void Config::processArgs(const QStringList &args) { connect(m_cmdLine, SIGNAL(switchFound(const QString &)), this, SLOT(handleSwitch(const QString &))); connect(m_cmdLine, SIGNAL(optionFound(const QString &, const QVariant &)), this, SLOT(handleOption(const QString &, const QVariant &))); connect(m_cmdLine, SIGNAL(paramFound(const QString &, const QVariant &)), this, SLOT(handleParam(const QString &, const QVariant &))); connect(m_cmdLine, SIGNAL(parseError(const QString &)), this, SLOT(handleError(const QString &))); m_cmdLine->setArguments(args); m_cmdLine->setConfig(flags); m_cmdLine->parse(); // Inject command line parameters to be picked up by GhostDriver if (isWebdriverMode()) { QStringList argsForGhostDriver; m_scriptFile = "main.js"; //< launch script argsForGhostDriver << QString("--ip=%1").arg(m_webdriverIp); //< "--ip=IP" argsForGhostDriver << QString("--port=%1").arg(m_webdriverPort); //< "--port=PORT" if (!m_webdriverSeleniumGridHub.isEmpty()) { argsForGhostDriver << QString("--hub=%1").arg(m_webdriverSeleniumGridHub); //< "--hub=SELENIUM_GRID_HUB_URL" } if (!m_webdriverLogFile.isEmpty()) { argsForGhostDriver << QString("--logFile=%1").arg(m_webdriverLogFile); //< "--logFile=LOG_FILE" argsForGhostDriver << "--logColor=false"; //< Force no-color-output in Log File } argsForGhostDriver << QString("--logLevel=%1").arg(m_webdriverLogLevel); //< "--logLevel=LOG_LEVEL" // Clear current args and override with those setScriptArgs(argsForGhostDriver); } }
void Config::processArgs(const QStringList &args) { connect(m_cmdLine, SIGNAL(switchFound(const QString &)), this, SLOT(handleSwitch(const QString &))); connect(m_cmdLine, SIGNAL(optionFound(const QString &, const QVariant &)), this, SLOT(handleOption(const QString &, const QVariant &))); connect(m_cmdLine, SIGNAL(paramFound(const QString &, const QVariant &)), this, SLOT(handleParam(const QString &, const QVariant &))); connect(m_cmdLine, SIGNAL(parseError(const QString &)), this, SLOT(handleError(const QString &))); m_cmdLine->setArguments(args); m_cmdLine->setConfig(flags); m_cmdLine->parse(); // Inject command line parameters to be picked up by GhostDriver if (isWebdriverMode()) { QStringList argsForGhostDriver; m_scriptFile = "main.js"; //< launch script argsForGhostDriver << m_webdriver; //< ip:port if (!m_webdriverSeleniumGridHub.isEmpty()) { argsForGhostDriver << m_webdriverSeleniumGridHub; //< selenium grid url } // Clear current args and override with those setScriptArgs(argsForGhostDriver); } }