Exemple #1
void SystemChain::update(double theTime)
    std::stringstream barName;
    // compute new length. Temp store
    double updateLength = interpolate1D(theTime, timeLenghts);
    cout << "currentLength = " << currentLength
    << ", updateLength = " << updateLength << endl;

    if (updateLength != currentLength) {
        if (updateLength > length || updateLength < 0) {
            cerr << "ERROR: Trying to extend CHAIN beyond its lenght!!!" << endl;
        else { // Commented are possible optimizations (opt)
//       if( updateLength > currentLength ){ // EXTENSION for opt
            // Locate bar. Compute index with currentLength
            //int firstConstraint = floor(currentLength * segments / length);
            int lastConstraint = ceil(updateLength * segments / length);
            for (int i = 0; i < lastConstraint; ++i) { // for opt: Should say i=firstConstraint
                barName << this->title << i;
                if (i < lastConstraint - 1) { // Extend constraint to maximum
                            ->setLenght(length / segments);
                else { // Must be extended precisely
                            ->setLenght(updateLength - i * length / segments - 1E-8);
//       }
//       if( updateLength < currentLength ){ // COMPRESION
//         // Locate bar. Compute index with currentLength
//         int firstConstraint = ceil( currentLength*segments/length );
//         int lastConstraint = floor( updateLength*segments/length );
//         for (int i=firstConstraint; i > lastConstraint; --i){
//           barName.str(std::string());
//           barName << this->title << i;
//           if(i>lastConstraint+1){ // Compress constraint to minimum
//             this->localConstraintDistance[barName.str()]->setLenght(0.);
//           }
//           else{ // Must be extended precisely
//             this->localConstraintDistance[barName.str()]
//             ->setLenght(updateLength-lastConstraint*length/segments);
//           }
//         }
//       }
            // Update currentLength
            currentLength = updateLength;
Exemple #2
    (const float table[][2],
     int size,
     float p)
    if (size < 3)
	return interpolate1D (table, size, p);

    if (p < table[0][0])
	return table[0][1];

    if (p >= table[size-1][0])
	return table[size-1][1];

    size_t i = 0;
    size_t j = size;

    while (i < j - 1)
	size_t k = (i + j) / 2;

	if (table[k][0] == p)
	    return table[k][1];
	else if (table[k][0] < p)
	    i = k;
	    j = k;

    float dx = (table[i+1][0] - table[i][0]);
    float dy = (table[i+1][1] - table[i][1]);
    float m0, m1;

    if (i > 0)
	m0 = 0.5f * (dy + dx * (table[i][1] - table[i-1][1]) /
			       (table[i][0] - table[i-1][0]));

    if (i < size - 2)
	m1 = 0.5f * (dy + dx * (table[i+2][1] - table[i+1][1]) /
			       (table[i+2][0] - table[i+1][0]));

    if (i <= 0)
	m0 = (3 * dy - m1) * 0.5f;

    if (i >= size - 2)
	m1 = (3 * dy - m0) * 0.5f;

    float t = (p - table[i][0]) / dx;
    float t2 = t * t;
    float t3 = t2 * t;

    return table[i][1] * (2 * t3 - 3 * t2 + 1) +
           m0 * (t3 - 2 * t2 + t) +
	   table[i+1][1] * (-2 * t3 + 3 * t2) +
	   m1 * (t3 - t2);