CNetRequestImpl::CNetRequestImpl(const char* method, const String& strUrl)
    pszErrFunction = NULL;
    hInet = NULL, hConnection = NULL, hRequest = NULL;
    memset(&uri, 0, sizeof(uri) );
    m_pInstance = this;

    CAtlStringW strUrlW(strUrl.c_str());

        if ( !isLocalHost(strUrl.c_str()) && !SetupInternetConnection(strUrlW) )
            pszErrFunction = L"SetupInternetConnection";

        hInet = InternetOpen(_T("rhodes-wm"), INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL );
        if ( !hInet ) 
            pszErrFunction = L"InternetOpen";

        DWORD dwUrlLength = 1024;
        CAtlStringW strCanonicalUrlW;
        if ( !InternetCanonicalizeUrl( strUrlW, strCanonicalUrlW.GetBuffer(dwUrlLength), &dwUrlLength, 0) )
            pszErrFunction = _T("InternetCanonicalizeUrl");

		alloc_url_components( &uri, strCanonicalUrlW );
        if( !InternetCrackUrl( strCanonicalUrlW, strCanonicalUrlW.GetLength(), 0, &uri ) ) 
			pszErrFunction = L"InternetCrackUrl";

        hConnection = InternetConnect( hInet, uri.lpszHostName, uri.nPort, _T("anonymous"), NULL, 
          INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0 );
        if ( !hConnection ) 
            pszErrFunction = L"InternetConnect";

        strReqUrlW = uri.lpszUrlPath;
        strReqUrlW += uri.lpszExtraInfo;
        hRequest = HttpOpenRequest( hConnection, CAtlStringW(method), strReqUrlW, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
        if ( !hRequest ) 
            pszErrFunction = L"HttpOpenRequest";

Exemple #2
UtlBoolean OsSocket::isSameHost(const char* host1, const char* host2)
        UtlBoolean same;
        UtlBoolean isSubDomain = FALSE;

        //osPrintf("OsSocket::isSameHost host1: %s host2: %s\n", host1, host2);
        if (!isIp4Address(host1) && !isIp4Address(host2))
                if( (strstr(host1, host2) == host1 || // && need to compare w/  local domain name
                        strstr(host2, host1) == host2 ))
                        // && need to compare w/  local domain name
                        isSubDomain = TRUE;

        if(strcmp(host1, host2) == 0 ||
                (isLocalHost(host1) && isLocalHost(host2)) ||
                isSubDomain )
                same = TRUE;
                // Avoid using gethostbyname if possible
                UtlString host1Addr;
                UtlString host2Addr;
                getHostIpByName(host1, &host1Addr);
                getHostIpByName(host2, &host2Addr);
                if(host1Addr.compareTo(host2Addr) == 0)
                        same = TRUE;
                        same = FALSE;
static UrlVector localhost_only(const UrlVector& input)
  UrlVector result;
  for (const auto& url: input)
    if (isLocalHost(
  return result;
Exemple #4
bool XboxServer::PostMessage(const String& message,
                             const String& host /* = "localhost" */) {
  if (isLocalHost(host)) {
    Lock l(s_dispatchMutex);
    if (!s_dispatcher) {
      return false;

    XboxTransport *job = new XboxTransport(message.toCppString());
    job->incRefCount(); // paired with worker's decRefCount()
    return true;

  } else { // remote

    string url = "http://";
    url +=;
    url += "/xbox_post_message";

    std::vector<std::string> headers;
    std::string hostStr(;
    LibEventHttpClientPtr http =
      LibEventHttpClient::Get(hostStr, RuntimeOption::XboxServerPort);
    if (http->send(url, headers, 0, false,, message.size())) {
      int code = http->getCode();
      if (code > 0) {
        int len = 0;
        char *response = http->recv(len);
        String sresponse(response, len, AttachString);
        if (code == 200 &&
           ) {
          return true;

  return false;
long SecureSocketImpl::verifyPeerCertificateImpl(const std::string& hostName)
	Context::VerificationMode mode = _pContext->verificationMode();
	if (mode == Context::VERIFY_NONE || !_pContext->extendedCertificateVerificationEnabled() ||
	    (isLocalHost(hostName) && mode != Context::VERIFY_STRICT))
		return X509_V_OK;

