static AIExpType_t *makeExpression( AIOp_t *op, AIExpType_t *exp1, AIExpType_t *exp2 )
	if ( isUnaryOp( op->opType ) )
		AIUnaryOp_t *u = ( AIUnaryOp_t * ) op;
		u->exp = exp1;
	else if ( isBinaryOp( op->opType ) )
		AIBinaryOp_t *b = ( AIBinaryOp_t * ) op;
		b->exp1 = exp1;
		b->exp2 = exp2;

	return ( AIExpType_t * ) op;
static AIExpType_t *Primary( pc_token_list **list )
	pc_token_list *current = *list;
	AIExpType_t *tree = nullptr;

	if ( isUnaryOp( opTypeFromToken( &current->token ) ) )
		AIExpType_t *t;
		AIOp_t *op = newOp( current );
		*list = current->next;
		t = ReadConditionExpression( list, op->opType );

		if ( !t )
			Log::Warn( "Missing right operand for %s on line %d", opTypeToString( op->opType ), current->token.line );
			FreeOp( op );
			return nullptr;

		tree = makeExpression( op, t, nullptr );
	else if ( current->token.string[0] == '(' )
		*list = current->next;
		tree = ReadConditionExpression( list, OP_NONE );
		if ( !expectToken( ")", list, true ) )
			return nullptr;
	else if ( current->token.type == tokenType_t::TT_NUMBER )
		tree = ( AIExpType_t * ) newValueLiteral( list );
	else if ( current->token.type == tokenType_t::TT_NAME )
		tree = ( AIExpType_t * ) newValueFunc( list );
		Log::Warn( "token %s on line %d is not valid", current->token.string, current->token.line );
	return tree;
Exemple #3
AstNode* Parser::parseUnary() {
    if (isUnaryOp(currentToken())) {
        TokenKind op = currentToken();
        return new UnaryOpNode(_currentTokenIndex, op, parseUnary());
    } else if (currentToken() == tIDENT && lookaheadToken(1) == tLPAREN) {
        AstNode* expr = parseCall();
        return expr;
    } else if (currentToken() == tIDENT) {
        AstVar* var = _currentScope->lookupVariable(currentTokenValue());
        if (var == 0) {
            error("undeclared variable: %s", currentTokenValue().c_str());
        LoadNode* result = new LoadNode(_currentTokenIndex, var);
        return result;
    } else if (currentToken() == tDOUBLE) {
        DoubleLiteralNode* result =
            new DoubleLiteralNode(_currentTokenIndex,
        return result;
    } else if (currentToken() == tINT) {
        IntLiteralNode* result =
            new IntLiteralNode(_currentTokenIndex,
        return result;
    } else if (currentToken() == tSTRING) {
        StringLiteralNode* result =
            new StringLiteralNode(_currentTokenIndex,
        return result;
    } else if (currentToken() == tLPAREN) {
        AstNode* expr = parseExpression();
        return expr;
    } else {
        error("Unexpected token: %s", tokenStr(currentToken()));
        return 0;
void FreeOp( AIOp_t *op )
	if ( !op )

	if ( isBinaryOp( op->opType ) )
		AIBinaryOp_t *b = ( AIBinaryOp_t * ) op;
		FreeExpression( b->exp1 );
		FreeExpression( b->exp2 );
	else if ( isUnaryOp( op->opType ) )
		AIUnaryOp_t *u = ( AIUnaryOp_t * ) op;
		FreeExpression( u->exp );

	BG_Free( op );
static AIOp_t *newOp( pc_token_list *list )
	pc_token_list *current = list;
	AIOp_t *ret = nullptr;

	AIOpType_t op = opTypeFromToken( &current->token );

	if ( isBinaryOp( op ) )
		AIBinaryOp_t *b = ( AIBinaryOp_t * ) BG_Alloc( sizeof( *b ) );
		b->opType = op;
		ret = ( AIOp_t * ) b;
	else if ( isUnaryOp( op ) )
		AIUnaryOp_t *u = ( AIUnaryOp_t * ) BG_Alloc( sizeof( *u ) );
		u->opType = op;
		ret = ( AIOp_t * ) u;

	return ret;
Exemple #6
llvm::Value* genFloatPrimitiveMethodCall(Function& function, const SEM::Type* type, const String& methodName, const SEM::FunctionType functionType,
        llvm::ArrayRef<SEM::Value> templateArgs, PendingResultArray args, llvm::Value* const hintResultValue) {
    auto& module = function.module();
    auto& builder = function.getBuilder();

