int read_sparse(char *fname, unsigned long fname_len) { SciErr sciErr; int i, j, k; int* piAddr = NULL; int iRows = 0; int iCols = 0; int iNbItem = 0; int* piNbItemRow = NULL; int* piColPos = NULL; double* pdblReal = NULL; double* pdblImg = NULL; CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 1); sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddr); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddr)) { sciErr = getComplexSparseMatrix(pvApiCtx, piAddr, &iRows, &iCols, &iNbItem, &piNbItemRow, &piColPos, &pdblReal, &pdblImg); } else { sciErr = getSparseMatrix(pvApiCtx, piAddr, &iRows, &iCols, &iNbItem, &piNbItemRow, &piColPos, &pdblReal); } if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } sciprint("Sparse %d item(s)\n", iNbItem); k = 0; for (i = 0 ; i < iRows ; i++) { for (j = 0 ; j < piNbItemRow[i] ; j++) { sciprint("(%d,%d) = %f", i + 1, piColPos[k], pdblReal[k]); if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddr)) { sciprint(" %+fi", pdblImg[k]); } sciprint("\n"); k++; } } //assign allocated variables to Lhs position AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = 0; return 0; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int checkParam(void* _pvCtx, int _iPos, char* fname) { SciErr sciErr; int* piAddr = NULL; //get var address sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(_pvCtx, _iPos, &piAddr); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, _iPos); return 1; } //check is real scalar double if ( isScalar(_pvCtx, piAddr) == 0 || isDoubleType(_pvCtx, piAddr) == 0 || isVarComplex(_pvCtx, piAddr) == 1) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: An integer value expected.\n"), fname, _iPos); return 1; } return 0; }
int getFixedSizeDoubleMatrixFromScilab(int argNum, int rows, int cols, double **dest) { int *varAddress,inputMatrixRows,inputMatrixCols; SciErr sciErr; const char errMsg[]="Wrong type for input argument #%d: A matrix of double of size %d by %d is expected.\n"; const int errNum=999; //same steps as above sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, argNum, &varAddress); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } if ( !isDoubleType(pvApiCtx,varAddress) || isVarComplex(pvApiCtx,varAddress) ) { Scierror(errNum,errMsg,argNum,rows,cols); return 1; } sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, varAddress, &inputMatrixRows, &inputMatrixCols,NULL); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } //check that the matrix has the correct number of rows and columns if(inputMatrixRows!=rows || inputMatrixCols!=cols) { Scierror(errNum,errMsg,argNum,rows,cols); return 1; } getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, varAddress, &inputMatrixRows, &inputMatrixCols, dest); return 0; }
int getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(int argNum, int *rows, int *cols, double **dest) { int *varAddress; SciErr sciErr; const char errMsg[]="Wrong type for input argument #%d: A matrix of double is expected.\n"; const int errNum=999; //same steps as above sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, argNum, &varAddress); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } if ( !isDoubleType(pvApiCtx,varAddress) || isVarComplex(pvApiCtx,varAddress) ) { Scierror(errNum,errMsg,argNum); return 1; } getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, varAddress, rows, cols, dest); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } return 0; }
int getDoubleFromScilab(int argNum, double *dest) { //data declarations SciErr sciErr; int iRet,*varAddress; const char errMsg[]="Wrong type for input argument #%d: A double is expected.\n"; const int errNum=999; //get variable address sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, argNum, &varAddress); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } //check that it is a non-complex double if ( !isDoubleType(pvApiCtx,varAddress) || isVarComplex(pvApiCtx,varAddress) ) { Scierror(errNum,errMsg,argNum); return 1; } //retrieve and store iRet = getScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, varAddress, dest); if(iRet) { Scierror(errNum,errMsg,argNum); return 1; } return 0; }
int getIntFromScilab(int argNum, int *dest) { SciErr sciErr; int iRet,*varAddress; double inputDouble; const char errMsg[]="Wrong type for input argument #%d: An integer is expected.\n"; const int errNum=999; //same steps as above sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, argNum, &varAddress); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } if ( !isDoubleType(pvApiCtx,varAddress) || isVarComplex(pvApiCtx,varAddress) ) { Scierror(errNum,errMsg,argNum); return 1; } iRet = getScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, varAddress, &inputDouble); //check that an int is stored in the double by casting and recasting if(iRet || ((double)((int)inputDouble))!=inputDouble) { Scierror(errNum,errMsg,argNum); return 1; } *dest=(int)inputDouble; return 0; }
int getGenerateSize(void* pvApiCtx, int* _piAddress) { SciErr sciErr; int iRet = 0; int iRows = 0; int iCols = 0; double* pdblReal = NULL; double* pdblImg = NULL; if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, _piAddress)) { sciErr = getComplexMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, _piAddress, &iRows, &iCols, &pdblReal, &pdblImg); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } } else { sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, _piAddress, &iRows, &iCols, &pdblReal); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } } return abs((int)pdblReal[0]); }
// ============================================================================= int csv_isDoubleScalar(void* _pvCtx, int _iVar) { SciErr sciErr; int *piAddressVar = NULL; sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, _iVar, &piAddressVar); if (sciErr.iErr) { return 0; } if (csv_isScalar(_pvCtx, _iVar)) { int iType = 0; sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVar, &iType); if (sciErr.iErr) { return 0; } if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddressVar) == 0) { return (iType == sci_matrix); } } return 0; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int sci_dlgamma(char *fname, unsigned long fname_len) { SciErr sciErr; double* lX = NULL; int* piAddrX = NULL; int iType1 = 0; int MX = 0, NX = 0, i = 0; nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) = Max(0, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx)); CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 1); CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 1); sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddrX); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 1); return 1; } sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddrX, &iType1); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 1); return 1; } if ((iType1 == sci_list) || (iType1 == sci_tlist) || (iType1 == sci_mlist)) { OverLoad(1); return 0; } if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddrX)) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 1); return 1; } sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddrX, &MX, &NX, &lX); if (sciErr.iErr) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for argument %d: A matrix expected.\n"), fname, 1); } for (i = 0; i < MX * NX; i++) { lX[i] = C2F(psi)(lX + i); } AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = 1; returnArguments(pvApiCtx); return 0; }
int get_sparse_info(void* _pvCtx, int _iRhs, int* _piParent, int *_piAddr, int _iItemPos) { SciErr sciErr; int iRows = 0; int iCols = 0; int iItem = 0; int* piNbRow = NULL; int* piColPos = NULL; double* pdblReal = NULL; double* pdblImg = NULL; if (_iItemPos == 0) { //Not in list if (isVarComplex(_pvCtx, _piAddr)) { sciErr = getComplexSparseMatrix(_pvCtx, _piAddr, &iRows, &iCols, &iItem, &piNbRow, &piColPos, &pdblReal, &pdblImg); } else { sciErr = getSparseMatrix(_pvCtx, _piAddr, &iRows, &iCols, &iItem, &piNbRow, &piColPos, &pdblReal); } } else { if (isVarComplex(_pvCtx, _piAddr)) { sciErr = getComplexSparseMatrixInList(_pvCtx, _piParent, _iItemPos, &iRows, &iCols, &iItem, &piNbRow, &piColPos, &pdblReal, &pdblImg); } else { sciErr = getSparseMatrixInList(_pvCtx, _piParent, _iItemPos, &iRows, &iCols, &iItem, &piNbRow, &piColPos, &pdblReal); } } FREE(piNbRow); FREE(piColPos); FREE(pdblReal); FREE(pdblImg); insert_indent(); sciprint("Sparse (%d x %d), Item(s) : %d \n", iRows, iCols, iItem); return 0;; }
