int	intersect_shadow(float t, t_scene *scene, t_ray *ray)
	t_vec3	intersect_pt;
	t_ray	shadow;
	float	t_tmp;

	intersect_pt.x = ray->o.x + t * ray->d.x;
	intersect_pt.y = ray->o.y + t * ray->d.y;
	intersect_pt.z = ray->o.z + t * ray->d.z;
	init_coord(&shadow.o, 0, 0, -30);
	init_vec3(&(shadow.d), shadow.o.x - intersect_pt.x, shadow.o.y - intersect_pt.y, shadow.o.z - intersect_pt.z);
	t_tmp = -1;
	while (scene != NULL)
		if (scene->type == CIRCLE)
			t_tmp = intersect_circle(&shadow, scene->object);
		else if (scene->type == PLANE)
			t_tmp = intersect_plane(&shadow, scene->object);
		else if (scene->type == CYLINDER)
			t_tmp = intersect_cylinder(&shadow, scene->object);
		if (t_tmp > 0)
			return (1);
		scene = scene->next;
	return (0);
Exemple #2
int			intersect_prim(t_env *e, t_ray *ray, size_t prim, double *t)
	if (e->prim[prim]->type == PRIM_SPHERE)
		return (intersect_sphere(ray, e->prim[prim], t));
	if (e->prim[prim]->type == PRIM_HEMI_SPHERE)
		return (intersect_hemi_sphere(ray, e->prim[prim], t));
	if (e->prim[prim]->type == PRIM_PLANE)
		return (intersect_plane(ray, e->prim[prim], t));
	if (e->prim[prim]->type == PRIM_CYLINDER)
		return (intersect_cylinder(ray, e->prim[prim], t));
	if (e->prim[prim]->type == PRIM_CONE)
		return (intersect_cone(ray, e->prim[prim], t));
	if (e->prim[prim]->type == PRIM_DISK)
		return (intersect_disk(ray, e->prim[prim], t));
	return (0);
 * Compute the dimensions of the pixel footprint's AABB in uv-space.
 * First intersect the four rays through the pixel corners with
 * the tangent plane at the given intersection.
 * Then the given code computes uv-coordinates for these
 * intersection points.
 * Finally use the uv-coordinates and compute the AABB in
 * uv-space. 
 * Return width (du) and height (dv) of the AABB.
glm::vec2 Object::
compute_uv_aabb_size(const Ray rays[4], Intersection const& isect)
	// TODO: compute intersection positions
	glm::vec3 intersection_positions[4] = {
		isect.position, isect.position, isect.position, isect.position

	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
		// todo: compute intersection positions using a ray->plane
		// intersection

	float t;

	if (intersect_plane(rays[i].origin, rays[i].direction, isect.position, isect.normal, &t))
	    intersection_positions[i] = rays[i].origin + rays[i].direction * t;

	// compute uv coordinates from intersection positions
	glm::vec2 intersection_uvs[4];
	get_intersection_uvs(intersection_positions, isect, intersection_uvs);

    glm::vec2 iu[4] = intersection_uvs;

    // Get the extremities on each axis.
    // Because its a 4 vertex polygon in row major order there are always 2
    // vertices that can be the searched value.
    float uvs_min_y = iu[0][1];
    float uvs_min_x = iu[0][0];
    float uvs_max_y = iu[0][1];
    float uvs_max_x = iu[0][0];
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) 
        uvs_min_y = fmin(iu[i][1], uvs_min_y);
        uvs_min_x = fmin(iu[i][0], uvs_min_x);
        uvs_max_y = fmax(iu[i][1], uvs_max_y);
        uvs_max_x = fmax(iu[i][0], uvs_max_x);

	// TODO: compute dudv = length of sides of AABB in uv space
	return glm::vec2(uvs_max_x - uvs_min_x, uvs_max_y - uvs_min_y);
static inline void trace_ray(rt_context_t *rtx)
  rtx->dist = FARDIST;
  rtx->hit = NOHIT;
  unsigned int i;
  for (i = 0; i < rtx->objnum; i++)
    int hit = 0;
    switch (rtx->obj[i].type)
      case SPHERE:
        hit = intersect_sphere(rtx, i);
      case PLANE:
        hit = intersect_plane(rtx, i);
    rtx->hit = (hit == 1) ? i : rtx->hit;
Exemple #5
RGB_float recursive_ray_trace(Vector ray, Point p, int step) {

