Exemple #1
void set_name ( char *full_name, char *path, char *fname)
	if ( is_full_name ( fname)==1)
		sprintf ( full_name, "%s", fname);
	else sprintf ( full_name, "%s/%s", path,fname);
Exemple #2
void handle_con_note_finish (DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, char * argument)
        char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
	CHAR_DATA *ch = d->character;
		if (!ch->pcdata->in_progress)
			d->connected = CON_PLAYING;
			bug ("nanny: In CON_NOTE_FINISH, but no note in progress",0);
		switch (tolower(argument[0]))
			case 'c': /* keep writing */
				write_to_buffer (d,"Continuing note...\n\r",0);
				d->connected = CON_NOTE_TEXT;
			case 'v': /* view note so far */
				if (ch->pcdata->in_progress->text)
					write_to_buffer (d,GREEN "Text of your note so far:" NO_COLOR "\n\r",0);
					write_to_buffer (d, ch->pcdata->in_progress->text, 0);
					write_to_buffer (d,"You haven't written a thing!\n\r\n\r",0);
				write_to_buffer (d, szFinishPrompt, 0);
				write_to_buffer (d, "\n\r",0);
			case 'p': /* post note */
      if (board_number(ch->pcdata->board) < 4 && is_full_name("all", ch->pcdata->in_progress->to_list)) 
        xprintf(buf,"A new note has been posted by %s on board %d",
          ch->name, board_number(ch->pcdata->board)+1);
        do_info(ch, buf);
				finish_note (ch->pcdata->board, ch->pcdata->in_progress);
				write_to_buffer (d, "Note posted.\n\r",0);
				d->connected = CON_PLAYING;
				ch->pcdata->in_progress = NULL;
				act (BOLD GREEN "$n finishes $s note." NO_COLOR , ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
			case 'f':
				write_to_buffer (d, "Note cancelled!\n\r",0);
				free_note (ch->pcdata->in_progress);
				ch->pcdata->in_progress = NULL;
				d->connected = CON_PLAYING;
			default: /* invalid response */
				write_to_buffer (d, "Huh? Valid answers are:\n\r\n\r",0);
				write_to_buffer (d, szFinishPrompt, 0);
				write_to_buffer (d, "\n\r",0);
  if (d->connected == CON_PLAYING) REMOVE_BIT(ch->extra, EXTRA_AFK);
/* Entry point for editing help_data. */
void do_tedit( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    HELP_DATA   *iHelp;

    if( IS_NPC( ch ) )

    argument = one_argument( argument, arg );

    if( arg[0] == '\0' )
	send_to_char( "Syntax:  edit text <keywords>\n\r", ch );
	for( iHelp = help_first; iHelp; iHelp = iHelp->next )
	     * This help better not exist already!
	    if( is_full_name( arg, iHelp->keyword ) )
		ch->desc->pEdit = (void *)iHelp;
		ch->desc->editor = ED_HELP;

	if( !iHelp )
	    iHelp		= new_help();
	    iHelp->keyword	= str_dup( arg );

	    if( !help_first )
		help_first	= iHelp;
	    if( help_last )
		help_last->next	= iHelp;

	    help_last	= iHelp;
	    iHelp->next	= NULL;
	    ch->desc->pEdit     = (void *)iHelp;
	    ch->desc->editor = ED_HELP;
Exemple #4
void handle_con_note_to (DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, char * argument)
	char buf [MAX_INPUT_LENGTH*6];
	CHAR_DATA *ch = d->character;

	if (!ch->pcdata->in_progress)
		d->connected = CON_PLAYING;
		bug ("nanny: In CON_NOTE_TO, but no note in progress",0);

	strcpy (buf, argument);
	smash_tilde (buf); /* change ~ to - as we save this field as a string later */

	switch (ch->pcdata->board->force_type)
		case DEF_NORMAL: /* default field */
			if (!buf[0]) /* empty string? */
				ch->pcdata->in_progress->to_list = str_dup (ch->pcdata->board->names);
				xprintf (buf, "Assumed default recipient: " BOLD "%s" NO_COLOR "\n\r", ch->pcdata->board->names);
				write_to_buffer (d, buf, 0);
				ch->pcdata->in_progress->to_list = str_dup (buf);
		case DEF_INCLUDE: /* forced default */
			if (!is_full_name (ch->pcdata->board->names, buf))
				strcat (buf, " ");
				strcat (buf, ch->pcdata->board->names);
				ch->pcdata->in_progress->to_list = str_dup(buf);

				xprintf (buf, "\n\rYou did not specify %s as recipient, so it was automatically added.\n\r"
				         BOLD YELLOW "New To" NO_COLOR " :  %s\n\r",
						 ch->pcdata->board->names, ch->pcdata->in_progress->to_list);
				write_to_buffer (d, buf, 0);
				ch->pcdata->in_progress->to_list = str_dup (buf);
		case DEF_EXCLUDE: /* forced exclude */
			if (is_full_name (ch->pcdata->board->names, buf))
				xprintf (buf, "You are not allowed to send notes to %s on this board. Try again.\n\r"
				         BOLD YELLOW "To" NO_COLOR ":      ", ch->pcdata->board->names);
				write_to_buffer (d, buf, 0);
				return; /* return from nanny, not changing to the next state! */
				ch->pcdata->in_progress->to_list = str_dup (buf);

	write_to_buffer (d, BOLD YELLOW "\n\rSubject" NO_COLOR ": ", 0);
	d->connected = CON_NOTE_SUBJECT;
Exemple #5
/* Returns TRUE if the specified note is address to ch */
bool is_note_to (CHAR_DATA *ch, NOTE_DATA *note)
	if (!str_cmp (ch->pcdata->switchname, note->sender))
		return TRUE;
	if (is_full_name ("all", note->to_list))
		return TRUE;
	if (IS_IMMORTAL(ch) && ( 
		is_full_name ("imm", note->to_list) ||
		is_full_name ("imms", note->to_list) ||
		is_full_name ("immortal", note->to_list) ||
		is_full_name ("god", note->to_list) ||
		is_full_name ("gods", note->to_list) ||
		is_full_name ("immortals", note->to_list)))
		return TRUE;

	if (get_trust(ch) == MAX_LEVEL) return TRUE;

	if ((get_trust(ch) == MAX_LEVEL) && (
		is_full_name ("imp", note->to_list) ||
		is_full_name ("imps", note->to_list) ||
		is_full_name ("implementor", note->to_list) ||
		is_full_name ("implementors", note->to_list)))
		return TRUE;
	if (is_full_name (ch->pcdata->switchname, note->to_list))
		return TRUE;
        if( ch->pcdata->religion != 0 )
          if (is_full_name (note->to_list, religion_table[ch->pcdata->religion].truename)) return TRUE;

	if( ch->pcdata->kingdom != 0 )
	    if( IS_IMMORTAL(ch)) return TRUE;
//	    if(is_full_name(king_table[ch->pcdata->kingdom].name, note->to_list) ) return TRUE;

	/* Allow a note to e.g. 40 to send to characters level 40 and above */		
	if (is_number(note->to_list) && get_trust(ch) >= atoi(note->to_list))
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;