Exemple #1
void PopupMenu::popupChildMenu(PressSource source) {
    if (_childMenuIndex >= 0) {
        _childMenuIndex = -1;
    if (_selected >= 0 && _selected < _menus.size() && _menus.at(_selected)) {
        QPoint p(_inner.x() + (rtl() ? _padding.right() : _inner.width() - _padding.left()), _inner.y() + _st.skip + itemY(_selected));
        _childMenuIndex = _selected;
        _menus.at(_childMenuIndex)->showMenu(geometry().topLeft() + p, this, source);
Exemple #2
void PopupMenu::updateSelectedItem() {
    if (_selected >= 0) {
        update(_padding.left(), _padding.top() + _st.skip + itemY(_selected), width() - _padding.left() - _padding.right(), _actions.at(_selected)->isSeparator() ? _separatorHeight : _itemHeight);
Exemple #3
// Draw visible port connection relation arrows.
void qjackctlConnectorView::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * )
	if (m_pConnectView == NULL)
	if (m_pConnectView->OListView() == NULL ||
		m_pConnectView->IListView() == NULL)

	qjackctlClientListView *pOListView = m_pConnectView->OListView();
	qjackctlClientListView *pIListView = m_pConnectView->IListView();

	const int yc = QWidget::pos().y();
	const int yo = pOListView->pos().y();
	const int yi = pIListView->pos().y();

	QPainter painter(this);
	int x1, y1, h1;
	int x2, y2, h2;
	int i, rgb[3] = { 0x33, 0x66, 0x99 };

	// Draw all lines anti-aliased...

	// Inline adaptive to darker background themes...
	if (QWidget::palette().window().color().value() < 0x7f)
		for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) rgb[i] += 0x33;

	// Initialize color changer.
	i = 0;
	// Almost constants.
	x1 = 0;
	x2 = QWidget::width();
	h1 = (pOListView->header())->sizeHint().height();
	h2 = (pIListView->header())->sizeHint().height();
	// For each output client item...
	const int iItemCount = pOListView->topLevelItemCount();
	for (int iItem = 0; iItem < iItemCount; ++iItem) {
		QTreeWidgetItem *pItem = pOListView->topLevelItem(iItem);
		if (pItem->type() != QJACKCTL_CLIENTITEM)
		qjackctlClientItem *pOClient
			= static_cast<qjackctlClientItem *> (pItem);
		if (pOClient == NULL)
		// Set new connector color.
		QPen pen(QColor(rgb[i % 3], rgb[(i / 3) % 3], rgb[(i / 9) % 3]));
		// For each port item
		const int iChildCount = pOClient->childCount();
		for (int iChild = 0; iChild < iChildCount; ++iChild) {
			QTreeWidgetItem *pChild = pOClient->child(iChild);
			if (pChild->type() != QJACKCTL_PORTITEM)
			qjackctlPortItem *pOPort
				= static_cast<qjackctlPortItem *> (pChild);
			if (pOPort) {
				// Set proposed line width...
				const int w1 = (pOPort->isHilite() ? 2 : 1);
				// Get starting connector arrow coordinates.
				y1 = itemY(pOPort) + (yo - yc);
				// Get port connections...
				QListIterator<qjackctlPortItem *> iter(pOPort->connects());
				while (iter.hasNext()) {
					qjackctlPortItem *pIPort = iter.next();
					// Obviously, should be a connection
					// from pOPort to pIPort items:
					y2 = itemY(pIPort) + (yi - yc);
					pen.setWidth(pIPort->isHilite() ? 2 : w1);
					drawConnectionLine(&painter, x1, y1, x2, y2, h1, h2, pen);