SCRIPT_CLASS_FUNCTION(System, destroy) { lua_getfield(state, 1, "destroyed"); if(lua_isnil(state, -1)) { lua_pop(state, 1); lua_getfield(state, 1, "_e"); auto entity = reinterpret_cast<Entity*>(lua_touserdata(state, -1)); lua_pop(state, 1); if(entity->isInserted()) { entity->remove(); } lua_pushboolean(state, true); lua_setfield(state, 1, "destroyed"); getInstance().entitiesToRemove.add(entity); entity->finalize(); } else { lua_pop(state, 1); } return 0; }
bool startup(void) { if( !isInserted() ) return false; //printf("test printf in dldi\n"); //u8 * testMalloc = malloc(512); //memset( testMalloc, 0x5a, 512 ); return sddInitSD(); }
/** * Set an empty definition Domain. **/ void domainEmpty() { if (isDomainEmpty()) return; _LD->domainEmpty(); if (isInserted()) { enable(false); enable(true); resetDrawing(); // force update the range button on the object menu and then reset the drawing } }
/** * Set the definition domain. * * @param R The new definition domain **/ void domain(mtools::iBox2 R) { if (R == domain()) return; _LD->domain(R); if (isInserted()) { enable(false); enable(true); resetDrawing(); // force update the range button on the object menu and then reset the drawing } }
/** * Set how transparent color are handled when drawing pixel-type images. * * @param type The new type: one of REMOVE_NOTHING, REMOVE_WHITE, REMOVE_BLACK. **/ void transparentColor(int type) { _LD->transparentColor(type); if (isInserted()) { IndirectMemberProc<Plot2DLattice> proxy(*this, &Plot2DLattice::_updateImageTypeInFLTK); // update the status of the button in the fltk thread runInFLTKThread(proxy); // and also refresh the drawing if needed } }
/** * Sets image type (pixel or images). The drawer may discard this request and decide to draw in * pixel mode anyway if there is no getImage() method or if we are too far away * * @param imageType Type of the image. **/ void setImageType(int imageType = TYPEPIXEL) { _LD->setImageType(imageType); if (isInserted()) { IndirectMemberProc<Plot2DLattice> proxy(*this, &Plot2DLattice::_updateImageTypeInFLTK); // update the status of the button in the fltk thread runInFLTKThread(proxy); // and also refresh the drawing if needed } }
/** * Set the 'opacification factor' used when drawing pixel-type images. * * @param o The new value in [1.0,4.0] (1.0 to disable opacification). **/ void opacify(float o) { if (o < 1.0f) { o = 1.0f; } else if (o > 4.0f) { o = 4.0f; } _LD->opacify(o); if (isInserted()) { IndirectMemberProc<Plot2DLattice> proxy(*this, &Plot2DLattice::_updateImageTypeInFLTK); // update the status of the button in the fltk thread runInFLTKThread(proxy); // and also refresh the drawing if needed } }
void Plot2DAxes::scaling(float scaling) { if (!isFLTKThread()) // run the method in FLTK if not in it { IndirectMemberProc<Plot2DAxes, float> proxy(*this, &Plot2DAxes::scaling, scaling); // registers the call runInFLTKThread(proxy); return; } if (scaling < 0.1) { scaling = 0.1f; } else if (scaling >= 5.0f) scaling = 5.0f; _scaling = scaling; if (!isInserted()) return; _scaleSlider->value(scaling); refresh(); }
void Plot2DAxes::graduations(bool show, RGBc color) { if (!isFLTKThread()) // run the method in FLTK if not in it { IndirectMemberProc<Plot2DAxes, bool, RGBc> proxy(*this, &Plot2DAxes::graduations, show, color); // registers the call runInFLTKThread(proxy); return; } _gradStatus = show; if (!_gradStatus) _numStatus = false; _gradColor = color; if (!isInserted()) return; // not inserted, we are done _gradButton->value(_gradStatus ? 1 : 0); _numButton->value(_numStatus ? 1 : 0); _gradColorButton->color(_gradColor); _gradColorButton->color2(_gradColor); _gradColorButton->redraw(); refresh(); yieldFocus(); }
