Exemple #1
static int isval(Node *n, vlong val)
    vlong v;

    if (!islit(n, &v))
        return 0;
    return v == val;
Exemple #2
bool matcher::matchop_lt(expression * e, matchable * item) {
	if (!item->has_attribute(e->name))
		throw matcherexception(matcherexception::ATTRIB_UNAVAIL, e->name);
	std::istringstream islit(e->literal);
	std::istringstream isatt(item->get_attribute(e->name));
	int ilit, iatt;
	islit >> ilit;
	isatt >> iatt;
	return iatt < ilit;
Exemple #3
static int exec_cond(int op, int arg1, int arg2)
  int i;
    /* First the conditions */
    case 0: cret(loc+first_room==arg1);  /* AtLoc(Room) */
    case 1: cret(loc+first_room>arg1); 
    case 2: cret(loc+first_room<arg1); 
    case 3: return musiccmd(-1,-1); /* SongPlaying */
    case 4: return musiccmd(-2,-1); /* SoundIsOn */
    case 5: cret(vb<=13 && vb>0 && 
    case 6: cret(vb==arg1);  /* DirectionIs */
    case 7: cret(loc+first_room>=arg1 && 
		 loc+first_room<=arg2); /* BetweenRooms  ?? */
    case 8: cret(room[arg1-first_room].seen);
    case 9:  /* Entered Object? i.e. is iobj valid */
      cret(do_disambig==1 || iobj>0); 
    case 10: cret(curr_time>arg1);  /* TimeGT */
    case 11: cret(curr_time<arg1);  /* TimeLT */
    case 12: cret(first_visit_flag);
    case 13: cret(newlife_flag);
    case 14: cret(player_contents!=0);  /* CarrySome */
    case 15: cret(player_contents==0); /* CarryNo */
    case 16: cret(player_worn!=0);  /* WearSome */
    case 18: cret(player_worn==0); /* WearNo */
    case 17:          /* CarryTreas */
	if (tnoun(i) && noun[i-first_noun].points>=arg1) return 1;
	if (tnoun(i) && noun[i-first_noun].points>=arg1) return 1;	
      return 0;
    case 19:cret(totwt==arg1);
    case 20:cret(totwt>arg1);
    case 21:cret(totwt<arg1);
    case 22: case 23: case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: case 28:
      return obj_cond(op-22,arg1,arg2);
    case 29:cret(it_loc(arg1)==it_loc(arg2));
    case 30: case 31:
      return obj_cond(op-23,arg1,arg2);
    case 32:cret(it_group(arg1));
    case 33: case 34: case 35: case 36: case 37: case 38: case 39: case 40:
      return obj_cond(op-24,arg1,arg2);
    case 41: case 42: case 43: case 44: case 45: case 46: case 47: case 48:
    case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56:
    case 57:
      return obj_cond(op-41,dobj,arg1);
    case 58:cretn(dobj,points==arg1);
    case 59:cretn(dobj,points>arg1);
    case 60:cretn(dobj,points<arg1);
    case 61:cretn(dobj,weight==arg1);
    case 62:cretn(dobj,weight>arg1);
    case 63:cretn(dobj,weight<arg1);
    case 64:cret(islit());
    case 65:cret(room[loc].light!=0);
    case 66:cret(flag[arg1]);
    case 67:cret(!flag[arg1]);
    case 68:cret(room[loc].flag_noun_bits & (1 << (arg1-1) )  );
    case 70:cret( !(room[loc].flag_noun_bits & (1 << (arg1-1) ) ));
    case 69:cret(room[loc].PIX_bits & (1 << (arg1-1) )); /* Room Pix here? */
    case 71:cret(tscore==arg1);
    case 72:cret(tscore>arg1);
    case 73:cret(tscore<arg1);
    case 74:cret(agt_number==arg1);
    case 75:cret(agt_number>arg1);
    case 76:cret(agt_number<arg1);
    case 77:cret(agt_answer);
    case 78:cret(!agt_answer);
    case 79:cret(turncnt==arg1);
    case 80:cret(turncnt>arg1);
    case 81:cret(turncnt<arg1);
    case 82:cret(cnt_val(agt_counter[arg1])==arg2);
    case 83:cret(cnt_val(agt_counter[arg1])>arg2);
    case 84:cret(cnt_val(agt_counter[arg1])<arg2);
    case 85:cret(agt_var[arg1]==arg2);
    case 86:cret(agt_var[arg1]>arg2);
    case 87:cret(agt_var[arg1]<arg2);
    case 88:cret(agt_var[arg1]<agt_var[arg2]);      
    case 89:cret(agt_var[arg1]<agt_rand(1,arg2));
    case 90:cret( (actor!=0) && (it_loc(actor)==loc+first_room));
    case 91:cret(actor==arg1);
    case 92:cret(dobj==arg1);
    case 93:cret(do_disambig==1 || iobj==arg1);
    case 94:cret(it_contents(arg1)!=0);
    case 95:cret(agt_rand(1,100)<=arg1);
    case 96:cret(yesno("Yes or no? "));
    case 97:cret(!yesno("Yes or no? "));
    case 98:cret(vb>0 && vb<=13);
    case 99:cret(tcreat(dobj));
    case 100:cretc(dobj,gender==2); /* man */
    case 101:cretc(dobj,gender==1); /* woman */
    case 102:cretc(dobj,gender==0); /* thing */
    case 103:cretc(iobj,gender==2);
    case 104:cretc(iobj,gender==1); /* woman */
    case 105:cretc(iobj,gender==0); /* thing */      
    case 106:cret(do_disambig==1 || tcreat(iobj));
    case 107:return (do_disambig==1 || obj_cond(0,iobj,0));
      /* OR and NOT are handled higher up. */
      /* The following are all v1.8x metacommands */
    case 110:cret(beforecmd);   
    case 111:cret(!beforecmd); 
    case 112:cret(curr_time/100==arg1); /* HoursEqual */
    case 113:cret(curr_time/100>arg1);  
    case 114:cret(curr_time/100<arg1);
    case 115:cret(curr_time%100==arg1); /* MinutesEqual */
    case 116:cret(curr_time%100>arg1);
    case 117:cret(curr_time%100<arg1);
    case 118:cret(curr_time<1200);    /* IsAM */ 

