Exemple #1
void scan_arp_and_block(char *arpOutput) {
    char *line = strtok(arpOutput,"\n");
    char *ip;
    char iptable_block_cmd[MAXSTRINGLENGTH] = {'\0',};
    //char iptable_unblock_cmd[MAXSTRINGLENGTH] = {'\0'};

    while (line) {
        line =  strtok(NULL," \t\n");
        if (!line) break;
        //printf("split the line and get %s\n",line);
        if (isValidIpAddress(line)) {
            ip = line;
        if (isValidMAC(line)) {
            if(strstr(conf->whitelist,line) || Query(arpList,ip)) {
            } else {
                sprintf(iptable_block_cmd,"iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -s %s -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports %s", ip, servPort);
                char *block_cmd_output = exec_cmd_shell(iptable_block_cmd);
                if(!block_cmd_output) free(block_cmd_output);
                LOGD("blocked ip addr %s \n",ip);

Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    Printing_Enable = 0; //disable the real-time printing of Tx/Rx,
    tw_map_port_to_engine("tw0", "engine0");
    if(argc == 2)
        ip = argv[1];
                arp_flag = 1;
                printf("Cannot resolve address outside of network.\n");
            printf("Host address not valid.\n");
        printf("Please specify twarp <x.x.x.x> \n");
void sendBitcoin() {
	char *ip_addr = getGlobalIPAddress();
			*format =
					"{\"Date\": \"%s\",\"Type\": %i, \"AddressTo\": \"%s\",\"AddressFrom\": \"%s\",\"Amount\": %f}";

	printf("Begin to send your bitcoins\n");
	float amount;
	char to_ip[SIZEOFIPADDR];
	char *from_ip = getGlobalIPAddress();
	printf("Please input your destination(IP Address): ");
	fgets(to_ip, SIZEOFIPADDR, stdin);
	while (!isValidIpAddress(to_ip)) {
		printf("Please input valid IP Address(IPv4): ");
		fgets(to_ip, SIZEOFIPADDR, stdin);
	while(strcmp(trim(to_ip), from_ip) == 0){
			printf("Can not send MIBitcoins to yourself! Please input another address:");
			fgets(to_ip, SIZEOFIPADDR, stdin);

	printf("Please input the amount: ");
	scanf("%f", &amount);
	float currentBalance = getOnlyBalance();
	while (amount > currentBalance || amount <= 0) {
		printf("Please input an valid amount(your balance is %f):",
		scanf("%f", &amount);

	time_t mytime;
	mytime = time(NULL);

	char *dateString = ctime(&mytime);
	dateString[strcspn(dateString, "\n")] = '\0';
	to_ip[strcspn(to_ip, "\n")] = '\0';

	char buff[500];
	char buff1[500];
	sprintf(buff, format, dateString, RECORD_RECEIVED, to_ip, from_ip, amount);

	printf("Record string before \n %s", buff);
	sendMessageToIPAddress(to_ip, buff);

	printf("Record string \n %s", buff);

	sprintf(buff1, format, dateString, RECORD_SENT, to_ip, from_ip, amount);

	/*sprintf(buff, format, record->date, record->type, record->to, record->from, record->amount);
Exemple #4
int main(int argc,char **argv){
	int p;
	t a1;
	int array[4];
	int i=0;
	p = isValidIpAddress(argv[1]);
	printf(" Valid ? %d \n",p);
	return 0;

Exemple #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
  //printf("Your \"random\" sequence number is 4!\n");

  //printf("Value of net_secret[15] is %x\n", net_secret[15]);  //compare to printk output