// 中間ポートを利用する場合のルーティング(中間からシンクまで) bool routingIToSink(int trgt_line_id){ Line* trgt_line = board->line(trgt_line_id); vector<vector<IntraBox*> > my_board(board->getSizeY(), vector<IntraBox*>(board->getSizeX())); IntraBox init = { INT_MAX,INT_MAX,INT_MAX,INT_MAX, {false,false,false,false}, {false,false,false,false}, {false,false,false,false}, {false,false,false,false}}; for(int y=0;y<board->getSizeY();y++){ for(int x=0;x<board->getSizeX();x++){ my_board[y][x] = new IntraBox; *(my_board[y][x]) = init; } } // 通れないマスを規定 vector<Point>* trgt_track = trgt_line->getTrack(); map<int,map<int,bool> > can_pass; for(int y=-1;y<=board->getSizeY();y++){ for(int x=-1;x<=board->getSizeX();x++){ can_pass[y][x] = true; } } for(int i=0;i<(int)(trgt_track->size());i++){ int tmp_x = (*trgt_track)[i].x; int tmp_y = (*trgt_track)[i].y; can_pass[tmp_y][tmp_x] = false; can_pass[tmp_y][tmp_x-1] = false; can_pass[tmp_y][tmp_x+1] = false; can_pass[tmp_y-1][tmp_x] = false; can_pass[tmp_y+1][tmp_x] = false; } // ソースから中間までの経路を一時保存 vector<Point> before_track; for(int i=0;i<(int)(trgt_track->size());i++){ before_track.push_back((*trgt_track)[i]); } trgt_track->clear(); int start_x = trgt_line->getInterX(); int start_y = trgt_line->getInterY(); IntraBox* start = my_board[start_y][start_x]; start->ne = 0; start->nw = 0; start->se = 0; start->sw = 0; queue<Search> qu; // 北方向 if(can_pass[start_y-1][start_x] && isInserted(start_x,start_y-1,SOUTH) && isFixed(start_x,start_y,NORTH,-1,trgt_line_id)){ Search trgt = {start_x,start_y-1,SOUTH,-1}; qu.push(trgt); } // 東方向 if(can_pass[start_y][start_x+1] && isInserted(start_x+1,start_y,WEST) && isFixed(start_x,start_y,EAST,-1,trgt_line_id)){ Search trgt = {start_x+1,start_y,WEST,-1}; qu.push(trgt); } // 南方向 if(can_pass[start_y+1][start_x] && isInserted(start_x,start_y+1,NORTH) && isFixed(start_x,start_y,SOUTH,-1,trgt_line_id)){ Search trgt = {start_x,start_y+1,NORTH,-1}; qu.push(trgt); } // 西方向 if(can_pass[start_y][start_x-1] && isInserted(start_x-1,start_y,EAST) && isFixed(start_x,start_y,WEST,-1,trgt_line_id)){ Search trgt = {start_x-1,start_y,EAST,-1}; qu.push(trgt); } while(!qu.empty()){ Search trgt = qu.front(); qu.pop(); //cout << "(" << trgt.x << "," << trgt.y << ")" << endl; Box* trgt_box = board->box(trgt.x,trgt.y); IntraBox* trgt_ibox = my_board[trgt.y][trgt.x]; bool update = false; int turn_count = 0; if(trgt.c != trgt.d) turn_count++; // コスト計算 if(trgt.d == SOUTH){ // 南から来た IntraBox* find_ibox = my_board[trgt.y+1][trgt.x]; // タッチ数 int touch_count = countLineNum(trgt.x,trgt.y) - trgt_box->getSouthNum(); if(touch_count < 0){ cout << "error! (error: 24)" << endl; exit(24); } // コスト int cost_se = (find_ibox->ne) + ML + touch_count * penalty_T + turn_count * BT; int cost_ne = (find_ibox->ne) + ML + touch_count * penalty_T + trgt_box->getEastNum() * penalty_C + turn_count * BT; int cost_sw = (find_ibox->nw) + ML + touch_count * penalty_T + turn_count * BT; int cost_nw = (find_ibox->nw) + ML + touch_count * penalty_T + trgt_box->getWestNum() * penalty_C + turn_count * BT; // 南東マス if(cost_se < trgt_ibox->se){ update = true; trgt_ibox->se = cost_se; (trgt_ibox->d_se).n = false; (trgt_ibox->d_se).e = false; (trgt_ibox->d_se).s = true; (trgt_ibox->d_se).w = false; } else if(cost_se == trgt_ibox->se){ (trgt_ibox->d_se).s = true; } // 北東マス if(cost_ne < trgt_ibox->ne){ update = true; trgt_ibox->ne = cost_ne; (trgt_ibox->d_ne).n = false; (trgt_ibox->d_ne).e = false; (trgt_ibox->d_ne).s = true; (trgt_ibox->d_ne).w = false; } else if(cost_ne == trgt_ibox->ne){ (trgt_ibox->d_ne).s = true; } // 南西マス if(cost_sw < trgt_ibox->sw){ update = true; trgt_ibox->sw = cost_sw; (trgt_ibox->d_sw).n = false; (trgt_ibox->d_sw).e = false; (trgt_ibox->d_sw).s = true; (trgt_ibox->d_sw).w = false; } else if(cost_sw == trgt_ibox->sw){ (trgt_ibox->d_sw).s = true; } // 北西マス if(cost_nw < trgt_ibox->nw){ update = true; trgt_ibox->nw = cost_nw; (trgt_ibox->d_nw).n = false; (trgt_ibox->d_nw).e = false; (trgt_ibox->d_nw).s = true; (trgt_ibox->d_nw).w = false; } else if(cost_nw == trgt_ibox->nw){ (trgt_ibox->d_nw).s = true; } } if(trgt.d == WEST){ // 西から来た IntraBox* find_ibox = my_board[trgt.y][trgt.x-1]; // タッチ数 int touch_count = countLineNum(trgt.x,trgt.y) - trgt_box->getWestNum(); if(touch_count < 0){ cout << "error! (error: 25)" << endl; exit(25); } // コスト int cost_nw = (find_ibox->ne) + ML + touch_count * penalty_T + turn_count * BT; int cost_ne = (find_ibox->ne) + ML + touch_count * penalty_T + trgt_box->getNorthNum() * penalty_C + turn_count * BT; int cost_sw = (find_ibox->se) + ML + touch_count * penalty_T + turn_count * BT; int cost_se = (find_ibox->se) + ML + touch_count * penalty_T + trgt_box->getSouthNum() * penalty_C + turn_count * BT; // 北西マス if(cost_nw < trgt_ibox->nw){ update = true; trgt_ibox->nw = cost_nw; (trgt_ibox->d_nw).n = false; (trgt_ibox->d_nw).e = false; (trgt_ibox->d_nw).s = false; (trgt_ibox->d_nw).w = true; } else if(cost_nw == trgt_ibox->nw){ (trgt_ibox->d_nw).w = true; } // 北東マス if(cost_ne < trgt_ibox->ne){ update = true; trgt_ibox->ne = cost_ne; (trgt_ibox->d_ne).n = false; (trgt_ibox->d_ne).e = false; (trgt_ibox->d_ne).s = false; (trgt_ibox->d_ne).w = true; } else if(cost_ne == trgt_ibox->ne){ (trgt_ibox->d_ne).w = true; } // 南西マス if(cost_sw < trgt_ibox->sw){ update = true; trgt_ibox->sw = cost_sw; (trgt_ibox->d_sw).n = false; (trgt_ibox->d_sw).e = false; (trgt_ibox->d_sw).s = false; (trgt_ibox->d_sw).w = true; } else if(cost_sw == trgt_ibox->sw){ (trgt_ibox->d_sw).w = true; } // 南東マス if(cost_se < trgt_ibox->se){ update = true; trgt_ibox->se = cost_se; (trgt_ibox->d_se).n = false; (trgt_ibox->d_se).e = false; (trgt_ibox->d_se).s = false; (trgt_ibox->d_se).w = true; } else if(cost_se == trgt_ibox->se){ (trgt_ibox->d_se).w = true; } } if(trgt.d == NORTH){ // 北から来た IntraBox* find_ibox = my_board[trgt.y-1][trgt.x]; // タッチ数 int touch_count = countLineNum(trgt.x,trgt.y) - trgt_box->getNorthNum(); if(touch_count < 0){ cout << "error! (error: 26)" << endl; exit(26); } // コスト int cost_ne = (find_ibox->se) + ML + touch_count * penalty_T + turn_count * BT; int cost_se = (find_ibox->se) + ML + touch_count * penalty_T + trgt_box->getEastNum() * penalty_C + turn_count * BT; int cost_nw = (find_ibox->sw) + ML + touch_count * penalty_T + turn_count * BT; int cost_sw = (find_ibox->sw) + ML + touch_count * penalty_T + trgt_box->getWestNum() * penalty_C + turn_count * BT; // 北東マス if(cost_ne < trgt_ibox->ne){ update = true; trgt_ibox->ne = cost_ne; (trgt_ibox->d_ne).n = true; (trgt_ibox->d_ne).e = false; (trgt_ibox->d_ne).s = false; (trgt_ibox->d_ne).w = false; } else if(cost_ne == trgt_ibox->ne){ (trgt_ibox->d_ne).n = true; } // 南東マス if(cost_se < trgt_ibox->se){ update = true; trgt_ibox->se = cost_se; (trgt_ibox->d_se).n = true; (trgt_ibox->d_se).e = false; (trgt_ibox->d_se).s = false; (trgt_ibox->d_se).w = false; } else if(cost_se == trgt_ibox->se){ (trgt_ibox->d_se).n = true; } // 北西マス if(cost_nw < trgt_ibox->nw){ update = true; trgt_ibox->nw = cost_nw; (trgt_ibox->d_nw).n = true; (trgt_ibox->d_nw).e = false; (trgt_ibox->d_nw).s = false; (trgt_ibox->d_nw).w = false; } else if(cost_nw == trgt_ibox->nw){ (trgt_ibox->d_nw).n = true; } // 南西マス if(cost_sw < trgt_ibox->sw){ update = true; trgt_ibox->sw = cost_sw; (trgt_ibox->d_sw).n = true; (trgt_ibox->d_sw).e = false; (trgt_ibox->d_sw).s = false; (trgt_ibox->d_sw).w = false; } else if(cost_sw == trgt_ibox->sw){ (trgt_ibox->d_sw).n = true; } } if(trgt.d == EAST){ // 東から来た IntraBox* find_ibox = my_board[trgt.y][trgt.x+1]; // タッチ数 int touch_count = countLineNum(trgt.x,trgt.y) - trgt_box->getEastNum(); if(touch_count < 0){ cout << "error! (error: 27)" << endl; exit(27); } // コスト int cost_ne = (find_ibox->nw) + ML + touch_count * penalty_T + turn_count * BT; int cost_nw = (find_ibox->nw) + ML + touch_count * penalty_T + trgt_box->getNorthNum() * penalty_C + turn_count * BT; int cost_se = (find_ibox->sw) + ML + touch_count * penalty_T + turn_count * BT; int cost_sw = (find_ibox->sw) + ML + touch_count * penalty_T + trgt_box->getSouthNum() * penalty_C + turn_count * BT; // 北東マス if(cost_ne < trgt_ibox->ne){ update = true; trgt_ibox->ne = cost_ne; (trgt_ibox->d_ne).n = false; (trgt_ibox->d_ne).e = true; (trgt_ibox->d_ne).s = false; (trgt_ibox->d_ne).w = false; } else if(cost_ne == trgt_ibox->ne){ (trgt_ibox->d_ne).e = true; } // 北西マス if(cost_nw < trgt_ibox->nw){ update = true; trgt_ibox->nw = cost_nw; (trgt_ibox->d_nw).n = false; (trgt_ibox->d_nw).e = true; (trgt_ibox->d_nw).s = false; (trgt_ibox->d_nw).w = false; } else if(cost_nw == trgt_ibox->nw){ (trgt_ibox->d_nw).e = true; } // 南東マス if(cost_se < trgt_ibox->se){ update = true; trgt_ibox->se = cost_se; (trgt_ibox->d_se).n = false; (trgt_ibox->d_se).e = true; (trgt_ibox->d_se).s = false; (trgt_ibox->d_se).w = false; } else if(cost_se == trgt_ibox->se){ (trgt_ibox->d_se).e = true; } // 南西マス if(cost_sw < trgt_ibox->sw){ update = true; trgt_ibox->sw = cost_sw; (trgt_ibox->d_sw).n = false; (trgt_ibox->d_sw).e = true; (trgt_ibox->d_sw).s = false; (trgt_ibox->d_sw).w = false; } else if(cost_sw == trgt_ibox->sw){ (trgt_ibox->d_sw).e = true; } } if(!update) continue; // 北方向 if(trgt.d!=NORTH && can_pass[trgt.y-1][trgt.x] && isInserted(trgt.x,trgt.y-1,SOUTH) && isFixed(trgt.x,trgt.y,NORTH,trgt.d,trgt_line_id)){ Search next = {trgt.x,trgt.y-1,SOUTH,trgt.d}; qu.push(next); } // 東方向 if(trgt.d!=EAST && can_pass[trgt.y][trgt.x+1] && isInserted(trgt.x+1,trgt.y,WEST) && isFixed(trgt.x,trgt.y,EAST,trgt.d,trgt_line_id)){ Search next = {trgt.x+1,trgt.y,WEST,trgt.d}; qu.push(next); } // 南方向 if(trgt.d!=SOUTH && can_pass[trgt.y+1][trgt.x] && isInserted(trgt.x,trgt.y+1,NORTH) && isFixed(trgt.x,trgt.y,SOUTH,trgt.d,trgt_line_id)){ Search next = {trgt.x,trgt.y+1,NORTH,trgt.d}; qu.push(next); } // 西方向 if(trgt.d!=WEST && can_pass[trgt.y][trgt.x-1] && isInserted(trgt.x-1,trgt.y,EAST) && isFixed(trgt.x,trgt.y,WEST,trgt.d,trgt_line_id)){ Search next = {trgt.x-1,trgt.y,EAST,trgt.d}; qu.push(next); } } // cout << endl; // for(int y=0;y<board->getSizeY();y++){ // for(int x=0;x<board->getSizeX();x++){ // IntraBox* trgt_box = my_board[y][x]; // if(trgt_box->nw > 10000){ // cout << " +"; // } // else{ // cout << setw(2) << trgt_box->nw; // } // if(trgt_box->ne > 10000){ // cout << " +"; // } // else{ // cout << setw(2) << trgt_box->ne; // } // cout << " "; // } // cout << endl; // for(int x=0;x<board->getSizeX();x++){ // IntraBox* trgt_box = my_board[y][x]; // if(trgt_box->sw > 10000){ // cout << " +"; // } // else{ // cout << setw(2) << trgt_box->sw; // } // if(trgt_box->se > 10000){ // cout << " +"; // } // else{ // cout << setw(2) << trgt_box->se; // } // cout << " "; // } // cout << endl; // } // バックトレース int now_x = trgt_line->getSinkX(); int now_y = trgt_line->getSinkY(); int intra_box = -1; vector<int> adj_cost(8); if(now_y!