	X509* pCert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(_pSSL);
	if (pCert)
		X509Certificate cert(pCert);
		return cert.verify(hostName) ? X509_V_OK : X509_V_ERR_APPLICATION_VERIFICATION;
	else return X509_V_OK;
Exemple #6
bool XboxServer::SendMessage(const String& message,
                             Array& ret,
                             int timeout_ms,
                             const String& host /* = "localhost" */) {
  if (isLocalHost(host)) {
    XboxTransport *job;
      Lock l(s_dispatchMutex);
      if (!s_dispatcher) {
        return false;

      job = new XboxTransport(message);
      job->incRefCount(); // paired with worker's decRefCount()
      job->incRefCount(); // paired with decRefCount() at below

    if (timeout_ms <= 0) {
      timeout_ms = RuntimeOption::XboxDefaultLocalTimeoutMilliSeconds;

    int code = 0;
    String response = job->getResults(code, timeout_ms);
    job->decRefCount(); // i'm done with this job

    if (code > 0) {
      ret.set(s_code, code);
      if (code == 200) {
        ret.set(s_response, unserialize_from_string(response));
      } else {
        ret.set(s_error, response);
      return true;

  } else { // remote

    string url = "http://";
    url +=;
    url += '/';
    url += RuntimeOption::XboxProcessMessageFunc;

    int timeoutSeconds = timeout_ms / 1000;
    if (timeoutSeconds <= 0) {
      timeoutSeconds = RuntimeOption::XboxDefaultRemoteTimeoutSeconds;

    string hostStr(;
    std::vector<std::string> headers;
    LibEventHttpClientPtr http =
      LibEventHttpClient::Get(hostStr, RuntimeOption::XboxServerPort);
    if (http->send(url, headers, timeoutSeconds, false,
         , message.size())) {
      int code = http->getCode();
      if (code > 0) {
        int len = 0;
        char *response = http->recv(len);
        String sresponse(response, len, AttachString);
        ret.set(s_code, code);
        if (code == 200) {
          ret.set(s_response, unserialize_from_string(sresponse));
        } else {
          ret.set(s_error, sresponse);
        return true;
      // code wasn't correctly set by http client, treat it as not found
      ret.set(s_code, 404);
      ret.set(s_error, "http client failed");

  return false;
   bool AbstractNetworkManager::configAdd(jccl::ConfigElementPtr element)
      if (recognizeClusterMachineConfig(element))
         // -If local machine element
         //   -Add machine specific ConfigElements to the pending list.
         //   -Start Listening thread
         // -Else
         //   -Add Node to AbstractNetworkManager

         if (isLocalHost( element->getProperty<std::string>( "host_name" ) ))
            // XXX: Hack to ensure that we don't start listening for connections until
            //      we have fully configured all other nodes.
            ElementPred pred(getClusterNodeElementType());

            jccl::ConfigManager* cfg_mgr = jccl::ConfigManager::instance();
            unsigned int num_pending_nodes =
               std::count_if(cfg_mgr->getPendingBegin(), cfg_mgr->getPendingEnd(), pred);

            if (num_pending_nodes > 1)
               vprDEBUG( gadgetDBG_NET_MGR, vprDBG_CONFIG_LVL ) << clrSetBOLD(clrRED)
                  << clrOutBOLD( clrMAGENTA,"[AbstractNetworkManager]" )
                  << " Some nodes not configured yet: " << num_pending_nodes
                  << clrRESET << std::endl << vprDEBUG_FLUSH;
               return false;

            // NOTE: Add all machine dependent ConfigElementPtr's here
            vprASSERT( element->getNum("display_system") == 1 
               && "A Cluster System element must have exactly 1 display_system element" );

            std::vector<jccl::ConfigElementPtr> cluster_node_elements =

            for (std::vector<jccl::ConfigElementPtr>::iterator i = cluster_node_elements.begin();
                 i != cluster_node_elements.end();
               jccl::ConfigManager::instance()->addConfigElement(*i, jccl::ConfigManager::PendingElement::ADD);

               vprDEBUG( gadgetDBG_NET_MGR, vprDBG_CONFIG_LVL ) << clrSetBOLD(clrCYAN)
                  << clrOutBOLD( clrMAGENTA,"[AbstractNetworkManager]" )
                  << " Adding Machine specific ConfigElement: "
                  << (*i)->getName() << clrRESET << std::endl << vprDEBUG_FLUSH;

            const int listen_port = element->getProperty<int>( "listen_port" );
            startListening( listen_port, false );
            vprDEBUG( gadgetDBG_NET_MGR, vprDBG_CONFIG_LVL )
               << clrOutBOLD( clrMAGENTA, "[AbstractNetworkManager]" )
               << " Adding Node: " << element->getName()
               << " to the Cluster Network\n" << vprDEBUG_FLUSH;

            std::string    name        = element->getName();
            std::string    host_name   = element->getProperty<std::string>( "host_name" );
            vpr::Uint16    listen_port = element->getProperty<int>( "listen_port" );

            addNode(name, host_name, listen_port);
         return true;
      return false;
Future<MessageSocketPtr> TransportSocketCache::socket(const ServiceInfo& servInfo, const std::string& url)
  const std::string& machineId = servInfo.machineId();
  ConnectionAttemptPtr couple = boost::make_shared<ConnectionAttempt>();
  couple->relatedUrls = servInfo.endpoints();
  bool local = machineId == os::getMachineId();
  UrlVector connectionCandidates;

