RETURN_CODE __uservice::start() { if (__check_ctrlEnabled(START)) { if (!isRunning()) { if (!isInit()) init(); if (isInit()) { console() << MSG__START << this << "...\n"; // REF I130428-1 if (__D_start() == RC_SUCCESS) { Runable::start(); return RC_SUCCESS; } } } warning(this, W__ALREADY_RUNNING); return RC_FAILURE; } return RC_SUCCESS; }
int VideoSaverFlyCapture::startCapture() { if (!isFlyCapture()) { return VideoSaver::startCapture(); } else { if ((isFinished()) && (isInit()) && (!isCapturing())) { // start thread to begin capture and populate Mat frame FlyCapture2::Error error = m_Camera.StartCapture(); if ( error == FlyCapture2::PGRERROR_ISOCH_BANDWIDTH_EXCEEDED ) { std::cout << "Bandwidth exceeded" << std::endl; return -1; } else if ( error != FlyCapture2::PGRERROR_OK ) { std::cout << "Failed to start image capture" << std::endl; return -1; } //start the grabbing thread m_KeepWritingAlive = false; // not to be started m_WritingFinished = true; m_newFrameAvailable = false; std::cout << "Start video grabbing .." << std::endl; m_captureThread = new std::thread(&VideoSaverFlyCapture::captureThread,this); m_capturing = true; sleep(500); waitForNewFrame(); return 0; } else { if (isInit()) { std::cout << "Warning: capture not yet finished !" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Warning: camera not available!" << std::endl; } return -1; } } }
void CameraHandler::downSample(int sampling_ratio) { if (!isInit()) return; _cam_param.imsize.cols /= sampling_ratio; _cam_param.imsize.rows /= sampling_ratio; _cam_param.K /= sampling_ratio;<float>(2,2) = 1; _cam_param.K_inv = _cam_param.K.inv(); if (!_frame.empty()) cv::resize(_frame, _frame, cv::Size(), 1.0/sampling_ratio, 1.0/sampling_ratio); if (!_mask.empty()) cv::resize(_mask, _mask, cv::Size(), 1.0/sampling_ratio, 1.0/sampling_ratio); if (!_LUT_sphere.empty()) im2Sph(_cam_param.imsize.rows, _cam_param.imsize.cols); _is_sampled = true; _sampling_ratio = sampling_ratio; }
void CameraHandler::im2Sph(int rows, int cols) { if (!isInit()) return; if (_mask.empty()) _mask = cv::Mat::ones(rows, cols, CV_8UC1); cv::Mat ind_nzero; cv::findNonZero(_mask, ind_nzero); int pixel_count = ind_nzero.rows * ind_nzero.cols; _LUT_sphere = cv::Mat::zeros(3, pixel_count, CV_32FC1); int i = 0; for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { if (!(<uchar>(row, col) == 0)) { cv::Vec3f pts_sph = pix2Sph(row, col);<float>(0, i) = pts_sph[0];<float>(1, i) = pts_sph[1];<float>(2, i) = pts_sph[2]; } ++i; } } // Apply pose rotation _LUT_sphere = _cam_param.cam_pose(cv::Rect(0,0,3,3)) * _LUT_sphere; _sphLUT_init = true; }
/** @brief getThread * get the thread ascociated with an index * @param index the index of the thread to get * @return a handle on the thread you are getting */ ThreadHandle Threadler::getThread(const ThreadID_t & index) { if (!isInit()) return ThreadHandle(); return get()->m_threads[index]; }
CWordManager::~CWordManager() { if (isInit() != NULL) { DisconnectWordEventHandler(); m_WordLoader.Release(); } // kody - ulozeni Wordovskejch stylu do XML CDirectoriesManager & m = ((CReportAsistentApp *) AfxGetApp())->m_pGeneralManager->DirectoriesManager; BOOL res = FALSE; try { res = saveStylesToXML((LPCTSTR) m.getWordStylesConfigFilePath()); } catch(...) { res = FALSE; } if(!res) CReportAsistentApp::ReportError(IDS_STYLLISTSAVE_ERR); }
void SharedObject::makeUnique(std::map<SharedObjectNode*, SharedObject>& already_copied, bool clone_members) { if (node && node->count>1) { // First find out if the expression has already been copied std::map<SharedObjectNode*, SharedObject>::iterator it = already_copied.find(node); if (it==already_copied.end()) { // If the expression has not yet been copied SharedObjectNode *newnode = node->clone(); // Copy the data members if (clone_members) newnode->deepCopyMembers(already_copied); // Initialize object if parent was initialized if (isInit() && !newnode->is_init_) { newnode->init(); } // Assign cloned node to object assignNode(newnode); } else { // Use an existing copy assignNode(it->second.get()); } } }