int sci_sym_setObjSense(char *fname){ //error management variable SciErr sciErr; int iRet; //data declarations int *varAddress; double objSense; //ensure that environment is active if(global_sym_env==NULL){ sciprint("Error: Symphony environment not initialized. Please run 'sym_open()' first.\n"); return 1; } //code to check arguments and get them CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx,1,1) ; CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx,1,1) ; //code to process input sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &varAddress); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } if ( !isDoubleType(pvApiCtx,varAddress) || isVarComplex(pvApiCtx,varAddress) ) { Scierror(999, "Wrong type for input argument #1:\nEither 1 (sym_minimize) or -1 (sym_maximize) is expected.\n"); return 1; } iRet = getScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, varAddress, &objSense); if(iRet || (objSense!=-1 && objSense!=1)) { Scierror(999, "Wrong type for input argument #1:\nEither 1 (sym_minimize) or -1 (sym_maximize) is expected.\n"); return 1; } iRet=sym_set_obj_sense(global_sym_env,objSense); if(iRet==FUNCTION_TERMINATED_ABNORMALLY){ Scierror(999, "An error occured.\n"); return 1; }else{ if(objSense==1) sciprint("The solver has been set to minimize the objective.\n"); else sciprint("The solver has been set to maximize the objective.\n"); } //code to give output if(return0toScilab()) return 1; return 0; }
int get_double_info(void* _pvCtx, int _iRhs, int* _piParent, int *_piAddr, int _iItemPos) { SciErr sciErr; int iRows = 0; int iCols = 0; double* pdblReal = NULL; double* pdblImg = NULL; if (_iItemPos == 0) { //not in list if (isVarComplex(_pvCtx, _piAddr)) { sciErr = getComplexMatrixOfDouble(_pvCtx, _piAddr, &iRows, &iCols, &pdblReal, &pdblImg); } else { sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(_pvCtx, _piAddr, &iRows, &iCols, &pdblReal); } } else { if (isVarComplex(_pvCtx, _piAddr)) { sciErr = getComplexMatrixOfDoubleInList(_pvCtx, _piParent, _iItemPos, &iRows, &iCols, &pdblReal, &pdblImg); } else { sciErr = getMatrixOfDoubleInList(_pvCtx, _piParent, _iItemPos, &iRows, &iCols, &pdblReal); } } if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } insert_indent(); sciprint("Double (%d x %d)\n", iRows, iCols); return 0;; }
static bool export_double(int _iH5File, int *_piVar, char* _pstName) { int iRet = 0; int iComplex = isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, _piVar); int piDims[2]; int iType = 0; double *pdblReal = NULL; double *pdblImg = NULL; SciErr sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, _piVar, &iType); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return false; } if (iType != sci_matrix) { return false; } if (iComplex) { sciErr = getComplexMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, _piVar, &piDims[0], &piDims[1], &pdblReal, &pdblImg); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return false; } iRet = writeDoubleComplexMatrix(_iH5File, _pstName, 2, piDims, pdblReal, pdblImg); } else { sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, _piVar, &piDims[0], &piDims[1], &pdblReal); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return false; } iRet = writeDoubleMatrix(_iH5File, _pstName, 2, piDims, pdblReal); } if (iRet) { return false; } char pstMsg[512]; sprintf(pstMsg, "double (%d x %d)", piDims[0], piDims[1]); print_type(pstMsg); return true; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int isNamedVarComplex(void *_pvCtx, const char *_pstName) { int *piAddr = NULL; SciErr sciErr = getVarAddressFromName(_pvCtx, _pstName, &piAddr); if (sciErr.iErr) { return 0; } return isVarComplex(_pvCtx, piAddr); }
SciErr getComplexZMatrixOfDouble(void* _pvCtx, int* _piAddress, int* _piRows, int* _piCols, doublecomplex** _pdblZ) { SciErr sciErr; sciErr.iErr = 0; sciErr.iMsgCount = 0; double *pdblReal = NULL; double *pdblImg = NULL; sciErr = getCommonMatrixOfDouble(_pvCtx, _piAddress, isVarComplex(_pvCtx, _piAddress), _piRows, _piCols, &pdblReal, &pdblImg); if(sciErr.iErr) { addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_GET_ZDOUBLE, _("%s: Unable to get argument #%d"), "getComplexZMatrixOfDouble", getRhsFromAddress(_pvCtx, _piAddress)); return sciErr; } *_pdblZ = oGetDoubleComplexFromPointer(pdblReal, pdblImg, *_piRows * *_piCols); return sciErr; }
static bool export_sparse(int _iH5File, int *_piVar, char* _pstName) { int iRet = 0; int iNbItem = 0; int* piNbItemRow = NULL; int* piColPos = NULL; double* pdblReal = NULL; double* pdblImg = NULL; int piDims[2]; SciErr sciErr; if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, _piVar)) { sciErr = getComplexSparseMatrix(pvApiCtx, _piVar, &piDims[0], &piDims[1], &iNbItem, &piNbItemRow, &piColPos, &pdblReal, &pdblImg); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return false; } iRet = writeSparseComplexMatrix(_iH5File, _pstName, piDims[0], piDims[1], iNbItem, piNbItemRow, piColPos, pdblReal, pdblImg); } else { sciErr = getSparseMatrix(pvApiCtx, _piVar, &piDims[0], &piDims[1], &iNbItem, &piNbItemRow, &piColPos, &pdblReal); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return false; } iRet = writeSparseMatrix(_iH5File, _pstName, piDims[0], piDims[1], iNbItem, piNbItemRow, piColPos, pdblReal); } if (iRet) { return false; } char pstMsg[512]; sprintf(pstMsg, "sparse (%d x %d)", piDims[0], piDims[1]); print_type(pstMsg); return true; }
SciErr getCommonMatrixOfDouble(void* _pvCtx, int* _piAddress, int _iComplex, int* _piRows, int* _piCols, double** _pdblReal, double** _pdblImg) { SciErr sciErr; sciErr.iErr = 0; sciErr.iMsgCount = 0; int iType = 0; if( _piAddress == NULL) { addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER, _("%s: Invalid argument address"), _iComplex ? "getComplexMatrixOfDouble" : "getMatrixOfDouble"); return sciErr; } sciErr = getVarType(_pvCtx, _piAddress, &iType); if(sciErr.iErr || iType != sci_matrix) { addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, _("%s: Invalid argument type, %s excepted"), _iComplex ? "getComplexMatrixOfDouble" : "getMatrixOfDouble", _("double matrix")); return sciErr; } if(isVarComplex(_pvCtx, _piAddress) != _iComplex) { addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_INVALID_COMPLEXITY, _("%s: Bad call to get a non complex matrix"), "getComplexMatrixOfDouble"); return sciErr; } sciErr = getVarDimension(_pvCtx, _piAddress, _piRows, _piCols); if(sciErr.iErr) { addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_GET_DOUBLE, _("%s: Unable to get argument #%d"), _iComplex ? "getComplexMatrixOfDouble" : "getMatrixOfDouble", getRhsFromAddress(_pvCtx, _piAddress)); return sciErr; } if(_pdblReal != NULL) { *_pdblReal = (double*)(_piAddress + 4); } if(_iComplex && _pdblImg != NULL) { *_pdblImg = (double*)(_piAddress + 4) + *_piRows * *_piCols; } return sciErr; }
SciErr getCommonMatrixOfPoly(void* _pvCtx, int* _piAddress, int _iComplex, int* _piRows, int* _piCols, int* _piNbCoef, double** _pdblReal, double** _pdblImg) { SciErr sciErr; sciErr.iErr = 0; sciErr.iMsgCount = 0; int iType = 0; int iSize = 0; int *piOffset = NULL; double *pdblReal = NULL; double *pdblImg = NULL; if (_piAddress == NULL) { addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER, _("%s: Invalid argument address"), _iComplex ? "getComplexMatrixOfPoly" : "getMatrixOfPoly"); return sciErr; } sciErr = getVarType(_pvCtx, _piAddress, &iType); if (sciErr.iErr) { addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_GET_POLY, _("%s: Unable to get argument #%d"), _iComplex ? "getComplexMatrixOfPoly" : "getMatrixOfPoly", getRhsFromAddress(_pvCtx, _piAddress)); return sciErr; } if (iType != sci_poly) { addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, _("%s: Invalid argument type, %s excepted"), _iComplex ? "getComplexMatrixOfPoly" : "getMatrixOfPoly", _("polynomial matrix")); return sciErr; } if (isVarComplex(_pvCtx, _piAddress) != _iComplex) { addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_INVALID_COMPLEXITY, _("%s: Bad call to get a non complex matrix"), _iComplex ? "getComplexMatrixOfPoly" : "getMatrixOfPoly"); return sciErr; } sciErr = getVarDimension(_pvCtx, _piAddress, _piRows, _piCols); if (sciErr.iErr) { addErrorMessage(&sciErr, API_ERROR_GET_POLY, _("%s: Unable to get argument #%d"), _iComplex ? "getComplexMatrixOfPoly" : "getMatrixOfPoly", getRhsFromAddress(_pvCtx, _piAddress)); return sciErr; } iSize = *_piRows * *_piCols; if (_piNbCoef == NULL) { return sciErr; } piOffset = _piAddress + 8; //4 for header and 4 for variable name for (int i = 0 ; i < iSize ; i++) { _piNbCoef[i] = piOffset[i + 1] - piOffset[i]; } if (_pdblReal == NULL) { return sciErr; } pdblReal = (double*)(piOffset + iSize + 1 + ((iSize + 1) % 2 == 0 ? 0 : 1 )); for (int i = 0 ; i < iSize ; i++) { memcpy(_pdblReal[i], pdblReal + piOffset[i] - 1, sizeof(double) * _piNbCoef[i]); } if (_iComplex == 1) { pdblImg = pdblReal + piOffset[iSize] - 1; for (int i = 0 ; i < iSize ; i++) { memcpy(_pdblImg[i], pdblImg + piOffset[i] - 1, sizeof(double) * _piNbCoef[i]); } } return sciErr; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int inteval_cshep2d(char *fname, unsigned long fname_len) { /* * [f [,dfdx, dfdy [, dffdxx, dffdxy, dffdyy]]] = eval_cshep2d(xp, yp, tlcoef) */ int minrhs = 3, maxrhs = 3, minlhs = 1, maxlhs = 6; int mx = 0, nx = 0, lx = 0, my = 0, ny = 0, ly = 0, mt = 0, nt = 0, lt = 0; char **Str = NULL; int m1 = 0, n1 = 0, m2 = 0, n2 = 0, m3 = 0, n3 = 0, m4 = 0, n4 = 0, m5 = 0, n5 = 0, m6 = 0, n6 = 0, m7 = 0, n7 = 0, m8 = 0, n8 = 0; int lxyz = 0, lgrid = 0, lrmax = 0, lrw = 0, la = 0; double *xp = NULL, *yp = NULL, *xyz = NULL, *grid = NULL, *f = NULL, *dfdx = NULL, *dfdy = NULL, *dffdxx = NULL, *dffdyy = NULL, *dffdxy = NULL; int i = 0, ier = 0, n = 0, np = 0, nr = 0, lf = 0, ldfdx = 0, ldfdy = 0, ldffdxx = 0, ldffdyy = 0, ldffdxy = 0; SciIntMat Cell, Next; int *cell = NULL, *next = NULL; CheckRhs(minrhs, maxrhs); CheckLhs(minlhs, maxlhs); GetRhsVar(1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mx, &nx, &lx); GetRhsVar(2, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &my, &ny, &ly); for (i = 1; i <= minrhs - 1; i++) { SciErr sciErr; int *piAddressVar = NULL; sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, i, &piAddressVar); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, i); return 0; } if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddressVar)) { Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"), fname, i); return 0; } } if ( mx != my || nx != ny ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input arguments #%d and #%d: Same sizes expected.