Exemple #1
OsStatus MpidAndroid::disableDevice()
   OsStatus status = OS_SUCCESS;


   if (!isDeviceValid() || !isEnabled())
      LOGW("Invalid device (valid=%d) or already disabled (enable=%d).",
           isDeviceValid(), isEnabled());
      return OS_FAILED;

   // Start accessing non-atomic member variables
   AutoMutex autoLock(mLock);

   if (mState == DRIVER_RECORDING || mState == DRIVER_STARTING) {
      mState = DRIVER_STOPPING;
      LOGV("MpidAndroid::disableDevice() waiting cond");
      status_t lStatus = mWaitCbkCond.waitRelative(mLock, seconds(3));
      if (lStatus == NO_ERROR) {
         LOGV("MpidAndroid::disableDevice() track stop complete, time %d", (unsigned int)(systemTime()/1000000));
      } else {
         LOGW("MpidAndroid::disableDevice() Stop timed out");
         mState = DRIVER_IDLE;

   if (mpAudioRecord != NULL)
      delete mpAudioRecord;
      mpAudioRecord = NULL;
      sgAudioRecord = NULL;

   // Clear out all the audio stream information.
   mSamplesPerFrame = 0;
   mSamplesPerSec = 0;
   mCurrentFrameTime = 0;

   // Free internal buffer
   delete[] mpBufInternal;
   mBufInternalSamples = 0;

   // Free resampler
   delete mpResampler;
   mpResampler = NULL;
   delete[] mpResampleBuf;
   mpResampleBuf = NULL;

   // Indicate driver is no longer enabled
   mIsEnabled = FALSE;

   return status;
Exemple #2
OsStatus MpidOss::disableDevice()
   OsStatus ret;

   if (!isEnabled())
      return OS_FAILED;
   // If the device is not valid, let the user know it's bad.
   if (!isDeviceValid())
      return OS_INVALID_STATE;

   ret = pDevWrapper->detachReader();
   if (ret != OS_SUCCESS)
      return ret;

   delete[] mAudioFrame;
   mIsEnabled = FALSE;


   return ret;
Exemple #3
void *NclLayoutConverter::createRegionBase( DOMElement* parentElement ) {

	bptnl::RegionBase *layout;
	std::string mapId = "";

	bptcf::XMLChHandler* xmlHndl = getXmlHandler();

	layout = new bptnl::RegionBase( xmlHndl->getStr( parentElement->getAttribute( xmlHndl->getXMLCh( "id" ) ) ).c_str() );
	bptnl::Device device;

	// device attribute
	if (parentElement->hasAttribute( xmlHndl->getXMLCh( "device" ) )) {
		// region for output bit map attribute
		if (parentElement->hasAttribute( xmlHndl->getXMLCh( "region" ) )) {
			mapId = xmlHndl->getStr( parentElement->getAttribute( xmlHndl->getXMLCh( "region" ) ) );

		std::string deviceStr = xmlHndl->getStr( parentElement->getAttribute( xmlHndl->getXMLCh( "device" ) ) ).c_str();

		if ( !isDeviceValid( deviceStr, device ) ){
			LERROR("NclLayoutConverter", "invalid device, value=%s", deviceStr.c_str());
			return NULL;

	} else {
		device.name = "systemScreen(0)";
		device.number = 0;
	layout->setDevice( device, mapId );

	return layout;
Exemple #4
/* ============================ MANIPULATORS ============================== */
OsStatus MpidOss::enableDevice(unsigned samplesPerFrame,
                               unsigned samplesPerSec,
                               MpFrameTime currentFrameTime)
   OsSysLog::add(FAC_MP, PRI_DEBUG,
           "MpidOss::enableDevice(samplesPerFrame: %d, samplesPerSec: %d, currentFrameTime: %d)",
          samplesPerFrame, samplesPerSec, currentFrameTime);  
   OsStatus ret;
   if (isEnabled())
      return OS_FAILED;

   if (pDevWrapper)
      OsStatus res = pDevWrapper->setInputDevice(this);
      if (res != OS_SUCCESS) {
         pDevWrapper = NULL;
      else if (!pDevWrapper->mbReadCap)
         //Device dosen't support input
         pDevWrapper = NULL;

