void FileProjections::readProjectionsInfo()
    // Prepare nodes
    NodeMap* nodeList = graph->getNodeMap();
    unsigned count = nodeList->size();

    if (!count)

    unsigned oldSize = projectionsList->size();
    bool isProjectionsWasEmpty = !oldSize;

    projectionsList->resize(count, nullptr);

    auto oldStart = projectionsList->begin();
    auto oldEnd = projectionsList->begin() + oldSize;
    auto it = nodeList->begin();
    Projection* pr;

    ProjectionsReader reader(*this);
    std::string saveName(graphFileName);
    unsigned nameSize = saveName.size();
    bool someMissing = false, someReaded = false;

    startProcess(0u, count - 1);

    unsigned currentId;
    unsigned pos = oldSize;

    for(unsigned i = 0u; i < count; ++i, ++it)
        if (isInterrupted())
            projectionStatus = Status::PARTIAL;


        currentId = it->first;
        pr = nullptr;
        // Projection exist - skip
        if (!isProjectionsWasEmpty)
            auto e = std::lower_bound(oldStart, oldEnd, currentId,
            if (e != oldEnd && (*e)->getId() == currentId)
                pr = *e;
        if (!pr)
            pr = new Projection(currentId);
            (*projectionsList)[pos] = pr;

        ProjectionsReader::projectionFileName(saveName, nameSize, currentId);

        bool result = reader.readProjectionInfo(saveName.data(), pr);
        if (result)
            someReaded = true;
            someMissing = true;
            if (reader.getLastError() == ProjectionsReader::Error::TYPE)
                lastError = Error::TYPE;
    if (someReaded)
        projectionStatus = someMissing ? Status::PARTIAL : Status::ALL;
        projectionStatus = Status::EMPTY;

    // check that list was not empty and some new projections added
    if (oldSize && oldSize != count)
        auto end = projectionsList->end();
        std::sort(oldStart, end, Projection::less);
void FileProjections::createAllProjections()
    if (graph->isEmpty())


    // Prepare nodes
    NodeMap* nodeList = graph->getNodeMap();
    unsigned count = nodeList->size();

    if (!count)

    ProjectionsWriter writer(*this);
    setWorker(&writer, true);
    startProcess(0u, count - 1);

    unsigned oldSize = projectionsList->size();
    bool isWasEmpty = !oldSize;

    projectionsList->resize(count, nullptr);

    auto oldStart = projectionsList->begin();
    auto oldEnd = projectionsList->begin() + oldSize;
    auto it = nodeList->begin();
    Projection* pr;

    std::string saveName(graphFileName);
    unsigned nameSize = saveName.size();

    unsigned currentId;
    unsigned pos = oldSize;

    for(unsigned i = 0u; i < count; ++i, ++it)
        if (isInterrupted())
            projectionStatus = Status::PARTIAL;
            // if interrupted on null filled projections, shrink list


        currentId = it->first;
        pr = nullptr;
        // Projection exist - skip
        if (!isWasEmpty)
            auto e = std::lower_bound(oldStart, oldEnd, currentId,
            if (e != oldEnd && (*e)->getId() == currentId)
                pr = *e;
                if (pr->fileExist())
        if (!pr)
            pr = new Projection(currentId);
            (*projectionsList)[pos] = pr;
        if (pr->isInterrupted())

        ProjectionsReader::projectionFileName(saveName, nameSize, currentId);

        bool result = writer.saveProjection(saveName.data(), pr);

        if (result)
        // stay loaded last projection
        if (count - i > 1)
            loadedProjection = pr;

    if (!isWasEmpty)
        auto end = projectionsList->end();
        std::sort(oldStart, end, Projection::less);
    if (!isInterrupted())
        projectionStatus = Status::ALL;
Exemple #3
void Cvode::CVodeCore()
  _idid = CVodeReInit(_cvodeMem, _tCurrent, _CV_y);
  _idid = CVodeSetStopTime(_cvodeMem, _tEnd);
  _idid = CVodeSetInitStep(_cvodeMem, 1e-12);
  if (_idid < 0)
    throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"CVode::ReInit");

  bool writeEventOutput = (_settings->getGlobalSettings()->getOutputPointType() == OPT_ALL);
  bool writeOutput = !(_settings->getGlobalSettings()->getOutputPointType() == OPT_NONE);

  while ((_solverStatus & ISolver::CONTINUE) && !_interrupt )
    _cv_rt = CVode(_cvodeMem, _tEnd, _CV_y, &_tCurrent, CV_ONE_STEP);

    _idid = CVodeGetNumSteps(_cvodeMem, &_locStps);
    if (_idid != CV_SUCCESS)
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"CVodeGetNumSteps failed. The cvode mem pointer is NULL");

