/// This function will return the CvPlot associated with the Index (0 to 36) of a City at iX,iY.  The lower the Index the closer the Plot is to the City (roughly)
CvPlot* iterateRingPlots(const CvPlot* pCenter, int iIndex)
	if (pCenter)
		return iterateRingPlots(pCenter->getX(),pCenter->getY(),iIndex);

	return NULL;
// *****
// ***** This method gets called pre-game if using a WB map (.civ5map), in which case pPlayer is NULL
// *****
/// Value of this site for a civ starting location
int CvSiteEvaluatorForStart::PlotFoundValue(CvPlot* pPlot, CvPlayer*, YieldTypes, bool)
	int rtnValue = 0;

		return rtnValue;

	if(!CanFound(pPlot, NULL, false))
		return rtnValue;

	// Is there any reason this site doesn't work for a start location?
	// Not on top of a goody hut
		return 0;

	// We have our own special method of scoring, so don't call the base class for that (like settler version does)
	for(int iI = 0; iI < RING3_PLOTS; iI++)
		CvPlot* pLoopPlot = iterateRingPlots(pPlot->getX(), pPlot->getY(), iI);

		// Too close to map edge?
		if(pLoopPlot == NULL)
			return 0;
			int iDistance = plotDistance(pPlot->getX(), pPlot->getY(), pLoopPlot->getX(), pLoopPlot->getY());
			int iRingModifier = m_iRingModifier[iDistance];

			// Skip the city plot itself for now
			if(iDistance != 0)
				rtnValue += iRingModifier * ComputeFoodValue(pLoopPlot, NULL) * /*6*/ GC.getSTART_AREA_FOOD_MULTIPLIER();
				rtnValue += iRingModifier * ComputeHappinessValue(pLoopPlot, NULL) * /*12*/ GC.getSTART_AREA_HAPPINESS_MULTIPLIER();
				rtnValue += iRingModifier * ComputeProductionValue(pLoopPlot, NULL) * /*8*/ GC.getSTART_AREA_PRODUCTION_MULTIPLIER();
				rtnValue += iRingModifier * ComputeGoldValue(pLoopPlot, NULL) * /*2*/ GC.getSTART_AREA_GOLD_MULTIPLIER();
				rtnValue += iRingModifier * ComputeScienceValue(pLoopPlot, NULL) * /*1*/ GC.getSTART_AREA_SCIENCE_MULTIPLIER();
				rtnValue += iRingModifier * ComputeFaithValue(pLoopPlot, NULL) * /*1*/ GC.getSTART_AREA_FAITH_MULTIPLIER();
				rtnValue += iRingModifier * ComputeTradeableResourceValue(pLoopPlot, NULL) * /*1*/ GC.getSTART_AREA_RESOURCE_MULTIPLIER();
				rtnValue += iRingModifier * ComputeStrategicValue(pLoopPlot, NULL, iDistance) * /*1*/ GC.getSTART_AREA_STRATEGIC_MULTIPLIER();

	if(rtnValue < 0) 
		rtnValue = 0;

	// Finally, look at the city plot itself and use it as an overall multiplier
	if(pPlot->getResourceType() != NO_RESOURCE)
		rtnValue += rtnValue * GC.getBUILD_ON_RESOURCE_PERCENT() / 100;

		rtnValue += rtnValue * GC.getBUILD_ON_RIVER_PERCENT() / 100;

		rtnValue += rtnValue * GC.getSTART_AREA_BUILD_ON_COAST_PERCENT() / 100;

	return rtnValue;