=0){ adj_cost[0] = my_board[now_y-1][now_x]->sw; // 北,南西 adj_cost[1] = my_board[now_y-1][now_x]->se; // 北,南東 } else{ adj_cost[0] = INT_MAX; adj_cost[1] = INT_MAX; } if(now_x!=(board->getSizeX()-1)){ adj_cost[2] = my_board[now_y][now_x+1]->nw; // 東,北西 adj_cost[3] = my_board[now_y][now_x+1]->sw; // 東,南西 } else{ adj_cost[2] = INT_MAX; adj_cost[3] = INT_MAX; } if(now_y!=(board->getSizeY()-1)){ adj_cost[4] = my_board[now_y+1][now_x]->ne; // 南,北東 adj_cost[5] = my_board[now_y+1][now_x]->nw; // 南,北西 } else{ adj_cost[4] = INT_MAX; adj_cost[5] = INT_MAX; } if(now_x!=0){ adj_cost[6] = my_board[now_y][now_x-1]->se; // 西,南東 adj_cost[7] = my_board[now_y][now_x-1]->ne; // 西,北東 } else{ adj_cost[6] = INT_MAX; adj_cost[7] = INT_MAX; } vector<int> min_direction_array; int min_cost = INT_MAX, threshold_cost = 10000, min_direction_array_size; for (int trying = 0; trying < 5; trying++) { for (int a = 0; a < 8; a++) { if (adj_cost[a] > threshold_cost) { continue; } if (adj_cost[a] < min_cost) { min_direction_array.clear(); min_direction_array.push_back(a); min_cost = adj_cost[a]; } else if(adj_cost[a] == min_cost){ min_direction_array.push_back(a); } } min_direction_array_size = (int)(min_direction_array.size()); if (min_direction_array_size != 0) { break; } threshold_cost *= 10; } if (min_direction_array_size == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)(before_track.size()); i++) { trgt_track->push_back(before_track[i]); } return false; } int adj_count = (int)mt_genrand_int32(0, min_direction_array_size - 1); int adj_id = min_direction_array[adj_count]; //cout << min_cost << endl; //bool p_n = false; //bool p_e = false; //bool p_s = false; //bool p_w = false; switch(adj_id){ case 0: // 北,南西 now_y = now_y - 1; intra_box = SW; //p_n = true; break; case 1: // 北,南東 now_y = now_y - 1; intra_box = SE; //p_n = true; break; case 2: // 東,北西 now_x = now_x + 1; intra_box = NW; //p_e = true; break; case 3: // 東,南西 now_x = now_x + 1; intra_box = SW; //p_e = true; break; case 4: // 南,北東 now_y = now_y + 1; intra_box = NE; //p_s = true; break; case 5: // 南,北西 now_y = now_y + 1; intra_box = NW; //p_s = true; break; case 6: // 西,南東 now_x = now_x - 1; intra_box = SE; //p_w = true; break; case 7: // 西,北東 now_x = now_x - 1; intra_box = NE; //p_w = true; break; } while(now_x!=start_x || now_y!=start_y){ //cout << now_x << "," << now_y << endl; Point p = {now_x, now_y}; trgt_line->pushPointToTrack(p); Direction trgt_d; switch(intra_box){ case NE: trgt_d = my_board[now_y][now_x]->d_ne; break; case NW: trgt_d = my_board[now_y][now_x]->d_nw; break; case SE: trgt_d = my_board[now_y][now_x]->d_se; break; case SW: trgt_d = my_board[now_y][now_x]->d_sw; break; default: assert(!"Undefined Intra-Box"); break; } vector<int> next_direction_array; if(trgt_d.n) next_direction_array.push_back(NORTH); if(trgt_d.e) next_direction_array.push_back(EAST); if(trgt_d.s) next_direction_array.push_back(SOUTH); if(trgt_d.w) next_direction_array.push_back(WEST); //cout << (int)(next_direction_array.size()) << endl; int next_count = (int)mt_genrand_int32(0, (int)(next_direction_array.size()) - 1); int next_id = next_direction_array[next_count]; switch(next_id){ case NORTH: now_y = now_y - 1; // 北へ if(intra_box == NE || intra_box == SE) intra_box = SE; if(intra_box == NW || intra_box == SW) intra_box = SW; //p_n = true; p_e = false; p_s = false; p_w = false; break; case EAST: now_x = now_x + 1; // 東へ if(intra_box == NE || intra_box == NW) intra_box = NW; if(intra_box == SE || intra_box == SW) intra_box = SW; //p_n = false; p_e = true; p_s = false; p_w = false; break; case SOUTH: now_y = now_y + 1; // 南へ if(intra_box == NE || intra_box == SE) intra_box = NE; if(intra_box == NW || intra_box == SW) intra_box = NW; //p_n = false; p_e = false; p_s = true; p_w = false; break; case WEST: now_x = now_x - 1; // 西へ if(intra_box == NE || intra_box == NW) intra_box = NE; if(intra_box == SE || intra_box == SW) intra_box = SE; //p_n = false; p_e = false; p_s = false; p_w = true; break; } } // ターゲットラインのトラックを整理する bool retry = true; while (retry) { retry = false; // トラックを一時退避 (コピー) する vector<Point> tmp_track; for (int i = 0; i < (int)(trgt_track->size()); i++) { tmp_track.push_back((*trgt_track)[i]); } // 冗長部分を排除してトラックを整理 trgt_track->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)(tmp_track.size()); i++) { if ((int)(tmp_track.size()) - 2 <= i) { trgt_track->push_back(tmp_track[i]); continue; } if (tmp_track[i].x == tmp_track[i + 2].x && tmp_track[i].y == tmp_track[i + 2].y) { retry = true; i++; continue; } trgt_track->push_back(tmp_track[i]); } } // 中間ポートと中間からソースまでの経路を追加 Point trgt_point = {trgt_line->getInterX(), trgt_line->getInterY()}; trgt_track->push_back(trgt_point); for(int i=0;i<(int)(before_track.size());i++){ trgt_track->push_back(before_track[i]); } // 表示 // map<int,map<int,int> > for_print; // for(int y=0;y<board->getSizeY();y++){ // for(int x=0;x<board->getSizeX();x++){ // Box* trgt_box = board->box(x,y); // if(trgt_box->isTypeBlank()){ // for_print[y][x] = -1; // } // else{ // for_print[y][x] = trgt_box->getNumber(); // } // } // } // for(int i=0;i<(int)(trgt_track->size());i++){ // int point = (*trgt_track)[i]; // int point_x = point % board->getSizeX(); // int point_y = point / board->getSizeX(); // for_print[point_y][point_x] = -2; // } // for(int y=0;y<board->getSizeY();y++){ // for(int x=0;x<board->getSizeX();x++){ // if(for_print[y][x] == -2) cout << "@"; // else if(for_print[y][x] == -1) cout << "+"; // else{ // if(for_print[y][x] < 10){ // cout << for_print[y][x]; // } // else{ // cout << changeIntToChar(for_print[y][x]); // } // } // } // cout << endl; // } for(int y=0;y<board->getSizeY();y++){ for(int x=0;x<board->getSizeX();x++){ delete my_board[y][x]; } } return true; }
/**************************************************************************** * MenuLanguageSelect ***************************************************************************/ int MenuLanguageSelect() { int cnt = 0; int ret = 0, choice = 0; int scrollon; int returnhere = 0; GuiSound btnSoundOver(button_over_pcm, button_over_pcm_size, Settings.sfxvolume); // because destroy GuiSound must wait while sound playing is finished, we use a global sound if(!btnClick2) btnClick2=new GuiSound(button_click2_pcm, button_click2_pcm_size, Settings.sfxvolume); // GuiSound btnClick(button_click2_pcm, button_click2_pcm_size, Settings.sfxvolume); char imgPath[100]; snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%sbutton_dialogue_box.png", CFG.theme_path); GuiImageData btnOutline(imgPath, button_dialogue_box_png); snprintf(imgPath, sizeof(imgPath), "%ssettings_background.png", CFG.theme_path); GuiImageData settingsbg(imgPath, settings_background_png); GuiTrigger trigA; trigA.SetSimpleTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_A | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_A, PAD_BUTTON_A); GuiTrigger trigB; trigB.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_B | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_B, PAD_BUTTON_B); char fullpath[100]; int countfiles = GetAllDirFiles(Settings.languagefiles_path); if (!strcmp("", Settings.languagefiles_path)) { sprintf(fullpath, "%s", tr("Standard")); } else { sprintf(fullpath, "%s", Settings.languagefiles_path); } GuiText titleTxt(fullpath, 24, (GXColor) {0, 0, 0, 255}); titleTxt.