\n"), fname, 1, 2); return 0; } GetRhsVar(3, TYPED_LIST_DATATYPE, &mt, &nt, <); GetListRhsVar(3, 1, MATRIX_OF_STRING_DATATYPE, &m1, &n1, &Str); /* m1 = 1, n1 = 8 ? a verifier */ if ( strcmp(Str[0], "cshep2d") != 0) { /* Free Str */ if (Str) { int li = 0; while ( Str[li] != NULL) { FREE(Str[li]); Str[li] = NULL; li++; }; FREE(Str); Str = NULL; } Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: %s tlist expected.\n"), fname, 2, "cshep2d"); return 0; } /* Free Str */ if (Str) { int li = 0; while ( Str[li] != NULL) { FREE(Str[li]); Str[li] = NULL; li++; }; FREE(Str); Str = NULL; } GetListRhsVar(3, 2, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m2, &n2, &lxyz); /* m2 = n , n2 = 3 */ GetListRhsVar(3, 3, MATRIX_OF_VARIABLE_SIZE_INTEGER_DATATYPE, &m3, &n3, (int *)&Cell); /* m3 = nr, n3 = nr */ GetListRhsVar(3, 4, MATRIX_OF_VARIABLE_SIZE_INTEGER_DATATYPE, &m4, &n4, (int *)&Next); /* m4 = 1 , n4 = n */ GetListRhsVar(3, 5, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m5, &n5, &lgrid); /* m5 = 1 , n5 = 4 */ GetListRhsVar(3, 6, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m6, &n6, &lrmax); /* m6 = 1 , n6 = 1 */ GetListRhsVar(3, 7, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m7, &n7, &lrw); /* m7 = 1 , n7 = n */ GetListRhsVar(3, 8, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m8, &n8, &la); /* m8 = 9 , n8 = n */ cell = (int *)Cell.D; next = (int *)Next.D; xp = stk(lx); yp = stk(ly); np = mx * nx; n = m2; nr = m3; xyz = stk(lxyz); grid = stk(lgrid); CreateVar(4, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mx, &nx, &lf); f = stk(lf); if ( Lhs > 1 ) { CreateVar(5, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mx, &nx, &ldfdx); dfdx = stk(ldfdx); CreateVar(6, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mx, &nx, &ldfdy); dfdy = stk(ldfdy); } if ( Lhs > 3 ) { CreateVar(7, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mx, &nx, &ldffdxx); dffdxx = stk(ldffdxx); CreateVar(8, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mx, &nx, &ldffdxy); dffdyy = stk(ldffdxy); CreateVar(9, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mx, &nx, &ldffdyy); dffdxy = stk(ldffdyy); } switch ( Lhs ) { case ( 1 ) : for ( i = 0 ; i < np ; i++ ) /* DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION CS2VAL (PX,PY,N,X,Y,F,NR, * LCELL,LNEXT,XMIN,YMIN,DX,DY,RMAX,RW,A) */ f[i] = C2F(cs2val)(&xp[i], &yp[i], &n, xyz, &xyz[n], &xyz[2 * n], &nr, cell, next, grid, &grid[1], &grid[2], &grid[3], stk(lrmax), stk(lrw), stk(la)); LhsVar(1) = 4; break; case ( 2 ) : case ( 3 ) : for ( i = 0 ; i < np ; i++ ) /* SUBROUTINE CS2GRD (PX,PY,N,X,Y,F,NR,LCELL,LNEXT,XMIN, *. YMIN,DX,DY,RMAX,RW,A, C,CX,CY,IER) */ C2F(cs2grd) (&xp[i], &yp[i], &n, xyz, &xyz[n], &xyz[2 * n], &nr, cell, next, grid, &grid[1], &grid[2], &grid[3], stk(lrmax), stk(lrw), stk(la), &f[i], &dfdx[i], &dfdy[i], &ier); LhsVar(1) = 4; LhsVar(2) = 5; LhsVar(3) = 6; break; case ( 4 ) : case ( 5 ) : case ( 6 ) : for ( i = 0 ; i < np ; i++ ) { /* SUBROUTINE CS2HES (PX,PY,N,X,Y,F,NR,LCELL,LNEXT,XMIN, *. YMIN,DX,DY,RMAX,RW,A, C,CX,CY,CXX,CXY,CYY,IER) */ C2F(cs2hes) (&xp[i], &yp[i], &n, xyz, &xyz[n], &xyz[2 * n], &nr, cell, next, grid, &grid[1], &grid[2], &grid[3], stk(lrmax), stk(lrw), stk(la), &f[i], &dfdx[i], &dfdy[i], &dffdxx[i], &dffdxy[i], &dffdyy[i], &ier); } LhsVar(1) = 4; LhsVar(2) = 5; LhsVar(3) = 6; LhsVar(4) = 7; LhsVar(5) = 8; LhsVar(6) = 9; break; } PutLhsVar(); return 0; }
int sci_umf_lufact(char* fname, void* pvApiCtx) { SciErr sciErr; int stat = 0; SciSparse AA; CcsSparse A; int mA = 0; // rows int nA = 0; // cols int iNbItem = 0; int* piNbItemRow = NULL; int* piColPos = NULL; double* pdblSpReal = NULL; double* pdblSpImg = NULL; /* umfpack stuff */ double* Control = NULL; double* Info = NULL; void* Symbolic = NULL; void* Numeric = NULL; int* piAddr1 = NULL; int iComplex = 0; int iType1 = 0; /* Check numbers of input/output arguments */ CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 1); CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 1); /* get A the sparse matrix to factorize */ sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddr1); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } /* check if the first argument is a sparse matrix */ sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddr1, &iType1); if (sciErr.iErr || iType1 != sci_sparse) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A sparse matrix expected.\n"), fname, 1); return 1; } if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddr1)) { iComplex = 1; sciErr = getComplexSparseMatrix(pvApiCtx, piAddr1, &mA, &nA, &iNbItem, &piNbItemRow, &piColPos, &pdblSpReal, &pdblSpImg); } else { sciErr = getSparseMatrix(pvApiCtx, piAddr1, &mA, &nA, &iNbItem, &piNbItemRow, &piColPos, &pdblSpReal); } if (sciErr.iErr) { FREE(piNbItemRow); FREE(piColPos); FREE(pdblSpReal); if (pdblSpImg) { FREE(pdblSpImg); } printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } // fill struct sparse AA.m = mA; AA.n = nA; = iComplex; AA.nel = iNbItem; AA.mnel = piNbItemRow; AA.icol = piColPos; AA.R = pdblSpReal; AA.I = pdblSpImg; if (nA <= 0 || mA <= 0) { FREE(piNbItemRow); FREE(piColPos); FREE(pdblSpReal); if (pdblSpImg) { FREE(pdblSpImg); } Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 1); return 1; } SciSparseToCcsSparse(&AA, &A); FREE(piNbItemRow); FREE(piColPos); FREE(pdblSpReal); if (pdblSpImg) { FREE(pdblSpImg); } /* symbolic factorization */ if ( == 1) { stat = umfpack_zi_symbolic(nA, mA, A.p, A.irow, A.R, A.I, &Symbolic, Control, Info); } else { stat = umfpack_di_symbolic(nA, mA, A.p, A.irow, A.R, &Symbolic, Control, Info); } if (stat != UMFPACK_OK) { freeCcsSparse(A); Scierror(999, _("%s: An error occurred: %s: %s\n"), fname, _("symbolic factorization"), UmfErrorMes(stat)); return 1; } /* numeric factorization */ if ( == 1) { stat = umfpack_zi_numeric(A.p, A.irow, A.R, A.I, Symbolic, &Numeric, Control, Info); } else { stat = umfpack_di_numeric(A.p, A.irow, A.R, Symbolic, &Numeric, Control, Info); } if ( == 1) { umfpack_zi_free_symbolic(&Symbolic); } else { umfpack_di_free_symbolic(&Symbolic); } if ( stat != UMFPACK_OK && stat != UMFPACK_WARNING_singular_matrix ) { freeCcsSparse(A); Scierror(999, _("%s: An error occurred: %s: %s\n"), fname, _("symbolic factorization"), UmfErrorMes(stat)); return 1; } if ( stat == UMFPACK_WARNING_singular_matrix && mA == nA ) { if (getWarningMode()) { Sciwarning("\n%s:%s\n", _("Warning"), _("The (square) matrix appears to be singular.")); } } /* add the pointer in the list ListNumeric */ if (! AddAdrToList(Numeric,, &ListNumeric)) { /* AddAdrToList return 0 if malloc have failed : as it is just for storing 2 pointers this is unlikely to occurs but ... */ if ( == 1) { umfpack_zi_free_numeric(&Numeric); } else { umfpack_di_free_numeric(&Numeric); } freeCcsSparse(A); Scierror(999, _("%s: An error occurred: %s\n"), fname, _("no place to store the LU pointer in ListNumeric.")); return 1; } freeCcsSparse(A); /* create the scilab object to store the pointer onto the LU factors */ sciErr = createPointer(pvApiCtx, 2, Numeric); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } /* return the pointer */ AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = 2; ReturnArguments(pvApiCtx); return 0; }