    _idid = CVodeGetLastStep(_cvodeMem, &_h);
    if (_idid != CV_SUCCESS)
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"CVodeGetLastStep failed. The cvode mem pointer is NULL");

  //set completed step to system and check if terminate was called
        _solverStatus = DONE;

    //Check if there was at least one output-point within the last solver interval
    //  -> Write output if true
    if (writeOutput)
        writeCVodeOutput(_tCurrent, _h, _locStps);

    MEASURETIME_REGION_DEFINE(cvodeStepCompletedHandler, "CVodeStepCompleted");
    if(MeasureTime::getInstance() != NULL)
        MEASURETIME_START(measuredFunctionStartValues, cvodeStepCompletedHandler, "CVodeStepCompleted");

    if(MeasureTime::getInstance() != NULL)
        MEASURETIME_END(measuredFunctionStartValues, measuredFunctionEndValues, (*measureTimeFunctionsArray)[5], cvodeStepCompletedHandler);

    // Perform state selection
    bool state_selection = stateSelection();
    if (state_selection)

    _zeroFound = false;

    // Check if step was successful
    if (check_flag(&_cv_rt, "CVode", 1))
      _solverStatus = ISolver::SOLVERERROR;

    // A root was found
    if ((_cv_rt == CV_ROOT_RETURN) && !isInterrupted())
      // CVode is setting _tCurrent to the time where the first event occurred
      double _abs = fabs(_tLastEvent - _tCurrent);
      _zeroFound = true;

      if ((_abs < 1e-3) && _event_n == 0)
        _tLastEvent = _tCurrent;
      else if ((_abs < 1e-3) && (_event_n >= 1 && _event_n < 500))
      else if ((_abs >= 1e-3))
        //restart event counter
        _tLastEvent = _tCurrent;
        _event_n = 0;
        throw ModelicaSimulationError(EVENT_HANDLING,"Number of events exceeded  in time interval " + to_string(_abs) + " at time " + to_string(_tCurrent));

      // CVode has interpolated the states at time 'tCurrent'

      // To get steep steps in the result file, two value points (P1 and P2) must be added
      // Y |   (P2) X...........
      //   |        :
      //   |        :
      //   |........X (P1)
      //   |---------------------------------->
      //   |        ^                         t
      //        _tCurrent

      // Write the values of (P1)
      if (writeEventOutput)
        writeToFile(0, _tCurrent, _h);

      _idid = CVodeGetRootInfo(_cvodeMem, _zeroSign);

      for (int i = 0; i < _dimZeroFunc; i++)
        _events[i] = bool(_zeroSign[i]);

      if (_mixed_system->handleSystemEvents(_events))
        // State variables were reinitialized, thus we have to give these values to the cvode-solver
        // Take care about the memory regions, _z is the same like _CV_y

    if ((_zeroFound || state_selection)&& !isInterrupted())
      // Write the values of (P2)
      if (writeEventOutput)
        // If we want to write the event-results, we should evaluate the whole system again
        writeToFile(0, _tCurrent, _h);

      _idid = CVodeReInit(_cvodeMem, _tCurrent, _CV_y);
      if (_idid < 0)
        throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"CVode::ReInit()");

      // Der Eventzeitpunkt kann auf der Endzeit liegen (Time-Events). In diesem Fall wird der Solver beendet, da CVode sonst eine interne Warnung schmeißt
      if (_tCurrent == _tEnd)
        _cv_rt = CV_TSTOP_RETURN;
        _solverStatus = DONE;

    // Zähler für die Anzahl der ausgegebenen Schritte erhöhen
    _tLastSuccess = _tCurrent;

    if (_cv_rt == CV_TSTOP_RETURN)
      //Solver has finished calculation - calculate the final values
         writeToFile(0, _tEnd, _h);

      _accStps += _locStps;
      _solverStatus = DONE;
   @param fileName the file to open
   @param continueOnErrors whether to continue or immediately bail upon an error
   @param noFileNotFoundMessage whether or not to log if we find a
   file (we normally want to but for robot param files that'd be too
   annoying since we test for a lot of files)
   @param errorBuffer buffer to put errors into if not NULL. Only the
   first error is saved, and as soon as this function is called it
   immediately empties the errorBuffer
   @param errorBufferLen the length of @a errorBuffer
AREXPORT bool ArFileParser::parseFile(const char *fileName, 
                                      bool continueOnErrors, 
                                      bool noFileNotFoundMessage,
                                      char *errorBuffer,
                                      size_t errorBufferLen)
  myIsInterrupted = false;

  FILE *file = NULL;

  char line[10000];
  bool ret = true;

  if (errorBuffer)
    errorBuffer[0] = '\0';

  std::string realFileName;
  if (fileName[0] == '/' || fileName[0] == '\\')
    realFileName = fileName;
    realFileName = myBaseDir;
    realFileName += fileName;