  // If the connection is local, we're mainly interested in localhost endpoint
  if (local)
    connectionCandidates = localhost_only(servInfo.endpoints());

  // If the connection isn't local or if the service doesn't expose local endpoints,
  // try and connect to whatever is available.
  if (connectionCandidates.size() == 0)
    connectionCandidates = servInfo.endpoints();

  couple->endpoint = MessageSocketPtr();
  couple->state = State_Pending;
    // If we already have a pending connection to one of the urls, we return the future in question
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(_socketMutex);

    if (_dying)
      return makeFutureError<MessageSocketPtr>("TransportSocketCache is closed.");

    ConnectionMap::iterator machineIt = _connections.find(machineId);
    if (machineIt != _connections.end())
      // Check if any connection to the machine matches one of our urls
      UrlVector& vurls = couple->relatedUrls;
      for (std::map<Url, ConnectionAttemptPtr>::iterator b = machineIt->second.begin(), e = machineIt->second.end();
           b != e;
        UrlVector::iterator uIt = std::find(vurls.begin(), vurls.end(), b->first);
        // We found a matching machineId and URL : return the connected endpoint.
        if (uIt != vurls.end())
          qiLogDebug() << "Found pending promise.";
          return b->second->promise.future();
    // Otherwise, we keep track of all those URLs and assign them the same promise in our map.
    // They will all track the same connection.
    couple->attemptCount = connectionCandidates.size();
    std::map<Url, ConnectionAttemptPtr>& urlMap = _connections[machineId];
    for (const auto& url: connectionCandidates)
      if (!url.isValid())
        continue; // Do not try to connect to an invalid url!

      if (!local && isLocalHost(
        continue; // Do not try to connect on localhost when it is a remote!

      urlMap[url] = couple;
      MessageSocketPtr socket = makeMessageSocket(url.protocol());
      Future<void> sockFuture = socket->connect(url);
      qiLogDebug() << "Inserted [" << machineId << "][" << url.str() << "]";
      sockFuture.connect(&TransportSocketCache::onSocketParallelConnectionAttempt, this, _1, socket, url, servInfo);
  return couple->promise.future();
Exemple #9
getNumThreads (rsComm_t *rsComm, rodsLong_t dataSize, int inpNumThr,
               keyValPair_t *condInput, char *destRescName, char *srcRescName)
    ruleExecInfo_t rei;
    dataObjInp_t doinp;
    int status;
    int numDestThr = -1;
    int numSrcThr = -1;
    rescGrpInfo_t *rescGrpInfo;

    if (inpNumThr == NO_THREADING)
        return 0;

    if (dataSize < 0)
        return 0;

    if (dataSize <= MIN_SZ_FOR_PARA_TRAN) {
        if (inpNumThr > 0) {
            inpNumThr = 1;
        } else {
            return 0;

    if (getValByKey (condInput, NO_PARA_OP_KW) != NULL) {
        /* client specify no para opr */
        return (1);

#ifndef PARA_OPR
    return (1);

    memset (&doinp, 0, sizeof (doinp));
    doinp.numThreads = inpNumThr;

    doinp.dataSize = dataSize;

    initReiWithDataObjInp (&rei, rsComm, &doinp);

    if (destRescName != NULL) {
        rescGrpInfo = NULL;
        status = resolveAndQueResc (destRescName, NULL, &rescGrpInfo);
        if (status >= 0) {
            rei.rgi = rescGrpInfo;
            status = applyRule ("acSetNumThreads", NULL, &rei, NO_SAVE_REI);
            freeRescGrpInfo (rescGrpInfo);
            if (status < 0) {
                rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
                         "getNumThreads: acGetNumThreads error, status = %d",
            } else {
                numDestThr = rei.status;
                if (numDestThr == 0) {
                    return 0;
                } else if (numDestThr == 1 && srcRescName == NULL &&
                           isLocalHost (rescGrpInfo->rescInfo->rescLoc)) {
                    /* one thread and resouce on local host */
                    return 0;

    if (srcRescName != NULL) {
        if (numDestThr > 0 && strcmp (destRescName, srcRescName) == 0)
            return numDestThr;
        rescGrpInfo = NULL;
        status = resolveAndQueResc (srcRescName, NULL, &rescGrpInfo);
        if (status >= 0) {
            rei.rgi = rescGrpInfo;
            status = applyRule ("acSetNumThreads", NULL, &rei, NO_SAVE_REI);
            freeRescGrpInfo (rescGrpInfo);
            if (status < 0) {
                rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
                         "getNumThreads: acGetNumThreads error, status = %d",
            } else {
                numSrcThr = rei.status;
                if (numSrcThr == 0) return 0;

