Scene Scene::load(const std::string &filename, const json11::Json &settings) { std::ifstream is(filename); std::stringstream ss; ss << is.rdbuf(); std::string err; Json jsonRoot = Json::parse(ss.str(), err); if (jsonRoot.is_null()) { throw Exception("Failed to load scene from '%s' (error: %s)", filename, err); } _resolver = filesystem::resolver(); _resolver.prepend(filesystem::path(filename).parent_path()); Scene scene; // Patch settings auto settingsValues = jsonRoot["settings"].object_items(); for (auto kv : settings.object_items()) { settingsValues[kv.first] = kv.second; } scene.settings = Properties(json11::Json(settingsValues)); // Parse scene objects Json jsonScene = jsonRoot["scene"]; if (jsonScene.is_object()) { auto jsonCamera = jsonScene["camera"]; if (jsonCamera.is_object()) { Properties props(jsonCamera); = Camera(jsonCamera); } auto jsonWorld = jsonScene["world"]; if (jsonWorld.is_object()) { Properties props(jsonWorld); = World(jsonWorld); } for (auto jsonBox : jsonScene["boxes"].array_items()) { scene.boxes.emplace_back(Box(Properties(jsonBox))); } for (auto jsonSphere : jsonScene["spheres"].array_items()) { scene.spheres.emplace_back(Sphere(Properties(jsonSphere))); } for (auto jsonMesh : jsonScene["meshes"].array_items()) { scene.meshes.emplace_back(Mesh(Properties(jsonMesh))); } for (auto jsonCameraKeyframe : jsonScene["cameraKeyframes"].array_items()) { scene.cameraKeyframes.emplace_back(Camera(Properties(jsonCameraKeyframe))); } // Set default camera if (!jsonCamera.is_object()) { Vector3f center =; += center; += center; } } return scene; }
xbox_live_result<multiplayer_role_type> multiplayer_role_type::_Deserialize( _In_ const web::json::value& json ) { if (json.is_null()) return xbox_live_result<multiplayer_role_type>(); multiplayer_role_type returnResult; std::error_code errc = xbox_live_error_code::no_error; returnResult.m_ownerManaged = utils::extract_json_bool(json, _T("ownerManaged"), errc, false); returnResult.m_mutableRoleSettings = _Convert_string_vector_to_mutable_role_settings( utils::extract_json_vector<string_t>(utils::json_string_extractor, json, _T("mutableRoleSettings"), errc, false) ); auto rolesJson = utils::extract_json_field(json, _T("roles"), errc, false); if (!rolesJson.is_null() && rolesJson.is_object()) { web::json::object rolesObj = rolesJson.as_object(); for (const auto& role : rolesObj) { auto roleInfoResult = multiplayer_role_info::_Deserialize(role.second); if (roleInfoResult.err()) { errc = roleInfoResult.err(); } returnResult.m_roles[role.first] = roleInfoResult.payload(); } } return xbox_live_result<multiplayer_role_type>(returnResult, errc); }
NODE *lkindof(NODE *args) { NODE *argcopy = args; NODE *val = UNBOUND; if (is_list(car(args))) { if (cdr(args) != NIL) { err_logo(TOO_MUCH, NIL); /* too many inputs */ } args = car(args); } /* now args is always a list of objects */ /* make sure they're all really objects */ for (argcopy = args; (argcopy != NIL && NOT_THROWING); argcopy = cdr(argcopy)) { while (!is_object(car(argcopy)) && NOT_THROWING) { setcar(argcopy, err_logo(BAD_DATA, car(argcopy))); } } if (NOT_THROWING) { val = newobj(); setparents(val, args); } return val; }
static std::string format_verbose_info(mtx::id::verbose_info_t const &info) { auto formatted = std::vector<std::string>{}; auto sub_fmt = boost::format("%1%.%2%.%3%"); for (auto const &pair : info) { if (pair.second.is_array()) { auto idx = 0u; for (auto it = pair.second.begin(), end = pair.second.end(); it != end; ++it) { if (it->is_object()) { for (auto sub_it = it->begin(), sub_end = it->end(); sub_it != sub_end; ++sub_it) formatted.emplace_back(format_key_and_json_value((sub_fmt % pair.first % idx % sub_it.key()).str(), sub_it.value())); ++idx; } else formatted.emplace_back(format_key_and_json_value(pair.first, *it)); } } else formatted.emplace_back(format_key_and_json_value(pair.first, pair.second)); } brng::sort(formatted); return boost::join(formatted, " "); }