    case 119:cret(do_disambig);     /* OnDisambig */
    case 120:cretc(arg1,hostile);    /* IsHostile */
    case 121:         /* HostilePresent */
	if (creature[i].location==loc+first_room &&
	    creature[i].hostile) return 1;
      return 0;
      /* Otherwise, we're in trouble. */
    case 122: cret(actor_in_scope); /* NameWasPresent */
    case 123: /* OncePerTurn */
      if (beforecmd)
    case 124:  /* IsClass */
      cret(arg2==0 || matchclass(arg1,arg2));
    case 125: cret(getattr(arg1,arg2)); /* IsSet */
    case 126: cret(is_numeric(dobj_rec));
    case 127: cret(is_numeric(iobj_rec));
    case 128: cret(arg1==arg2);
    case 129: cret(arg1>arg2);
    case 130: cret(arg1<arg2);
    case 131: cret(arg1>=arg2);
    case 132: cret(arg1<=arg2);
    case 133: cret(strcmp(userstr[arg1-1],userstr[arg2-1])==0);
    case 134: cret(strcmp(userstr[arg1-1],userstr[arg2-1])<0);
    case 135: cret(strcmp(userstr[arg1-1],userstr[arg2-1])>0);
    case 136: cret(strcasecmp(userstr[arg1-1],userstr[arg2-1])==0);
    case 137: cret(strcasecmp(userstr[arg1-1],userstr[arg2-1])<0);
    case 138: cret(strcasecmp(userstr[arg1-1],userstr[arg2-1])>0);
    case 139: cret(match_answer(rstrdup(userstr[arg1-1]),arg2-1));
      /* Note that match_answer rfrees it's first argument */
    case 140: cret(it_seen(arg1));
    case 141: cret(op_objflag(2,arg1,arg2));
    case 142: cret(!op_objflag(2,arg1,arg2));
    case 143: 
      cret( troom(i) && troom(room[i-first_room].path[arg2-1]) );
    default: writeln("INTERNAL ERROR: Condition token not supported.");
	rprintf("Condition #%d",op);
	return 0;
Exemple #4
Node *fold(Node *n, int foldvar)
    Node **args, *r;
    Type *t;
    vlong a, b;
    size_t i;

    if (!n)
        return NULL;
    if (n->type != Nexpr)
        return n;

    r = NULL;
    args = n->expr.args;
    for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++)
        args[i] = fold(args[i], foldvar);
    switch (exprop(n)) {
        case Ovar:
            if (foldvar && issmallconst(decls[n->expr.did]))
                r = fold(decls[n->expr.did]->decl.init, foldvar);
        case Oadd:
            /* x + 0 = 0 */
            if (isval(args[0], 0))
                r = args[1];
            if (isval(args[1], 0))
                r = args[0];
            if (islit(args[0], &a) && islit(args[1], &b))
                r = val(n->line, a + b, exprtype(n));
        case Osub:
            /* x - 0 = 0 */
            if (isval(args[1], 0))
                r = args[0];
            if (islit(args[0], &a) && islit(args[1], &b))
                r = val(n->line, a - b, exprtype(n));
        case Omul:
            /* 1 * x = x */
            if (isval(args[0], 1))
                r = args[1];
            if (isval(args[1], 1))
                r = args[0];
            /* 0 * x = 0 */
            if (isval(args[0], 0))
                r = args[0];
            if (isval(args[1], 0))
                r = args[1];
            if (islit(args[0], &a) && islit(args[1], &b))
                r = val(n->line, a * b, exprtype(n));
        case Odiv:
            /* x/1 = x */
            if (isval(args[1], 1))
                r = args[0];
            /* 0/x = 0 */
            if (isval(args[1], 0))
                r = args[1];
            if (islit(args[0], &a) && islit(args[1], &b))
                r = val(n->line, a / b, exprtype(n));
        case Omod:
            /* x%1 = x */
            if (isval(args[1], 0))
                r = args[0];
            if (islit(args[0], &a) && islit(args[1], &b))
                r = val(n->line, a % b, exprtype(n));
        case Oneg:
            if (islit(args[0], &a))
                r = val(n->line, -a, exprtype(n));
        case Obsl:
            if (islit(args[0], &a) && islit(args[1], &b))
                r = val(n->line, a << b, exprtype(n));
        case Obsr:
            if (islit(args[0], &a) && islit(args[1], &b))
                r = val(n->line, a >> b, exprtype(n));
        case Obor:
            if (islit(args[0], &a) && islit(args[1], &b))
                r = val(n->line, a | b, exprtype(n));
        case Oband:
            if (islit(args[0], &a) && islit(args[1], &b))
                r = val(n->line, a & b, exprtype(n));
        case Obxor:
            if (islit(args[0], &a) && islit(args[1], &b))
                r = val(n->line, a ^ b, exprtype(n));
        case Omemb:
            t = tybase(exprtype(args[0]));
            /* we only fold lengths right now */
            if (t->type == Tyarray && !strcmp(namestr(args[1]), "len"))
                r = t->asize;
        case Ocast:
            r = foldcast(n);

    if (r)
        return r;
        return n;