   // If the device is not valid, let the user know it's bad.
   if (!isDeviceValid())
       OsSysLog::add(FAC_MP, PRI_ERR,
               "MpidOss::enableDevice not valid");
      return OS_INVALID_STATE;

   // Set some wave header stat information.
   mSamplesPerFrame = samplesPerFrame;
   mSamplesPerSec = samplesPerSec;
   mCurrentFrameTime = currentFrameTime;

   // Get buffer and fill it with silence
   mAudioFrame = new MpAudioSample[samplesPerFrame];
   if (mAudioFrame == NULL)
      return OS_LIMIT_REACHED;
   memset(mAudioFrame, 0, samplesPerFrame * sizeof(MpAudioSample));

   ret = pDevWrapper->attachReader();
   if (ret != OS_SUCCESS)
      return ret;
   mIsEnabled = TRUE;

   return ret;
Exemple #5
OsStatus MpodOss::enableDevice(unsigned samplesPerFrame,
                               unsigned samplesPerSec,
                               MpFrameTime currentFrameTime,
                               OsCallback &frameTicker)
   OsStatus ret;
   if (isEnabled())
       return OS_FAILED;

   //Opening OSS device
   if (pDevWrapper)
       OsStatus res = pDevWrapper->setOutputDevice(this);
       if (res != OS_SUCCESS)
           pDevWrapper = NULL;
       else if (!pDevWrapper->mbWriteCap)
           //Device dosen't support output
           pDevWrapper = NULL;

   // If the device is not valid, let the user know it's bad.
   if (!isDeviceValid())
      return OS_INVALID_STATE;

   // Set some wave header stat information.
   mSamplesPerFrame = samplesPerFrame;
   mSamplesPerSec = samplesPerSec;
   mCurrentFrameTime = currentFrameTime;
   mpTickerNotification = &frameTicker;

   // Get buffer for audio data and fill it with silence
   mAudioFrame = new MpAudioSample[samplesPerFrame];
   if (mAudioFrame == NULL)
      return OS_LIMIT_REACHED;
   memset(mAudioFrame, 0, samplesPerFrame * sizeof(MpAudioSample));

   ret = pDevWrapper->attachWriter();
   if (ret != OS_SUCCESS)
      return ret;
   mIsEnabled = TRUE;

   return ret;
Exemple #6
   // OSS Device must be freed
   assert (!isDeviceValid());

   if (mpCont != NULL)
Exemple #7
OsStatus MpidWinMM::disableDevice()
    OsStatus status = OS_SUCCESS;
    MMRESULT   res;
    if (!isDeviceValid() || !isEnabled())
        return OS_FAILED;

    // Indicate we are no longer enabled -- Do this first,
    // since we'll be partially disabled from here on out.
    // It is very important that this happen *before* waveInReset,
    // as the callback will continue to add and process buffers
    // while waveInReset is called causing a deadlock.
    mIsEnabled = FALSE;

    // Cleanup
    if (mDevHandle == NULL)
        return OS_INVALID_STATE;

    // Reset performs a stop, resets the buffers, and marks them
    // for being sent to the callback.
    // The remaining data in the windows buffers *IS* sent to the callback,
    // So be sure to watch for it and drop it on the floor.
    res = waveInReset(mDevHandle);
    if (res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
        showWaveError("waveInReset", res, -1, __LINE__);

    // Must unprepare the headers after a reset, but before the device is closed
    // (if this is done after waveInClose, mDevHandle will be invalid and 
    // MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE will be returned.
    unsigned i;
    for (i=0; i < mNumInBuffers; i++) 
        res = waveInUnprepareHeader(mDevHandle, &mpWaveHeaders[i], sizeof(WAVEHDR));
        if (res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
            showWaveError("waveInUnprepareHeader", res, i, __LINE__);

    res = waveInClose(mDevHandle);
    if (res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
        showWaveError("waveInClose", res, -1, __LINE__);

