int iotjs_tizen_bridge_native(const char* fn_name, unsigned fn_name_size, const char* message, unsigned message_size, user_callback_t cb) { iotjs_environment_t* env = iotjs_environment_get(); if (env->state != kRunningMain && env->state != kRunningLoop) { return IOTJS_ERROR_RESULT_FAILED; } iotjs_call_jfunc_t* handle = IOTJS_ALLOC(iotjs_call_jfunc_t); if (handle == NULL) { return IOTJS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } handle-> = (void*)handle; handle->fn_name = create_string_buffer(fn_name, fn_name_size); handle->message = create_string_buffer(message, message_size); handle->module = create_string_buffer(IOTJS_MAGIC_STRING_TIZEN, sizeof(IOTJS_MAGIC_STRING_TIZEN)); handle->cb = cb; uv_loop_t* loop = iotjs_environment_loop(env); uv_async_init(loop, &handle->async, bridge_native_async_handler); uv_async_send(&handle->async); return IOTJS_ERROR_NONE; }
static bool adc_read_data(uint32_t pin, struct adc_msg_s* msg) { int32_t adc_number = ADC_GET_NUMBER(pin); char path[ADC_DEVICE_PATH_BUFFER_SIZE] = { 0 }; adc_get_path(path, adc_number); const iotjs_environment_t* env = iotjs_environment_get(); uv_loop_t* loop = iotjs_environment_loop(env); int result, close_result; // Open file uv_fs_t open_req; result = uv_fs_open(loop, &open_req, path, O_RDONLY, 0666, NULL); uv_fs_req_cleanup(&open_req); if (result < 0) { return false; } // Read value uv_fs_t read_req; uv_buf_t uvbuf = uv_buf_init((char*)msg, sizeof(*msg)); result = uv_fs_read(loop, &read_req, open_req.result, &uvbuf, 1, 0, NULL); uv_fs_req_cleanup(&read_req); // Close file uv_fs_t close_req; close_result = uv_fs_close(loop, &close_req, open_req.result, NULL); uv_fs_req_cleanup(&close_req); if (result < 0 || close_result < 0) { return false; } DDDLOG("ADC Read - path: %s, value: %d", path, msg->am_data); return true; }
void iotjs_uart_open_worker(uv_work_t* work_req) { UART_WORKER_INIT; IOTJS_VALIDATED_STRUCT_METHOD(iotjs_uart_t, uart); int fd = open(iotjs_string_data(&_this->device_path), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY); if (fd < 0) { req_data->result = false; return; } struct termios options; tcgetattr(fd, &options); options.c_cflag = CLOCAL | CREAD; options.c_cflag |= baud_to_constant(_this->baud_rate); options.c_cflag |= databits_to_constant(_this->data_bits); options.c_iflag = IGNPAR; options.c_oflag = 0; options.c_lflag = 0; tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH); tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &options); _this->device_fd = fd; uv_poll_t* poll_handle = &_this->poll_handle; uv_loop_t* loop = iotjs_environment_loop(iotjs_environment_get()); uv_poll_init(loop, poll_handle, fd); poll_handle->data = uart; uv_poll_start(poll_handle, UV_READABLE, iotjs_uart_read_cb); req_data->result = true; }
iotjs_tcpwrap_t* iotjs_tcpwrap_create(jerry_value_t jtcp) { iotjs_tcpwrap_t* tcpwrap = IOTJS_ALLOC(iotjs_tcpwrap_t); IOTJS_VALIDATED_STRUCT_CONSTRUCTOR(iotjs_tcpwrap_t, tcpwrap); iotjs_handlewrap_initialize(&_this->handlewrap, jtcp, (uv_handle_t*)(&_this->handle), &this_module_native_info); const iotjs_environment_t* env = iotjs_environment_get(); uv_tcp_init(iotjs_environment_loop(env), &_this->handle); return tcpwrap; }
//-------------Constructor------------ iotjs_https_t* iotjs_https_create(const char* URL, const char* method, const char* ca, const char* cert, const char* key, const bool reject_unauthorized, const iotjs_jval_t* jthis) { iotjs_https_t* https_data = IOTJS_ALLOC(iotjs_https_t); IOTJS_VALIDATED_STRUCT_CONSTRUCTOR(iotjs_https_t, https_data); // Original Request Details _this->URL = URL; _this->header_list = NULL; if (strcmp(method, STRING_GET) == 0) _this->method = HTTPS_GET; else if (strcmp(method, STRING_POST) == 0) _this->method = HTTPS_POST; else if (strcmp(method, STRING_PUT) == 0) _this->method = HTTPS_PUT; else if (strcmp(method, STRING_DELETE) == 0) _this->method = HTTPS_DELETE; else if (strcmp(method, STRING_HEAD) == 0) _this->method = HTTPS_HEAD; else if (strcmp(method, STRING_CONNECT) == 0) _this->method = HTTPS_CONNECT; else if (strcmp(method, STRING_OPTIONS) == 0) _this->method = HTTPS_OPTIONS; else if (strcmp(method, STRING_TRACE) == 0) _this->method = HTTPS_TRACE; else { IOTJS_ASSERT(0); } // TLS certs stuff _this->ca = ca; _this->cert = cert; _this->key = key; _this->reject_unauthorized = reject_unauthorized; // Content Length stuff _this->content_length = -1; // Handles _this->loop = iotjs_environment_loop(iotjs_environment_get()); _this->jthis_native = iotjs_jval_create_copied(jthis); iotjs_jval_set_object_native_handle(&(_this->jthis_native), (uintptr_t)https_data, &https_native_info); _this->curl_multi_handle = curl_multi_init(); _this->curl_easy_handle = curl_easy_init(); _this-> = (void*)https_data; uv_timer_init(_this->loop, &(_this->timeout)); _this->request_done = false; _this->closing_handles = 3; _this->poll_data = NULL; // Timeout stuff _this->timeout_ms = -1; _this->last_bytes_num = -1; _this->last_bytes_time = 0; _this-> = (void*)https_data; uv_timer_init(_this->loop, &(_this->socket_timeout)); // ReadData stuff _this->cur_read_index = 0; _this->is_stream_writable = false; _this->stream_ended = false; _this->data_to_read = false; _this->to_destroy_read_onwrite = false; _this-> = (void*)https_data; uv_timer_init(_this->loop, &(_this->async_read_onwrite)); // No Need to read data for following types of requests if (_this->method == HTTPS_GET || _this->method == HTTPS_DELETE || _this->method == HTTPS_HEAD || _this->method == HTTPS_OPTIONS || _this->method == HTTPS_TRACE) _this->stream_ended = true; return https_data; }