Exemple #1
int del_substr( char *str, char const *substr )
  char *pstr = NULL;
  char const *psubstr = NULL;

  while( *str != NUL )
    if( is_substr( str, substr) )
  if ( *str != NUL )
      pstr = str;
      psubstr = substr;
      while ( *substr != NUL )
    return 0;
  while ( *pstr++ = *str++ );
  return 1;
Exemple #2
// script_english_number_*
String do_english_num(String input, String(*fun)(int)) {
	if (is_substr(input, 0, _("<param-"))) {
		// a keyword parameter, of the form "<param->123</param->"
		size_t start = skip_tag(input, 0);
		if (start != String::npos) {
			size_t end = input.find_first_of(_('<'), start);
			if (end != String::npos) {
				String is = input.substr(start, end - start);
				long i = 0;
				if (is.ToLong(&i)) {
					if (i == 1) {
						return _("<hint-1>") + substr_replace(input, start, end, fun(i));
					} else {
						return _("<hint-2>") + substr_replace(input, start, end, fun(i));
		return _("<hint-2>") + input;
	} else {
		long i = 0;
		if (input.ToLong(&i)) {
			return fun(i);
		return input;
Exemple #3
 * @return 0:OK -1:not found
int find_file(const char *sha1_input, char *matched_filename)
    int ret = -1;

    char sha1_input_firsrt2chars[2];
    const char *sha1_input_from3rd = &sha1_input[2];

    //printf("3rd = %s\n", sha1_input_from3rd);
    sha1_input_firsrt2chars[0] = sha1_input[0];
    sha1_input_firsrt2chars[1] = sha1_input[1];
    sha1_input_firsrt2chars[2] = 0;
    //printf("sha1 first2 = %s\n", sha1_input_firsrt2chars);

    char dir[256] = ".git/objects/";
    DIR *dp;
    struct dirent *entry;
    struct stat statbuf;

    strcat(dir, sha1_input_firsrt2chars);

    if(( dp = opendir(dir) ) == NULL ){
	fprintf(stderr, "sha1_input = %s\n", sha1_input);
	exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    while((entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL){
	stat(entry->d_name, &statbuf);
	if ((strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0) || (strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0)) {
	} else {
	    //printf("entry->d_name =  %s\n", entry->d_name);

	      if (is_substr(sha1_input_from3rd, entry->d_name)) {
		  // match!
		  //printf("match :%s\n", entry->d_name );
		  strcpy(matched_filename, dir);
		  strcat(matched_filename, "/");
		  strcat(matched_filename, entry->d_name);
		  //printf("matched_filename = %s\n", matched_filename);
		  //filename = matched_filename;
                  ret = 0;




