Exemple #1
/* Mark the space as being that of a parameter domain, by setting
 * both tuples to isl_id_none.
static __isl_give isl_space *mark_as_params(isl_space *space)
	if (!space)
		return NULL;
	space = isl_space_set_tuple_id(space, isl_dim_in, &isl_id_none);
	space = isl_space_set_tuple_id(space, isl_dim_out, &isl_id_none);
	return space;
Exemple #2
/* Construct a contraction from "prefix" and "domain" for a new group
 * in "grouping".
 * The values of the prefix schedule "prefix" are used as instances
 * of the new group.  The identifier of the group is constructed
 * in such a way that it does not conflict with those of earlier
 * groups nor with statements in the domain of the original
 * schedule constraints.
 * The isl_multi_union_pw_aff "prefix" then simply needs to be
 * converted to an isl_union_pw_multi_aff.  However, this is not
 * possible if "prefix" is zero-dimensional, so in this case,
 * a contraction is constructed from "domain" instead.
static isl_union_pw_multi_aff *group_contraction_from_prefix_and_domain(
	struct ppcg_grouping *grouping,
	__isl_keep isl_multi_union_pw_aff *prefix,
	__isl_keep isl_union_set *domain)
	isl_id *id;
	isl_space *space;
	int dim;

	space = isl_multi_union_pw_aff_get_space(prefix);
	if (!space)
		return NULL;
	dim = isl_space_dim(space, isl_dim_set);
	id = construct_group_id(grouping, space);
	if (dim == 0) {
		isl_multi_val *mv;

		space = isl_multi_union_pw_aff_get_space(prefix);
		space = isl_space_set_tuple_id(space, isl_dim_set, id);
		mv = isl_multi_val_zero(space);
		domain = isl_union_set_copy(domain);
		return isl_union_pw_multi_aff_multi_val_on_domain(domain, mv);
	prefix = isl_multi_union_pw_aff_copy(prefix);
	prefix = isl_multi_union_pw_aff_set_tuple_id(prefix, isl_dim_out, id);
	return isl_union_pw_multi_aff_from_multi_union_pw_aff(prefix);
Exemple #3
/* Mark the space as being that of a set, by setting the domain tuple
 * to isl_id_none.
static __isl_give isl_space *mark_as_set(__isl_take isl_space *space)
	space = isl_space_cow(space);
	if (!space)
		return NULL;
	space = isl_space_set_tuple_id(space, isl_dim_in, &isl_id_none);
	return space;
Exemple #4
/* Construct a unique identifier for a group in "grouping".
 * The name is of the form G_n, with n the first value starting at
 * grouping->group_id that does not result in an identifier
 * that is already in use in the domain of the original schedule
 * constraints.
static isl_id *construct_group_id(struct ppcg_grouping *grouping,
	__isl_take isl_space *space)
	isl_ctx *ctx;
	isl_id *id;
	isl_bool empty;
	isl_union_set *domain;

	if (!space)
		return NULL;

	ctx = isl_space_get_ctx(space);
	domain = isl_schedule_constraints_get_domain(grouping->sc);

	do {
		char buffer[20];
		isl_id *id;
		isl_set *set;

		snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "G_%d", grouping->group_id);
		id = isl_id_alloc(ctx, buffer, NULL);
		space = isl_space_set_tuple_id(space, isl_dim_set, id);
		set = isl_union_set_extract_set(domain, isl_space_copy(space));
		empty = isl_set_plain_is_empty(set);
	} while (empty >= 0 && !empty);

	if (empty < 0)
		space = isl_space_free(space);

	id = isl_space_get_tuple_id(space, isl_dim_set);


	return id;
Exemple #5
/// @brief Create a new scattering for PollyStmt.
/// @param m The matrix describing the new scattering.
/// @param PollyStmt The statement to create the scattering for.
/// @return An isl_map describing the scattering.
isl_map *scatteringForStmt(scoplib_matrix_p m, ScopStmt *PollyStmt,
                           int scatteringDims) {

  unsigned NbParam = PollyStmt->getNumParams();
  unsigned NbIterators = PollyStmt->getNumIterators();
  unsigned NbScattering;

  if (scatteringDims == -1)
    NbScattering = m->NbColumns - 2 - NbParam - NbIterators;
    NbScattering = scatteringDims;

  isl_ctx *ctx = PollyStmt->getParent()->getIslCtx();
  isl_space *Space = isl_dim_alloc(ctx, NbParam, NbIterators, NbScattering);

  isl_space *ParamSpace = PollyStmt->getParent()->getParamSpace();

  // We need to copy the isl_ids for the parameter dimensions to the new
  // map. Without doing this the current map would have different
  // ids then the new one, even though both are named identically.
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < isl_space_dim(Space, isl_dim_param);
       i++) {
    isl_id *id = isl_space_get_dim_id(ParamSpace, isl_dim_param, i);
    Space = isl_space_set_dim_id(Space, isl_dim_param, i, id);


  Space = isl_space_set_tuple_name(Space, isl_dim_out, "scattering");
  Space = isl_space_set_tuple_id(Space, isl_dim_in, PollyStmt->getDomainId());

  if (scatteringDims == -1)
    return mapFromMatrix(m, Space);

  return mapFromMatrix(m, Space, scatteringDims);