bool PNS_MEANDER_SKEW_PLACER::Start( const VECTOR2I& aP, PNS_ITEM* aStartItem )
    VECTOR2I p;

    if( !aStartItem || !aStartItem->OfKind( PNS_ITEM::SEGMENT ) )
        Router()->SetFailureReason( _( "Please select a differential pair trace you want to tune." ) );
        return false;

    m_initialSegment = static_cast<PNS_SEGMENT*>( aStartItem );

    p = m_initialSegment->Seg().NearestPoint( aP );

    m_originLine = NULL;
    m_currentNode = NULL;
    m_currentStart = p;

    m_world = Router()->GetWorld( )->Branch();
    m_originLine = m_world->AssembleLine( m_initialSegment );

    PNS_TOPOLOGY topo( m_world );
    m_tunedPath = topo.AssembleTrivialPath( m_initialSegment );

    if( !topo.AssembleDiffPair ( m_initialSegment, m_originPair ) )
        Router()->SetFailureReason( _( "Unable to find complementary differential pair "
                                       "net for skew tuning. Make sure the names of the nets belonging "
                                       "to a differential pair end with either _N/_P or +/-." ) );
        return false;

    if( m_originPair.Gap() < 0 )
        m_originPair.SetGap( Router()->Sizes().DiffPairGap() );

    if( !m_originPair.PLine().SegmentCount() ||
        !m_originPair.NLine().SegmentCount() )
        return false;

    m_tunedPathP = topo.AssembleTrivialPath( m_originPair.PLine().GetLink( 0 ) );
    m_tunedPathN = topo.AssembleTrivialPath( m_originPair.NLine().GetLink( 0 ) );

    m_world->Remove( m_originLine );

    m_currentWidth = m_originLine->Width( );
    m_currentEnd = VECTOR2I( 0, 0 );

    if ( m_originPair.PLine().Net () == m_originLine->Net() )
        m_coupledLength = itemsetLength( m_tunedPathN );
        m_coupledLength = itemsetLength( m_tunedPathP );

    return true;
int PNS_MEANDER_SKEW_PLACER::origPathLength( ) const
    return itemsetLength ( m_tunedPath );