Exemple #1
bool JavaVM::execThread(StackFrame * currentThread, int timeEscalonator)
		while(time(NULL) + timeEscalonator > time(NULL))
			Frame * f = currentThread->top(); //here I get the top frame, if a new method was stacked, I got him.
			if (!checkFrame(f))

			if (f->_method->getAccessFlags() & ACC_NATIVE)
				invokeNativeMethod(f); //exceptions need to set _hasException on Frame and exception needs to be on top _operandStack

			//return true, false or undefined, true if this method is finished, false if it doesnt finished yet, undefined if it thorws an exception
			boost::logic::tribool ret = this->executionEngine(currentThread);
			if (!ret) { /* not finished yet*/ }
			else if (ret)
				if (f->_method->getAccessFlags() & ACC_SYNCHRONIZED)
					//if this method has ACC_SYNCHRONIZED I need to do monitorexit
					//I need to sinalize I have unlock this object

				Variable ret;
				if (currentThread->methodSDone(&ret))
			else //exception
	catch(std::exception & ex)
//		throw ex;
		return false;
	return true;
Exemple #2
 * This method will open a new frame and call the method indicated in the parameters.
 * \param mic A pointer to a method definition to be invoked.
 * \param returnFromVM if TRUE: When a frame is popped (using pop_frame) and this is true,
 * the execute() - function will return; if FALSE: No return will happen from the execute()
 * function. Shall be set to TRUE when a native function is calling a java method.
void invokeCommon(const methodInClass* mic, BOOL returnFromVM) {
	if (mic->nativeIndex > 0) {
	} else {
		//CALL(validateStackables(stack, context.operandStackPointer));
		// Allocate space for local variables (arguments are already allocated):
		// Need to initialize stack space otherwise the marking phase of mark & sweep will see
		// some the data on the stack as object refs:
		int i = mic->numberOfLocalVariables - mic->numberOfArguments;
		while (i-- > 0) {
			// Push some non-GC critical dummy data:
		// This is a no-go: context.operandStackPointer += localVariableCount - argumentCount;
		// since it might leave jref - lookalikes on the stack, which might confuse GC

		push_frame(mic->numberOfLocalVariables, mic->classId, mic->codeOffset, returnFromVM);
		//CALL(validateStackables(stack, context.operandStackPointer));