void MidiMessageSequence::deleteEvent (const int index,
                                       const bool deleteMatchingNoteUp)
    if (isPositiveAndBelow (index, list.size()))
        if (deleteMatchingNoteUp)
            deleteEvent (getIndexOfMatchingKeyUp (index), false);

        list.remove (index);
float AudioSampleBuffer::getMagnitude (const int channel,
                                       const int startSample,
                                       const int numSamples) const noexcept
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (channel, numChannels));
    jassert (startSample >= 0 && startSample + numSamples <= size);

    float mn, mx;
    findMinMax (channel, startSample, numSamples, mn, mx);

    return jmax (mn, -mn, mx, -mx);
    void setParameter (int index, float newValue)
        if (plugin != nullptr && isPositiveAndBelow (index, parameters.size()))
            const ScopedLock sl (lock);

            ParameterValue& p = parameterValues[index];

            if (p.unscaled != newValue)
                p = ParameterValue (getNewParamScaled (plugin->PortRangeHints [parameters[index]], newValue), newValue);
Exemple #4
const Colour Image::BitmapData::getPixelColour (const int x, const int y) const noexcept
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (x, width) && isPositiveAndBelow (y, height));

    const uint8* const pixel = getPixelPointer (x, y);

    switch (pixelFormat)
    case Image::ARGB:
        return Colour (((const PixelARGB*)  pixel)->getUnpremultipliedARGB());
    case Image::RGB:
        return Colour (((const PixelRGB*)   pixel)->getUnpremultipliedARGB());
    case Image::SingleChannel:
        return Colour (((const PixelAlpha*) pixel)->getUnpremultipliedARGB());

    return Colour();
Range<float> AudioSampleBuffer::findMinMax (const int channel,
                                            const int startSample,
                                            int numSamples) const noexcept
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (channel, numChannels));
    jassert (startSample >= 0 && startSample + numSamples <= size);

    if (isClear)
        return Range<float>();

    return FloatVectorOperations::findMinAndMax (channels [channel] + startSample, numSamples);
    void moveChild (int currentIndex, int newIndex, UndoManager* undoManager)
        // The source index must be a valid index!
        jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (currentIndex, children.size()));

        if (currentIndex != newIndex
             && isPositiveAndBelow (currentIndex, children.size()))
            if (undoManager == nullptr)
                children.move (currentIndex, newIndex);
                sendChildOrderChangedMessage (currentIndex, newIndex);
                if (! isPositiveAndBelow (newIndex, children.size()))
                    newIndex = children.size() - 1;

                undoManager->perform (new MoveChildAction (*this, currentIndex, newIndex));
Exemple #7
SequenceCursor::updateTrack (const SequencerTrack* track)
    const int32 index = track->index();
    if (isPositiveAndBelow (index, trackCount.get()))
        ClipSource* clip = seekClip (track, nullptr, mFrame);
        if (clip && clip->isInRangeOf (mFrame))
            clip->seekLocalFrame (mFrame - clip->frameStart());

        rtClips [index] = clip;
Exemple #8
void ValueTree::SharedObject::moveChild (int currentIndex, int newIndex, UndoManager* undoManager)
    // The source index must be a valid index!
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (currentIndex, children.size()));

    if (currentIndex != newIndex
         && isPositiveAndBelow (currentIndex, children.size()))
        if (undoManager == 0)
            children.move (currentIndex, newIndex);
            if (! isPositiveAndBelow (newIndex, children.size()))
                newIndex = children.size() - 1;

            undoManager->perform (new MoveChildAction (this, currentIndex, newIndex));
void AudioProcessor::sendParamChangeMessageToListeners (const int parameterIndex, const float newValue)
    if (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()))
        for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
            if (AudioProcessorListener* l = getListenerLocked (i))
                l->audioProcessorParameterChanged (this, parameterIndex, newValue);
        jassertfalse; // called with an out-of-range parameter index!
bool TabBarButton::hitTest (int mx, int my)
    const Rectangle<int> area (getActiveArea());

    if (owner.isVertical())
        if (isPositiveAndBelow (mx, getWidth())
             && my >= area.getY() + overlapPixels && my < area.getBottom() - overlapPixels)
            return true;
        if (isPositiveAndBelow (my, getHeight())
             && mx >= area.getX() + overlapPixels && mx < area.getRight() - overlapPixels)
            return true;