int sci_gpuDotMult(char *fname) { CheckRhs(2, 2); CheckLhs(1, 1); SciErr sciErr; int* piAddr_A = NULL; int* piAddr_B = NULL; GpuPointer* gpuPtrA = NULL; GpuPointer* gpuPtrB = NULL; GpuPointer* gpuPtrC = NULL; double* h = NULL; double* hi = NULL; int rows = 0; int cols = 0; void* pvPtrA = NULL; void* pvPtrB = NULL; int inputType_A; int inputType_B; try { if (!isGpuInit()) { throw "gpu is not initialised. Please launch gpuInit() before use this function."; } sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddr_A); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddr_B); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } /* ---- Check type of arguments and get data ---- */ /* */ /* Pointer to host / Pointer to device */ /* Matrix real / Matrix complex */ /* */ /* ---------------------------------------------- */ sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddr_A, &inputType_A); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddr_B, &inputType_B); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } if (inputType_A == sci_pointer) { sciErr = getPointer(pvApiCtx, piAddr_A, (void**)&pvPtrA); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } gpuPtrA = (GpuPointer*)pvPtrA; if (!PointerManager::getInstance()->findGpuPointerInManager(gpuPtrA)) { throw "gpuDotMult : Bad type for input argument #1: Variables created with GPU functions expected."; } if (useCuda() && gpuPtrA->getGpuType() != GpuPointer::CudaType) { throw "gpuDotMult : Bad type for input argument #1: A Cuda pointer expected."; } if (useCuda() == false && gpuPtrA->getGpuType() != GpuPointer::OpenCLType) { throw "gpuDotMult : Bad type for input argument #1: A OpenCL pointer expected."; } } else if (inputType_A == sci_matrix) { if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddr_A)) { sciErr = getComplexMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr_A, &rows, &cols, &h, &hi); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } #ifdef WITH_CUDA if (useCuda()) { gpuPtrA = new PointerCuda(h, hi, rows, cols); } #endif #ifdef WITH_OPENCL if (!useCuda()) { throw "gpuDotMult: not implemented with OpenCL."; } #endif } else { sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr_A, &rows, &cols, &h); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } #ifdef WITH_CUDA if (useCuda()) { gpuPtrA = new PointerCuda(h, rows, cols); } #endif #ifdef WITH_OPENCL if (!useCuda()) { throw "gpuDotMult: not implemented with OpenCL."; } #endif } } else { throw "gpuDotMult : Bad type for input argument #1: A GPU or CPU matrix expected."; } if (inputType_B == sci_pointer) { sciErr = getPointer(pvApiCtx, piAddr_B, (void**)&pvPtrB); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } gpuPtrB = (GpuPointer*)pvPtrB; if (!PointerManager::getInstance()->findGpuPointerInManager(gpuPtrB)) { throw "gpuDotMult : Bad type for input argument #2: Variables created with GPU functions expected."; } if (useCuda() && gpuPtrB->getGpuType() != GpuPointer::CudaType) { throw "gpuDotMult : Bad type for input argument #2: A Cuda pointer expected."; } if (useCuda() == false && gpuPtrB->getGpuType() != GpuPointer::OpenCLType) { throw "gpuDotMult : Bad type for input argument #2: A OpenCL pointer expected."; } } else if (inputType_B == sci_matrix) { if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddr_B)) { sciErr = getComplexMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr_B, &rows, &cols, &h, &hi); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } #ifdef WITH_CUDA if (useCuda()) { gpuPtrB = new PointerCuda(h, hi, rows, cols); } #endif #ifdef WITH_OPENCL if (!useCuda()) { throw "gpuDotMult: not implemented with OpenCL."; } #endif } else { sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr_B, &rows, &cols, &h); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } #ifdef WITH_CUDA if (useCuda()) { gpuPtrB = new PointerCuda(h, rows, cols); } #endif #ifdef WITH_OPENCL if (!useCuda()) { throw "gpuDotMult: not implemented with OpenCL."; } #endif } } else { throw "gpuDotMult : Bad type for input argument #2: A GPU or CPU matrix expected."; } //performe operation. if (gpuPtrA->getSize() == 1 || gpuPtrB->getSize() == 1) { gpuPtrC = *gpuPtrA * *gpuPtrB; } else if (gpuPtrA->getRows() == gpuPtrB->getRows() && gpuPtrA->getCols() == gpuPtrB->getCols()) { #ifdef WITH_CUDA if (useCuda()) { gpuPtrC = cudaDotMult(dynamic_cast<PointerCuda*>(gpuPtrA), dynamic_cast<PointerCuda*>(gpuPtrB)); } #endif #ifdef WITH_OPENCL if (!useCuda()) { throw "gpuDotMult: not implemented with OpenCL."; } #endif } else { throw "gpuDotMult : Bad size for inputs arguments: Same sizes expected."; } // Keep the result on the Device. PointerManager::getInstance()->addGpuPointerInManager(gpuPtrC); sciErr = createPointer(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, (void*)gpuPtrC); if (sciErr.iErr) { throw sciErr; } LhsVar(1) = Rhs + 1; if (inputType_A == sci_matrix && gpuPtrA != NULL) { delete gpuPtrA; } if (inputType_B == sci_matrix && gpuPtrB != NULL) { delete gpuPtrB; } PutLhsVar(); return 0; } catch (const char* str) { Scierror(999, "%s\n", str); } catch (SciErr E) { printError(&E, 0); } if (inputType_A == sci_matrix && gpuPtrA != NULL) { delete gpuPtrA; } if (inputType_B == sci_matrix && gpuPtrB != NULL) { delete gpuPtrB; } if (gpuPtrC != NULL) { delete gpuPtrC; } return EXIT_FAILURE; }
int read_poly(char *fname, void* pvApiCtx) { SciErr sciErr; int i, j; //variable info int iRows = 0; int iCols = 0; int iVarLen = 0; int* piAddr = NULL; int* piNbCoef = NULL; double** pdblReal = NULL; double** pdblImg = NULL; char* pstVarname = NULL; //check input and output arguments CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 1); CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 1); sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddr); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddr) == FALSE) { //Error return 0; } //get variable name length sciErr = getPolyVariableName(pvApiCtx, piAddr, NULL, &iVarLen); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } //alloc buff to receive variable name pstVarname = (char*)MALLOC(sizeof(char) * (iVarLen + 1));//1 for null termination //get variable name sciErr = getPolyVariableName(pvApiCtx, piAddr, pstVarname, &iVarLen); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } //First call: retrieve dimmension sciErr = getComplexMatrixOfPoly(pvApiCtx, piAddr, &iRows, &iCols, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } //alloc array of coefficient piNbCoef = (int*)MALLOC(sizeof(int) * iRows * iCols); //Second call: retrieve coefficient sciErr = getComplexMatrixOfPoly(pvApiCtx, piAddr, &iRows, &iCols, piNbCoef, NULL, NULL); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } //alloc arrays of data pdblReal = (double**)MALLOC(sizeof(double*) * iRows * iCols); pdblImg = (double**)MALLOC(sizeof(double*) * iRows * iCols); for (i = 0 ; i < iRows * iCols ; i++) { pdblReal[i] = (double*)MALLOC(sizeof(double) * piNbCoef[i]); pdblImg[i] = (double*)MALLOC(sizeof(double) * piNbCoef[i]); } //Third call: retrieve data sciErr = getComplexMatrixOfPoly(pvApiCtx, piAddr, &iRows, &iCols, piNbCoef, pdblReal, pdblImg); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } //Do something with Data //Invert polynomials in the matrix and invert coefficients for (i = 0 ; i < (iRows * iCols) / 2 ; i++) { int iPos1 = iRows * iCols - 1 - i; double* pdblSave = NULL; int iNbCoefSave = 0; //switch array of coefficient pdblSave = pdblReal[i]; pdblReal[i] = pdblReal[iPos1]; pdblReal[iPos1] = pdblSave; pdblSave = pdblImg[i]; pdblImg[i] = pdblImg[iPos1]; pdblImg[iPos1] = pdblSave; //switch number of coefficient iNbCoefSave = piNbCoef[i]; piNbCoef[i] = piNbCoef[iPos1]; piNbCoef[iPos1] = iNbCoefSave; } //switch coefficient for (i = 0 ; i < iRows * iCols ; i++) { for (j = 0 ; j < piNbCoef[i] / 2 ; j++) { int iPos2 = piNbCoef[i] - 1 - j; double dblVal = pdblReal[i][j]; pdblReal[i][j] = pdblReal[i][iPos2]; pdblReal[i][iPos2] = dblVal; dblVal = pdblImg[i][j]; pdblImg[i][j] = pdblImg[i][iPos2]; pdblImg[i][iPos2] = dblVal; } } sciErr = createComplexMatrixOfPoly(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, pstVarname, iRows, iCols, piNbCoef, pdblReal, pdblImg); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } //free OS memory FREE(pstVarname); FREE(piNbCoef); for (i = 0 ; i < iRows * iCols ; i++) { FREE(pdblReal[i]); FREE(pdblImg[i]); } FREE(pdblReal); FREE(pdblImg); //assign allocated variables to Lhs position AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1; return 0; }
/* ==================================================================== */ int sci_foo(char *fname, void* pvApiCtx, unsigned long fname_len) { // Error management variable SciErr sciErr; ////////// Variables declaration ////////// int m1 = 0, n1 = 0; int *piAddressVarOne = NULL; double *matrixOfDouble = NULL; double *newMatrixOfDouble = NULL; int m2 = 0, n2 = 0; int *piAddressVarTwo = NULL; int *matrixOfBoolean = NULL; int *newMatrixOfBoolean = NULL; int i = 0; ////////// Check the number of input and output arguments ////////// /* --> [c, d] = foo(a, b) */ /* check that we have only 2 input arguments */ /* check that we have only 2 output argument */ CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 2, 2) ; CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 2, 2) ; ////////// Manage the first input argument (double) ////////// /* get Address of inputs */ sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddressVarOne); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } /* Check that the first input argument is a real matrix (and not complex) */ if ( !isDoubleType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne) || isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne) ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A real matrix expected.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } /* get matrix */ sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &m1, &n1, &matrixOfDouble); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } ////////// Manage the second input argument (boolean) ////////// /* get Address of inputs */ sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddressVarTwo); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } if ( !isBooleanType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo) ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A boolean matrix expected.