 3.2 Initialize region growing
   3.2.1 Determine memory offset inside the original image
   3.2.2 Determine initial region growing parameters from the level window settings of the image
   3.2.3 Perform a region growing (which generates a new feedback contour)
bool mitk::RegionGrowingTool::OnMousePressedOutside(Action* itkNotUsed( action ), const StateEvent* stateEvent)
  const PositionEvent* positionEvent = dynamic_cast<const PositionEvent*>(stateEvent->GetEvent()); // checked in OnMousePressed
  // 3.2 If we have a reference image, then perform an initial region growing, considering the reference image's level window

  // if click was outside the image, don't continue
  const Geometry3D* sliceGeometry = m_ReferenceSlice->GetGeometry();
  Point3D mprojectedPointIn2D;
  sliceGeometry->WorldToIndex( positionEvent->GetWorldPosition(), mprojectedPointIn2D );
  itk::Index<2> projectedPointIn2D;
  projectedPointIn2D[0] = static_cast<int>( mprojectedPointIn2D[0] - 0.5 );
  projectedPointIn2D[1] = static_cast<int>( mprojectedPointIn2D[1] - 0.5 );

  if ( sliceGeometry->IsIndexInside( mprojectedPointIn2D ) )
    MITK_DEBUG << "OnMousePressed: point " << positionEvent->GetWorldPosition() << " (index coordinates " << mprojectedPointIn2D << ") IS in reference slice" << std::endl;

    // 3.2.1 Remember Y cursor position and initial seed point
    //m_ScreenYPositionAtStart = static_cast<int>(positionEvent->GetDisplayPosition()[1]);
    m_LastScreenPosition = ApplicationCursor::GetInstance()->GetCursorPosition();
    m_ScreenYDifference = 0;

    m_SeedPointMemoryOffset = projectedPointIn2D[1] * m_OriginalPicSlice->n[0] + projectedPointIn2D[0];
    m_LastWorkingSeed = m_SeedPointMemoryOffset; // remember for skeletonization

    if ( m_SeedPointMemoryOffset < static_cast<int>( m_OriginalPicSlice->n[0] * m_OriginalPicSlice->n[1] ) &&
         m_SeedPointMemoryOffset >= 0 )

      // 3.2.2 Get level window from reference DataNode
      //       Use some logic to determine initial gray value bounds
      LevelWindow lw(0, 500);
      m_ToolManager->GetReferenceData(0)->GetLevelWindow(lw); // will fill lw if levelwindow property is present, otherwise won't touch it.

      ScalarType currentVisibleWindow = lw.GetWindow();

      if (!mitk::Equal(currentVisibleWindow, m_VisibleWindow))
        m_InitialLowerThreshold = currentVisibleWindow / 20.0;
        m_InitialUpperThreshold = currentVisibleWindow / 20.0;
        m_LowerThreshold = m_InitialLowerThreshold;
        m_UpperThreshold = m_InitialUpperThreshold;

        // 3.2.3. Actually perform region growing
        mitkIpPicDescriptor* result = PerformRegionGrowingAndUpdateContour();
        ipMITKSegmentationFree( result);

        // display the contour

        m_FillFeedbackContour = true;

  return true;

  return false;
 If in region growing mode (m_ReferenceSlice != NULL), then
 1. Calculate the new thresholds from mouse position (relative to first position)
 2. Perform a new region growing and update the feedback contour
bool mitk::RegionGrowingTool::OnMouseMoved( StateMachineAction*, InteractionEvent* interactionEvent )
  if ( FeedbackContourTool::CanHandleEvent(interactionEvent) > 0.0 )
    if ( m_ReferenceSlice.IsNotNull() && m_OriginalPicSlice )
      mitk::InteractionPositionEvent* positionEvent = dynamic_cast<mitk::InteractionPositionEvent*>( interactionEvent );
      //const PositionEvent* positionEvent = dynamic_cast<const PositionEvent*>(stateEvent->GetEvent());
      if (positionEvent)
        ApplicationCursor* cursor = ApplicationCursor::GetInstance();
        if (!cursor) return false;
        m_ScreenYDifference += cursor->GetCursorPosition()[1] - m_LastScreenPosition[1];
        cursor->SetCursorPosition( m_LastScreenPosition );

        m_LowerThreshold = std::max<mitk::ScalarType>(0.0, m_InitialLowerThreshold - m_ScreenYDifference * m_MouseDistanceScaleFactor);
        m_UpperThreshold = std::max<mitk::ScalarType>(0.0, m_InitialUpperThreshold - m_ScreenYDifference * m_MouseDistanceScaleFactor);