    Path p;
    getLookAndFeel().createTabButtonShape (*this, p, false, false);

    return p.contains ((float) (mx - area.getX()),
                       (float) (my - area.getY()));
float AudioSampleBuffer::getMagnitude (const int channel,
                                       const int startSample,
                                       const int numSamples) const noexcept
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (channel, numChannels));
    jassert (startSample >= 0 && startSample + numSamples <= size);

    if (isClear)
        return 0.0f;

    const Range<float> r (findMinMax (channel, startSample, numSamples));

    return jmax (r.getStart(), -r.getStart(), r.getEnd(), -r.getEnd());
Exemple #12
void Image::BitmapData::setPixelColour (const int x, const int y, const Colour& colour) const noexcept
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (x, width) && isPositiveAndBelow (y, height));

    uint8* const pixel = getPixelPointer (x, y);
    const PixelARGB col (colour.getPixelARGB());

    switch (pixelFormat)
    case Image::ARGB:
        ((PixelARGB*) pixel)->set (col);
    case Image::RGB:
        ((PixelRGB*)  pixel)->set (col);
    case Image::SingleChannel:
        *pixel = col.getAlpha();
Exemple #13
    void paintListBoxItem (int rowNumber, Graphics& g, int width, int height, bool rowIsSelected) override
        Rectangle<int> bounds (0, 0, width, height);

        auto textColour = findColour (Label::textColourId);

        g.setColour (textColour.withAlpha (0.4f));

        if (rowNumber == 0)
            g.fillRect (bounds.removeFromTop (2).reduced (7, 0));

        g.fillRect (bounds.removeFromBottom (2).reduced (7, 0));

        if (rowIsSelected)
            g.setColour (findColour (TextEditor::highlightColourId).withAlpha (0.4f));
            g.fillRect (bounds);
            textColour = findColour (TextEditor::highlightedTextColourId);

        g.setColour (textColour);

        if (selectedCategory.isEmpty())
            if (isPositiveAndBelow (rowNumber, JUCEDemos::getCategories().size()))
                g.drawFittedText (JUCEDemos::getCategories()[rowNumber].name,
                                  bounds, Justification::centred, 1);
            auto& category = JUCEDemos::getCategory (selectedCategory);

            if (isPositiveAndBelow (rowNumber, category.demos.size()))
                g.drawFittedText (category.demos[rowNumber].demoFile.getFileName(),
                                  bounds, Justification::centred, 1);
void AudioSampleBuffer::addFrom (const int destChannel,
                                 const int destStartSample,
                                 const AudioSampleBuffer& source,
                                 const int sourceChannel,
                                 const int sourceStartSample,
                                 int numSamples,
                                 const float gain) noexcept
    jassert (&source != this || sourceChannel != destChannel);
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (destChannel, numChannels));
    jassert (destStartSample >= 0 && destStartSample + numSamples <= size);
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (sourceChannel, source.numChannels));
    jassert (sourceStartSample >= 0 && sourceStartSample + numSamples <= source.size);

    if (gain != 0.0f && numSamples > 0 && ! source.isClear)
        float* const d = channels [destChannel] + destStartSample;
        const float* const s  = source.channels [sourceChannel] + sourceStartSample;

        if (isClear)
            isClear = false;

            if (gain != 1.0f)
                FloatVectorOperations::copyWithMultiply (d, s, gain, numSamples);
                FloatVectorOperations::copy (d, s, numSamples);
            if (gain != 1.0f)
                FloatVectorOperations::addWithMultiply (d, s, gain, numSamples);
                FloatVectorOperations::add (d, s, numSamples);
Exemple #15
void AudioProcessor::beginParameterChangeGesture (int parameterIndex)
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()));

    // This means you've called beginParameterChangeGesture twice in succession without a matching
    // call to endParameterChangeGesture. That might be fine in most hosts, but better to avoid doing it.
    jassert (! changingParams [parameterIndex]);
    changingParams.setBit (parameterIndex);

    for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
        if (AudioProcessorListener* l = getListenerLocked (i))
            l->audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureBegin (this, parameterIndex);
void AudioSampleBuffer::copyFrom (const int destChannel,
                                  const int destStartSample,
                                  const float* source,
                                  int numSamples) noexcept
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (destChannel, numChannels));
    jassert (destStartSample >= 0 && destStartSample + numSamples <= size);
    jassert (source != nullptr);

    if (numSamples > 0)
        isClear = false;
        FloatVectorOperations::copy (channels [destChannel] + destStartSample, source, numSamples);
Exemple #17
    static SharedCursorHandle* createStandard (const MouseCursor::StandardCursorType type)
        jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (type, MouseCursor::NumStandardCursorTypes));

        const SpinLock::ScopedLockType sl (lock);