CL_CSSLayoutObject CL_CSSLayoutNode::to_object() const { if (is_object()) return CL_CSSLayoutObject(impl); else return CL_CSSLayoutObject(); }
NODE *loneof(NODE *args) { NODE *val = UNBOUND, *argcopy; if (!is_list(car(args))) { setcar(args, cons(car(args), NIL)); } /* now the first arg is always a list of objects */ /* make sure they're really objects */ argcopy = car(args); while (argcopy != NIL && NOT_THROWING) { while (!is_object(car(argcopy)) && NOT_THROWING) { setcar(argcopy, err_logo(BAD_DATA, car(argcopy))); } argcopy = cdr(argcopy); } if (NOT_THROWING) { val = newobj(); setparents(val, car(args)); /* apply [[InitList] [Exist Output Self]] cdr(args) */ return make_cont(withobject_continuation, cons(val, make_cont(begin_apply, cons(askexist, cons(cons(cdr(args), NIL), NIL))))); } return val; }
/* Changes to Object the object in which subsequent top level instruction will * be run until the next time TalkTo is run * @params - Object */ NODE *ltalkto(NODE *args) { while (!is_object(car(args)) && NOT_THROWING) setcar(args, err_logo(BAD_DATA, car(args))); if (NOT_THROWING) current_object = car(args); return UNBOUND; }
inline Integer* to_integer(ObjP p) { if (is_object(p)) return to_object(p)->cast_integer(); else if (is_fixnum(p)) return new Integer(fixnum_to_int(p)); throw new Exception("bad_integer", p); }
inline std::optional<nlohmann::json::const_iterator> find_object(const nlohmann::json& json, const std::string& key) { auto it = json.find(key); if (it != std::end(json)) { if (it->is_object()) { return it; } } return std::nullopt; }
bool JSON::add(const prog_char key[], int32_t value) { if (!is_object()) return false; if (!obj_separator()) return false; return append("\"") && append_progstr(key) && append("\":") && append(value); }
bool JSON::add(const prog_char key[], const char *value) { if (!is_object()) return false; if (!obj_separator()) return false; return (append("\"") && append_progstr(key) && append("\":\"") && append(value) && append("\"")); }
inline int int_value(ObjP p) { if (is_object(p)) { Integer* integer = to_object(p)->cast_integer(); return integer->int_value(); } else if (is_fixnum(p)) return fixnum_to_int(p); throw new Exception("bad_integer", p); }
/* Runs RunList, with Object as the current object for the duration of the * Ask. After RunList finishes, the current object reverts to what it was * before the Ask. * @params - Object RunList */ NODE *lask(NODE *args) { while (!is_object(car(args)) && NOT_THROWING) setcar(args, err_logo(BAD_DATA, car(args))); if (NOT_THROWING) { return make_cont(withobject_continuation, cons(car(args), make_cont(begin_seq, cadr(args)))); } return UNBOUND; }
void update(oga::proto::config::object & dest, oga::proto::config::object const & src) { typedef oga::proto::config::object::const_iterator iter_t; for(iter_t iter = src.begin(), end = src.end(); iter != end; ++iter) { if(is_object(iter->second)) { if(dest.count(iter->first) == 0) { dest[iter->first] = oga::proto::config::object(); } update(dest[iter->first].get_object(), iter->second.get_object()); } else { dest[iter->first] = iter->second; } } }