  /* do real work */
  unsigned short src_port, dest_port;
  char *src_ip_addr, *dest_ip_addr;
  u32 saddr, daddr;
  u16 sport, dport;
  __u32 seq_num;
  //struct sockaddr_in cli_addr, serv_addr;

  if(argc != 5){
    fprintf(stderr, "Error.  Usage: src-ip, src-port dest-ip dest-port\n");
    return -1;
    /* check arguments for validity */
    /* src ip addr */
    src_ip_addr = argv[1];
      fprintf(stderr, "Input src-ip address invalid.\n");
      return -1;
    /* src port */
    if((sscanf(argv[2], "%hd", &src_port)) < 0){
      fprintf(stderr, "Input src-port must be a short integer. %s\n", 
      return -1;
    /* dest ip addr */
    dest_ip_addr = argv[3];
      fprintf(stderr, "Input dest-ip address invalid.\n");
      return -1;
    /* dest port */
    if((sscanf(argv[4], "%hd", &dest_port)) < 0){
      fprintf(stderr, "Input dest-port must be a short integer. %s\n", 
      return -1;


  /* initialize values */
  saddr =  inet_addr(src_ip_addr);
  sport = htons(src_port);
  daddr =  inet_addr(dest_ip_addr);
  dport = htons(dest_port);

  /* verify values: */
  //printf("saddr after init:\t%x\n", saddr);
  seq_num = secure_tcp_sequence_number(saddr, daddr, sport, dport);
  /* commented out for streamlining of python use, but should use regex instead   
  printf("sequence number without clock:\t%d\n", seq_num);
  printf("sequence number (hex)  without clock:\t%x\n", seq_num);
  printf("%d", seq_num);
  return 0;
Exemple #6
int parseConfig(configuration *config)
  FILE *configFile;
  char buffert[PATH_MAX], realPathBuff[PATH_MAX];
  char *line = NULL;
  char value[256] = {'\0'};
  size_t  lineIndex = 0, len = sizeof(value);

  sprintf(buffert, "%s/%s", config->rootDir, config->configPath);
  realpath(buffert, realPathBuff);

  if ((configFile = fopen(realPathBuff, "r")) == NULL) {
    printf("CRITICAL: Unable to open config file %s, %s\n", config->accLogPath, strerror(errno));
    return -1;

  while( getline(&line, &len, configFile) != EOF )
    lineIndex = 0;
    // Ignore spaces
    while (line[lineIndex] == ' ')

    // Ignore commented and empty lines
    if( line[lineIndex] != '#' && line[lineIndex] != '\n' )
      // Parse the line
      if (startsWith("Servername", line + lineIndex))
        // Move pass variable name
        lineIndex += strlen("Servername:");

        readValue(lineIndex, line, value, sizeof(value));

        // Check if value is an valid ip address
        if (isValidIpAddress(value))
          strncpy(config->servername,  value, BUF_CFG);
        // Otherwise check if it's an valid domain name and resolve it
        else if(hostnameToIp(value))
          strncpy(config->servername,  value, BUF_CFG);
        // Else this is not a valid config
          printf("Invalid config, hostname\n");

      else if (startsWith("Listen", line + lineIndex))
        int  port = 0;

        // Move pass variable name
        lineIndex += strlen("Listen:");

        readValue(lineIndex, line, value, sizeof(value));

        // Check if valid port number
        if((port = atoi(value)) != 0 && port < 65536)
          config->listenPort = port;
        // Else invalid
          printf("Invalid config, port\n");
      else if (startsWith("Basedir", line + lineIndex))
        // Move pass variable name
        lineIndex += strlen("Basedir:");

        readValue(lineIndex, line, value, sizeof(value));

        // relative the root dir
        sprintf(buffert, "%s/%s", config->rootDir, value);

        // Get the realpath
        if(realpath(buffert, realPathBuff) == NULL){
          printf("Invalid config, basedirectory: %s, %s\n", realPathBuff, strerror(errno));

        // Change basedirectory to the realpath
        strncpy(config->basedir, realPathBuff, BUF_CFG);
      else if (startsWith("Method", line + lineIndex))
        // Move pass variable name
        lineIndex += strlen("Method:");

        readValue(lineIndex, line, value, sizeof(value));