    // Delete the buffers that were allocated in enableDevice()
    for (i = 0; i < mNumInBuffers; i++)
        delete[] mpWaveBuffers[i];
        mpWaveBuffers[i] = NULL;

    // set the device handle to NULL, since it no longer is valid.
    mDevHandle = NULL;

    // Clear out all the wave header information.
    mSamplesPerFrame = 0;
    mSamplesPerSec = 0;
    mCurrentFrameTime = 0;

    return status;
Exemple #8
OsStatus MpidWinMM::enableDevice(unsigned samplesPerFrame, 
                                 unsigned samplesPerSec, 
                                 MpFrameTime currentFrameTime)
    OsStatus status = OS_SUCCESS;

    // reset the number of addBuffer failures, as we're starting fresh now.
    mnAddBufferFailures = 0;

    // If the device is not valid, let the user know it's bad.
    if (!isDeviceValid())
        return OS_INVALID_STATE;  // perhaps new OsState of OS_RESOURCE_INVALID?

    if (isEnabled())
        return OS_FAILED;

    // Set some wave header stat information.
    mSamplesPerFrame = samplesPerFrame;
    mSamplesPerSec = samplesPerSec;
    mCurrentFrameTime = currentFrameTime;

    // Do stuff to enable device.
    int nChannels = 1;
    WAVEFORMATEX wavFormat;
    wavFormat.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
    wavFormat.nChannels = nChannels;
    wavFormat.nSamplesPerSec = mSamplesPerSec;
    wavFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec = 
        nChannels * mSamplesPerSec * sizeof(MpAudioSample);
    wavFormat.nBlockAlign = nChannels * sizeof(MpAudioSample);
    wavFormat.wBitsPerSample = sizeof(MpAudioSample) * 8;
    wavFormat.cbSize = 0;

    // Tell windows to open the input audio device.  This doesn't
    // tell it to send the data to our callback yet, just to get it ready
    // to do so..
    MMRESULT res = waveInOpen(&mDevHandle, mWinMMDeviceId,
    if (res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
        // If waveInOpen failed, print out the error info,
        // invalidate the handle, and the device driver itself,
        status = OS_FAILED;
        showWaveError("MpidWinMM::enableDevice", res, -1, __LINE__);
        mDevHandle = NULL; // Open didn't work, reset device handle to NULL
        mWinMMDeviceId = -1; // Make device invalid.

        // and return OS_FAILED.
        return status;

    // Allocate the buffers we are going to use to receive audio data from
    // the windows audio input callback.
    // Calculate the buffer length we're going to use. 
    // number of samples per frame * sample size in bytes
    mWaveBufSize = mSamplesPerFrame * sizeof(MpAudioSample); 
    unsigned i;
    for (i = 0; i < mNumInBuffers; i++)
        mpWaveBuffers[i] = new char[mWaveBufSize];

    // Setup the buffers so windows can stuff them full of audio
    // when it becomes available from this audio input device.
    WAVEHDR* pWaveHdr = NULL;
    for (i=0; i < mNumInBuffers; i++) 
        pWaveHdr = initWaveHeader(i);

        res = waveInPrepareHeader(mDevHandle, pWaveHdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
        if (res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
            showWaveError("waveInPrepareHeader", res, i, __LINE__);
            mDevHandle = NULL;
            mWinMMDeviceId = -1;

            // and return OS_FAILED.
            return status;
        res = waveInAddBuffer(mDevHandle, pWaveHdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
        if (res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
            showWaveError("waveInAddBuffer", res, i, __LINE__);
            mDevHandle = NULL;
            mWinMMDeviceId = -1;

            // and return OS_FAILED.
            return status;

