;
        for (; f;)
            l._curnext = f->_gmer_next;
            bits |= f->event_happens(par);
            if (FLAG(bits, GMRBIT_ABORT)) 
                l._curnext = nullptr;
                return bits;
            f = l._curnext;
        if (!FLAG(bits, GMRBIT_CALLAGAIN))
            ASSERT( nullptr == l._curnext );
            return bits;

    return GMRBIT_FAIL;

static CStrInternInternals* GetString(const char* str, size_t len)
	// g_Strings is not thread-safe, so complain if anyone is using this
	// type in non-main threads. (If that's desired, g_Strings should be changed
	// to be thread-safe, preferably without sacrificing performance.)

#if BOOST_VERSION >= 104200
	StringsKeyProxy proxy = { str, len };
	boost::unordered_map<StringsKey, shared_ptr<CStrInternInternals> >::iterator it =
		g_Strings.find(proxy, StringsKeyProxyHash(), StringsKeyProxyEq());
	// Boost <= 1.41 doesn't support the new find(), so do a slightly less efficient lookup
	boost::unordered_map<StringsKey, shared_ptr<CStrInternInternals> >::iterator it =

	if (it != g_Strings.end())
		return it->second.get();

	shared_ptr<CStrInternInternals> internals(new CStrInternInternals(str, len));
	g_Strings.insert(std::make_pair(internals->data, internals));
	return internals.get();
Exemple #5
void gm_receiver_c::prepare( int evcnt )
Exemple #6
void gm_receiver_c::unsubscribe(int ev)
    evlst_s &l = internals()(ev);
    if (l._curnext == this) l._curnext = _gmer_next;
    LIST_DEL(this, l._gmer_first, l._gmer_last, _gmer_prev, _gmer_next);
Exemple #7
gm_receiver_c::gm_receiver_c(int ev)
    evlst_s &l = internals()(ev);
    LIST_ADD(this, l._gmer_first, l._gmer_last, _gmer_prev, _gmer_next);
Exemple #8
void PlanarDrawLayout::computeCoordinates(const Graph &G,
	ShellingOrder &order,
	NodeArray<int> &x,
	NodeArray<int> &y)
	// let c_1,...,c_q be the the current contour, then
	// next[c_i] = c_i+1, prev[c_i] = c_i-1
	NodeArray<node>	next(G), prev(G);

	// upper[v] = w means x-coord. of v is relative to w
	// (abs. x-coord. of v = x[v] + abs. x-coord of w)
	NodeArray<node>	upper(G,nullptr);

	// maximal rank of a neighbour
	NodeArray<int> maxNeighbour(G,0);
	// internal nodes (nodes not on contour)
	BoundedStack<node> internals(G.numberOfNodes());

	for(node v : G.nodes)
		for(adjEntry adj : v->adjEdges) {
			int r = order.rank(adj->twinNode());
			if (r > maxNeighbour[v])
				maxNeighbour[v] = r;

	// initialize contour with base
	const ShellingOrderSet &V1 = order[1];
	node v1 = V1[1];
	node v2 = V1[V1.len()];
	node rightSide = v2;

	int i;
	for (i = 1; i <= V1.len(); ++i)
		y[V1[i]] = 0;
		x[V1[i]] = (i == 1) ? 0 : 1;
		if (i < V1.len())
			next[V1[i]] = V1[i+1];
		if (i > 1)
			prev[V1[i]] = V1[i-1];
	prev[v1] = next[v2] = nullptr;

	// process shelling order from bottom to top
	for (int k = 2; k <= order.length(); k++)
		// Referenz auf aktuelle Menge Vk (als Abk?rzung)
		const ShellingOrderSet &Vk = order[k]; // Vk = { z_1,...,z_l }
		int l = Vk.len();

		node z1 = Vk[1];
		node cl = Vk.left();  // left vertex
		node cr = Vk.right(); // right vertex

		bool isOuter;
		if (m_sideOptimization && cr == rightSide && maxNeighbour[cr] <= k)
			isOuter   = true;
			rightSide = Vk[l];
		} else
			isOuter = false;

