void LPVMaterialSystem::update(Context& context, SceneContext& /*scene_context*/, RenderContext& render_context) { ASSERT(is_handle_valid(gbuffer_.accumulator.id) && is_handle_valid(gbuffer_.normal.id) && is_handle_valid(gbuffer_.depth.id), "Invalid GBuffer"); // each pixel is a virtual point light Texture& texture = context.texture_pool.get(gbuffer_.accumulator.id); size_t vpl_number = texture.width() * texture.height(); injection(render_context.draw_calls.add(), context, render_context, vpl_number); geometry_injection(render_context.draw_calls.add(), context, render_context, vpl_number); propagation(context, render_context); }
void RenderTarget::close() { if (is_handle_valid(ds_.id)) destroy_pool_object(context_->texture_pool, ds_.id); for (size_t i = 0, targets_number = desc_.color_targets; i < targets_number; ++i) destroy_pool_object(context_->texture_pool, rt_[i].id); impl_->close(); }
BOOL CLogDeviceConsole::Open(LPCTSTR param) { if (::AllocConsole()) { m_free_console_on_close = true; } m_handle = ::GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (is_handle_valid(m_handle)) { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(m_handle, &csbi); m_default_attr = csbi.wAttributes; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
int32_t fs_opr_t::connect(uint32_t address, int32_t port, const char* pswd, bool reconnect) { int32_t ret = IMS_FAIL_CONNECT; char ip[sizeof ""]; if (reconnect) { disconnect(); ims_tool_t::inet_ntop(address, ip, sizeof ""); if (esl_connect(&_handle, ip, _port, NULL, _pswd) == ESL_SUCCESS) { TRACE_LOG("reconnect to FreeSWITCH [%s:%d] success", ip, _port); eval(RECORD_BASEDIR, _recordbase, LEN_256); ret = IMS_SUCCESS; } else { WARNING_LOG("reconnect to FreeSWITCH [%s:%d] failed(%s)", ip, _port, _handle.err); } } else { if (is_handle_valid()) { return IMS_SUCCESS; } strncpy(_pswd, pswd, LEN_16); _address = address; _port = port; ims_tool_t::inet_ntop(address, ip, sizeof ""); if (esl_connect(&_handle, ip, _port, NULL, _pswd) == ESL_SUCCESS) { TRACE_LOG("connect to FreeSWITCH [%s:%d] success", ip, _port); eval(RECORD_BASEDIR, _recordbase, LEN_256); ret = IMS_SUCCESS; } else { WARNING_LOG("connect to FreeSWITCH [%s:%d] failed(%s)", ip, _port, _handle.err); } } return ret; }
int32_t fs_opr_t::get_event(fs_event_t& event, uint32_t timeout) { FUNC_BEGIN(); bzero(&event, sizeof(event)); (void)fs_resp; //if(esl_recv_timed(&_handle,timeout*1000)==ESL_SUCCESS){ //check_q If set to 1, will check the handle queue (handle->race_event) and return the last //event from it // //没太看明白 稍微看了下源码,好像是set为1则取队列中的。不设置为1则可能丢事件,需要再次确定 //if(esl_recv_event_timed(&_handle, timeout, 1, NULL)==ESL_SUCCESS){ //使用带超时的接口会导致获取的fsevent事件内容为空,具体原因未知 if (esl_recv_event_timed(&_handle, 0, 1, NULL) == ESL_SUCCESS) { event.timestamp = 0; //拷贝事件到event中 get_head_val("Event-Name", event.name, LEN_64); if (IMS_SUCCESS == get_head_val("Event-Date-Timestamp", szcmd, LEN_512)) { event.timestamp = atoll(szcmd); } else { WARNING_LOG("get head_val Event-Date-Timestamp failed.!"); } if (strcasecmp(event.name, "HEARTBEAT") == 0) { event.datatype = EDT_HEARTBEAT; if (IMS_SUCCESS == get_head_val("Session-Since-Startup", szcmd, LEN_512)) { event.event_data.heartbeat.all_session = (uint32_t)atoi(szcmd); } if (IMS_SUCCESS == get_head_val("Session-Count", szcmd, LEN_512)) { event.event_data.heartbeat.cur_session = (uint32_t)atoi(szcmd); } if (IMS_SUCCESS == get_head_val("Idle-CPU", szcmd, LEN_512)) { event.event_data.heartbeat.cpu_idle = (uint32_t)atoi(szcmd); } } else { event.datatype = EDT_NORMAL; event.event_data.normal.call_direction = FCD_UNKNOWN; event.event_data.normal.call_state = FCS_UNKNOWN; if (strcasecmp(event.name, "BACKGROUND_JOB") == 0) { event.event_data.normal.call_direction = FCD_OUTBOUND; char* fs_resp = esl_event_get_body(_handle.last_ievent); if (fs_resp && !is_result_ok(fs_resp)) { strncpy(event.event_data.normal.reason, fs_resp + 5, LEN_128); char* fs_tmp = event.event_data.normal.reason; while (fs_tmp && *fs_tmp) { if (*fs_tmp == '\n') { *fs_tmp = '\0'; break; } fs_tmp++; } char tmp[LEN_512 + 1] = {0}; get_head_val("Job-Command-Arg", tmp, LEN_512); { //uuid_record error char cmd[LEN_512 + 1] = {0}; get_head_val("Job-Command", cmd, LEN_512); DEBUG_LOG("BACKGROUND_JOB: Job-Command(=%s)", cmd); if (0 == strncasecmp(cmd, "uuid_record", 11)) { WARNING_LOG("uuid_record failed, command-arg(=%s)", tmp); continue; } } { char* tmp_start = strstr(tmp, "}"); if (tmp_start) { char* tmp_end = strstr(tmp_start, " "); if (tmp_end && tmp_end > tmp_start) { strncpy(event.event_data.normal.channel_name, tmp_start + 1, tmp_end - tmp_start - 1); } } } { char* tmp_sz = strstr(tmp, "IMSDATA="); if (tmp_sz) { tmp_sz += 8; char* id_end = tmp_sz; while (id_end && isdigit(*id_end)) { id_end++; } if (id_end) { *id_end = '\0'; event.sessionid = atoll(tmp_sz); strncpy(event.name, "OPERATION_FAILED", LEN_64); } } } } else { ret = IMS_FAIL_TIMEOUT; break; } } else { get_head_val("Unique-ID", event.event_data.normal.uuid, LEN_64); get_head_val("Caller-Caller-ID-Number", event.event_data.normal.caller_no, LEN_64); get_head_val("Caller-Destination-Number", event.event_data.normal.called_no, LEN_64); get_head_val("Channel-Name", event.event_data.normal.channel_name, LEN_64); std::string deviceno; if (strncasecmp(event.event_data.normal.channel_name, "freetdm", 7) == 0) { get_head_val("variable_channel_name", event.event_data.normal.channel_name, LEN_64); } if (ims_tool_t::chlname2no(event.event_data.normal.channel_name, deviceno)) { strncpy(event.event_data.normal.deviceno, deviceno.c_str(), LEN_64); } else { event.event_data.normal.deviceno[0] = '\0'; } get_head_val("Other-Leg-Unique-ID", event.event_data.normal.other_uuid, LEN_64); get_head_val("Other-Leg-Caller-ID-Number", event.event_data.normal.other_caller_no, LEN_64); get_head_val("Other-Leg-Destination-Number", event.event_data.normal.other_called_no, LEN_64); get_head_val("Other-Leg-Channel-Name", event.event_data.normal.other_channel_name, LEN_64); deviceno = ""; if ('\0' != event.event_data.normal.other_channel_name[0] && ims_tool_t::chlname2no(event.event_data.normal.other_channel_name, deviceno)) { strncpy(event.event_data.normal.other_deviceno, deviceno.c_str(), LEN_64); } else { event.event_data.normal.other_deviceno[0] = '\0'; } get_head_val("Application", event.event_data.normal.application, LEN_32); get_head_val("Application-Data", event.event_data.normal.application_data, LEN_64); get_head_val("Application-Response", event.event_data.normal.application_resp, LEN_128); get_head_val("Hangup-Cause", event.event_data.normal.reason, LEN_128); if (IMS_SUCCESS == get_var("IMSDATA", szcmd, LEN_512)) { event.sessionid = atoll(szcmd); } else { event.sessionid = 0; } if (IMS_SUCCESS == get_head_val("Call-Direction", szcmd, LEN_512)) { if (strcasecmp(szcmd, "outbound") == 0) { event.event_data.normal.call_direction = FCD_OUTBOUND; } else if (strcasecmp(szcmd, "inbound") == 0) { event.event_data.normal.call_direction = FCD_INBOUND; } } if (IMS_SUCCESS == get_head_val("Answer-State", szcmd, LEN_512)) { if (strcasecmp(szcmd, "answered") == 0) { event.event_data.normal.call_state = FCS_ANSWERED; } else if (strcasecmp(szcmd, "early") == 0) { event.event_data.normal.call_state = FCS_EARLY; } else if (strcasecmp(szcmd, "ringing") == 0) { event.event_data.normal.call_state = FCS_RING; } } if (strcasecmp(event.name, "CUSTOM") == 0) { char tmp[LEN_128 + 1] = {0}; get_head_val("Event-Subclass", tmp, LEN_128); if (strcasecmp(tmp, "conference::maintenance") == 0) { get_head_val("Action", tmp, LEN_128); if (strcasecmp(tmp, "add-member") == 0) { strncpy(event.name, "CONFERENCE_JOIN", LEN_64); get_head_val("Member-ID", event.event_data.normal.ims_data, LEN_128); } else if (strcasecmp(tmp, "mute-member") == 0) { strncpy(event.name, "CONFERENCE_MUTE", LEN_64); } else if (strcasecmp(tmp, "unmute-member") == 0) { strncpy(event.name, "CONFERENCE_UNMUTE", LEN_64); } else { ret = IMS_FAIL_TIMEOUT; break; } } else { ret = IMS_FAIL_TIMEOUT; break; } } else if (strcasecmp(event.name, "RECORD_START") == 0) { get_head_val("Record-File-Path", event.event_data.normal.ims_data, LEN_128); if (strlen(event.event_data.normal.ims_data) > strlen(_recordbase)) { char* ptmp = (char*)(event.event_data.normal.ims_data) + strlen(_recordbase); while (ptmp && *ptmp == '/') { ++ptmp; } std::string new_file = ptmp; strncpy(event.event_data.normal.ims_data, new_file.c_str(), LEN_128); } } } std::ostringstream ostm; ostm << std::endl; ostm << "===========================FS EVENT============================" << std::endl; ostm << "ID : " << _fs_no << std::endl; ostm << "Address : " << _address << ":" << _port << std::endl; ostm << "Time : " << event.timestamp << std::endl; ostm << "SessionID : " << event.sessionid << std::endl; ostm << "IMSDATA : " << event.event_data.normal.ims_data << std::endl; ostm << "Name : " << event.name << std::endl; ostm << "Type : Normal" << std::endl; ostm << "Uuid : " << event.event_data.normal.uuid << std::endl;; ostm << "CallerNo : " << event.event_data.normal.caller_no << std::endl;; ostm << "CalledNo : " << event.event_data.normal.called_no << std::endl; ostm << "ChannelName : " << event.event_data.normal.channel_name << std::endl; ostm << "Direction : " << event.event_data.normal.call_direction << std::endl; ostm << "CallState : " << event.event_data.normal.call_state << std::endl; ostm << "App: : " << event.event_data.normal.application << std::endl; ostm << "App_Data : " << event.event_data.normal.application_data << std::endl; ostm << "App_Resp : " << event.event_data.normal.application_resp << std::endl; ostm << "Other_Uuid : " << event.event_data.normal.other_uuid << std::endl; ostm << "Other_Caller : " << event.event_data.normal.other_caller_no << std::endl; ostm << "Other_Called : " << event.event_data.normal.other_called_no << std::endl; ostm << "Other_Channel : " << event.event_data.normal.other_channel_name << std::endl; ostm << "Reason : " << event.event_data.normal.reason << std::endl; ostm << "============================End Event============================" << std::endl; BGCC_TRACE("fsevent", "%s", ostm.str().c_str()); } ret = IMS_SUCCESS; break; } //链接是好都么 if (is_handle_valid()) { ret = IMS_FAIL_TIMEOUT; break; } else { // if(IMS_SUCCESS!=connect(_address,_port,_pswd,true)){ WARNING_LOG("recv event failed(connect err)"); ret = IMS_FAIL_CONNECT; break; } FUNC_END(); }
void CLogDeviceConsole::Write( LPCTSTR strLog ) { if (!is_handle_valid(m_handle)) return; DWORD wrote; ::WriteConsole(m_handle, strLog, static_cast<DWORD>(_tcslen(strLog)), &wrote, NULL); }