Exemple #1
void JIT::compileOpCall(OpcodeID opcodeID, Instruction* instruction, unsigned i, unsigned)
    int dst = instruction[1].u.operand;
    int callee = instruction[2].u.operand;
    int argCount = instruction[3].u.operand;
    int registerOffset = instruction[4].u.operand;

    // Handle eval
    JmpSrc wasEval;
    if (opcodeID == op_call_eval) {
        emitGetVirtualRegister(callee, X86::ecx, i);

        emitCTICall(i, Interpreter::cti_op_call_eval);
        __ cmpl_i32r(asInteger(JSImmediate::impossibleValue()), X86::eax);
        wasEval = __ jne();

    emitGetVirtualRegister(callee, X86::ecx, i);
    // The arguments have been set up on the hot path for op_call_eval
    if (opcodeID == op_call)
    else if (opcodeID == op_construct)

    // Check for JSFunctions.
    emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotJSCell(X86::ecx, i);
    __ cmpl_i32m(reinterpret_cast<unsigned>(m_interpreter->m_jsFunctionVptr), X86::ecx);
    m_slowCases.append(SlowCaseEntry(__ jne(), i));

    // First, in the case of a construct, allocate the new object.
    if (opcodeID == op_construct) {
        emitCTICall(i, Interpreter::cti_op_construct_JSConstruct);
        emitPutVirtualRegister(registerOffset - RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderSize - argCount);
        emitGetVirtualRegister(callee, X86::ecx, i);

    // Speculatively roll the callframe, assuming argCount will match the arity.
    __ movl_rm(X86::edi, (RegisterFile::CallerFrame + registerOffset) * static_cast<int>(sizeof(Register)), X86::edi);
    __ addl_i32r(registerOffset * static_cast<int>(sizeof(Register)), X86::edi);
    __ movl_i32r(argCount, X86::edx);

    emitNakedCall(i, m_interpreter->m_ctiVirtualCall);

    if (opcodeID == op_call_eval)
        __ link(wasEval, __ label());

    // Put the return value in dst. In the interpreter, op_ret does this.

    __ movl_i32m(reinterpret_cast<unsigned>(m_codeBlock), m_interpreter->sampler()->codeBlockSlot());
Exemple #2
void JitFragmentWriter::_emitSideExit(RewriterVar* var, RewriterVar* val_constant, CFGBlock* next_block,
                                      RewriterVar* next_block_var) {
    uint64_t val = val_constant->constant_value;

    assembler::Register var_reg = var->getInReg();
    if (isLargeConstant(val)) {
        assembler::Register reg = val_constant->getInReg(Location::any(), true, /* otherThan */ var_reg);
        assembler->cmp(var_reg, reg);
    } else {
        assembler->cmp(var_reg, assembler::Immediate(val));

        assembler::ForwardJump jne(*assembler, assembler::COND_EQUAL);
        int exit_size = 0;
        _emitJump(next_block, next_block_var, exit_size);
        if (exit_size) {
                           "if we start to emit more than one side exit we should make this a vector");
            side_exit_patch_location = std::make_pair(next_block, assembler->bytesWritten() - exit_size);


void JIT::privateCompileGetByIdChainList(StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, PolymorphicAccessStructureList* prototypeStructures, int currentIndex, Structure* structure, StructureChain* chain, size_t count, size_t cachedOffset, CallFrame* callFrame)
    Vector<JmpSrc> bucketsOfFail;

    // Check eax is an object of the right Structure.
    JmpSrc baseObjectCheck = checkStructure(X86::eax, structure);

    Structure* currStructure = structure;
    RefPtr<Structure>* chainEntries = chain->head();
    JSObject* protoObject = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        protoObject = asObject(currStructure->prototypeForLookup(callFrame));
        currStructure = chainEntries[i].get();

        // Check the prototype object's Structure had not changed.
        Structure** prototypeStructureAddress = &(protoObject->m_structure);
        __ cmpl_im(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(currStructure), prototypeStructureAddress);
        bucketsOfFail.append(__ jne());

    PropertyStorage* protoPropertyStorage = &protoObject->m_propertyStorage;
    __ movl_mr(static_cast<void*>(protoPropertyStorage), X86::edx);
    __ movl_mr(cachedOffset * sizeof(JSValue*), X86::edx, X86::eax);
    JmpSrc success = __ jmp();

    void* code = __ executableCopy(m_codeBlock->executablePool());

    // Use the repatch information to link the failure cases back to the original slow case routine.
    void* lastProtoBegin = prototypeStructures->list[currentIndex - 1].stubRoutine;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < bucketsOfFail.size(); ++i)
        X86Assembler::link(code, bucketsOfFail[i], lastProtoBegin);