        SharedCursorHandle*& c = getSharedCursor (type);

        if (c == nullptr)
            c = new SharedCursorHandle (type);

        return c;
void AudioSampleBuffer::copyFrom (const int destChannel,
                                  const int destStartSample,
                                  const float* source,
                                  int numSamples) noexcept
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (destChannel, numChannels));
    jassert (destStartSample >= 0 && destStartSample + numSamples <= size);
    jassert (source != nullptr);

    if (numSamples > 0)
        memcpy (channels [destChannel] + destStartSample,
                sizeof (float) * (size_t) numSamples);
void handleGUIEditorMenuCommand (int menuItemID)
    if (JucerDocumentEditor* ed = JucerDocumentEditor::getActiveDocumentHolder())
        int gridIndex = menuItemID - gridSnapMenuItemBase;

        if (isPositiveAndBelow (gridIndex, numElementsInArray (snapSizes)))
            JucerDocument& doc = *ed->getDocument();

            doc.setSnappingGrid (snapSizes [gridIndex],
                                 doc.isSnapActive (false),
Exemple #20
void AudioProcessor::endParameterChangeGesture (int parameterIndex)
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()));

    // This means you've called endParameterChangeGesture without having previously called
    // endParameterChangeGesture. That might be fine in most hosts, but better to keep the
    // calls matched correctly.
    jassert (changingParams [parameterIndex]);
    changingParams.clearBit (parameterIndex);

    for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
        if (AudioProcessorListener* l = getListenerLocked (i))
            l->audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureEnd (this, parameterIndex);
Exemple #21
void TreeViewItem::removeSubItem (const int index, const bool deleteItem)
    if (ownerView != 0)
        const ScopedLock sl (ownerView->nodeAlterationLock);

        if (isPositiveAndBelow (index, subItems.size()))
            subItems.remove (index, deleteItem);
        subItems.remove (index, deleteItem);
Exemple #22
void AudioProcessor::sendParamChangeMessageToListeners (const int parameterIndex, const float newValue)
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()));

    for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
        AudioProcessorListener* l;

            const ScopedLock sl (listenerLock);
            l = listeners [i];

        if (l != nullptr)
            l->audioProcessorParameterChanged (this, parameterIndex, newValue);
Oversampling<SampleType>::Oversampling (size_t newNumChannels, size_t newFactor,
                                        FilterType newType, bool isMaximumQuality)
    : numChannels (newNumChannels)
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (newFactor, 5) && numChannels > 0);

    if (newFactor == 0)
    else if (newType == FilterType::filterHalfBandPolyphaseIIR)
        for (size_t n = 0; n < newFactor; ++n)
            auto twUp   = (isMaximumQuality ? 0.10f : 0.12f) * (n == 0 ? 0.5f : 1.0f);
            auto twDown = (isMaximumQuality ? 0.12f : 0.15f) * (n == 0 ? 0.5f : 1.0f);

            auto gaindBStartUp    = (isMaximumQuality ? -90.0f : -70.0f);
            auto gaindBStartDown  = (isMaximumQuality ? -75.0f : -60.0f);
            auto gaindBFactorUp   = (isMaximumQuality ? 10.0f  : 8.0f);
            auto gaindBFactorDown = (isMaximumQuality ? 10.0f  : 8.0f);

            addOversamplingStage (FilterType::filterHalfBandPolyphaseIIR,
                                  twUp, gaindBStartUp + gaindBFactorUp * n,
                                  twDown, gaindBStartDown + gaindBFactorDown * n);
    else if (newType == FilterType::filterHalfBandFIREquiripple)
        for (size_t n = 0; n < newFactor; ++n)
            auto twUp   = (isMaximumQuality ? 0.10f : 0.12f) * (n == 0 ? 0.5f : 1.0f);
            auto twDown = (isMaximumQuality ? 0.12f : 0.15f) * (n == 0 ? 0.5f : 1.0f);

            auto gaindBStartUp    = (isMaximumQuality ? -90.0f : -70.0f);
            auto gaindBStartDown  = (isMaximumQuality ? -75.0f : -60.0f);
            auto gaindBFactorUp   = (isMaximumQuality ? 10.0f  : 8.0f);
            auto gaindBFactorDown = (isMaximumQuality ? 10.0f  : 8.0f);

            addOversamplingStage (FilterType::filterHalfBandFIREquiripple,
                                  twUp, gaindBStartUp + gaindBFactorUp * n,
                                  twDown, gaindBStartDown + gaindBFactorDown * n);
void AudioSampleBuffer::applyGain (const int channel,
                                   const int startSample,
                                   int numSamples,
                                   const float gain) noexcept
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (channel, numChannels));
    jassert (startSample >= 0 && startSample + numSamples <= size);

    if (gain != 1.0f && ! isClear)
        float* const d = channels [channel] + startSample;