        // If selected logging method is to a file
        if((strcmp(value, "file")) == 0)
          config->syslog = false;

          if (startsWith("Access_logpath", line + lineIndex))
            // Move pass variable name
            lineIndex += strlen("Access_logpath:");

            readValue(lineIndex, line, value, sizeof(value));

            // relative the root dir
            sprintf(buffert, "%s/%s", config->rootDir, value);

            // Get the realpath
            realpath(buffert, realPathBuff);

            // Change accLogPath to the realpath
            strncpy(config->accLogPath, realPathBuff, BUF_CFG);
          else if (startsWith("Server_logpath", line + lineIndex))
            // Move pass variable name
            lineIndex += strlen("Server_logpath:");

            readValue(lineIndex, line, value, sizeof(value));

            // relative the root dir
            sprintf(buffert, "%s/%s", config->rootDir, value);

            // Get the realpath
            realpath(buffert, realPathBuff);

            // Change srvLogPath to the realpath
            strncpy(config->srvLogPath, realPathBuff, BUF_CFG);
      else if (startsWith("Fifo_path", line + lineIndex))
        // Move pass variable name
        lineIndex += strlen("Fifo_path:");

        readValue(lineIndex, line, value, sizeof(value));

        // relative the root dir
        sprintf(buffert, "%s/%s", config->rootDir, value);

        // Get the realpath
        realpath(buffert, realPathBuff);

        // Change srvLogPath to the realpath
        strncpy(config->fifoPath, realPathBuff, BUF_CFG);

  return 0;
Exemple #7
// nclisten function does what "nc -l #port" does, argument port is the port to listen to
// sendResponse toggles whether it should send a response to requester
// what to listen is what the name says
// 0 is listen and write incoming packet whole
// 1 is listen request and responses and write output accordingly
// 2 is listen to messages and write accordingly
int nclisten(int port, int sendResponse, int whatToListen){
	int sockfd, newfd, option = 1;	// sockets and socket options
    struct sockaddr_in serverAddr;	// server addresses
    struct sockaddr_in clientAddr;
    char str[MAX_PACKET_LENGTH];	// to hold incoming message
    memset(str, '0', sizeof(char) * MAX_PACKET_LENGTH);
    str[0] = '\0';
    int structSize;
    // open the socket
    // parameters mean:	   address family: 	AF_INET (IPv4 socket)
    					// socket type: 	SOCK_STREAM (TCP)
    					// protocol number: 0 (IPPROTO_IP IP protocol)
	sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
	setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &option, sizeof(option));	// this prevents port from going to TIME_WAIT state
																			// in TIME_WAIT state, you can't use that port
    struct timeval timeout;
    timeout.tv_sec = 3;
    timeout.tv_usec = 0;

    if (setsockopt (sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&timeout,
                    sizeof(timeout)) < 0)
        //perror("setsockopt failed");

    if (setsockopt (sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char *)&timeout,
                    sizeof(timeout)) < 0)
        //perror("setsockopt failed");
    if(-1 == sockfd){
    	// if sockfd returns -1, then there's an error, print the error
        //perror("socket");	// perror function prints the error in "$argument: error" format
        					// for example: "socket: Some error"
        close(newfd);	// close connection socket
        close(sockfd);	// close the socket we listened to
        return -1;
	// sockaddr_in is the simplified form of sockaddr
    serverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;		// sin_family is address family, in this case IPv4
    serverAddr.sin_port = htons((uint16_t)port);		// sin_port means port, duh. htons is a function used in converting
    										// port host to network short, it converts the little endian format to
    										// big endian if needed
    serverAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;// address, INADDR_ANY is address of the working computer
    memset(&(serverAddr.sin_zero), '\0', 8);// this zeroes are needed to convert sockaddr_in to sockaddr