\n"), fname, 2); return 0; } /* get matrix */ sciErr = getMatrixOfBoolean(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo, &m2, &n2, &matrixOfBoolean); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } ////////// Check the consistency of the two input arguments ////////// if ((m1 != m2) | - (n1 != n2)) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input arguments: Same size expected.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } newMatrixOfDouble = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * m1 * n1); ////////// Application code ////////// // Could be replaced by a call to a library for (i = 0; i < m1 * n1; i++) { /* For each element of the matrix, multiply by 2 */ newMatrixOfDouble[i] = matrixOfDouble[i] * 2; } newMatrixOfBoolean = (int*)malloc(sizeof(double) * m2 * n2); for (i = 0; i < m2 * n2; i++) { /* For each element of the matrix, invert the value */ newMatrixOfBoolean[i] = matrixOfBoolean[i] == TRUE ? FALSE : TRUE; } ////////// Create the output arguments ////////// /* Create the matrix as return of the function */ sciErr = createMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, m1, n1, newMatrixOfDouble); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } /* Create the matrix as return of the function */ sciErr = createMatrixOfBoolean(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 2, m2, n2, newMatrixOfBoolean); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } ////////// Return the output arguments to the Scilab engine ////////// AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1; AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 2) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 2; ReturnArguments(pvApiCtx); return 0; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int intsplin(char *fname,unsigned long fname_len) { int minrhs = 2, maxrhs = 4, minlhs = 1, maxlhs = 1; int mx = 0, nx = 0, lx = 0, my = 0, ny = 0, ly = 0, mc = 0, nc = 0, lc = 0, n = 0, spline_type = 0; int *str_spline_type = NULL, ns = 0; int ld = 0, i = 0; int mwk1 = 0, nwk1 = 0, lwk1 = 0, mwk2 = 0, nwk2 = 0, lwk2 = 0, mwk3 = 0; int nwk3 = 0, lwk3 = 0, mwk4 = 0, nwk4 = 0, lwk4 = 0; double *x = NULL, *y = NULL, *d = NULL, *c = NULL; CheckRhs(minrhs, maxrhs); CheckLhs(minlhs, maxlhs); GetRhsVar(1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mx, &nx, &lx); GetRhsVar(2, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &my, &ny, &ly); for (i = 1; i <= minrhs; i++) { SciErr sciErr; int *piAddressVar = NULL; sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, i, &piAddressVar); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, i); return 0; } if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddressVar)) { Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument %d: Real matrix expected.\n"), fname, i); return 0; } } if ( mx != my || nx != ny || (mx != 1 && nx != 1) ) { Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input arguments #%d and #%d: Vector of same size expected.\n"), fname, 1, 2); return 0; } n = mx * nx; /* number of interpolation points */ if ( n < 2 ) { Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: Must be %s.\n"), fname,1,">= 2"); return 0; } x = stk(lx); y = stk(ly); if (! good_order(x, n)) /* verify strict increasing abscissae */ { Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Not (strictly) increasing or +-inf detected.\n"), fname,1); return 0; } if ( Rhs >= 3 ) /* get the spline type */ { GetRhsScalarString(3, &ns, &str_spline_type); spline_type = get_type(SplineTable, NB_SPLINE_TYPE, str_spline_type, ns); if ( spline_type == UNDEFINED ) { Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong values for input argument #%d: Unknown '%s' type.\n"),fname,3,"spline"); return 0; }; } else { spline_type = NOT_A_KNOT; } if ( spline_type == CLAMPED ) /* get arg 4 which contains the end point slopes */ { if ( Rhs != 4 ) { Scierror(999,_("%s: For a clamped spline, you must give the endpoint slopes.\n"),fname); return 0; } GetRhsVar(4,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mc, &nc, &lc); if ( mc*nc != 2 ) { Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: Endpoint slopes.\n"),fname,4); return 0; } c = stk(lc); } else if ( Rhs == 4 ) { Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s).\n"),fname); return 0; } /* verify y(1) = y(n) for periodic splines */ if ( (spline_type == PERIODIC || spline_type == FAST_PERIODIC) && y[0] != y[n-1] ) { Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong value for periodic spline %s: Must be equal to %s.\n"),fname,"y(1)","y(n)"); return(0); }; CreateVar(Rhs+1,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mx, &nx, &ld); /* memory for d (only argument returned) */ d = stk(ld); switch(spline_type) { case(FAST) : case(FAST_PERIODIC) : nwk1 = 1; C2F(derivd) (x, y, d, &n, &nwk1, &spline_type); break; case(MONOTONE) : nwk1 = 1; C2F(dpchim) (&n, x, y, d, &nwk1); break; case(NOT_A_KNOT) : case(NATURAL) : case(CLAMPED) : case(PERIODIC) : /* (the wk4 work array is used only in the periodic case) */ mwk1 = n; nwk1 = 1; mwk2 = n-1; nwk2 = 1; mwk3 = n-1; nwk3 = 1; mwk4 = n-1; nwk4 = 1; CreateVar(Rhs+2,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mwk1, &nwk1, &lwk1); CreateVar(Rhs+3,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mwk2, &nwk2, &lwk2); CreateVar(Rhs+4,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mwk3, &nwk3, &lwk3); lwk4 = lwk1; if (spline_type == CLAMPED) { d[0] = c[0]; d[n-1] = c[1]; }; if (spline_type == PERIODIC) { CreateVar(Rhs+5,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mwk4, &nwk4, &lwk4); } C2F(splinecub) (x, y, d, &n, &spline_type, stk(lwk1), stk(lwk2), stk(lwk3), stk(lwk4)); break; } LhsVar(1) = Rhs+1; PutLhsVar(); return 0; }
//both basic and advanced loader use this code static int commonCodePart2() { //get input 3: lower bounds of variables if(getFixedSizeDoubleMatrixFromScilab(3,1,numVars,&lowerBounds)) { cleanupBeforeExit(); return 1; } //get input 4: upper bounds of variables if(getFixedSizeDoubleMatrixFromScilab(4,1,numVars,&upperBounds)) { cleanupBeforeExit(); return 1; } //get input 5: coefficients of variables in objective function to be minimized if(getFixedSizeDoubleMatrixFromScilab(5,1,numVars,&objective)) { cleanupBeforeExit(); return 1; } //get input 6: array that specifies wether a variable is constrained to be an integer sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 6, &varAddress); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); cleanupBeforeExit();return 1; } if ( !isBooleanType(pvApiCtx, varAddress) ) { Scierror(999, "Wrong type for input argument #6: A matrix of booleans is expected.\n"); cleanupBeforeExit();return 1; } sciErr = getMatrixOfBoolean(pvApiCtx, varAddress, &inputMatrixRows, &inputMatrixCols, &isIntVarBool); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); cleanupBeforeExit();return 1; } if(inputMatrixRows!=1 || inputMatrixCols!=numVars) { Scierror(999, "Wrong type for input argument #6: Incorrectly sized matrix.\n"); cleanupBeforeExit();return 1; } for(colIter=0;colIter<numVars;colIter++) { if(isIntVarBool[colIter]) isIntVar[colIter]=TRUE; else isIntVar[colIter]=FALSE; } //get input 7: wether to minimize or maximize objective sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 7, &varAddress); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } if ( !isDoubleType(pvApiCtx,varAddress) || isVarComplex(pvApiCtx,varAddress) ) { Scierror(999, "Wrong type for input argument #7: Either 1 (sym_minimize) or -1 (sym_maximize) is expected.\n"); return 1; } iRet = getScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, varAddress, &objSense); if(iRet || (objSense!=-1 && objSense!=1)) { Scierror(999, "Wrong type for input argument #7: Either 1 (sym_minimize) or -1 (sym_maximize) is expected.\n"); return 1; } iRet=sym_set_obj_sense(global_sym_env,objSense); if(iRet==FUNCTION_TERMINATED_ABNORMALLY) { Scierror(999, "An error occured.\n"); return 1; } //get input 9: constraint lower bound if(getFixedSizeDoubleMatrixFromScilab(9,numConstr,1,&conLower)) { cleanupBeforeExit(); return 1; } //get input 10: constraint upper bound if(getFixedSizeDoubleMatrixFromScilab(10,numConstr,1,&conUpper)) { cleanupBeforeExit(); return 1; } //deduce type of constraint for(rowIter=0;rowIter<numConstr;rowIter++) { if(conLower[rowIter]>conUpper[rowIter]) { Scierror(999, "Error: the lower bound of constraint %d is more than its upper bound.\n",rowIter); cleanupBeforeExit(); return 1; } if(conLower[rowIter]==(-INFINITY) && conUpper[rowIter]==INFINITY){ conType[rowIter]='N'; conRange[rowIter]=0; conRHS[rowIter]=0; }else if(conLower[rowIter]==(-INFINITY)){ conType[rowIter]='L'; conRange[rowIter]=0; conRHS[rowIter]=conUpper[rowIter]; }else if(conUpper[rowIter]==INFINITY){ conType[rowIter]='G'; conRange[rowIter]=0; conRHS[rowIter]=conLower[rowIter]; }else if(conUpper[rowIter]==conLower[rowIter]){ conType[rowIter]='E'; conRange[rowIter]=0; conRHS[rowIter]=conLower[rowIter]; }else{ conType[rowIter]='R'; conRange[rowIter]=conUpper[rowIter]-conLower[rowIter]; conRHS[rowIter]=conUpper[rowIter]; } } /* //for debug: show all data sciprint("Vars: %d Constr: %d ObjType: %lf\n",numVars,numConstr,objSense); for(colIter=0;colIter<numVars;colIter++) sciprint("Var %d: upper: %lf lower: %lf isInt: %d ObjCoeff: %lf\n",colIter,lowerBounds[colIter],upperBounds[colIter],isIntVar[colIter],objective[colIter]); for(rowIter=0;rowIter<numConstr;rowIter++) sciprint("Constr %d: type: %c lower: %lf upper: %lf range: %lf\n",rowIter,conType[rowIter],conLower[rowIter],conRange[rowIter]); */ //call problem loader sym_explicit_load_problem(global_sym_env,numVars,numConstr,conMatrixColStart,conMatrixRowIndex,conMatrix,lowerBounds,upperBounds,isIntVar,objective,NULL,conType,conRHS,conRange,TRUE); sciprint("Problem loaded into environment.\n"); //code to give output cleanupBeforeExit(); return 0; }