bool VerificationType::is_reference_assignable_from( const VerificationType& from, ClassVerifier* context, bool from_field_is_protected, TRAPS) const { instanceKlassHandle klass = context->current_class(); if (from.is_null()) { // null is assignable to any reference return true; } else if (is_null()) { return false; } else if (name() == { return true; } else if (is_object()) { // We need check the class hierarchy to check assignability if (name() == vmSymbols::java_lang_Object()) { // any object or array is assignable to java.lang.Object return true; } Klass* obj = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_fail( name(), Handle(THREAD, klass->class_loader()), Handle(THREAD, klass->protection_domain()), true, CHECK_false); if (TraceClassResolution) { Verifier::trace_class_resolution(obj, klass()); } KlassHandle this_class(THREAD, obj); if (this_class->is_interface() && (!from_field_is_protected || != vmSymbols::java_lang_Object())) { // If we are not trying to access a protected field or method in // java.lang.Object then we treat interfaces as java.lang.Object, // including java.lang.Cloneable and return true; } else if (from.is_object()) { Klass* from_class = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_fail(, Handle(THREAD, klass->class_loader()), Handle(THREAD, klass->protection_domain()), true, CHECK_false); if (TraceClassResolution) { Verifier::trace_class_resolution(from_class, klass()); } return InstanceKlass::cast(from_class)->is_subclass_of(this_class()); } } else if (is_array() && from.is_array()) { VerificationType comp_this = get_component(context, CHECK_false); VerificationType comp_from = from.get_component(context, CHECK_false); if (!comp_this.is_bogus() && !comp_from.is_bogus()) { return comp_this.is_component_assignable_from(comp_from, context, from_field_is_protected, CHECK_false); } } return false; }
void process_sound_events(EngineState *s) { /* Get all sound events, apply their changes to the heap */ int result; SongHandle handle; int cue; if (s->_version >= SCI_VERSION_01) return; /* SCI01 and later explicitly poll for everything */ while ((result = s->_sound.sfx_poll(&handle, &cue))) { reg_t obj = DEFROBNICATE_HANDLE(handle); if (!is_object(s, obj)) { warning("Non-object %04x:%04x received sound signal (%d/%d)", PRINT_REG(obj), result, cue); return; } switch (result) { case SI_LOOP: debugC(2, kDebugLevelSound, "[process-sound] Song %04x:%04x looped (to %d)\n", PRINT_REG(obj), cue); /* PUT_SEL32V(obj, loops, GET_SEL32V(obj, loop) - 1);*/ PUT_SEL32V(obj, signal, -1); break; case SI_RELATIVE_CUE: debugC(2, kDebugLevelSound, "[process-sound] Song %04x:%04x received relative cue %d\n", PRINT_REG(obj), cue); PUT_SEL32V(obj, signal, cue + 0x7f); break; case SI_ABSOLUTE_CUE: debugC(2, kDebugLevelSound, "[process-sound] Song %04x:%04x received absolute cue %d\n", PRINT_REG(obj), cue); PUT_SEL32V(obj, signal, cue); break; case SI_FINISHED: debugC(2, kDebugLevelSound, "[process-sound] Song %04x:%04x finished\n", PRINT_REG(obj)); PUT_SEL32V(obj, signal, -1); PUT_SEL32V(obj, state, _K_SOUND_STATUS_STOPPED); break; default: warning("Unexpected result from sfx_poll: %d", result); break; } } }
/* * Assume that we have root object. */ void * parent(void * Self_v) { const struct root_osd * Self = Self_v; // const struct object_properties_osd ** Self = Self_v + sizeof(object_osa); /* if (NULL == Self) { ERROR("Attempt to get parent of object at NULL address."); THROW(NULL_POINTER_OBJECT); // never reach this point return only to remove warning return NULL; } */ ASSERT(FALSE == is_object(Self_v), NULL_POINTER_OBJECT, NULL, "Malformed object."); return (void *)(Self->properties->parent); }
const char* json_node::get_type(void) const { if (is_string()) return "string"; else if (is_number()) return "number"; else if (is_bool()) return "bool"; else if (is_null()) return "null"; else if (is_object()) return "object"; else if (is_array()) return "array"; else return "unknown"; }
OdinEvent::OdinEvent(const j::json &full_msg) : OdinEvent() { if (full_msg.is_object()) { auto v= full_msg["type"]; if (v.is_number()) { _type = SCAST(MType, JS_INT(v)); } v= full_msg["code"]; if (v.is_number()) { _code = SCAST(EType, JS_INT(v)); } v= full_msg["source"]; if (v.is_object()) { _doco =v; } } }
