bool isPromotionValid(PromotionTypes ePromotion, UnitTypes eUnit, bool bLeader, bool bTestingPrereq)
	CvUnitEntry* unitInfo = GC.getUnitInfo(eUnit);
	CvPromotionEntry* promotionInfo = GC.getPromotionInfo(ePromotion);

	if(unitInfo == NULL || promotionInfo == NULL)
		return false;

	// Can this Promotion not be chosen through normal leveling?
	if(!bTestingPrereq && promotionInfo->IsCannotBeChosen())
		return false;

	// If a Unit gets a Promotion for free then hand it out, no questions asked
		return true;

	// If this isn't a combat Unit, no Promotion
	if(unitInfo->GetUnitCombatType() == NO_UNITCOMBAT)
		return false;

	// Is this a valid Promotion for the UnitCombatType?
	if(!::IsPromotionValidForUnitCombatType(ePromotion, eUnit))
		return false;

	if(!bLeader && promotionInfo->IsLeader())
		return false;

	// If the Unit only has one move then Blitz is not useful
	if(unitInfo->GetMoves() == 1)
			return false;

	// Promotion Prereqs
	if(NO_PROMOTION != promotionInfo->GetPrereqPromotion())
		if(!isPromotionValid((PromotionTypes)promotionInfo->GetPrereqPromotion(), eUnit, bLeader, true))
			return false;

	PromotionTypes ePrereq1 = (PromotionTypes)promotionInfo->GetPrereqOrPromotion1();
	PromotionTypes ePrereq2 = (PromotionTypes)promotionInfo->GetPrereqOrPromotion2();
	PromotionTypes ePrereq3 = (PromotionTypes)promotionInfo->GetPrereqOrPromotion3();
	PromotionTypes ePrereq4 = (PromotionTypes)promotionInfo->GetPrereqOrPromotion4();
	PromotionTypes ePrereq5 = (PromotionTypes)promotionInfo->GetPrereqOrPromotion5();
	PromotionTypes ePrereq6 = (PromotionTypes)promotionInfo->GetPrereqOrPromotion6();
	PromotionTypes ePrereq7 = (PromotionTypes)promotionInfo->GetPrereqOrPromotion7();
	PromotionTypes ePrereq8 = (PromotionTypes)promotionInfo->GetPrereqOrPromotion8();
	PromotionTypes ePrereq9 = (PromotionTypes)promotionInfo->GetPrereqOrPromotion9();
	if(ePrereq1 != NO_PROMOTION ||
		ePrereq2 != NO_PROMOTION ||
		ePrereq3 != NO_PROMOTION ||
		ePrereq4 != NO_PROMOTION ||
		ePrereq5 != NO_PROMOTION ||
		ePrereq6 != NO_PROMOTION ||
		ePrereq7 != NO_PROMOTION ||
		ePrereq8 != NO_PROMOTION ||
		ePrereq9 != NO_PROMOTION)
		bool bValid = false;
			if(NO_PROMOTION != ePrereq1 && isPromotionValid(ePrereq1, eUnit, bLeader, true))
				bValid = true;

			if(NO_PROMOTION != ePrereq2 && isPromotionValid(ePrereq2, eUnit, bLeader, true))
				bValid = true;

			if(NO_PROMOTION != ePrereq3 && isPromotionValid(ePrereq3, eUnit, bLeader, true))
				bValid = true;

			if(NO_PROMOTION != ePrereq4 && isPromotionValid(ePrereq4, eUnit, bLeader, true))
				bValid = true;

			if(NO_PROMOTION != ePrereq5 && isPromotionValid(ePrereq5, eUnit, bLeader, true))
				bValid = true;

			if(NO_PROMOTION != ePrereq6 && isPromotionValid(ePrereq6, eUnit, bLeader, true))
				bValid = true;

			if(NO_PROMOTION != ePrereq7 && isPromotionValid(ePrereq7, eUnit, bLeader, true))
				bValid = true;

			if(NO_PROMOTION != ePrereq8 && isPromotionValid(ePrereq8, eUnit, bLeader, true))
				bValid = true;

			if(NO_PROMOTION != ePrereq9 && isPromotionValid(ePrereq9, eUnit, bLeader, true))
				bValid = true;

			return false;

	return true;
bool cyIsPromotionValid(int /*PromotionTypes*/ ePromotion, int /*UnitTypes*/ eUnit, bool bLeader)
	return isPromotionValid((PromotionTypes) ePromotion, (UnitTypes) eUnit, bLeader);