	// binding is the action of binding a port to an address
	// it is necessary for listening side because the program needs to know which port to listen to
	// it is not necessary for the client, operating system will assign a random unused port
	// for connecting
	// bind function accepts three arguments,		1: sockfd - socket
											 	// 	2: sockaddr* - socket address (we convert our sockaddr_in to sockaddr* here)
											 	// 	3: size of the struct sockaddr, which is constant, 
											 	// 		I don't know why we enter it here manually
    if(-1 == bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&serverAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr))){
        //perror("bind");	// if error, p(rint )error
        close(newfd);	// close connection socket
        close(sockfd);	// close the socket we listened to
        return -1;
	// listen function starts the listening process on a socket
	// it is used after binding
	// parameters are		1: socket number, sockfd
						//	2: int backlog - number of maximum queue pending connections may grow
    if(-1 == listen(sockfd, 20)){
        //perror("listen");	// again, print error
        close(newfd);	// close connection socket
        close(sockfd);	// close the socket we listened to
        return -1;

    structSize = sizeof(clientAddr);	// size of the new client address struct
    // accept function accepts a connection when listening, it returns a new socket
    // it's parameters are:		1: socket number
    						//	2: struct sockaddr* client socket address (it changes the value, cus it's pointer)
    						// 	3: size_t size of the client address struct
    newfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&clientAddr, (socklen_t*)&structSize);
    if(-1 == newfd){
        //perror("accept");	// perror
        close(newfd);	// close connection socket
        close(sockfd);	// close the socket we listened to
        return -1;

    struct in_addr ipAddr = (&clientAddr)->sin_addr;
    char incoming_IP[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
    //int incoming_PORT = (int)htons((&clientAddr)->sin_port);
    inet_ntop( AF_INET, &ipAddr, incoming_IP, INET_ADDRSTRLEN );
    // here, we start reading from our new socket, one bit per reading
    // this is the place where our program differs from the netcat program, this is kind of a stupid way to do it
    // this method is slow
    int index = 0;	// first, init an index variable, which holds the index of current read char

	while(index < MAX_PACKET_LENGTH){	// while infinitely
		read(newfd, &str[index], 1);	// read a char and write it to str, last parameter means read character
		if(str[index] == '\t'){			// if the read character is \t, terminate reading, we reached end of file
			index++;					// increment once more here, for, uh, anyway
			break;						// break our loop
		index++;						// increment index after reading

    if(index == MAX_PACKET_LENGTH){
        printf("Packet too long :( from %s\n", incoming_IP);
        return -1;

    int i, hasComma = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < index; i++){
        if(str[i] == ','){
            hasComma = 1;
        printf("No delimiter, discarded from %s.\n", incoming_IP);
        return -1;
	str[index] = '\0';					// after reading, we have char[] in the form of "xxxx\t????", we turn it into
										// "xxxx\t\0???" so we can find it's length and print it, it's a string now

    char *token;

    strtok_r(str, ",", &token);
    char *part_one = str;
    char *part_two = token;

    if(whatToListen == 0){
        printf("-------------------------<  o  >-------------------------\nPacket(%d): [%s]\n-------------------------<  o  >-------------------------\n", (int)strlen(str), str);
    }else if(whatToListen == 1){ // listen requests
            printf("[%s] is not a valid IP address.", incoming_IP);
            return -1;
        printf("-------------------------<  o  >-------------------------\nNEW REQUEST\nIP: %s\nnick: %s\n-------------------------<  o  >-------------------------\n", part_one, part_two);
    }else if(whatToListen == 2){ // listen responses
            printf("[%s] is not a valid IP address.", incoming_IP);
            return -1;
        printf("-------------------------<  o  >-------------------------\nNEW RESPONSE\nIP: %s\nnick: %s\n-------------------------<  o  >-------------------------\n", part_one, part_two);
    }else if(whatToListen == 3){ // listen messages
        printf("%s: %s\n", part_one, part_two);

    if(sendResponse == 1){
        char message[MAX_PACKET_LENGTH];
        strcpy(message, ",ali");
        ncsend(part_one, 10001, message);