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_MIDDLE); titleTxt.SetPosition(0,0); GuiButton pathBtn(300, 50); pathBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); pathBtn.SetPosition(0,28); pathBtn.SetLabel(&titleTxt); pathBtn.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver); pathBtn.SetSoundClick(btnClick2); pathBtn.SetTrigger(&trigA); pathBtn.SetEffectGrow(); GuiImage oggmenubackground(&settingsbg); oggmenubackground.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); oggmenubackground.SetPosition(0, 0); GuiText backBtnTxt(tr("Back") , 22, THEME.prompttext); backBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth(btnOutline.GetWidth()-30); GuiImage backBtnImg(&btnOutline); if (Settings.wsprompt == yes) { backBtnTxt.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); backBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); } GuiButton backBtn(btnOutline.GetWidth(), btnOutline.GetHeight()); backBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); backBtn.SetPosition(-190, 400); backBtn.SetLabel(&backBtnTxt); backBtn.SetImage(&backBtnImg); backBtn.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver); backBtn.SetSoundClick(btnClick2); backBtn.SetTrigger(&trigA); backBtn.SetTrigger(&trigB); backBtn.SetEffectGrow(); GuiText defaultBtnTxt(tr("Default") , 22, THEME.prompttext); defaultBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth(btnOutline.GetWidth()-30); GuiImage defaultBtnImg(&btnOutline); if (Settings.wsprompt == yes) { defaultBtnTxt.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); defaultBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); } GuiButton defaultBtn(btnOutline.GetWidth(), btnOutline.GetHeight()); defaultBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); defaultBtn.SetPosition(190, 400); defaultBtn.SetLabel(&defaultBtnTxt); defaultBtn.SetImage(&defaultBtnImg); defaultBtn.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver); defaultBtn.SetSoundClick(btnClick2); defaultBtn.SetTrigger(&trigA); defaultBtn.SetEffectGrow(); GuiText updateBtnTxt(tr("Update Files") , 22, THEME.prompttext); updateBtnTxt.SetMaxWidth(btnOutline.GetWidth()-30); GuiImage updateBtnImg(&btnOutline); if (Settings.wsprompt == yes) { updateBtnTxt.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); updateBtnImg.SetWidescreen(CFG.widescreen); } GuiButton updateBtn(btnOutline.GetWidth(), btnOutline.GetHeight()); updateBtn.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); updateBtn.SetPosition(0, 400); updateBtn.SetLabel(&updateBtnTxt); updateBtn.SetImage(&updateBtnImg); updateBtn.SetSoundOver(&btnSoundOver); updateBtn.SetSoundClick(btnClick2); updateBtn.SetTrigger(&trigA); updateBtn.SetEffectGrow(); customOptionList options2(countfiles); for (cnt = 0; cnt < countfiles; cnt++) { char filename[64]; strlcpy(filename, GetFileName(cnt), sizeof(filename)); char *dot = strchr(filename, '.'); if (dot) *dot='\0'; options2.SetName(cnt, "%s", filename); options2.SetValue(cnt, NULL); } if (cnt < 9) { scrollon = 0; } else { scrollon = 1; } GuiCustomOptionBrowser optionBrowser4(396, 280, &options2, CFG.theme_path, "bg_options_settings.png", bg_options_settings_png, scrollon, 10); optionBrowser4.SetPosition(0, 90); optionBrowser4.SetAlignment(ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP); HaltGui(); GuiWindow w(screenwidth, screenheight); w.Append(&oggmenubackground); w.Append(&pathBtn); w.Append(&backBtn); w.Append(&defaultBtn); w.Append(&updateBtn); w.Append(&optionBrowser4); mainWindow->Append(&w); w.SetEffect(EFFECT_FADE, 