bool urdf_traverser::helpers::getCommonParentPath(const std::string& p1, const std::string& p2, std::string& result)
    if (p1.empty() || p2.empty())
        ROS_ERROR("Both p1 and p2 have to be set in getCommonParentPath()");
        return false;
    boost::filesystem::path __p1(p1);
    boost::filesystem::path __p2(p2);
    bool correctAbsolute = __p1.is_relative() || __p2.is_relative();

    boost::filesystem::path _p1(boost::filesystem::absolute(__p1));
    boost::filesystem::path _p2(boost::filesystem::absolute(__p2));
    boost::filesystem::path buildPath;

    boost::filesystem::path::iterator it1(_p1.begin());
    boost::filesystem::path::iterator it1_end(_p1.end());
    boost::filesystem::path::iterator it2(_p2.begin());
    boost::filesystem::path::iterator it2_end(_p2.end());

    int p1Len = numDirectories(p1);
    int p2Len = numDirectories(p2);
    // ROS_INFO_STREAM("p1: "<<p1<<", p2: "<<p2);
    // ROS_INFO_STREAM("p1: "<<p1Len<<", p2: "<<p2Len);
    if (p2Len > p1Len)
        //swap around paths
        boost::filesystem::path::iterator tmp(it2);
        it2 = it1;
        it1 = tmp;
        tmp = it2_end;
        it2_end = it1_end;
        it1_end = tmp;

    --it1_end;  // make sure the iteration goes only until the previous-last
    // entry, because the last entry is either '.' or a filename
    for (; it1 != it1_end; ++it1, ++it2)
        // ROS_INFO_STREAM("Comp "<<it1->string()<<", 2 "<<it2->string());
        if ((it2 == it2_end)
                || (*it1 != *it2))

        // append the directory
        buildPath /= *it1;

        // std::cout << buildPath.string() << std::endl;
    if (!buildPath.empty())
        result = buildPath.string();
        // make sure notation ends with separator.
        // Last element *will* be directory as no files
        // have been added in the loop.
        enforceDirectory(result, false);
        // If the current directory was used to build an absolute path, remove it again.
        if (correctAbsolute)
            std::string currDir = boost::filesystem::current_path().string();
            urdf_traverser::helpers::enforceDirectory(currDir, false);
            if (!urdf_traverser::helpers::getSubdirPath(currDir, result, result))
                ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Could not remove temporarily created current directory for absolute path");
                return false;
        return true;
    return false;
/** This is a generic routine. It creates a new alignment by making a copy of the old one.
void ImplAlignment::map(
		const HAlignment & other,
		const CombinationMode & mode )

	const HAlignment copy = getClone();


	AlignmentIterator it1(copy->begin());
	AlignmentIterator it1_end(copy->end());
	AlignmentIterator it2(other->begin());
	AlignmentIterator it2_end(other->end());

	while ( it1 != it1_end && it2 != it2_end )

		const ResiduePair & x_pair = *it1;
		const ResiduePair & y_pair = *it2;

		Position map1 = NO_POS;
		Position value1 = NO_POS;

		Position map2 = NO_POS;
		Position value2 = NO_POS;

		switch (mode)

		case RR:
			map1 = x_pair.mRow; value2 = x_pair.mCol;
			map2 = y_pair.mRow; value1 = y_pair.mCol;

		case CR:
			map1 = x_pair.mCol; value1 = x_pair.mRow;
			map2 = y_pair.mRow; value2 = y_pair.mCol;

		case RC:
			map1 = x_pair.mRow; value2 = x_pair.mCol;
			map2 = y_pair.mCol; value1 = y_pair.mRow;

		case CC:
			map1 = x_pair.mCol; value1 = x_pair.mRow;
			map2 = y_pair.mCol; value2 = y_pair.mRow;

		assert( value1 != NO_POS);
		assert( value2 != NO_POS);

		debug_cerr( 5, "map1:" << map1 << " value1:" << value1 << " map2:" << map2 << " value2:" << value2 );

		if (map1 == map2)
			addPair( ResiduePair(value1, value2, 0));
			if (map1 < map2)