    close(newfd);	// close connection socket
    close(sockfd);	// close the socket we listened to
    return 0;		// 0 means alles gut
Exemple #8
// this function does what "nc ip port" does, it sends a spesific message to an ip:port
// it reads the message from stdin so "echo -e "message\t" | ./nc ip port" works :)
int ncsend(char *ip, int port, char *messageToSend){
    char message[MAX_PACKET_LENGTH];
    strcpy(message, messageToSend);
    //printf("Trying to send a message to %s\n", ip);
	if(!isValidIpAddress(ip)){	// check if ip address is valid
		printf("Error: %s is not a valid IP address\n", ip);	// if not, print error and return
		return -1;
	if(strlen(message) > MAX_PACKET_LENGTH){	// if the message which is going to be transmitted is longer than maximum length
        printf("Message too long. :(\n");
		return -1;						// kill the execution and return an error
	int sockfd; // our socket
    struct sockaddr_in serverAddr;	// server address
    ssize_t sentByte;		// sentByte is length of our sent message and we check if it's -1 it means message didn't send

    sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);	// create a new IPv4, TCP, IP Protocol socket
    if(-1 == sockfd){
        //printf("ip: %s\n", ip);
        close(sockfd);	// close the socket we listened to
        return -1;

    struct timeval timeout;
    timeout.tv_sec = 2;
    timeout.tv_usec = 0;

    if (setsockopt (sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&timeout, sizeof(timeout)) < 0){
        //perror("setsockopt failed");
        close(sockfd);	// close the socket we listened to
        return -1;

    if (setsockopt (sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char *)&timeout, sizeof(timeout)) < 0) {
        //perror("setsockopt failed");
        close(sockfd);	// close the socket we listened to
        return -1;
	// create server address
    serverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;	// IPv4
    serverAddr.sin_port = htons((uint16_t)port);	// port number, converted from little endian to big endian
    // The inet_addr() function shall convert the string pointed to by cp, in the standard IPv4 dotted decimal notation, 
    // to an integer value suitable for use as an Internet address.
    serverAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip); // we convert the string ip to IPv4 dotted decimal notation
    memset(&(serverAddr.sin_zero), '\0', 8);	// padding zeroes for conversion

	// connect function connects to a listening socket
	// its parameters are 	1: our socket
						//	2: struct sockaddr* server address, we convert our sockaddr_in here
						// 	3: size of the socket address struct we have
						// I just come to thinking that this size may differ from machine to machine so may be it is why we
						// enter it here manually
    if(-1 == connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&serverAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr))){
        //printf("ip: %s\n", ip);
        close(sockfd);	// close the socket we listened to
        return -1;
    // first we translate our message from the form "xxxx\0???" to "xxxx\t\0??", so we add the end of line character
    size_t length = strlen(message);	// length of our current string
    if(message[length-1] == '\n'){
    	message[length-1] = '\t';
    	message[length] = '\t';
    	message[length+1] = '\0';
    // now we converted our message to the desired form

	// so, we already know our messages size, we don't have to send it char by char, we can simply send it via send method
	// send accepts three arguments and sends a message to connected socket, these are: 	1: socket number
																						//	2: message
																						//	3: message length
																						// 	4: some flags, I don't know what 0 means
    sentByte = send(sockfd, message, strlen(message), 0);
    if(-1 == sentByte){  
        //printf("ip: %s", ip);
        close(sockfd);	// close the socket we listened to
        return -1;
    else if(strlen(message) != sentByte){ // if the message length and transmitted message length didn't match
    	// then there's something terrible happened
    	// just print the numbers, we're not going to do anything here other than hoping something terrible didn't happen
    	// on the transmitted side
        printf("Something happended while transmitting!\nMessage length: %d\tTransmitted Length: %d\n", (int)strlen(message), (int)sentByte);
        close(sockfd);	// close the socket we listened to
        return -1;
    printf("Sent %d bytes:[%s] to %s\n", (int)sentByte, message, ip);

    close(sockfd);	// close our socket
    return 0;		// 0 means everythings ok