20); ResumeGui(); while (w.GetEffect()>0) usleep(50); while (!returnhere) { if (shutdown == 1) Sys_Shutdown(); else if (reset == 1) Sys_Reboot(); else if (backBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { backBtn.ResetState(); break; } else if (defaultBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Loading standard language."),0,tr("OK"), tr("Cancel")); if (choice == 1) { sprintf(Settings.language_path, "notset"); cfg_save_global(); gettextCleanUp(); HaltGui(); CFG_Load(); ResumeGui(); returnhere = 2; } defaultBtn.ResetState(); //optionBrowser4.SetFocus(1); // commented out to prevent crash } else if (updateBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Update all Language Files"),tr("Do you wish to update/download all language files?"),tr("OK"), tr("Cancel")); if (choice == 1) { bool network = true; if (!IsNetworkInit()) { network = NetworkInitPrompt(); } if (network) { const char URL[60] = ""; char fullURL[300]; FILE *pfile; URL_List LinkList(URL); int listsize = LinkList.GetURLCount(); subfoldercreate(Settings.languagefiles_path); for (int i = 0; i < listsize; i++) { ShowProgress(tr("Updating Language Files:"), 0, LinkList.GetURL(i), i, listsize-1); if (strcasecmp(".lang", strrchr(LinkList.GetURL(i), '.')) == 0) { snprintf(fullURL, sizeof(fullURL), "%s%s", URL, LinkList.GetURL(i)); struct block file = downloadfile(fullURL); if ( && file.size) { char filepath[300]; snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s%s", Settings.languagefiles_path, LinkList.GetURL(i)); pfile = fopen(filepath, "wb"); fwrite(, 1, file.size, pfile); fclose(pfile); } free(; } } ProgressStop(); returnhere = 1; break; } } updateBtn.ResetState(); //optionBrowser4.SetFocus(1); // commented out to prevent crash } else if (pathBtn.GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { w.Remove(&optionBrowser4); w.Remove(&backBtn); w.Remove(&pathBtn); w.Remove(&defaultBtn); char entered[43] = ""; strlcpy(entered, Settings.languagefiles_path, sizeof(entered)); int result = OnScreenKeyboard(entered,43,0); w.Append(&optionBrowser4); w.Append(&pathBtn); w.Append(&backBtn); w.Append(&defaultBtn); if ( result == 1 ) { int len = (strlen(entered)-1); if (entered[len] !='/') strncat (entered, "/", 1); strlcpy(Settings.languagefiles_path, entered, sizeof(Settings.languagefiles_path)); WindowPrompt(tr("Languagepath changed."),0,tr("OK")); if (isInserted(bootDevice)) { cfg_save_global(); returnhere = 1; break; } else { WindowPrompt(tr("No SD-Card inserted!"), tr("Insert an SD-Card to save."), tr("OK")); } } if (countfiles > 0) { optionBrowser4.SetFocus(1); } pathBtn.ResetState(); } ret = optionBrowser4.GetClickedOption(); if (ret>=0) { choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Do you want to change language?"), 0, tr("Yes"), tr("Cancel")); if (choice == 1) { if (isInserted(bootDevice)) { snprintf(Settings.language_path, sizeof(Settings.language_path), "%s%s", Settings.languagefiles_path, GetFileName(ret)); cfg_save_global(); if (!checkfile(Settings.language_path)) { sprintf(Settings.language_path, tr("not set")); WindowPrompt(tr("File not found."),tr("Loading standard language."),tr("OK")); } gettextCleanUp(); HaltGui(); CFG_Load(); ResumeGui(); returnhere = 2; break; } else { WindowPrompt(tr("No SD-Card inserted!"), tr("Insert an SD-Card to save."), tr("OK"), 0,0,0,-1); } } optionBrowser4.SetFocus(1); } } w.SetEffect(EFFECT_FADE, -20); while (w.GetEffect()>0) usleep(50); HaltGui(); mainWindow->Remove(&w); ResumeGui(); return returnhere; }