//advanced problem loader, expects sparse matrix. For use with larger problems (>10 vars) int sci_sym_loadProblem(char *fname) { int retVal,nonZeros,*itemsPerRow,*colIndex,matrixIter,newPos,*oldRowIndex,*colStartCopy; double *data; if(commonCodePart1()) return 1; //get input 8: matrix of constraint equation coefficients sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 8, &varAddress); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); cleanupBeforeExit();return 1; } if ( !isSparseType(pvApiCtx,varAddress) || isVarComplex(pvApiCtx,varAddress) ) { Scierror(999, "Wrong type for input argument #8: A sparse matrix of doubles is expected.\n"); cleanupBeforeExit();return 1; } sciErr = getSparseMatrix(pvApiCtx,varAddress,&inputMatrixRows,&inputMatrixCols,&nonZeros,&itemsPerRow,&colIndex,&data); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); cleanupBeforeExit();return 1; } if(inputMatrixRows!=numConstr || inputMatrixCols!=numVars) { Scierror(999, "Wrong type for input argument #8: Incorrectly sized matrix.\n"); cleanupBeforeExit();return 1; } //convert SciLab format sparse matrix into the format required by Symphony conMatrix=new double[nonZeros]; //matrix contents conMatrixColStart=new int[numVars+1]; //where each column of the matrix starts conMatrixRowIndex=new int[nonZeros]; //row number of each element oldRowIndex=new int[nonZeros]; //row number in old matrix colStartCopy=new int[numVars+1]; //temporary copy of conMatrixColStart for(rowIter=matrixIter=0;rowIter<numConstr;rowIter++) //assign row number to each element in old matrix for(colIter=0;colIter<itemsPerRow[rowIter];colIter++,matrixIter++) oldRowIndex[matrixIter]=rowIter; for(colIter=0;colIter<=numVars;colIter++) //initialize to 0 conMatrixColStart[colIter]=0; for(matrixIter=0;matrixIter<nonZeros;matrixIter++) //get number of elements in each column conMatrixColStart[colIndex[matrixIter]]++; for(colIter=1;colIter<=numVars;colIter++) //perfrom cumulative addition to get final data about where each column starts { conMatrixColStart[colIter]+=conMatrixColStart[colIter-1]; colStartCopy[colIter]=conMatrixColStart[colIter]; } colStartCopy[0]=0; for(matrixIter=0;matrixIter<nonZeros;matrixIter++) //move data from old matrix to new matrix { newPos=colStartCopy[colIndex[matrixIter]-1]++; //calculate its position in the new matrix conMatrix[newPos]=data[matrixIter]; //move the data conMatrixRowIndex[newPos]=oldRowIndex[matrixIter]; //assign it its row number } retVal=commonCodePart2(); //cleanup some more allocd memory if(conMatrix) delete[] conMatrix; if(oldRowIndex) delete[] oldRowIndex; if(colStartCopy) delete[] colStartCopy; return retVal; }
int sci_umfpack(char* fname, void* pvApiCtx) { SciErr sciErr; int mb = 0; int nb = 0; int i = 0; int num_A = 0; int num_b = 0; int mW = 0; int Case = 0; int stat = 0; SciSparse AA; CcsSparse A; int* piAddrA = NULL; int* piAddr2 = NULL; int* piAddrB = NULL; double* pdblBR = NULL; double* pdblBI = NULL; double* pdblXR = NULL; double* pdblXI = NULL; int iComplex = 0; int freepdblBI = 0; int mA = 0; // rows int nA = 0; // cols int iNbItem = 0; int* piNbItemRow = NULL; int* piColPos = NULL; double* pdblSpReal = NULL; double* pdblSpImg = NULL; /* umfpack stuff */ double Info[UMFPACK_INFO]; double* Control = NULL; void* Symbolic = NULL; void* Numeric = NULL; int* Wi = NULL; double* W = NULL; char* pStr = NULL; int iType2 = 0; int iTypeA = 0; int iTypeB = 0; /* Check numbers of input/output arguments */ CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 3, 3); CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 1); /* First get arg #2 : a string of length 1 */ sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddr2); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddr2, &iType2); if (sciErr.iErr || iType2 != sci_strings) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: string expected.\n"), fname, 2); return 1; } if (getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddr2, &pStr)) { return 1; } /* select Case 1 or 2 depending (of the first char of) the string ... */ if (pStr[0] == '\\') // compare pStr[0] with '\' { Case = 1; num_A = 1; num_b = 3; } else if (pStr[0] == '/') { Case = 2; num_A = 3; num_b = 1; } else { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong input argument #%d: '%s' or '%s' expected.\n"), fname, 2, "\\", "/"); FREE(pStr); return 1; } FREE(pStr); /* get A */ sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, num_A, &piAddrA); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddrA, &iTypeA); if (sciErr.iErr || iTypeA != sci_sparse) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A sparse matrix expected.\n"), fname, 1); return 1; } if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddrA)) { = 1; iComplex = 1; sciErr = getComplexSparseMatrix(pvApiCtx, piAddrA, &mA, &nA, &iNbItem, &piNbItemRow, &piColPos, &pdblSpReal, &pdblSpImg); } else { = 0; sciErr = getSparseMatrix(pvApiCtx, piAddrA, &mA, &nA, &iNbItem, &piNbItemRow, &piColPos, &pdblSpReal); } if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } // fill struct sparse AA.m = mA; AA.n = nA; AA.nel = iNbItem; AA.mnel = piNbItemRow; AA.icol = piColPos; AA.R = pdblSpReal; AA.I = pdblSpImg; if ( mA != nA || mA < 1 ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d.\n"), fname, num_A); return 1; } /* get B*/ sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, num_b, &piAddrB); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddrB, &iTypeB); if (sciErr.iErr || iTypeB != sci_matrix) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A matrix expected.\n"), fname, 3); return 1; } if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddrB)) { iComplex = 1; sciErr = getComplexMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddrB, &mb, &nb, &pdblBR, &pdblBI); } else { sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddrB, &mb, &nb, &pdblBR); } if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } if ( (Case == 1 && ( mb != mA || nb < 1 )) || (Case == 2 && ( nb != mA || mb < 1 )) ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d.\n"), fname, num_b); return 1; } SciSparseToCcsSparse(&AA, &A); /* allocate memory for the solution x */ if (iComplex) { sciErr = allocComplexMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 4, mb, nb, &pdblXR, &pdblXI); } else { sciErr = allocMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, 4, mb, nb, &pdblXR); } if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); freeCcsSparse(A); return 1; } if ( == 1) { mW = 10 * mA; } else { mW = 5 * mA; } if ( == 1 && pdblBI == NULL) { int iSize = mb * nb * sizeof(double); pdblBI = (double*)MALLOC(iSize); memset(pdblBI, 0x00, iSize); freepdblBI = 1; } /* Now calling umfpack routines */ if ( == 1) { stat = umfpack_zi_symbolic(mA, nA, A.p, A.irow, A.R, A.I, &Symbolic, Control, Info); } else { stat = umfpack_di_symbolic(mA, nA, A.p, A.irow, A.R, &Symbolic, Control, Info); } if ( stat != UMFPACK_OK ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: An error occurred: %s: %s\n"), fname, _("symbolic factorization"), UmfErrorMes(stat)); freeCcsSparse(A); if (freepdblBI) { FREE(pdblBI); } return 1; } if ( == 1) { stat = umfpack_zi_numeric(A.p, A.irow, A.R, A.I, Symbolic, &Numeric, Control, Info); } else { stat = umfpack_di_numeric(A.p, A.irow, A.R, Symbolic, &Numeric, Control, Info); } if ( == 1) { umfpack_zi_free_symbolic(&Symbolic); } else { umfpack_di_free_symbolic(&Symbolic); } if ( stat != UMFPACK_OK ) { Scierror(999, _("%s: An error occurred: %s: %s\n"), fname, _("numeric factorization"), UmfErrorMes(stat)); if ( == 1) { umfpack_zi_free_numeric(&Numeric); } else { umfpack_di_free_numeric(&Numeric); } freeCcsSparse(A); if (freepdblBI) { FREE(pdblBI); } return 1; } /* allocate memory for umfpack_di_wsolve usage or umfpack_zi_wsolve usage*/ Wi = (int*)MALLOC(mA * sizeof(int)); W = (double*)MALLOC(mW * sizeof(double)); if ( Case == 1 ) /* x = A\b <=> Ax = b */ { if ( == 0) { for ( i = 0 ; i < nb ; i++ ) { umfpack_di_wsolve(UMFPACK_A, A.p, A.irow, A.R, &pdblXR[i * mb], &pdblBR[i * mb], Numeric, Control, Info, Wi, W); } if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddrB)) { for ( i = 0 ; i < nb ; i++ ) { umfpack_di_wsolve(UMFPACK_A, A.p, A.irow, A.R, &pdblXI[i * mb], &pdblBI[i * mb], Numeric, Control, Info, Wi, W); } } } else /* == 1 */ { for ( i = 0 ; i < nb ; i++ ) { umfpack_zi_wsolve(UMFPACK_A, A.p, A.irow, A.R, A.I, &pdblXR[i * mb], &pdblXI[i * mb], &pdblBR[i * mb], &pdblBI[i * mb], Numeric, Control, Info, Wi, W); } } } else /* Case == 2, x = b/A <=> x A = b <=> A.'x.' = b.' */ { if ( == 0) { TransposeMatrix(pdblBR, mb, nb, pdblXR); /* put b in x (with transposition) */ for ( i = 0 ; i < mb ; i++ ) { umfpack_di_wsolve(UMFPACK_At, A.p, A.irow, A.R, &pdblBR[i * nb], &pdblXR[i * nb], Numeric, Control, Info, Wi, W); /* the solutions are in br */ } TransposeMatrix(pdblBR, nb, mb, pdblXR); /* put now br in xr with transposition */ if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddrB)) { TransposeMatrix(pdblBI, mb, nb, pdblXI); /* put b in x (with transposition) */ for ( i = 0 ; i < mb ; i++ ) { umfpack_di_wsolve(UMFPACK_At, A.p, A.irow, A.R, &pdblBI[i * nb], &pdblXI[i * nb], Numeric, Control, Info, Wi, W); /* the solutions are in bi */ } TransposeMatrix(pdblBI, nb, mb, pdblXI); /* put now bi in xi with transposition */ } } else /* */ { TransposeMatrix(pdblBR, mb, nb, pdblXR); TransposeMatrix(pdblBI, mb, nb, pdblXI); for ( i = 0 ; i < mb ; i++ ) { umfpack_zi_wsolve(UMFPACK_Aat, A.p, A.irow, A.R, A.I, &pdblBR[i * nb], &pdblBI[i * nb], &pdblXR[i * nb], &pdblXI[i * nb], Numeric, Control, Info, Wi, W); } TransposeMatrix(pdblBR, nb, mb, pdblXR); TransposeMatrix(pdblBI, nb, mb, pdblXI); } } if ( == 1) { umfpack_zi_free_numeric(&Numeric); } else { umfpack_di_free_numeric(&Numeric); } if (piNbItemRow != NULL) { FREE(piNbItemRow); } if (piColPos != NULL) { FREE(piColPos); } if (pdblSpReal != NULL) { FREE(pdblSpReal); } if (pdblSpImg != NULL) { FREE(pdblSpImg); } FREE(W); FREE(Wi); if (freepdblBI) { FREE(pdblBI); } freeCcsSparse(A); AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = 4; ReturnArguments(pvApiCtx); return 0; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int sci_fprintfMat(char *fname,unsigned long fname_len) { SciErr sciErr; int *piAddressVarOne = NULL; int m1 = 0, n1 = 0; int iType1 = 0; int *piAddressVarTwo = NULL; int m2 = 0, n2 = 0; int iType2 = 0; fprintfMatError ierr = FPRINTFMAT_ERROR; char *filename = NULL; char *expandedFilename = NULL; char **textAdded = NULL; char *Format = NULL; double *dValues = NULL; char *separator = NULL; int m4n4 = 0; int i = 0; Nbvars = 0; CheckRhs(1,5); CheckLhs(1,1); if (Rhs >= 3) { int *piAddressVarThree = NULL; int iType3 = 0; int m3 = 0, n3 = 0; sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 3, &piAddressVarThree); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 3); return 0; } sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarThree, &iType3); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 3); return 0; } if (iType3 != sci_strings) { Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), fname, 3); return 0; } sciErr = getVarDimension(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarThree, &m3, &n3); if ( (m3 != n3) && (n3 != 1) ) { Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), fname, 3); return 0; } if (getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarThree, &Format)) { Scierror(999,_("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname); return 0; } } else { Format = strdup(DEFAULT_FPRINTFMAT_FORMAT); } if ( Rhs >= 4 ) { int *piAddressVarFour = NULL; int *lengthStrings = NULL; int iType4 = 0; int m4 = 0, n4 = 0; sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 4, &piAddressVarFour); if(sciErr.iErr) { if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 4); return 0; } sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarFour, &iType4); if(sciErr.iErr) { if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 4); return 0; } if (iType4 != sci_strings) { if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), fname, 4); return 0; } sciErr = getVarDimension(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarFour, &m4, &n4); if(sciErr.iErr) { if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 4); return 0; } if (! ((m4 == 1) || (n4 == 1))) { if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 4); return 0; } lengthStrings = (int*)MALLOC(sizeof(int) * (m4 * n4)); if (lengthStrings == NULL) { if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} Scierror(999,_("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"),fname); return 0; } // get lengthStrings value sciErr = getMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarFour, &m4, &n4, lengthStrings, NULL); if(sciErr.iErr) { if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} if (lengthStrings) {FREE(lengthStrings); lengthStrings = NULL;} printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 4); return 0; } textAdded = (char**)MALLOC(sizeof(char*) * (m4 * n4)); if (textAdded == NULL) { if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} if (lengthStrings) {FREE(lengthStrings); lengthStrings = NULL;} Scierror(999,_("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"),fname); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < (m4 * n4); i++) { textAdded[i] = (char*)MALLOC(sizeof(char) * (lengthStrings[i] + 1)); if (textAdded[i] == NULL) { freeArrayOfString(textAdded, m4 * n4); if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} if (lengthStrings) {FREE(lengthStrings); lengthStrings = NULL;} Scierror(999,_("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"),fname); return 0; } } // get textAdded sciErr = getMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarFour, &m4, &n4, lengthStrings, textAdded); if (lengthStrings) {FREE(lengthStrings); lengthStrings = NULL;} if(sciErr.iErr) { freeArrayOfString(textAdded, m4 * n4); if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 4); return 0; } m4n4 = m4 * n4; } if (Rhs > 4) { int *piAddressVarFive = NULL; int iType5 = 0; int m5 = 0, n5 = 0; sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 5, &piAddressVarFive); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 5); return 0; } sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarFive, &iType5); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 5); return 0; } if (iType5 != sci_strings) { Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), fname, 5); return 0; } sciErr = getVarDimension(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarFive, &m5, &n5); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 5); return 0; } if ( (m5 != n5) && (n5 != 1) ) { Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), fname, 5); return 0; } if (getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarFive, &separator)) { Scierror(999,_("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname); return 0; } } else { separator = strdup(DEFAULT_FPRINTFMAT_SEPARATOR); } sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddressVarTwo); if(sciErr.iErr) { if (textAdded) freeArrayOfString(textAdded, m4n4); if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} if (separator){FREE(separator); separator = NULL;} printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 2); return 0; } sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo, &iType2); if(sciErr.iErr) { if (textAdded) freeArrayOfString(textAdded, m4n4); if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} if (separator){FREE(separator); separator = NULL;} printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 2); return 0; } if (iType2 != sci_matrix) { if (textAdded) freeArrayOfString(textAdded, m4n4); if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} if (separator){FREE(separator); separator = NULL;} Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Matrix of floating point numbers expected.\n"), fname, 2); return 0; } if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo)) { if (textAdded) freeArrayOfString(textAdded, m4n4); if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} if (separator){FREE(separator); separator = NULL;} Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real values expected.\n"), fname, 2); return 0; } sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarTwo, &m2, &n2, &dValues); if(sciErr.iErr) { if (textAdded) freeArrayOfString(textAdded, m4n4); if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} if (separator){FREE(separator); separator = NULL;} printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 2); return 0; } sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddressVarOne); if(sciErr.iErr) { if (textAdded) freeArrayOfString(textAdded, m4n4); if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} if (separator){FREE(separator); separator = NULL;} printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &iType1); if(sciErr.iErr) { if (textAdded) freeArrayOfString(textAdded, m4n4); if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} if (separator){FREE(separator); separator = NULL;} printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } if (iType1 != sci_strings) { if (textAdded) freeArrayOfString(textAdded, m4n4); if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} if (separator){FREE(separator); separator = NULL;} Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } sciErr = getVarDimension(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &m1, &n1); if ( (m1 != n1) && (n1 != 1) ) { if (textAdded) freeArrayOfString(textAdded, m4n4); if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} if (separator){FREE(separator); separator = NULL;} Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), fname, 1); return 0; } if (getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddressVarOne, &filename)) { if (textAdded) freeArrayOfString(textAdded, m4n4); if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} if (separator){FREE(separator); separator = NULL;} Scierror(999,_("%s: Memory allocation error.