	RGB_float color = background_clr;
	RGB_float reflected_color = {0,0,0};
	RGB_float refracted_color = {0,0,0};
	Spheres *closest_sph;
	Point *hit = new Point;
	closest_sph = intersect_scene(p, ray, scene, hit);

	//get the point color here
	//intersects a sphere
	Point *plane_hit = new Point;
	color = background_clr;
	if(chessboard_on && intersect_plane(p, ray, N_plane, p0, plane_hit))
		Vector eye_vec = get_vec(*plane_hit, eye_pos);
		Vector light_vec = get_vec(*plane_hit, p);
		color = colorPlane(*plane_hit);
		Vector shadow_vec = get_vec(*plane_hit, light1);
		Spheres *sph = NULL;
		if(inShadow(*plane_hit, shadow_vec, scene, sph) && shadow_on)
			color = clr_scale(color, .5);


	if(closest_sph != NULL)
		Vector eye_vec = get_vec(*hit, eye_pos);
		Vector surf_norm = sphere_normal(*hit, closest_sph);
		Vector light_vec = get_vec(*hit, p);

		color = phong(*hit, eye_vec, surf_norm, closest_sph);

		if(step < step_max && reflection_on)
			Vector reflect_vec = vec_minus(vec_scale(surf_norm, vec_dot(surf_norm, light_vec)*2), light_vec);
			step += 1;

			reflected_color = recursive_ray_trace(reflect_vec, *hit, step);
			reflected_color = clr_scale(reflected_color, closest_sph->reflectance);
			color = clr_add(color, reflected_color);


		if(step < step_max && refraction_on)
			Vector refracted_ray = getRefractedRay(1.51, closest_sph, surf_norm, light_vec);
			step += 1;
			refracted_ray.x = hit->x + refracted_ray.x;
			refracted_ray.y = hit->x + refracted_ray.y;
			refracted_ray.z = hit->x + refracted_ray.z;
			refracted_color = recursive_ray_trace(refracted_ray, *hit, step);
			color = clr_add(color, reflected_color);

		return color;

		return color;

Exemple #6
static void check_collision ( collision_data& coldat )
	float radius;

	if ( coldat.BoundingSphere.x == coldat.BoundingSphere.y && coldat.BoundingSphere.x == coldat.BoundingSphere.z )
		radius = coldat.BoundingSphere.x;
		radius = 1.0f;
		// scale polygon
		for ( small x = 0; x < cache.count; x++ )
			cache.vertex [ x ].x /= coldat.BoundingSphere.x;
			cache.vertex [ x ].y /= coldat.BoundingSphere.y;
			cache.vertex [ x ].z /= coldat.BoundingSphere.z;

		CalcNormal ( cache.vertex, &cache.normal );
		D3DXVec3Normalize ( &cache.normal, &cache.normal );

    D3DXVECTOR3 r;
    D3DXVECTOR3 pt = cache.vertex [ 0 ];
    D3DXVECTOR3 n  = cache.normal;
    D3DXVECTOR3 s  = coldat.src - n * radius;
	float t = D3DXVec3Dot ( &( s - pt ), &n );

    if ( t > coldat.dir_len )

    if ( t < -2 * radius )

    if ( t < 0.0f ) 
        if ( !intersect_plane ( s, n * radius, pt, r ) )
     	if ( !intersect_plane ( s, coldat.dir, pt, r ) )

    if ( !point_in_poly ( r ) )
		D3DXVECTOR3 line_dir;
        r = closest_on_poly ( r, &line_dir );
		// mj change - sticky collision fix 27/08/02
		D3DXVECTOR3 ndir;
		//D3DXVec3Cross ( &ndir, &coldat.ndir, &line_dir );
		//D3DXVec3Cross ( &ndir, &line_dir, &ndir );
		//D3DXVec3Normalize ( &ndir, &ndir );

		ndir = coldat.ndir;

		t = intersect_sphere ( r, -ndir, coldat.src, radius );
		t = intersect_sphere ( r, -coldat.ndir, coldat.src, radius );

	    if ( t >= 0.0f && t <= coldat.dir_len )
			if ( !coldat.found || t < coldat.dist )
				coldat.found        = true;
				coldat.dist         = t;
				coldat.nearest_poly = r;