        return ret;
Exemple #4
// script_english_singular/plural/singplur
String do_english(String input, String(*fun)(const String&)) {
	if (is_substr(input, 0, _("<param-"))) {
		// a keyword parameter, of the form "<param->123</param->"
		size_t start = skip_tag(input, 0);
		if (start != String::npos) {
			size_t end = input.find_first_of(_('<'), start);
			if (end != String::npos) {
				String is = input.substr(start, end - start);
				return substr_replace(input, start, end, fun(is));
		return input; // failed
	} else {
		return fun(input);
Exemple #5
void Keyword::prepare(const vector<KeywordParamP>& param_types, bool force) {
	if (!force && !match_re.empty()) return;
	// Prepare regex
	String regex;
	String text; // normal, non-regex, text
	vector<KeywordParamP>::const_iterator param = parameters.begin();
		regex = _("(?i)"); // case insensitive matching
	// Parse the 'match' string
	for (size_t i = 0 ; i < match.size() ;) {
		Char c = match.GetChar(i);
		if (is_substr(match, i, _("<atom-param"))) {
			// parameter, determine type...
			size_t start = skip_tag(match, i), end = match_close_tag(match, i);
			String type = match.substr(start, end-start);
			// find parameter type 'type'
			KeywordParamP param;
			FOR_EACH_CONST(pt, param_types) {
				if (pt->name == type) {
					param = pt;
			if (!param) {
				// throwing an error can mean a set will not be loaded!
				// instead, simply disable the keyword
				//throw InternalError(_("Unknown keyword parameter type: ") + type);
				handle_error(_("Unknown keyword parameter type: ") + type);
				valid = false;
			// modify regex : match text before
			// remove the separator from the text to prevent duplicates
			regex += _("(") + regex_escape(text) + _(")");
			// modify regex : match parameter
			regex += _("(") + make_non_capturing(param->match) + (param->optional ? _(")?") : _(")"));
			i = skip_tag(match, end);
			// eat separator_after?
			param->eat_separator_after(match, i);
		} else {
Exemple #6
String english_singular(const String& str) {
	if (str.size() > 3 && is_substr(str, str.size()-3, _("ies"))) {
		return str.substr(0, str.size() - 3) + _("y");
	} else if (str.size() > 3 && is_substr(str, str.size()-3, _("oes"))) {
		return str.substr(0, str.size() - 2);
	} else if (str.size() > 4 && is_substr(str, str.size()-4, _("ches"))) {
		return str.substr(0, str.size() - 2);
	} else if (str.size() > 4 && is_substr(str, str.size()-4, _("shes"))) {
		return str.substr(0, str.size() - 2);
	} else if (str.size() > 4 && is_substr(str, str.size()-4, _("sses"))) {
		return str.substr(0, str.size() - 2);
	} else if (str.size() > 5 && is_substr(str, str.size()-3, _("ves")) && (is_substr(str, str.size()-5, _("el")) || is_substr(str, str.size()-5, _("ar")) )) {
		return str.substr(0, str.size() - 3) + _("f");
	} else if (str.size() > 1 && str.GetChar(str.size() - 1) == _('s')) {
		return str.substr(0, str.size() - 1);
	} else if (str.size() >= 3 && is_substr(str, str.size()-3, _("men"))) {
		return str.substr(0, str.size() - 2) + _("an");
	} else {
		return str;
Exemple #7
void MultipleChoiceValue::normalForm() {
	String val = value->toString();
	// which choices are active?
	vector<bool> seen(field().choices->lastId());
	for (size_t pos = 0 ; pos < val.size() ; ) {
		if (val.GetChar(pos) == _(' ')) {
			++pos; // ingore whitespace
		} else {
			// does this choice match the one asked about?
			size_t end = val.find_first_of(_(','), pos);
			if (end == String::npos) end = val.size();
			// find this choice
			for (size_t i = 0 ; i < seen.size() ; ++i) {
				if (is_substr(val, pos, field().choices->choiceName((int)i))) {
					seen[i] = true;
			pos = end + 1;
	// now put them back in the right order
	for (size_t i = 0 ; i < seen.size() ; ++i) {
		if (seen[i]) {
			if (!val.empty()) val += _(", ");
			val += field().choices->choiceName((int)i);
	// empty choice name
	if (val.empty()) {
		val = field().empty_choice;
	// store
	value = with_defaultness_of(value, to_script(val));
Exemple #8
String capitalize(const String& s) {
    String result = s;
    bool after_space = true;
    FOR_EACH_IT(it, result) {
        if (*it == _(' ') || *it == _('/')) {
            after_space = true;
        } else if (after_space) {
            after_space = false;
            // See http://trac.wxwidgets.org/ticket/12594
            //if (it != s.begin() &&
            if (s.begin() != it &&
                    (is_substr(result,it,_("is ")) || is_substr(result,it,_("the ")) ||
                     is_substr(result,it,_("in ")) || is_substr(result,it,_("of "))  ||
                     is_substr(result,it,_("to ")) || is_substr(result,it,_("at "))  ||
                     is_substr(result,it,_("a " )))) {
                // Short words are not capitalized, keep lower case
            } else {
                *it = toUpper(*it);
    return result;
Exemple #9
/** A hint is formed by
 *    1. an insertion of a parameter, <param-..>...</param->.
 *    2. a <hint-1> or <hint-2> tag
 *  Hints have the following meaning:
 *   -  "<hint-1>xxx(yyy)zzz"       ---> "xxxzzz"     (singular)
 *   -  "<hint-2>xxx(yyy)zzz"       ---> "xxxyyyzzz"  (plural)
 *   -  "[^., ]a <param-..>[aeiou]" ---> "\1 an \2"   (articla 'an', case insensitive)
 *   -  "<hint-?>"                  ---> ""           (remove <hint>s afterwards)
 *  Note: there is no close tags for hints
String process_english_hints(const String& str) {
	String ret; ret.reserve(str.size());
	// have we seen a <hint-1/2>?
	// 1 for singular, 2 for plural
	int singplur = 0;
	for (size_t i = 0 ; i < str.size() ; ) {
		Char c = str.GetChar(i);
		if (is_substr(str, i, _("<hint-"))) {
			Char h = str.GetChar(i + 6); // hint code
			if (h == _('1')) {
				singplur = 1;
			} else if (h == _('2')) {
				singplur = 2;
			i = skip_tag(str, i);
		} else if (is_substr(str, i, _("<param-"))) {
			size_t after = skip_tag(str, i);
			if (after != String::npos) {
				Char c = str.GetChar(after);
				if (singplur == 1 && is_substr(str, after, _("a</param-"))) {
					// a -> an, where the a originates from english_number_a(1)
					size_t after_end = skip_tag(str,after+1);
					if (after_end == String::npos) {
						throw Error(_("Incomplete </param> tag"));
					if (after_end != String::npos && after_end + 1 < str.size()
					&& isSpace(str.GetChar(after_end)) && is_vowel(str.GetChar(after_end+1))) {
						ret += _("an");
						i = after + 1;
				} else if (is_vowel(c) && ret.size() >= 2) {
					// a -> an?
					// is there "a" before this?
					String last = ret.substr(ret.size() - 2);
					if ( (ret.size() == 2 || !isAlpha(ret.GetChar(ret.size() - 3))) &&
						(last == _("a ") || last == _("A ")) ) {
						ret.insert(ret.size() - 1, _('n'));
				} else if (is_substr(str, after, _("</param-")) && ret.size() >= 1 &&
							ret.GetChar(ret.size() - 1) == _(' ')) {
					// empty param, drop space before it
					ret.resize(ret.size() - 1);
			i = after;
		} else if (is_substr(str, i, _("<singular>"))) {
			// singular -> keep, plural -> drop
			size_t start = skip_tag(str, i);
			size_t end   = match_close_tag(str, start);
			if (singplur == 1 && end != String::npos) {
				ret += str.substr(start, end - start);
			singplur = 0;
			i = skip_tag(str, end);
		} else if (is_substr(str, i, _("<plural>"))) {
			// singular -> drop, plural -> keep
			size_t start = skip_tag(str, i);
			size_t end   = match_close_tag(str, start);
			if (singplur == 2 && end != String::npos) {
				ret += str.substr(start, end - start);
			singplur = 0;
			i = skip_tag(str, end);
		} else if (c == _('(') && singplur) {
			// singular -> drop (...), plural -> keep it
			size_t end = str.find_first_of(_(')'), i);
			if (end != String::npos) {
				if (singplur == 2) {
					ret += str.substr(i + 1, end - i - 1);
				i = end + 1;
			} else { // handle like normal
				ret += c;
			singplur = 0;
		} else if (c == _('<')) {
			size_t after = skip_tag(str, i);
			i = after;
		} else {
			ret += c;
	return ret;