
    Displays outro, after convertion finishes.
void WsdlConverter::displayOutro()
    if (isErrorState())
        qDebug() << "Conversion encountered an error.";
//    else
//        qDebug() << "Conversion successful.";
  A convenience method returning nicely formatted string with config brief.
QString CcfConfig::configurationString() const
    QString result;
    if (!isErrorState()) {
        result = mConfiguration->toString();
    return result;
    Move the number of objects defined by count from the CIMResponseData
    cache for this EnumerationContext to theCIMResponseData object
    defined by the input parameter.

    Returns true if data acquired from cache. Returns false if CIMException
    found (i.e. returned an error).
bool EnumerationContext::getCache(Uint32 count, CIMResponseData& rtnData)
    PEG_METHOD_ENTER(TRC_ENUMCONTEXT, "EnumerationContext::getCache");


    // Move attributes from Cache to new CIMResponseData object
    // sets the attributes for propertyList, includeQualifiers,
    // classOrigin

    // if Error set, return false to signal the error to caller.
    if (isErrorState())
        return false;

    // Move the defined number of objects from the cache to the return object.
    rtnData.moveObjects(_responseCache, count);

    // add to statistics for this enumerationContext. Counts objects actuallly
    // sent.
    _responseObjectsCount += rtnData.size();
    // Accumulation of count of request maxObjectCounts
    _requestedResponseObjectsCount += count;

      "EnumerationContext::getCache ContextId=%s moveObjects expected=%u"
          " actual=%u", *Str(getContextId()), count, rtnData.size()));

    // Signal the ProviderLimitCondition that the cache size may
    // have changed.

    return true;
    Test the cache to see if there is information that could be used
    for an immediate response. Returns immediatly with true or false
    indicating that a response should be issued.
    @param count Uint32 count of objects that the requests set as
    max number for response
    @return True if passes tests for something to send or error flag
bool EnumerationContext::testCacheForResponses(
    Uint32 operationMaxObjectCount,
    bool requiresAll)
    bool rtn = false;

    // Error encountered, must send response. This makes error highest
    // priority.
    if (isErrorState())
        rtn = true;
    // Always allow requests for no objects
    else if (operationMaxObjectCount == 0)
        rtn = true;
    // If cache has enough objects return true
    else if (requiresAll && (responseCacheSize() >= operationMaxObjectCount))
        rtn = true;
    // anything in cache to return
    else if (!requiresAll && responseCacheSize() > 0)
        rtn = true;
    // Nothing more from providers. Must return response
    else if (providersComplete())
        rtn = true;

       "testCacheForResponse returns %s for ContextId=%s",
               boolToString(rtn), *Str(getContextId()) ));
    return rtn;