Exemple #1
bool AstarSearch::setGoalNode()
  // Get index of goal pose
  int index_x;
  int index_y;
  int index_theta;
  poseToIndex(goal_pose_local_.pose, &index_x, &index_y, &index_theta);

  SimpleNode goal_sn(index_x, index_y, index_theta, 0, 0);

  // Check if goal is valid
  if (isOutOfRange(index_x, index_y) || detectCollision(goal_sn))
    return false;

  // Calculate wavefront heuristic cost
  if (use_wavefront_heuristic_) {
    bool wavefront_result = calcWaveFrontHeuristic(goal_sn);
    if (!wavefront_result) {
      ROS_WARN("Goal is not reachable...");
      return false;

  return true;
Exemple #2
bool AstarSearch::setStartNode()
  // Get index of start pose
  int index_x;
  int index_y;
  int index_theta;
  poseToIndex(start_pose_local_.pose, &index_x, &index_y, &index_theta);
  SimpleNode start_sn(index_x, index_y, index_theta, 0, 0);

  // Check if start is valid
  if (isOutOfRange(index_x, index_y) || detectCollision(start_sn))
    return false;

  // Set start node
  AstarNode &start_node = nodes_[index_y][index_x][index_theta];
  start_node.x      = start_pose_local_.pose.position.x;
  start_node.y      = start_pose_local_.pose.position.y;
  start_node.theta  = 2.0 * M_PI / angle_size_ * index_theta;
  start_node.gc     = 0;
  start_node.back   = false;
  start_node.status = STATUS::OPEN;
  if (!use_wavefront_heuristic_)
    start_node.hc = astar::calcDistance(start_pose_local_.pose.position.x, start_pose_local_.pose.position.y, goal_pose_local_.pose.position.x, goal_pose_local_.pose.position.y);

  // Push start node to openlist
  start_sn.cost = start_node.gc + start_node.hc;
  return true;
Exemple #3
bool AstarSearch::detectCollision(const SimpleNode &sn)
  // Define the robot as rectangle
  static double left   = -1.0 * base2back_;
  static double right  = robot_length_ - base2back_;
  static double top    = robot_width_ / 2.0;
  static double bottom = -1.0 * robot_width_ / 2.0;
  static double resolution = map_info_.resolution;

  // Coordinate of base_link in OccupancyGrid frame
  static double one_angle_range = 2.0 * M_PI / angle_size_;
  double base_x     = sn.index_x * resolution;
  double base_y     = sn.index_y * resolution;
  double base_theta = sn.index_theta * one_angle_range;

  // Calculate cos and sin in advance
  double cos_theta = std::cos(base_theta);
  double sin_theta = std::sin(base_theta);

  // Convert each point to index and check if the node is Obstacle
  for (double x = left; x < right; x += resolution) {
    for (double y = top; y > bottom; y -= resolution) {
      // 2D point rotation
      int index_x = (x * cos_theta - y * sin_theta + base_x) / resolution;
      int index_y = (x * sin_theta + y * cos_theta + base_y) / resolution;

      if (isOutOfRange(index_x, index_y))
        return true;
      if (nodes_[index_y][index_x][0].status == STATUS::OBS)
        return true;

  return false;
Exemple #4
void BallDialog::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *) {

    p->begin( this );
    p->setBrush( Qt::SolidPattern );
    p->setPen( Qt::green );
     x =  x = width()/2;
     y = height()/2;
    p->drawEllipse( QPoint( x,y ), xradius, yradius);

Exemple #5
// Simple collidion detection for wavefront search
bool AstarSearch::detectCollisionWaveFront(const WaveFrontNode &ref)
  // Define the robot as square
  static double half = robot_width_ / 2;
  double robot_x = ref.index_x * map_info_.resolution;
  double robot_y = ref.index_y * map_info_.resolution;

  for (double y = half; y > -1.0 * half; y -= map_info_.resolution) {
    for (double x = -1.0 * half; x < half; x += map_info_.resolution) {
      int index_x = (robot_x + x) / map_info_.resolution;
      int index_y = (robot_y + y) / map_info_.resolution;

      if (isOutOfRange(index_x, index_y))
        return true;

      if (nodes_[index_y][index_x][0].status == STATUS::OBS)
        return true;

  return false;
Exemple #6
bool AstarSearch::search()
  // -- Start Astar search ----------
  // If the openlist is empty, search failed
  while (!openlist_.empty()) {

    // Terminate the search if the count reaches a certain value
    static int search_count = 0;
    if (search_count > 300000) {
      ROS_WARN("Exceed time limit");
      search_count = 0;
      return false;

    // Pop minimum cost node from openlist
    SimpleNode sn;
    sn = openlist_.top();
    nodes_[sn.index_y][sn.index_x][sn.index_theta].status = STATUS::CLOSED;

    // Expand nodes from this node
    AstarNode *current_node = &nodes_[sn.index_y][sn.index_x][sn.index_theta];

    // for each update
    for (const auto &state : state_update_table_[sn.index_theta]) {
      // Next state
      double next_x     = current_node->x + state.shift_x;
      double next_y     = current_node->y + state.shift_y;
      double next_theta = astar::modifyTheta(current_node->theta + state.rotation);
      double move_cost  = state.step;