/** @brief depth * accessthe depth of the render volume * @return depth */ unsigned int Renderer::depth() { if (!isInit()) return 0; return get()->m_depth; }
/** @brief isSetup * access if the module has been set up * @return true if set up */ bool Renderer::isSetup() { if (!isInit()) return false; return get()->m_isSetup; }
vector<SXMatrix> FX::evalSX(const vector<SXMatrix>& arg){ casadi_assert_message(isInit(),"Function has not been initialized"); // Copy the arguments into a new vector with the right sparsity casadi_assert_message(arg.size()<=getNumInputs(), "FX::evalSX: number of passed-in dependencies (" << arg.size() << ") should not exceed the number of inputs of the function (" << getNumInputs() << ")."); vector<SXMatrix> arg2 = arg; arg2.resize(getNumInputs()); for(int iind=0; iind<arg.size(); ++iind){ // If sparsities do not match, we need to map the nonzeros onto the new pattern if(!(arg2[iind].sparsity()==input(iind).sparsity())){ arg2[iind] = project(arg2[iind],input(iind).sparsity()); } } // Create result vector with correct sparsity for the result vector<SXMatrix> res(getNumOutputs()); for(int i=0; i<res.size(); ++i){ res[i] = SXMatrix(output(i).sparsity()); } // No sensitivities vector<vector<SXMatrix> > dummy; // Evaluate the algorithm (*this)->evalSX(arg2,res,dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy,false); // Return the result return res; }
void CWordManager::OpenWordEditor() { if (! isInit()) { if (! InitWordLoader()) return; } try { WordEditHideMainWindow(); SetWordEditorParentTaskName(); m_WordLoader->PutstrDefaultWordTemplate(getWordTemplate()); m_WordLoader->OpenWordEditor(); } catch (_com_error e) { m_WordLoader = NULL; WordEditShowMainWindow(); CReportAsistentApp::ReportError(IDS_LMRA_WORLOADER_CONNECTON_FAILED, (LPCTSTR) e.ErrorMessage()); } }
namespace Charset { static const AutoPtr<ICharset> StandardCharsets::ISO_8859_1; static const AutoPtr<ICharset> StandardCharsets::US_ASCII; static const AutoPtr<ICharset> StandardCharsets::UTF_8; static const AutoPtr<ICharset> StandardCharsets::UTF_16; static const AutoPtr<ICharset> StandardCharsets::UTF_16BE; static const AutoPtr<ICharset> StandardCharsets::UTF_16LE; StandardCharsets::StandardCharsets() {} Boolean StandardCharsets::isInit() { Charset::ForName(String("ISO-8859-1"), (ICharset**)&ISO_8859_1); Charset::ForName(String("US-ASCII"), (ICharset**)&US_ASCII); Charset::ForName(String("UTF-8"), (ICharset**)&UTF_8); Charset::ForName(String("UTF-16"), (ICharset**)&UTF_16); Charset::ForName(String("UTF-16BE"), (ICharset**)&UTF_16BE); Charset::ForName(String("UTF-16LE"), (ICharset**)&UTF_16LE); return TRUE; } Boolean StandardCharsets::isinitflag = isInit(); } // namespace Charset
void CWordManager::SetWordEditorParentTaskName() { ASSERT(isInit()); CString wdCaption; AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd()->GetWindowText(wdCaption); m_WordLoader->PutstrParentTaskName((LPCTSTR) wdCaption); }
int CCmd::help(int cmdid) { if(INIT_COMPLETE==isInit(cmdid)){ //printf("commandid=%02d\t",cmdid); pCmdCallback[cmdid]->help(cmdid); } return NULL; }
/** @brief clear * clear all references to render objects * @return true on success */ bool Renderer::clear() { if (!isInit()) return false; get()->m_objects.clear(); return true; }
void Input::setResizing(const cv::Size& resizing) { if (isInit()) { WARN << "already init, cannot change resizing any longer" << ENDL; return; } m_resizing = resizing; }
/** @brief destroy * destroy the singleton * @return true on success */ bool Renderer::destroy() { if(!isInit()) return false; if (!clear()) return false; return Singleton<Renderer>::destroy(); }
/** @brief getRenderObject * get the render object associated with the id * @param id the GO ID of the render object * @return a pointer to the render object * @todo figure out if we want multiple render objects to a single game object */ renderObj* Renderer::getRenderObject(const unsigned int id) { if (!isInit()) return NULL; if (get()->m_objects.find(id) == get()->m_objects.end()) return NULL; return get()->m_objects[id]; }
