		This is based on a nearest node criterion to all boundaries.

		@todo Improve efficiency. In most cases, we should be able to specify boundaries as planes
		@todo Somewhat dependent on the resolution of the model boundary
		bool OmegaBDistanceConfigurator::configure(Model& m) const
			Point<3> ebc;
			vector<size_t> omega_ids;
			for (const auto& eit : m.Region("Model").ElementVector())
				ebc = eit->BaryCenter();
				double dmin = numeric_limits<double>::max();
				for (Model::boundaryIterator bit = m.BoundariesBegin(); bit != m.BoundariesEnd(); ++bit)
					if (!is_main_boundary_id(bit->first.second))
					for (const auto& bnit : bit->second.NodeVector())
						double const dist = ebc.DistanceTo(bnit->Coordinate());
						if (dist < dmin)
							dmin = dist;
				if (dmin >= dist_)
			if (omega_ids.size()) {
				m.FormRegionFrom("omega", omega_ids);
				return true;
			return false;
/// Removes line element regions for 3D models
void make_dfn_boundaries(csmp::Model<3> &m) {
  vector<string> bregions;
  // loop over regions
  for (auto it = m.UniqueRegionsBegin(); it != m.UniqueRegionsEnd(); ++it)
    if (is_main_boundary_id(it->first)) // identify boundary names
  // converting
  for (auto br : bregions)
    m.InsertBoundary(br.c_str(), IRREGULAR, true, true); // make boundaries