    /* At this point, number of threads for both source and destination
       have been set based on acSetNumThreads policy point, and neither
       of them are set to 0 (to turn off threading). If both numDestThr
       and numSrcThr are set, choose the smallest one. The reasoning is
       that acSetNumThreads is used by a site to limit the default
       maximum parallel threads, so we should honor the most restrictive
       setting. */
    if (numDestThr > 0 && numSrcThr > 0) {
        if (getValByKey (condInput, RBUDP_TRANSFER_KW) != NULL) {
            return 1;
        } else if (numDestThr < numSrcThr) {
            return numDestThr;
        } else {
            return numSrcThr;
    if (numDestThr > 0) {
        if (getValByKey (condInput, RBUDP_TRANSFER_KW) != NULL) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return numDestThr;
    if (numSrcThr > 0) {
        if (getValByKey (condInput, RBUDP_TRANSFER_KW) != NULL) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return numSrcThr;
    /* should not be here. do one with no resource */
    rei.rgi = NULL;
    status = applyRule ("acSetNumThreads", NULL, &rei, NO_SAVE_REI);
    if (status < 0) {
        rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
                 "getNumThreads: acGetNumThreads error, status = %d",
        return 0;
    } else {
        if (rei.status > 0)
            return rei.status;
            return 0;
Exemple #10
getNumThreads( rsComm_t *rsComm, rodsLong_t dataSize, int inpNumThr,
               keyValPair_t *condInput, char *destRescHier, char *srcRescHier, int oprType ) {
    ruleExecInfo_t rei;
    dataObjInp_t doinp;
    int status;
    int numDestThr = -1;
    int numSrcThr = -1;

    if ( inpNumThr == NO_THREADING ) {
        return 0;

    if ( dataSize < 0 ) {
        return 0;

    if ( dataSize <= MIN_SZ_FOR_PARA_TRAN ) {
        if ( inpNumThr > 0 ) {
            inpNumThr = 1;
        else {
            return 0;

    if ( getValByKey( condInput, NO_PARA_OP_KW ) != NULL ) {
        /* client specify no para opr */
        return 1;

    memset( &doinp, 0, sizeof( doinp ) );
    doinp.numThreads = inpNumThr;

    doinp.dataSize = dataSize;
    doinp.oprType = oprType;

    initReiWithDataObjInp( &rei, rsComm, &doinp );

    if (destRescHier && strlen(destRescHier)) {

        // get resource (hierarchy) location
        std::string location;
        irods::error ret = irods::get_loc_for_hier_string( destRescHier, location );
        if ( !ret.ok() ) {
            irods::log( PASSMSG( "getNumThreads - failed in get_loc_for_hier_string", ret ) );
            return -1;

        irods::hierarchy_parser parser;
        parser.set_string( destRescHier );

        std::string last_resc;
        parser.last_resc( last_resc );

        irods::error err = irods::is_resc_live( last_resc.c_str() );
        if ( err.ok() ) {
            status = applyRule( "acSetNumThreads", NULL, &rei, NO_SAVE_REI );

            if ( status < 0 ) {
                rodsLog( LOG_ERROR,
                         "getNumThreads: acGetNumThreads error, status = %d",
                         status );
            else {
                numDestThr = rei.status;
                if ( numDestThr == 0 ) {
                    return 0;
                else if ( numDestThr == 1 && srcRescHier == NULL &&
                          isLocalHost( location.c_str() ) ) {
                    /* one thread and resource on local host */
                    return 0;

    if (destRescHier && strlen(destRescHier) && srcRescHier && strlen(srcRescHier)) {
        if ( numDestThr > 0 && strcmp( destRescHier, srcRescHier ) == 0 ) {
            return numDestThr;