        if (gain == 0.0f)
            FloatVectorOperations::clear (d, numSamples);
            FloatVectorOperations::multiply (d, gain, numSamples);
Exemple #25
    void drawChannel (Graphics& g, const Rectangle<int>& area,
                      const double startTime, const double endTime,
                      const int channelNum, const float verticalZoomFactor,
                      const double rate, const int numChans, const int sampsPerThumbSample,
                      LevelDataSource* levelData, const OwnedArray<ThumbData>& chans)
        if (refillCache (area.getWidth(), startTime, endTime, rate,
                         numChans, sampsPerThumbSample, levelData, chans)
             && isPositiveAndBelow (channelNum, numChannelsCached))
            const Rectangle<int> clip (g.getClipBounds().getIntersection (area.withWidth (jmin (numSamplesCached, area.getWidth()))));

            if (! clip.isEmpty())
                const float topY = (float) area.getY();
                const float bottomY = (float) area.getBottom();
                const float midY = (topY + bottomY) * 0.5f;
                const float vscale = verticalZoomFactor * (bottomY - topY) / 256.0f;

                const MinMaxValue* cacheData = getData (channelNum, clip.getX() - area.getX());

                RectangleList<float> waveform;
                waveform.ensureStorageAllocated (clip.getWidth());

                float x = (float) clip.getX();

                for (int w = clip.getWidth(); --w >= 0;)
                    if (cacheData->isNonZero())
                        const float top    = jmax (midY - cacheData->getMaxValue() * vscale - 0.3f, topY);
                        const float bottom = jmin (midY - cacheData->getMinValue() * vscale + 0.3f, bottomY);

                        waveform.addWithoutMerging (Rectangle<float> (x, top, 1.0f, bottom - top));

                    x += 1.0f;

                g.fillRectList (waveform);
    void setCurrentSourceIndex (int index, bool input)
        if (deviceID != 0)
            HeapBlock <OSType> types;
            const int num = getAllDataSourcesForDevice (deviceID, types);

            if (isPositiveAndBelow (index, num))
                AudioObjectPropertyAddress pa;
                pa.mSelector = kAudioDevicePropertyDataSource;
                pa.mScope = input ? kAudioDevicePropertyScopeInput : kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput;
                pa.mElement = kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster;

                OSType typeId = types[index];

                OK (AudioObjectSetPropertyData (deviceID, &pa, 0, 0, sizeof (typeId), &typeId));
void AudioProcessor::beginParameterChangeGesture (int parameterIndex)
    if (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()))
        // This means you've called beginParameterChangeGesture twice in succession without a matching
        // call to endParameterChangeGesture. That might be fine in most hosts, but better to avoid doing it.
        jassert (! changingParams [parameterIndex]);
        changingParams.setBit (parameterIndex);

        for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
            if (AudioProcessorListener* l = getListenerLocked (i))
                l->audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureBegin (this, parameterIndex);
        jassertfalse; // called with an out-of-range parameter index!
void MidiLogListBoxModel::paintListBoxItem(int row, Graphics& g, int width, int height, bool rowIsSelected)
	if (rowIsSelected)

	if (isPositiveAndBelow(row, midiMessageList.size()))

		const MidiMessage& message = midiMessageList.getReference(row);
		double time = message.getTimeStamp();

			static_cast<int>(time / 3600.0) % 24,
			static_cast<int>(time / 60.0) % 60,
			static_cast<int>(time) % 60)
			+ " - " + ZenMidiVisualiserComponent::getMidiMessageDescription(message),
			Rectangle<int>(width, height).reduced(4, 0),
			Justification::centredLeft, true);
void AudioProcessor::endParameterChangeGesture (int parameterIndex)
    if (isPositiveAndBelow (parameterIndex, getNumParameters()))
        // This means you've called endParameterChangeGesture without having previously called
        // beginParameterChangeGesture. That might be fine in most hosts, but better to keep the
        // calls matched correctly.
        jassert (changingParams [parameterIndex]);
        changingParams.clearBit (parameterIndex);

        for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;)
            if (AudioProcessorListener* l = getListenerLocked (i))
                l->audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureEnd (this, parameterIndex);
        jassertfalse; // called with an out-of-range parameter index!
float AudioSampleBuffer::getRMSLevel (const int channel,
                                      const int startSample,
                                      const int numSamples) const noexcept
    jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (channel, numChannels));
    jassert (startSample >= 0 && startSample + numSamples <= size);

    if (numSamples <= 0 || channel < 0 || channel >= numChannels)
        return 0.0f;

    const float* const data = channels [channel] + startSample;
    double sum = 0.0;

    for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i)
        const float sample = data [i];
        sum += sample * sample;

    return (float) std::sqrt (sum / numSamples);