// Processor level may not be accurate on non-NT systems
 static int processor_level() {
   assert(is_nt(), "use vm_version instead");
   return _processor_level;
Exemple #2
int my_security_attr_create(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES **psa, const char **perror,
                            DWORD owner_rights, DWORD everyone_rights)
  /* Top-level SID authority */
  PSID everyone_sid= 0;
  HANDLE htoken= 0;
  PACL dacl= 0;
  DWORD owner_token_length, dacl_length;
  PTOKEN_USER owner_token;
  PSID owner_sid;
  My_security_attr *attr;

  if (! is_nt())
    *psa= 0;
    return 0;

    Get SID of Everyone group. Easier to retrieve all SIDs each time
    this function is called than worry about thread safety.
  if (! AllocateAndInitializeSid(&world_auth, 1, SECURITY_WORLD_RID,
                                 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &everyone_sid))
    *perror= "Failed to retrieve the SID of Everyone group";
    goto error;

    Get SID of the owner. Using GetSecurityInfo this task can be done
    in just one call instead of five, but GetSecurityInfo declared in
    aclapi.h, so I hesitate to use it.
    SIC: OpenThreadToken works only if there is an active impersonation
    token, hence OpenProcessToken is used.
  if (! OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &htoken))
    *perror= "Failed to retrieve thread access token";
    goto error;
  GetTokenInformation(htoken, TokenUser, 0, 0, &owner_token_length);

  if (! my_multi_malloc(MYF(MY_WME),
                        &sa, ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)) +
                        &sd, sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR),
                        &owner_token, owner_token_length,
    *perror= "Failed to allocate memory for SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES";
    goto error;
  bzero(owner_token, owner_token_length);
  if (! GetTokenInformation(htoken, TokenUser, owner_token,
                            owner_token_length, &owner_token_length))
    *perror= "GetTokenInformation failed";
    goto error;
  owner_sid= owner_token->User.Sid;

  if (! IsValidSid(owner_sid))
    *perror= "IsValidSid failed";
    goto error;

  /* Calculate the amount of memory that must be allocated for the DACL */
  dacl_length= sizeof(ACL) + (sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)-sizeof(DWORD)) * 2 +
               GetLengthSid(everyone_sid) + GetLengthSid(owner_sid);

  /* Create an ACL */
  if (! (dacl= (PACL) my_malloc(dacl_length, MYF(MY_ZEROFILL|MY_WME))))
    *perror= "Failed to allocate memory for DACL";
    goto error;
  if (! InitializeAcl(dacl, dacl_length, ACL_REVISION))
    *perror= "Failed to initialize DACL";
    goto error;
  if (! AddAccessAllowedAce(dacl, ACL_REVISION, everyone_rights, everyone_sid))
    *perror= "Failed to set up DACL";
    goto error;
  if (! AddAccessAllowedAce(dacl, ACL_REVISION, owner_rights, owner_sid))
    *perror= "Failed to set up DACL";
    goto error;
  if (! InitializeSecurityDescriptor(sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION))
    *perror= "Could not initialize security descriptor";
    goto error;
  if (! SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(sd, TRUE, dacl, FALSE))
    *perror= "Failed to install DACL";
    goto error;

  sa->nLength= sizeof(*sa);
  sa->bInheritHandle= TRUE;
  sa->lpSecurityDescriptor= sd;
  /* Save pointers to everyone_sid and dacl to be able to clean them up */
  attr= (My_security_attr*) (((char*) sa) + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(*sa)));
  attr->everyone_sid= everyone_sid;
  attr->dacl= dacl;
  *psa= sa;

  return 0;
  if (everyone_sid)
  if (htoken)
  *psa= 0;
  return 1;