Exemple #1
Node *makearr(Node *p)
	Cell *cp;

	if (isvalue(p)) {
		cp = (Cell *) (p->narg[0]);
		if (isfcn(cp))
			SYNTAX( "%s is a function, not an array", cp->nval );
		else if (!isarr(cp)) {
			cp->sval = (char *) makesymtab(NSYMTAB);
			cp->tval = ARR;
	return p;
Exemple #2
Cell *call(Node **a, int n)	/* function call.  very kludgy and fragile */
	static Cell newcopycell = { OCELL, CCOPY, 0, "", 0.0, NUM|STR|DONTFREE };
	int i, ncall, ndef;
	int freed = 0; /* handles potential double freeing when fcn & param share a tempcell */
	Node *x;
	Cell *args[NARGS], *oargs[NARGS];	/* BUG: fixed size arrays */
	Cell *y, *z, *fcn;
	char *s;

	fcn = execute(a[0]);	/* the function itself */
	s = fcn->nval;
	if (!isfcn(fcn))
		FATAL("calling undefined function %s", s);
	if (frame == NULL) {
		fp = frame = (struct Frame *) calloc(nframe += 100, sizeof(struct Frame));
		if (frame == NULL)
			FATAL("out of space for stack frames calling %s", s);
	for (ncall = 0, x = a[1]; x != NULL; x = x->nnext)	/* args in call */
	ndef = (int) fcn->fval;			/* args in defn */
	   dprintf( ("calling %s, %d args (%d in defn), fp=%d\n", s, ncall, ndef, (int) (fp-frame)) );
	if (ncall > ndef)
		WARNING("function %s called with %d args, uses only %d",
			s, ncall, ndef);
	if (ncall + ndef > NARGS)
		FATAL("function %s has %d arguments, limit %d", s, ncall+ndef, NARGS);
	for (i = 0, x = a[1]; x != NULL; i++, x = x->nnext) {	/* get call args */
		   dprintf( ("evaluate args[%d], fp=%d:\n", i, (int) (fp-frame)) );
		y = execute(x);
		oargs[i] = y;
		   dprintf( ("args[%d]: %s %f <%s>, t=%o\n",
			   i, NN(y->nval), y->fval, isarr(y) ? "(array)" : NN(y->sval), y->tval) );
		if (isfcn(y))
			FATAL("can't use function %s as argument in %s", y->nval, s);
		if (isarr(y))
			args[i] = y;	/* arrays by ref */
			args[i] = copycell(y);
	for ( ; i < ndef; i++) {	/* add null args for ones not provided */
		args[i] = gettemp();
		*args[i] = newcopycell;
	fp++;	/* now ok to up frame */
	if (fp >= frame + nframe) {
		int dfp = fp - frame;	/* old index */
		frame = (struct Frame *)
			realloc((char *) frame, (nframe += 100) * sizeof(struct Frame));
		if (frame == NULL)
			FATAL("out of space for stack frames in %s", s);
		fp = frame + dfp;
	fp->fcncell = fcn;
	fp->args = args;
	fp->nargs = ndef;	/* number defined with (excess are locals) */
	fp->retval = gettemp();

	   dprintf( ("start exec of %s, fp=%d\n", s, (int) (fp-frame)) );
	y = execute((Node *)(fcn->sval));	/* execute body */
	   dprintf( ("finished exec of %s, fp=%d\n", s, (int) (fp-frame)) );

	for (i = 0; i < ndef; i++) {
		Cell *t = fp->args[i];
		if (isarr(t)) {
			if (t->csub == CCOPY) {
				if (i >= ncall) {
					t->csub = CTEMP;
				} else {
					oargs[i]->tval = t->tval;
					oargs[i]->tval &= ~(STR|NUM|DONTFREE);
					oargs[i]->sval = t->sval;
		} else if (t != y) {	/* kludge to prevent freeing twice */
			t->csub = CTEMP;
		} else if (t == y && t->csub == CCOPY) {
			t->csub = CTEMP;
			freed = 1;
	if (isexit(y) || isnext(y))
		return y;
	if (freed == 0) {
		tempfree(y);	/* don't free twice! */
	z = fp->retval;			/* return value */
	   dprintf( ("%s returns %g |%s| %o\n", s, getfval(z), getsval(z), z->tval) );