void addFront (Node * theList, void * value) { if (!isInit(theList)) { return; } Node * newNode = initNode(value); newNode->next = theList->next; theList->next = newNode; return; }
/** @brief getCurrentThread * get a handle on the thread this is called from * @return the handle of the thread this is called from */ ThreadHandle Threadler::getCurrentThread() { if (!isInit()) return ThreadHandle(); #ifdef WIN32 return GetCurrentThread(); #else return pthread_self(); #endif }
/** @brief exitThread * force the thread this is called from to exit * @param exitVal this is the return value the thread should give (akin to a main's return) */ void Threadler::exitThread(const int & exitVal) { if (!isInit()) return; #ifdef WIN32 ExitThread(exitVal); #else pthread_exit((void*)exitVal); #endif }
bool CameraHandler::sph2Pano() { if (!isInit()) return false; if (_LUT_sphere.empty()) return false; return _wrapLUT_init = cart2Sph(_LUT_sphere, _LUT_wrap_im); }
/** @brief reg * register a reference to a render object * @param id the id of the render object to add * @param obj the reference to add * @return true on success */ bool Renderer::reg(const unsigned int & id, renderObj * obj) { if (!isInit()) return false; if (get()->m_objects.find(id) != get()->m_objects.end()) return false; get()->m_objects[id] = obj; return true; }
void CWordManager::GenerateXMLStringToWordEditor(_bstr_t XML_str) { if (! isInit()) { if (! InitWordLoader()) return; } m_WordLoader->PutstrDefaultWordTemplate(getWordTemplate()); m_WordLoader->LoadFromStringToWordEditor(XML_str); }
devs::Time Mealy::init(devs::Time /* time */) { if (not isInit()) { throw utils::InternalError( "FSA::Mealy model, initial state not defined"); } currentState(initialState()); mPhase = IDLE; return 0; }
/** @brief del * delete a reference to a render object * @param id the id associated with the render object * @return true on success */ bool Renderer::del(const unsigned int & id) { if (!isInit()) return false; if (get()->m_objects.find(id) == get()->m_objects.end()) return false; get()->m_objects.erase(id); return true; }
/** @brief destroyThread * destroy a thread * @param index the index of the thread to destroy * @return true on successful thread destruction */ bool Threadler::destroyThread(const ThreadID_t & index) { if (!isInit()) return false; #ifdef WIN32 return TerminateThread(get()->m_threads[index],0); #else return pthread_cancel(get()->m_threads[index]); #endif }
/*Get the length of the list*/ int getLength (Node * theList) { if (!isInit(theList)) { return 0; } int length = 0; while (theList->next != NULL) { length++; theList = theList->next; } return length; }
BOOL CWordManager::isWordEditorActive() { if (! isInit()) return FALSE; try { return m_WordLoader->GetisWordEditorActive() == VARIANT_TRUE; } catch (...) { return FALSE; } }
void Input::iProcess() { if (!isInit()) throw Exception("not init"); m_startMutex.unlock(); // wait for the thread to be finished m_condMutex1.lock(); while (!m_cond1) m_condVar1.wait(m_condMutex1); m_cond1 = false; m_condMutex1.unlock(); // resize image data cv::resize(m_imgDepth, m_outDepth, m_resizing, 0, 0, CV_INTER_NN); cv::resize(m_imgColor, m_outColor, m_resizing, 0, 0, CV_INTER_NN); cv::resize(m_img3d, m_outImg3d, m_resizing, 0, 0, CV_INTER_NN); // compute projection matrix on first frame if (m_projMat.empty()) computeProjectionMat(); if (m_projMat.empty()) throw Exception("projection matrix invalid"); // capture data if (m_capturing) { char buffer[512]; // save depth image sprintf_s(buffer, m_capFormat.c_str(), m_frame, "depth"); saveCvMat(buffer, m_imgDepth); // save color image sprintf_s(buffer, m_capFormat.c_str(), m_frame, "color"); saveCvMat(buffer, m_imgColor); // save 3d image sprintf_s(buffer, m_capFormat.c_str(), m_frame, "3d"); saveCvMat(buffer, m_img3d); m_frame++; } // notify the thread to process the next frame m_condMutex2.lock(); m_cond2 = true; m_condVar2.notify_all(); m_condMutex2.unlock(); }