  ArLog::log(ArLog::Verbose, "Opening file %s from fileName given %s and base directory %s", realFileName.c_str(), fileName, myBaseDir.c_str());
  //char *buf = new char[4096];

  if ((file = ArUtil::fopen(realFileName.c_str(), "r")) == NULL)
    if (errorBuffer != NULL)
      snprintf(errorBuffer, errorBufferLen, "cannot open file %s", fileName);
    if (!noFileNotFoundMessage)
      ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "ArFileParser::parseFile: Could not open file %s to parse file.", realFileName.c_str());
    return false;
   if( setvbuf( file, buf, _IOFBF, sizeof( buf ) ) != 0 )
         printf( "Incorrect type or size of buffer for file\n" );
     //    printf( "'file' now has a buffer of 1024 bytes\n" );


  // read until the end of the file
  while (!isInterrupted() &&
         (fgets(line, sizeof(line), file) != NULL)) 
    if (!parseLine(line, errorBuffer, errorBufferLen))
      ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "## Last error on line %d of file '%s'", 
		             myLineNumber, realFileName.c_str());
      ret = false;
      if (!continueOnErrors)
  return ret;
Exemple #5
LDL_int LDL_numeric	/* returns n if successful, k if D (k,k) is zero */
    LDL_int n,		/* A and L are n-by-n, where n >= 0 */
    LDL_int Ap [ ],	/* input of size n+1, not modified */
    LDL_int Ai [ ],	/* input of size nz=Ap[n], not modified */
    scs_float Ax [ ],	/* input of size nz=Ap[n], not modified */
    LDL_int Lp [ ],	/* input of size n+1, not modified */
    LDL_int Parent [ ],	/* input of size n, not modified */
    LDL_int Lnz [ ],	/* output of size n, not defn. on input */
    LDL_int Li [ ],	/* output of size lnz=Lp[n], not defined on input */
    scs_float Lx [ ],	/* output of size lnz=Lp[n], not defined on input */
    scs_float D [ ],	/* output of size n, not defined on input */
    scs_float Y [ ],	/* workspace of size n, not defn. on input or output */
    LDL_int Pattern [ ],/* workspace of size n, not defn. on input or output */
    LDL_int Flag [ ],	/* workspace of size n, not defn. on input or output */
    LDL_int P [ ],	/* optional input of size n */
    LDL_int Pinv [ ]	/* optional input of size n */
    scs_float yi, l_ki ;
    LDL_int i, k, p, kk, p2, len, top ;
    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
	if(isInterrupted()) {
        scs_printf("interrupt detected in factorization\n");
        return -1;
    /* compute nonzero Pattern of kth row of L, in topological order */
	Y [k] = 0.0 ;		    /* Y(0:k) is now all zero */
	top = n ;		    /* stack for pattern is empty */
	Flag [k] = k ;		    /* mark node k as visited */
	Lnz [k] = 0 ;		    /* count of nonzeros in column k of L */
	kk = (P) ? (P [k]) : (k) ;  /* kth original, or permuted, column */
	p2 = Ap [kk+1] ;
	for (p = Ap [kk] ; p < p2 ; p++)
	    i = (Pinv) ? (Pinv [Ai [p]]) : (Ai [p]) ;	/* get A(i,k) */
	    if (i <= k)
		Y [i] += Ax [p] ;  /* scatter A(i,k) into Y (sum duplicates) */
		for (len = 0 ; Flag [i] != k ; i = Parent [i])
		    Pattern [len++] = i ;   /* L(k,i) is nonzero */
		    Flag [i] = k ;	    /* mark i as visited */
		while (len > 0) Pattern [--top] = Pattern [--len] ;
	/* compute numerical values kth row of L (a sparse triangular solve) */
	D [k] = Y [k] ;		    /* get D(k,k) and clear Y(k) */
	Y [k] = 0.0 ;
	for ( ; top < n ; top++)
	    i = Pattern [top] ;	    /* Pattern [top:n-1] is pattern of L(:,k) */
	    yi = Y [i] ;	    /* get and clear Y(i) */
	    Y [i] = 0.0 ;
	    p2 = Lp [i] + Lnz [i] ;
	    for (p = Lp [i] ; p < p2 ; p++)
		Y [Li [p]] -= Lx [p] * yi ;
	    l_ki = yi / D [i] ;	    /* the nonzero entry L(k,i) */
	    D [k] -= l_ki * yi ;
	    Li [p] = k ;	    /* store L(k,i) in column form of L */
	    Lx [p] = l_ki ;
	    Lnz [i]++ ;		    /* increment count of nonzeros in col i */
	if (D [k] == 0.0) return (k) ;	    /* failure, D(k,k) is zero */
    return (n) ;	/* success, diagonal of D is all nonzero */