Exemple #1
serialParseFlowControl (SerialFlowControl *flow, const char *string) {
  if (isAbbreviation(string, "none")) {
    *flow = SERIAL_FLOW_NONE;
  } else if (isAbbreviation(string, "hardware")) {
  } else {
    logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "invalid serial flow control: %s", string);
    return 0;

  return 1;
Exemple #2
serialParseParity (SerialParity *parity, const char *string) {
  if (isAbbreviation(string, "none")) {
    *parity = SERIAL_PARITY_NONE;
  } else if (isAbbreviation(string, "odd")) {
    *parity = SERIAL_PARITY_ODD;
  } else if (isAbbreviation(string, "even")) {
    *parity = SERIAL_PARITY_EVEN;
  } else if (isAbbreviation(string, "space")) {
    *parity = SERIAL_PARITY_SPACE;
  } else if (isAbbreviation(string, "mark")) {
    *parity = SERIAL_PARITY_MARK;
  } else {
    logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "invalid serial parity: %s", string);
    return 0;

  return 1;
Exemple #3
OptionsParser::check(const char* arg1, const char* arg2, bool& ok) {
    // the first argument should be an option
    // (only the second may be a free string)
    if (!checkParameter(arg1)) {
        ok = false;
        return 1;

    OptionsCont& oc = OptionsCont::getOptions();
    // process not abbreviated switches
    if (!isAbbreviation(arg1)) {
        std::string tmp(arg1 + 2);
        size_t idx1 = tmp.find('=');
        // check whether a parameter was submitted
        if (idx1 != std::string::npos) {
            ok &= oc.set(tmp.substr(0, idx1), tmp.substr(idx1 + 1));
        } else {
            if (arg2 == 0 || (oc.isBool(convert(arg1 + 2)) && arg2[0] == '-')) {
                ok &= oc.set(convert(arg1 + 2), "true");
            } else {
                ok &= oc.set(convert(arg1 + 2), convert(arg2));
                return 2;
        return 1;
    // go through the abbreviated switches
    for (int i = 1; arg1[i] != 0; i++) {
        // set boolean switches
        if (oc.isBool(convert(arg1[i]))) {
            if (arg2 == 0 || arg2[0] == '-' || arg1[i + 1] != 0) {
                ok &= oc.set(convert(arg1[i]), "true");
            } else {
                ok &= oc.set(convert(arg1[i]), convert(arg2));
                return 2;
            // set non-boolean switches
        } else {
            // check whether the parameter comes directly after the switch
            //  and process if so
            if (arg2 == 0 || arg1[i + 1] != 0) {
                ok &= processNonBooleanSingleSwitch(oc, arg1 + i);
                return 1;
                // process parameter following after a space
            } else {
                ok &= oc.set(convert(arg1[i]), convert(arg2));
                // option name and attribute were in two arguments
                return 2;
    // all switches within the current argument were boolean switches
    return 1;
void TextSplitter::getSentences(std::ostream &out, size_t &count) {
    std::string buffer;
    std::string lastWord; // Last read word
    size_t wordCount = 0; // Count words in each sentence
    char c;
    count = 0;
    while ((c = stream_.get()) != EOF) {
        // If we reached sentence delimiter (.?!) we should:
        // 1. Skip other delimiters (situations like '??!')
        // 2. Check if last word was abbreviation (then do not split by dot)
        // 3. Check for closing quote (do not move closing quote to next sentence)
        if (isSentenceDelimiter(c)) { 
            // Skip abbreviations
            if (c == '.' && isAbbreviation(lastWord)) {
            if (!lastWord.empty()) { ++wordCount; }
            while (isSentenceDelimiter(c)) {
                c = stream_.get();
            while (c == ' ') { c = stream_.get(); }  
            if (c == '"') {
                c = stream_.get();
            if (wordCount >= MIN_SENTENCE_LEN) {
                out << removeStartingSpaces(buffer) << std::endl;
                wordCount = 0;
            buffer.clear(); // clear sentence buffer
            lastWord.clear(); // clear word buffer
        // If we reached '\n' we will merge lines by space
        if (isCRLF(c)) {
            while (isCRLF(c)) { c = stream_.get(); }
            if (!buffer.empty()) {
                buffer.push_back(' ');
            if (!lastWord.empty()) {
        // Clear last word if we found word delimiter
        if (isWordDelimiter(c)) {
            if (!lastWord.empty()) {
        if (c != EOF) {
        if (!isWordDelimiter(c)) {