		// compute relative x-distance from c_i to cl for i = l+1, ..., r
		int sum = 0;
		for (node v = next[cl]; v != cr; v = next[v]) {
			sum += x[v];
			x[v] = sum;
		x[cr] += sum;

		int eps = (maxNeighbour [cl] <= k && k > 2) ? 0 : 1;

		int x_cr, y_z;
		if (m_sizeOptimization)
			int yMax;
			if (isOuter)
				yMax = max(y[cl]+1-eps,
					y[cr] + ((x[cr] == 1 && eps == 1) ? 1 : 0));
				for (node v = next[cl]; v != cr; v = next[v]) {
					if (x[v] < x[cr]) {
						int y1 = (y[cr]-y[v])*(eps-x[cr])/(x[cr]-x[v])+y[cr];
						if (y1 >= yMax)
							yMax = 1+y1;
				for (node v = cr; v != cl; v = prev[v]) {
					if (y[prev[v]] > y[v] && maxNeighbour[v] >= k) {
						if (yMax <= y[v] + x[v] - eps) {
							eps  = 1;
							yMax = y[v] + x[v];
				x_cr = max(x[cr]-eps-l+1, (y[cr] == yMax) ? 1 : 0);
				y_z  = yMax;

			} else {
				// yMax = max { y[c_i] | l <= i <= r }
				yMax = y[cl] - eps;
				for (node v = cr; v != cl; v = prev[v]) {
					if (y[v] > yMax)
						yMax = y[v];
				int offset = max (yMax-x[cr]+l+eps-y[cr],
					(y[prev[cr]] > y[cr]) ? 1 : 0);
				y_z  = y[cr] + x[cr] + offset - l + 1 - eps;
				x_cr = y_z - y[cr];

		} else {
			y_z  = y[cr] + x[cr] + 1 - eps;
			x_cr = y_z - y[cr];

		node alpha = cl;
		for (node v = next[cl];
			maxNeighbour[v] <= k-1 && order.rank(v) <= order.rank(prev[v]);
			v = next[v])
			if (order.rank (v) < order.rank (alpha))
				alpha = v;
			if (v == cr)

		node beta = prev[cr];
		for (node v = prev[cr];
			maxNeighbour[v] <= k-1 && order.rank(v) <= order.rank(next[v]);
			v = prev[v])
			if (order.rank (v) <= order.rank (beta))
				beta = v;
			if (v == cl)

		for (i = 1; i <= l; ++i) {
			x[Vk[i]] = 1;
			y[Vk[i]] = y_z;
		x[z1] = eps;

		for (node v = alpha; v != cl; v = prev [v]) {
			upper[v] = cl;
			internals.push (v);
		for (node v = next [beta]; v != cr; v = next [v]) {
			upper[v]  = cr;
			x [v]    -= x[cr];
			internals.push (v);
		for (node v = beta; v != alpha; v = prev[v]) {
			upper[v]  = z1;
			x [v]    -= x[z1];
			internals.push (v);

		x[cr] = x_cr;

		// update contour after insertion of z_1,...,z_l
		for (i = 1; i <= l; i++) {
			if (i < l)
				next[Vk[i]] = Vk[i+1];
			if (i > 1)
				prev[Vk[i]] = Vk[i-1];
		next [cl]    = z1;
		next [Vk[l]] = cr;
		prev [cr]    = Vk[l];
		prev [z1]    = cl;

	// compute final x-coordinates for the nodes on the (final) contour
	int sum = 0;
	for (node v = v1; v != nullptr; v = next[v])
		x [v] = (sum += x[v]);

	// compute final x-coordinates for the internal nodes
	while (!internals.empty()) {
		node v     = internals.pop();
		x[v] += x[upper[v]];