      // Display search process
      geometry_msgs::Pose p;
      p.position.x = next_x;
      p.position.y = next_y;
      tf::quaternionTFToMsg(tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(next_theta), p.orientation);
      p = astar::transformPose(p, map2ogm_);

      // Increase curve cost
      if (state.curve)
        move_cost *= curve_weight_;

      // Increase reverse cost
      if (current_node->back != state.back)
        move_cost *= reverse_weight_;

      // Calculate index of the next state
      SimpleNode next;
      next.index_x     = next_x / map_info_.resolution;
      next.index_y     = next_y / map_info_.resolution;
      next.index_theta = sn.index_theta + state.index_theta;
      // Avoid invalid index
      next.index_theta = (next.index_theta + angle_size_) % angle_size_;

      // Check if the index is valid
      if (isOutOfRange(next.index_x, next.index_y) || detectCollision(next))

      AstarNode *next_node = &nodes_[next.index_y][next.index_x][next.index_theta];
      double next_hc       =  nodes_[next.index_y][next.index_x][0].hc;

      // Calculate euclid distance heuristic cost
      if (!use_wavefront_heuristic_)
        next_hc = astar::calcDistance(next_x, next_y, goal_pose_local_.pose.position.x, goal_pose_local_.pose.position.y);

      // GOAL CHECK
      if (isGoal(next_x, next_y, next_theta)) {
        search_count = 0;
        next_node->status = STATUS::OPEN;
        next_node->x      = next_x;
        next_node->y      = next_y;
        next_node->theta  = next_theta;
        next_node->gc     = current_node->gc + move_cost;
        next_node->hc     = next_hc;
        next_node->back   = state.back;
        next_node->parent = current_node;

        return true;

      // NONE
      if (next_node->status == STATUS::NONE) {
        next_node->status = STATUS::OPEN;
        next_node->x      = next_x;
        next_node->y      = next_y;
        next_node->theta  = next_theta;
        next_node->gc     = current_node->gc + move_cost;
        next_node->hc     = next_hc;
        next_node->back   = state.back;
        next_node->parent = current_node;

        next.cost = next_node->gc + next_node->hc;

      // OPEN or CLOSED
      if (next_node->status == STATUS::OPEN || next_node->status == STATUS::CLOSED) {
        if (current_node->gc + move_cost + next_hc < next_node->gc + next_hc) {
          next_node->status = STATUS::OPEN;
          next_node->x      = next_x;
          next_node->y      = next_y;
          next_node->theta  = next_theta;
          next_node->gc     = current_node->gc + move_cost;
          next_node->hc     = next_hc;
          next_node->back   = state.back;
          next_node->parent = current_node;

          next.cost = next_node->gc + next_node->hc;

      if (search_count == 0)

    } // state update


  // Failed to find path
  ROS_WARN("Openlist is Empty!");
  return false;
Exemple #7
bool AstarSearch::calcWaveFrontHeuristic(const SimpleNode &sn)
  // Set start point for wavefront search
  // This is goal for Astar search
  nodes_[sn.index_y][sn.index_x][0].hc = 0;
  WaveFrontNode wf_node(sn.index_x, sn.index_y, 1e-10);
  std::queue<WaveFrontNode> qu;

  // State update table for wavefront search
  // Nodes are expanded for each neighborhood cells (moore neighborhood)
  double resolution = map_info_.resolution;
  static std::vector<WaveFrontNode> updates = {
    astar::getWaveFrontNode( 0,  1, resolution),
    astar::getWaveFrontNode(-1,  0, resolution),
    astar::getWaveFrontNode( 1,  0, resolution),
    astar::getWaveFrontNode( 0, -1, resolution),
    astar::getWaveFrontNode(-1,  1, std::hypot(resolution, resolution)),
    astar::getWaveFrontNode( 1,  1, std::hypot(resolution, resolution)),
    astar::getWaveFrontNode(-1, -1, std::hypot(resolution, resolution)),
    astar::getWaveFrontNode( 1, -1, std::hypot(resolution, resolution)),

  // Get start index
  int start_index_x;
  int start_index_y;
  int start_index_theta;
  poseToIndex(start_pose_local_.pose, &start_index_x, &start_index_y, &start_index_theta);

  // Whether the robot can reach goal
  bool reachable = false;

  // Start wavefront search
  while (!qu.empty()) {
    WaveFrontNode ref = qu.front();

    WaveFrontNode next;
    for (const auto &u : updates) {
      next.index_x = ref.index_x + u.index_x;
      next.index_y = ref.index_y + u.index_y;

      // out of range OR already visited OR obstacle node
      if (isOutOfRange(next.index_x, next.index_y) ||
          nodes_[next.index_y][next.index_x][0].hc > 0 ||
          nodes_[next.index_y][next.index_x][0].status == STATUS::OBS)

      // Take the size of robot into account
      if (detectCollisionWaveFront(next))

      // Check if we can reach from start to goal
      if (next.index_x == start_index_x && next.index_y == start_index_y)
        reachable = true;

      // Set wavefront heuristic cost
      next.hc = ref.hc + u.hc;
      nodes_[next.index_y][next.index_x][0].hc = next.hc;


  // End of search
  return reachable;