    const auto& typeName = type->getObjectType()->name().first();

    const auto methodID = module.context().getMethodID(CanonicalizeMethodName(methodName));

    const auto methodOwner = methodID.isConstructor() ? nullptr : args[0].resolveWithoutBind(function);

    if (methodName == "__move_to") {
        const auto moveToPtr = args[1].resolve(function);
        const auto moveToPosition = args[2].resolve(function);

        const auto destPtr = builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(moveToPtr, moveToPosition);
        const auto castedDestPtr = builder.CreatePointerCast(destPtr, genPointerType(module, type));

        genMoveStore(function, methodOwner, castedDestPtr, type);
        return ConstantGenerator(module).getVoidUndef();
    } else if (methodName == "create") {
        return ConstantGenerator(module).getPrimitiveFloat(typeName, 0.0);
    } else if (methodName == "__setdead" || methodName == "__set_dead") {
        // Do nothing.
        return ConstantGenerator(module).getVoidUndef();
    } else if (methodName == "__islive" || methodName == "__is_live") {
        return ConstantGenerator(module).getI1(true);
    } else if (methodName.starts_with("implicit_cast_") || methodName.starts_with("cast_")) {
        const auto argType = functionType.parameterTypes().front();
        const auto operand = args[0].resolve(function);
        const auto selfType = genType(module, type);
        if (isFloatType(module, argType)) {
            if (methodName.starts_with("implicit_cast_")) {
                return builder.CreateFPExt(operand, selfType);
            } else {
                return builder.CreateFPTrunc(operand, selfType);
        } else if (isUnsignedIntegerType(module, argType)) {
            return builder.CreateUIToFP(operand, selfType);
        } else if (isSignedIntegerType(module, argType)) {
            return builder.CreateSIToFP(operand, selfType);
        } else {
            llvm_unreachable("Unknown float cast source type.");
    } else if (isUnaryOp(methodName)) {
        const auto zero = ConstantGenerator(module).getPrimitiveFloat(typeName, 0.0);

        if (methodName == "implicit_cast" || methodName == "cast") {
            return callCastMethod(function, methodOwner, type, methodName, templateArgs.front().typeRefType(), hintResultValue);
        } else if (methodName == "implicit_copy" || methodName == "copy" || methodName == "plus") {
            return methodOwner;
        } else if (methodName == "minus") {
            return builder.CreateFNeg(methodOwner);
        } else if (methodName == "isZero") {
            return builder.CreateFCmpOEQ(methodOwner, zero);
        } else if (methodName == "isPositive") {
            return builder.CreateFCmpOGT(methodOwner, zero);
        } else if (methodName == "isNegative") {
            return builder.CreateFCmpOLT(methodOwner, zero);
        } else if (methodName == "abs") {
            // Generates: (value < 0) ? -value : value.
            const auto lessThanZero = builder.CreateFCmpOLT(methodOwner, zero);
            return builder.CreateSelect(lessThanZero, builder.CreateFNeg(methodOwner), methodOwner);
        } else if (methodName == "sqrt") {
            llvm::Type* const intrinsicTypes[] = { methodOwner->getType() };
            const auto sqrtIntrinsic = llvm::Intrinsic::getDeclaration(module.getLLVMModulePtr(), llvm::Intrinsic::sqrt, intrinsicTypes);
            llvm::Value* const sqrtArgs[] = { methodOwner };
            return builder.CreateCall(sqrtIntrinsic, sqrtArgs);
        } else {
            llvm_unreachable("Unknown primitive unary op.");
    } else if (isBinaryOp(methodName)) {
        const auto operand = args[1].resolveWithoutBind(function);