int is_entity_ok (int x, int y) { // On vérifie si aucune autre entité n'est sur la case visée if (is_occupied(x, y)) return 0; // On vérifie si le personnage n'essaye pas de sortir de la map if (!is_in_map(x, y)) return 0; // On vérifie si le personnage peut marcher si le tile visé if (is_bloquant(x, y)) return 0; if (is_object(x, y)) return 0; return 1; }
bool Config::parse() { std::ifstream ifs(m_path); // File exists? if (ifs.good()) { const auto jsonDoc = json::parse(ifs); if (jsonDoc.is_object() && (jsonDoc.find("ipdvrConfig") != jsonDoc.end())) { DEBUG_PRINT("Found a valid ipdvrConfig root tag in file: " << m_path << std::endl); } else { ERROR_PRINT("Error parsing config file: " << m_path << std::endl); return false; } const auto rootNode = jsonDoc["ipdvrConfig"]; if (rootNode.find("channels") != rootNode.end()) { m_channelDataList = parseChannels(rootNode["channels"]); DEBUG_PRINT("Parsed a channel list with " << m_channelDataList.size() << " entries." << std::endl); return true; } else { ERROR_PRINT("No channels defined!" << std::endl); return false; } } else { ERROR_PRINT("Could not open configuration file: " << m_path << std::endl); return false; } }
bool VerificationType::is_reference_assignable_from( const VerificationType& from, ClassVerifier* context, bool from_field_is_protected, TRAPS) const { instanceKlassHandle klass = context->current_class(); if (from.is_null()) { // null is assignable to any reference return true; } else if (is_null()) { return false; } else if (name() == { return true; } else if (is_object()) { // We need check the class hierarchy to check assignability if (name() == vmSymbols::java_lang_Object()) { // any object or array is assignable to java.lang.Object return true; } if (DumpSharedSpaces && SystemDictionaryShared::add_verification_constraint(klass(), name(),, from_field_is_protected, from.is_array(), from.is_object())) { // If add_verification_constraint() returns true, the resolution/check should be // delayed until runtime. return true; } return resolve_and_check_assignability(klass(), name(),, from_field_is_protected, from.is_array(), from.is_object(), THREAD); } else if (is_array() && from.is_array()) { VerificationType comp_this = get_component(context, CHECK_false); VerificationType comp_from = from.get_component(context, CHECK_false); if (!comp_this.is_bogus() && !comp_from.is_bogus()) { return comp_this.is_component_assignable_from(comp_from, context, from_field_is_protected, CHECK_false); } } return false; }
bool JSON::add(const prog_char key[], const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len) { size_t i; char buf[4]; if (!is_object()) return false; if (!obj_separator()) return false; if (!append("\"") || !append_progstr(key) || !append("\":\"")) return false; for (i = 0; i < data_len; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02x", data[i]); if (!append(buf)) return false; } return append("\""); }
bool f_is_object(CVarRef v) { return is_object(v); }
int is_image( lua_State* L, int index ) { return is_object( L, index, uiImageSignature ); }
value_type parse() { value_type result; require(is_object(result) || is_array(result), "object or array"); return result; }
void assign( value v ) { val = v; assert( is_object(v) || is_native_object(v) ); }
bool HHVM_FUNCTION(is_object, const Variant& v) { return is_object(v); }
inline Code* to_code(ObjP p) { if (is_object(p)) return to_object(p)->cast_code(); throw new Exception("bad_type", p); }
VALUE set_internal(VALUE obj, VALUE member, VALUE val) { ASSERT(is_object(obj) && "Cannot set members of immediates!"); return object_for(obj)->set(obj, member, val).value(); }