        // 2. Perform region growing again and show the result
        mitkIpPicDescriptor* result = PerformRegionGrowingAndUpdateContour(positionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep());
        ipMITKSegmentationFree( result );

        // 3. Update the contour

  return true;
Exemple #3
void mitk::ContourUtils::FillContourInSlice( ContourModel* projectedContour, unsigned int timeStep, Image* sliceImage, int paintingPixelValue )
  // 1. Use ipSegmentation to draw a filled(!) contour into a new 8 bit 2D image, which will later be copied back to the slice.
  //    We don't work on the "real" working data, because ipSegmentation would restrict us to 8 bit images

  // convert the projected contour into a ipSegmentation format
  mitkIpInt4_t* picContour = new mitkIpInt4_t[2 * projectedContour->GetNumberOfVertices(timeStep)];
  unsigned int index(0);
  ContourModel::VertexIterator iter = projectedContour->Begin(timeStep);
  ContourModel::VertexIterator end = projectedContour->End(timeStep);

  while( iter != end)
    picContour[ 2 * index + 0 ] = static_cast<mitkIpInt4_t>( (*iter)->Coordinates[0] + 1.0 ); // +0.5 wahrscheinlich richtiger
    picContour[ 2 * index + 1 ] = static_cast<mitkIpInt4_t>( (*iter)->Coordinates[1] + 1.0 );
    //MITK_INFO << "mitk 2d [" << (*iter)[0] << ", " << (*iter)[1] << "]  pic [" << picContour[ 2*index+0] << ", " << picContour[ 2*index+1] << "]";

  assert( sliceImage->GetSliceData() );
  mitkIpPicDescriptor* originalPicSlice = mitkIpPicNew();
  CastToIpPicDescriptor( sliceImage, originalPicSlice);
  mitkIpPicDescriptor* picSlice = ipMITKSegmentationNew( originalPicSlice );
  ipMITKSegmentationClear( picSlice );

  assert( originalPicSlice && picSlice );

  // here comes the actual contour filling algorithm (from ipSegmentation/Graphics Gems)
  ipMITKSegmentationCombineRegion ( picSlice, picContour, projectedContour->GetNumberOfVertices(timeStep), NULL, IPSEGMENTATION_OR,  1); // set to 1

  delete[] picContour;

  // 2. Copy the filled contour to the working data slice
  //    copy all pixels that are non-zero to the original image (not caring for the actual type of the working image). perhaps make the replace value a parameter ( -> general painting tool ).
  //    make the pic slice an mitk/itk image (as little ipPic code as possible), call a templated method with accessbyitk, iterate over the original and the modified slice

  Image::Pointer ipsegmentationModifiedSlice = Image::New();
  ipsegmentationModifiedSlice->Initialize( CastToImageDescriptor( picSlice ) );
  ipsegmentationModifiedSlice->SetSlice( picSlice->data );

  AccessFixedDimensionByItk_2( sliceImage, ItkCopyFilledContourToSlice, 2, ipsegmentationModifiedSlice, paintingPixelValue );

  ipsegmentationModifiedSlice = NULL; // free MITK header information
  ipMITKSegmentationFree( picSlice ); // free actual memory
Uses ipSegmentation algorithms to do the actual region growing. The result (binary image) is first smoothed by a 5x5 circle mask, then
its contour is extracted and converted to MITK coordinates.
mitkIpPicDescriptor* mitk::RegionGrowingTool::PerformRegionGrowingAndUpdateContour(int timestep)
  // 1. m_OriginalPicSlice and m_SeedPointMemoryOffset are set to sensitive values, as well as m_LowerThreshold and m_UpperThreshold
  assert (m_OriginalPicSlice);
  if (m_OriginalPicSlice->n[0] != 256 || m_OriginalPicSlice->n[1] != 256) // ???
  assert( (m_SeedPointMemoryOffset < static_cast<int>( m_OriginalPicSlice->n[0] * m_OriginalPicSlice->n[1] )) && (m_SeedPointMemoryOffset >= 0) ); // inside the image

  // 2. ipSegmentation is used to perform region growing
  float ignored;
  int oneContourOffset( 0 );
  mitkIpPicDescriptor* regionGrowerResult = ipMITKSegmentationGrowRegion4N( m_OriginalPicSlice,
                                                                        m_SeedPointMemoryOffset,       // seed point
                                                                        true,              // grayvalue interval relative to seed point gray value?
                                                                        0,                  // continue until done (maxIterations == 0)
                                                                        NULL,               // allocate new memory (only this time, on mouse move we'll reuse the old buffer)
                                                                        oneContourOffset,   // a pixel that is near the resulting contour
                                                                        ignored             // ignored by us

  if (!regionGrowerResult || oneContourOffset == -1)
    ContourModel::Pointer dummyContour = ContourModel::New();
    FeedbackContourTool::SetFeedbackContour( *dummyContour );

    if (regionGrowerResult) ipMITKSegmentationFree(regionGrowerResult);
    return NULL;