    // Tell windows to start sending audio data to the callback.
    res = waveInStart(mDevHandle);
    if (res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
        // If waveInStart failed, print out the error info,
        // invalidate the handle and the device driver itself,
        status = OS_FAILED;
        showWaveError("waveInStart", res, -1, __LINE__);
        mDevHandle = NULL;
        mWinMMDeviceId = -1;

        // and return OS_FAILED.
        return status;

    // If enableDevice failed, return indicating failure.
    if (status == OS_SUCCESS)
        mIsEnabled = TRUE;

    return status;
Exemple #9
OsStatus MpidAndroid::enableDevice(unsigned samplesPerFrame, 
                                   unsigned samplesPerSec, 
                                   MpFrameTime currentFrameTime)
   OsStatus status = OS_SUCCESS;

   // If the device is not valid, let the user know it's bad.
   if (!isDeviceValid())
      return OS_INVALID;  // perhaps new OsState of OS_RESOURCE_INVALID?

   if (isEnabled())
      return OS_NAME_IN_USE;


   // Start accessing non-atomic member variables
   AutoMutex autoLock(mLock);

   if (mState != DRIVER_IDLE) {
      LOGW("MpidAndroid::enableDevice() wrong state %d\n", mState);
      return OS_INVALID_STATE;

   // Set some wave header stat information.
   mSamplesPerFrame = samplesPerFrame;
   mSamplesPerSec = samplesPerSec;
   mCurrentFrameTime = currentFrameTime;

   if (probeSampleRate(mSamplesPerSec, mSamplesPerFrame, mpSampleRatesList, mSampleRatesListLen)) {
      LOGV("MpidAndroid::enableDevice() INIT OK, time: %"PRId64"\n", ns2ms(systemTime()));
   } else {
      LOGW("MpidAndroid::enableDevice() INIT FAILED!!!\n");

   if (mState != DRIVER_INIT) {
      LOGW("MpidAndroid::enableDevice() wrong state: %d\n", mState);
      return OS_INVALID_STATE;

   // Allocate internal buffer
   assert(mSamplesPerFrameInternal > 0);
   mpBufInternal = new MpAudioSample[mSamplesPerFrameInternal];
   assert(mpBufInternal != NULL);
   mBufInternalSamples = 0;

   // Create resampler
   if (mSamplesPerSecInternal != mSamplesPerSec)
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_MP, PRI_ERR, "mSamplesPerSecInternal: %d mSamplesPerSec: %d\n", mSamplesPerSecInternal, mSamplesPerSec);
      LOGV("mSamplesPerSecInternal: %d mSamplesPerSec: %d\n", mSamplesPerSecInternal, mSamplesPerSec);
      mpResampler = MpResamplerBase::createResampler(1, mSamplesPerSecInternal, mSamplesPerSec);
      mpResampleBuf = new MpAudioSample[mSamplesPerFrame];
      assert(mpResampler != NULL && mpResampleBuf != NULL);

   int startStatus = mpAudioRecord->start();
   if(startStatus != NO_ERROR)
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_MP, PRI_ERR, "MpidAndroid::enableDevice AudioRecord::start returned error: %d", startStatus);
      LOGE("MpidAndroid::enableDevice AudioRecord::start returned error: %d", startStatus);
           status = OS_LIMIT_REACHED;
           status = OS_FAILED;

      mState = DRIVER_IDLE;
      mIsEnabled = FALSE;

   if (mState == DRIVER_STARTING) {
      LOGV("MpidAndroid::enableDevice() waiting for start callback");
      status_t lStatus = mWaitCbkCond.waitRelative(mLock, seconds(3));
      if (lStatus != NO_ERROR) {
         LOGE("MpidAndroid::enableDevice() callback timed out, status %d", lStatus);
         mState = DRIVER_IDLE;
         mIsEnabled = FALSE;
         return OS_WAIT_TIMEOUT;
   } else {
      LOGW("MpidAndroid::enableDevice() state %d\n", mState);
   LOGV("MpidAndroid::enableDevice() started, time %"PRId64"\n", ns2ms(systemTime()));

   // Indicate driver has been started.
   mIsEnabled = TRUE;

   return status;