        // get resource (hierarchy) location
        std::string location;
        irods::error ret = irods::get_loc_for_hier_string( destRescHier, location );
        if ( !ret.ok() ) {
            irods::log( PASSMSG( "getNumThreads - failed in get_loc_for_hier_string", ret ) );
            return -1;

        irods::hierarchy_parser parser;
        parser.set_string( srcRescHier );

        std::string last_resc;
        parser.last_resc( last_resc );

        irods::error err = irods::is_resc_live( last_resc.c_str() );

        if ( err.ok() ) {
            status = applyRule( "acSetNumThreads", NULL, &rei, NO_SAVE_REI );
            if ( status < 0 ) {
                rodsLog( LOG_ERROR,
                         "getNumThreads: acGetNumThreads error, status = %d",
                         status );
            else {
                numSrcThr = rei.status;
                if ( numSrcThr == 0 ) {
                    return 0;

    if ( numDestThr > 0 ) {
        if ( getValByKey( condInput, RBUDP_TRANSFER_KW ) != NULL ) {
            return 1;
        else {
            return numDestThr;
    if ( numSrcThr > 0 ) {
        if ( getValByKey( condInput, RBUDP_TRANSFER_KW ) != NULL ) {
            return 1;
        else {
            return numSrcThr;
    /* should not be here. do one with no resource */
    status = applyRule( "acSetNumThreads", NULL, &rei, NO_SAVE_REI );
    if ( status < 0 ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_ERROR,
                 "getNumThreads: acGetNumThreads error, status = %d",
                 status );
        return 0;
    else {
        if ( rei.status > 0 ) {
            return rei.status;
        else {
            return 0;
Exemple #11
getNumThreads (rsComm_t *rsComm, rodsLong_t dataSize, int inpNumThr,
               keyValPair_t *condInput, char *destRescName, char *srcRescName)
    ruleExecInfo_t rei;
    dataObjInp_t doinp;
    int status;
    int numDestThr = -1;
    int numSrcThr = -1;
    rescGrpInfo_t *rescGrpInfo;

    if (inpNumThr == NO_THREADING)
        return 0;

    if (dataSize < 0)
        return 0;

    if (dataSize <= MIN_SZ_FOR_PARA_TRAN) {
        if (inpNumThr > 0) {
            inpNumThr = 1;
        } else {
            return 0;

    if (getValByKey (condInput, NO_PARA_OP_KW) != NULL) {
        /* client specify no para opr */
        return (1);

#ifndef PARA_OPR
    return (1);

    memset (&doinp, 0, sizeof (doinp));
    doinp.numThreads = inpNumThr;

    doinp.dataSize = dataSize;

    initReiWithDataObjInp (&rei, rsComm, &doinp);

    if (destRescName != NULL) {
        rescGrpInfo = NULL;
        status = resolveAndQueResc (destRescName, NULL, &rescGrpInfo);
        if (status >= 0) {
            rei.rgi = rescGrpInfo;
            status = applyRule ("acSetNumThreads", NULL, &rei, NO_SAVE_REI);
            freeRescGrpInfo (rescGrpInfo);
            if (status < 0) {
                rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
                         "getNumThreads: acGetNumThreads error, status = %d",
            } else {
                numDestThr = rei.status;
                if (numDestThr == 0) {
                    return 0;
                } else if (numDestThr == 1 && srcRescName == NULL &&
                           isLocalHost (rescGrpInfo->rescInfo->rescLoc)) {
                    /* one thread and resouce on local host */
                    return 0;

    if (srcRescName != NULL) {
        if (numDestThr > 0 && strcmp (destRescName, srcRescName) == 0)
            return numDestThr;
        rescGrpInfo = NULL;
        status = resolveAndQueResc (srcRescName, NULL, &rescGrpInfo);
        if (status >= 0) {
            rei.rgi = rescGrpInfo;
            status = applyRule ("acSetNumThreads", NULL, &rei, NO_SAVE_REI);
            freeRescGrpInfo (rescGrpInfo);
            if (status < 0) {
                rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
                         "getNumThreads: acGetNumThreads error, status = %d",
            } else {
                numSrcThr = rei.status;
                if (numSrcThr == 0) return 0;

    if (numDestThr > 0) {
        if (getValByKey (condInput, RBUDP_TRANSFER_KW) != NULL) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return numDestThr;
    if (numSrcThr > 0) {
        if (getValByKey (condInput, RBUDP_TRANSFER_KW) != NULL) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return numSrcThr;
    /* should not be here. do one with no resource */
    rei.rgi = NULL;
    status = applyRule ("acSetNumThreads", NULL, &rei, NO_SAVE_REI);
    if (status < 0) {
        rodsLog (LOG_ERROR,
                 "getNumThreads: acGetNumThreads error, status = %d",
        return 0;
    } else {
        if (rei.status > 0)
            return rei.status;
            return 0;