/** * This function has to be called at the return of any implementation * of the protected function process * @param bool success * @param const C_FLOAT64 & factor * @param const C_FLOAT64 & resolution * @return CSteadyStateMethod::ReturnCode returnCode */ CSteadyStateMethod::ReturnCode CSteadyStateMethod::returnProcess(bool steadyStateFound) { if (!steadyStateFound) return CSteadyStateMethod::notFound; if (!allPositive()) return CSteadyStateMethod::foundNegative; if (isEquilibrium(*mpSSResolution)) return CSteadyStateMethod::foundEquilibrium; return CSteadyStateMethod::found; }
vector<int*> payoffMatrixN::getEquilibrium() { vector<int*> toReturn; for(int i=0; i<numX; i++) { for(int j=0; j<numY; j++) { for(int k=0; k<numZ; k++) { if(isEquilibrium(i,j,k)) { int *temp = new int[3]; temp[0] = i; temp[1] = j; temp[2] = k; toReturn.push_back(temp); } } } } return toReturn; }