\n"), fname); return 0; } expandedFilename = expandPathVariable(filename); ierr = fprintfMat(expandedFilename, Format, separator, dValues, m2, n2,textAdded, m4n4); if (expandedFilename) {FREE(expandedFilename); expandedFilename = NULL;} if (textAdded) freeArrayOfString(textAdded, m4n4); if (Format) {FREE(Format); Format = NULL;} if (separator){FREE(separator); separator = NULL;} switch(ierr) { case FPRINTFMAT_NO_ERROR: { LhsVar(1) = 0; if (filename) {FREE(filename); filename = NULL;} PutLhsVar(); } break; case FPRINTFMAT_FOPEN_ERROR: { Scierror(999,_("%s: can not open file %s.\n"), fname, filename); } break; case FPRINTMAT_FORMAT_ERROR: { Scierror(999,_("%s: Invalid format.\n"), fname); } break; default: case FPRINTFMAT_ERROR: { Scierror(999,_("%s: error.\n"), fname); } break; } if (filename) {FREE(filename); filename = NULL;} return 0; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int intinterp3d(char *fname, unsigned long fname_len) { /* * [f [, dfdx, dfdy, dfdz]] = interp3d(xp, yp, zp, tlcoef [,outmode]) */ int minrhs = 4, maxrhs = 5, minlhs = 1, maxlhs = 4; int mxp = 0, nxp = 0, lxp = 0, myp = 0, nyp = 0, lyp = 0, mzp = 0, nzp = 0, lzp = 0, mt = 0, nt = 0, lt = 0, np = 0; int one = 1, kx = 0, ky = 0, kz = 0; int nx = 0, ny = 0, nz = 0, nxyz = 0, mtx = 0, mty = 0, mtz = 0, m = 0, n = 0; int ltx = 0, lty = 0, ltz = 0, lbcoef = 0, mwork = 0, lwork = 0, lfp = 0; int lxyzminmax = 0, nsix = 0, outmode = 0, ns = 0, *str_outmode = NULL; int m1 = 0, n1 = 0, ldfpdx = 0, ldfpdy = 0, ldfpdz = 0; double *fp = NULL, *xp = NULL, *yp = NULL, *zp = NULL, *dfpdx = NULL, *dfpdy = NULL, *dfpdz = NULL; double *xyzminmax = 0, xmin = 0, xmax = 0, ymin = 0, ymax = 0, zmin = 0, zmax = 0; SciIntMat Order; int *order = NULL; char **Str = NULL; int i = 0; CheckRhs(minrhs, maxrhs); CheckLhs(minlhs, maxlhs); GetRhsVar(1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mxp, &nxp, &lxp); xp = stk(lxp); GetRhsVar(2, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &myp, &nyp, &lyp); yp = stk(lyp); GetRhsVar(3, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mzp, &nzp, &lzp); zp = stk(lzp); for (i = 1; i <= minrhs - 1; i++) { SciErr sciErr; int *piAddressVar = NULL; sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, i, &piAddressVar); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, i); return 0; } if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddressVar)) { Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"), fname, i); return 0; } } if ( mxp != myp || nxp != nyp || mxp != mzp || nxp != nzp) { Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input arguments #%d, #%d and #%d: Same sizes expected.\n"),fname,1,2,3); return 0; } np = mxp * nxp; GetRhsVar(4, TYPED_LIST_DATATYPE,&mt, &nt, <); GetListRhsVar(4, 1,MATRIX_OF_STRING_DATATYPE, &m1, &n1, &Str); if ( strcmp(Str[0],"tensbs3d") != 0) { /* Free Str */ if (Str) { int i = 0; while (Str[i] != NULL) { FREE(Str[i]); i++; }; FREE(Str); Str = NULL; } Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: %s tlist expected.\n"), fname,4,"tensbs3d"); return 0; } /* Free Str */ if (Str) { int i = 0; while (Str[i] != NULL) { FREE(Str[i]); i++; }; FREE(Str); Str = NULL; } GetListRhsVar(4, 2,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mtx, &n, <x); GetListRhsVar(4, 3,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mty, &n, <y); GetListRhsVar(4, 4,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mtz, &n, <z); GetListRhsVar(4, 5,MATRIX_OF_VARIABLE_SIZE_INTEGER_DATATYPE, &m , &n, (int *)&Order); GetListRhsVar(4, 6,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &nxyz,&n, &lbcoef); GetListRhsVar(4, 7,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &nsix,&n, &lxyzminmax); xyzminmax = stk(lxyzminmax); xmin = xyzminmax[0]; xmax = xyzminmax[1]; ymin = xyzminmax[2]; ymax = xyzminmax[3]; zmin = xyzminmax[4]; zmax = xyzminmax[5]; /* get the outmode */ if ( Rhs == 5 ) { GetRhsScalarString(5, &ns, &str_outmode); outmode = get_type(OutModeTable, NB_OUTMODE, str_outmode, ns); if ( outmode == UNDEFINED || outmode == LINEAR || outmode == NATURAL ) { Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong values for input argument #%d: Unsupported '%s' type.\n"),fname,5,"outmode"); return 0; } } else { outmode = C0; } CreateVar(Rhs + 1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mxp, &nxp, &lfp); fp = stk(lfp); order = (int *)Order.D; kx = order[0]; ky = order[1]; kz = order[2]; nx = mtx - kx; ny = mty - ky; nz = mtz - kz; mwork = ky * kz + 3 *Max(kx, Max(ky, kz)) + kz; CreateVar(Rhs + 2, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mwork, &one, &lwork); if (Lhs == 1) { C2F(driverdb3val)(xp,yp,zp,fp,&np,stk(ltx), stk(lty), stk(ltz), &nx, &ny, &nz, &kx, &ky, &kz, stk(lbcoef), stk(lwork), &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax, &zmin, &zmax, &outmode); LhsVar(1) = Rhs + 1; } else { CreateVar(Rhs + 3, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mxp, &nxp, &ldfpdx); dfpdx = stk(ldfpdx); CreateVar(Rhs + 4, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mxp, &nxp, &ldfpdy); dfpdy = stk(ldfpdy); CreateVar(Rhs + 5, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mxp, &nxp, &ldfpdz); dfpdz = stk(ldfpdz); C2F(driverdb3valwithgrad)(xp,yp,zp,fp,dfpdx, dfpdy, dfpdz, &np, stk(ltx), stk(lty), stk(ltz), &nx, &ny, &nz, &kx, &ky, &kz, stk(lbcoef), stk(lwork), &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax, &zmin, &zmax, &outmode); LhsVar(1) = Rhs + 1; LhsVar(2) = Rhs + 3; LhsVar(3) = Rhs + 4; LhsVar(4) = Rhs + 5; } PutLhsVar(); return 0; }
int sci_taucs_chfact(char* fname, void* pvApiCtx) { SciErr sciErr; int stat = 0; int* perm = NULL; int* invperm = NULL; taucs_ccs_matrix *PAPT; taucs_ccs_matrix B; void *C = NULL; taucs_handle_factors *pC; SciSparse A; int mA = 0; // rows int nA = 0; // cols int iNbItem = 0; int* piNbItemRow = NULL; int* piColPos = NULL; double* pdblSpReal = NULL; double* pdblSpImg = NULL; int iComplex = 0; int* piAddr1 = NULL; /* Check numbers of input/output arguments */ CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 1); CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 1); /* get A the sparse matrix to factorize */ sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddr1); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddr1)) { iComplex = 1; sciErr = getComplexSparseMatrix(pvApiCtx, piAddr1, &mA, &nA, &iNbItem, &piNbItemRow, &piColPos, &pdblSpReal, &pdblSpImg); } else { sciErr = getSparseMatrix(pvApiCtx, piAddr1, &mA, &nA, &iNbItem, &piNbItemRow, &piColPos, &pdblSpReal); } if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } // fill struct sparse A.m = mA; A.n = nA; = iComplex; A.nel = iNbItem; A.mnel = piNbItemRow; A.icol = piColPos; A.R = pdblSpReal; A.I = pdblSpImg; stat = spd_sci_sparse_to_taucs_sparse(&A, &B); if ( stat != A_PRIORI_OK ) { if ( stat == MAT_IS_NOT_SPD ) { freeTaucsSparse(B); Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Must be symmetric positive definite matrix."), fname, 1); } /* the message for the other problem (not enough memory in stk) is treated automaticaly */ return 1; } /* find the permutation */ taucs_ccs_genmmd(&B, &perm, &invperm); if ( !perm ) { freeTaucsSparse(B); Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n") , fname); return 1; } /* apply permutation */ PAPT = taucs_ccs_permute_symmetrically(&B, perm, invperm); FREE(invperm); freeTaucsSparse(B); /* factor */ C = taucs_ccs_factor_llt_mf(PAPT); taucs_ccs_free(PAPT); if (C == NULL) { /* Note : an error indicator is given in the main scilab window * (out of memory, no positive definite matrix , etc ...) */ Scierror(999, _("%s: An error occurred: %s\n"), fname, _("factorization")); return 1; } /* put in an handle (Chol fact + perm + size) */ pC = (taucs_handle_factors*)MALLOC( sizeof(taucs_handle_factors) ); pC->p = perm; pC->C = C; pC->n = A.n; /* add in the list of Chol Factors */ AddAdrToList((Adr) pC, 0, &ListCholFactors); /* FIXME add a test here .. */ /* create the scilab object to store the pointer onto the Chol handle */ sciErr = createPointer(pvApiCtx, 2, (void *)pC); if (sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 1; } /* return the pointer */ AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = 2; ReturnArguments(pvApiCtx); return 0; }