  // 3. We smooth the result a little to reduce contour complexity
  bool smoothResult( true ); // currently fixed, perhaps remove else block
  mitkIpPicDescriptor* smoothedRegionGrowerResult;
  if (smoothResult)
    // Smooth the result (otherwise very detailed contour)
    smoothedRegionGrowerResult = SmoothIPPicBinaryImage( regionGrowerResult, oneContourOffset );

    ipMITKSegmentationFree( regionGrowerResult );
    smoothedRegionGrowerResult = regionGrowerResult;

  // 4. convert the result of region growing into a mitk::Contour
  // At this point oneContourOffset could be useless, if smoothing destroyed a thin bridge. In these
  // cases, we have two or more unconnected segmentation regions, and we don't know, which one is touched by oneContourOffset.
  // In the bad case, the contour is not the one around our seedpoint, so the result looks very strange to the user.
  // -> we remove the point where the contour started so far. Then we look from the bottom of the image for the first segmentation pixel
  //    and start another contour extraction from there. This is done, until the seedpoint is inside the contour
  int numberOfContourPoints( 0 );
  int newBufferSize( 0 );
  float* contourPoints = ipMITKSegmentationGetContour8N( smoothedRegionGrowerResult, oneContourOffset, numberOfContourPoints, newBufferSize ); // memory allocated with malloc
  if (contourPoints)
    while ( !ipMITKSegmentationIsInsideContour( contourPoints,                                               // contour
                                                numberOfContourPoints,                                       // points in contour
                                                m_SeedPointMemoryOffset % smoothedRegionGrowerResult->n[0],  // test point x
                                                m_SeedPointMemoryOffset / smoothedRegionGrowerResult->n[0]   // test point y
                                              ) )
      // we decide that this cannot be part of the segmentation because the seedpoint is not contained in the contour (fill the 4-neighborhood with 0)
      ipMITKSegmentationReplaceRegion4N( smoothedRegionGrowerResult, oneContourOffset, 0 );

      // move the contour offset to the last row (x position of the seed point)
      int rowLength = smoothedRegionGrowerResult->n[0]; // number of pixels in a row
      oneContourOffset =    m_SeedPointMemoryOffset % smoothedRegionGrowerResult->n[0]  // x of seed point
                          + rowLength*(smoothedRegionGrowerResult->n[1]-1);              // y of last row

      while (    oneContourOffset >=0
              && (*(static_cast<ipMITKSegmentationTYPE*>(smoothedRegionGrowerResult->data) + oneContourOffset) == 0) )
        oneContourOffset -= rowLength; // if pixel at data+oneContourOffset is 0, then move up one row

      if ( oneContourOffset < 0 )
        break; // just use the last contour we found

      free(contourPoints); // release contour memory
      contourPoints = ipMITKSegmentationGetContour8N( smoothedRegionGrowerResult, oneContourOffset, numberOfContourPoints, newBufferSize ); // memory allocated with malloc

    // copy point from float* to mitk::Contour
    ContourModel::Pointer contourInImageIndexCoordinates = ContourModel::New();
    contourInImageIndexCoordinates->Expand(timestep + 1);
    contourInImageIndexCoordinates->SetClosed(true, timestep);
    Point3D newPoint;
    for (int index = 0; index < numberOfContourPoints; ++index)
      newPoint[0] = contourPoints[ 2 * index + 0 ] - 0.5;//correction is needed because the output of the algorithm is center based
      newPoint[1] = contourPoints[ 2 * index + 1 ] - 0.5;//and we want our contour displayed corner based.
      newPoint[2] = 0;

      contourInImageIndexCoordinates->AddVertex( newPoint, timestep );


    ContourModel::Pointer contourInWorldCoordinates = FeedbackContourTool::BackProjectContourFrom2DSlice( m_ReferenceSlice->GetGeometry(), contourInImageIndexCoordinates, true );   // true: sub 0.5 for ipSegmentation correctio

    FeedbackContourTool::SetFeedbackContour( *contourInWorldCoordinates );

  // 5. Result HAS TO BE freed by caller, contains the binary region growing result
  return smoothedRegionGrowerResult;