        if (methodName == "add") {
            return builder.CreateFAdd(methodOwner, operand);
        } else if (methodName == "subtract") {
            return builder.CreateFSub(methodOwner, operand);
        } else if (methodName == "multiply") {
            return builder.CreateFMul(methodOwner, operand);
        } else if (methodName == "divide") {
            return builder.CreateFDiv(methodOwner, operand);
        } else if (methodName == "modulo") {
            return builder.CreateFRem(methodOwner, operand);
        } else if (methodName == "equal") {
            return builder.CreateFCmpOEQ(methodOwner, operand);
        } else if (methodName == "not_equal") {
            return builder.CreateFCmpONE(methodOwner, operand);
        } else if (methodName == "less_than") {
            return builder.CreateFCmpOLT(methodOwner, operand);
        } else if (methodName == "less_than_or_equal") {
            return builder.CreateFCmpOLE(methodOwner, operand);
        } else if (methodName == "greater_than") {
            return builder.CreateFCmpOGT(methodOwner, operand);
        } else if (methodName == "greater_than_or_equal") {
            return builder.CreateFCmpOGE(methodOwner, operand);
        } else if (methodName == "compare") {
            const auto isLessThan = builder.CreateFCmpOLT(methodOwner, operand);
            const auto isGreaterThan = builder.CreateFCmpOGT(methodOwner, operand);
            const auto minusOne = ConstantGenerator(module).getI8(-1);
            const auto zero = ConstantGenerator(module).getI8(0);
            const auto plusOne = ConstantGenerator(module).getI8(1);
            return builder.CreateSelect(isLessThan, minusOne,
                                        builder.CreateSelect(isGreaterThan, plusOne, zero));
        } else {
            llvm_unreachable("Unknown primitive binary op.");
    } else {
        printf("%s\n", methodName.c_str());
        llvm_unreachable("Unknown primitive method.");
Exemple #7
void Expression::traverseTree( BTreeNode *root, bool conditionalRoot )
	Traverser t(root);
	// special case: if we are starting at the root node then
	// we are dealing with something of the form variable = 6
	// or variable = portb
	///TODO reimplement assignments as two branched trees?
	if ( t.current() == root &&
			!root->hasChildren() &&
			t.current()->childOp() != pin &&
			t.current()->childOp() != notpin &&
			t.current()->childOp() != function &&
			t.current()->childOp() != read_keypad )
			case number: m_pic->assignNum(root->value()); break;
			case variable: m_pic->assignVar(root->value()); break;
			default: break; // Should never get here
		// no need to traverse the tree as there is none.
		// Here we work out what needs evaulating, and in which order.
		// To minimize register usage, if only one branch needs traversing,
		// then that branch should be done first.
		bool evaluateLeft = t.current()->left()->needsEvaluating();
		BTreeNode *evaluateFirst;
		BTreeNode *evaluateSecond;
		// If both need doing, then it really doesn't matter which we do
		// first (unless we are looking to do really complex optimizations...
		// Cases: 
		// - Both need evaluating,
		// - or left needs doing first,
		// in both cases we evaluate left, then right.
		if( evaluateLeft )
			evaluateFirst = t.current()->left();
			evaluateSecond = t.current()->right();
		// Otherwise it is best to evaluate right first for reasons given above.
			evaluateFirst = t.current()->right();
			evaluateSecond = t.current()->left();
		QString dest1 = mb->dest();
		QString dest2 = mb->dest();
		bool evaluated = false;
		if( evaluateFirst->hasChildren() )
			evaluated = true;
		else if( isUnaryOp(evaluateFirst->childOp()) )
			doUnaryOp( evaluateFirst->childOp(), evaluateFirst );
			evaluated = true;
		if ( evaluated )
			// We need to save the result if we are going tro traverse the other
			// branch, or if we are performing a subtraction in which case the
			// value wanted in working is not the current value.
			// But as the optimizer will deal with unnecessary variables anyway,
			// always save to a register
			evaluateFirst->setReg( dest1 );
			evaluateFirst->setType( variable );
			m_pic->saveToReg( dest1 );
		evaluated = false;
		if( evaluateSecond->hasChildren() )
			evaluated = true;
		else if( isUnaryOp(evaluateSecond->childOp()) )
			doUnaryOp( evaluateSecond->childOp(), evaluateSecond );
			evaluated = true;
		if ( evaluated )
			evaluateSecond->setReg( dest2 );
			evaluateSecond->setType( variable );
			m_pic->saveToReg( dest2 );
		mistake( Microbe::DivisionByZero );
	// If we are at the top level of something like 'if a == 3 then', then we are ready to put
	// in the if code, else the expression just evaluates to 0 or 1
	if(conditionalRoot && t.current() == root)
		m_pic->setConditionalCode(m_ifCode, m_elseCode);

	// Handle operations
	// (functions are not actually supported)
		doUnaryOp( t.current()->childOp(), t.current() );
		doOp( t.current()->childOp(), t.current()->left(), t.current()->right() );

Exemple #8
	bool IsPostfix(AST* expr)
		return (expr->first != NULL);
Exemple #9
	bool IsPrefix(AST* expr)
		return (expr->second != NULL);