    // On success return back to the hot patch code, at a point it will perform the store to dest for us.
    intptr_t successDest = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(stubInfo->hotPathBegin) + repatchOffsetGetByIdPropertyMapOffset;
    X86Assembler::link(code, success, reinterpret_cast<void*>(successDest));

    // Track the stub we have created so that it will be deleted later.
    prototypeStructures->list[currentIndex].set(code, structure, chain);

    // Finally repatch the jump to slow case back in the hot path to jump here instead.
    intptr_t jmpLocation = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(stubInfo->hotPathBegin) + repatchOffsetGetByIdBranchToSlowCase;
    X86Assembler::repatchBranchOffset(jmpLocation, code);
void JIT::privateCompilePatchGetArrayLength(void* returnAddress)
    StructureStubInfo* stubInfo = &m_codeBlock->getStubInfo(returnAddress);

    // We don't want to repatch more than once - in future go to cti_op_put_by_id_generic.
    ctiRepatchCallByReturnAddress(returnAddress, reinterpret_cast<void*>(Interpreter::cti_op_get_by_id_array_fail));

    // Check eax is an array
    __ cmpl_im(reinterpret_cast<unsigned>(m_interpreter->m_jsArrayVptr), 0, X86::eax);
    JmpSrc failureCases1 = __ jne();

    // Checks out okay! - get the length from the storage
    __ movl_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(JSArray, m_storage), X86::eax, X86::ecx);
    __ movl_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(ArrayStorage, m_length), X86::ecx, X86::ecx);

    __ cmpl_ir(JSImmediate::maxImmediateInt, X86::ecx);
    JmpSrc failureCases2 = __ ja();

    __ addl_rr(X86::ecx, X86::ecx);
    __ addl_ir(1, X86::ecx);
    __ movl_rr(X86::ecx, X86::eax);
    JmpSrc success = __ jmp();

    void* code = __ executableCopy(m_codeBlock->executablePool());

    // Use the repatch information to link the failure cases back to the original slow case routine.
    void* slowCaseBegin = reinterpret_cast<char*>(stubInfo->callReturnLocation) - repatchOffsetGetByIdSlowCaseCall;
    X86Assembler::link(code, failureCases1, slowCaseBegin);
    X86Assembler::link(code, failureCases2, slowCaseBegin);

    // On success return back to the hot patch code, at a point it will perform the store to dest for us.
    intptr_t successDest = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(stubInfo->hotPathBegin) + repatchOffsetGetByIdPropertyMapOffset;
    X86Assembler::link(code, success, reinterpret_cast<void*>(successDest));

    // Track the stub we have created so that it will be deleted later.
    stubInfo->stubRoutine = code;

    // Finally repatch the jump to sow case back in the hot path to jump here instead.
    intptr_t jmpLocation = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(stubInfo->hotPathBegin) + repatchOffsetGetByIdBranchToSlowCase;
    X86Assembler::repatchBranchOffset(jmpLocation, code);
void JIT::privateCompilePutByIdReplace(StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, Structure* structure, size_t cachedOffset, void* returnAddress)
    // Check eax is an object of the right Structure.
    __ testl_i32r(JSImmediate::TagMask, X86::eax);
    JmpSrc failureCases1 = __ jne();
    JmpSrc failureCases2 = checkStructure(X86::eax, structure);

    // checks out okay! - putDirectOffset
    __ movl_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(JSObject, m_propertyStorage), X86::eax, X86::eax);
    __ movl_rm(X86::edx, cachedOffset * sizeof(JSValue*), X86::eax);
    __ ret();

    void* code = __ executableCopy(m_codeBlock->executablePool());
    X86Assembler::link(code, failureCases1, reinterpret_cast<void*>(Interpreter::cti_op_put_by_id_fail));
    X86Assembler::link(code, failureCases2, reinterpret_cast<void*>(Interpreter::cti_op_put_by_id_fail));

    stubInfo->stubRoutine = code;
    ctiRepatchCallByReturnAddress(returnAddress, code);
void JIT::privateCompileGetByIdProtoList(StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, PolymorphicAccessStructureList* prototypeStructures, int currentIndex, Structure* structure, Structure* prototypeStructure, size_t cachedOffset, CallFrame* callFrame)
    // The prototype object definitely exists (if this stub exists the CodeBlock is referencing a Structure that is
    // referencing the prototype object - let's speculatively load it's table nice and early!)
    JSObject* protoObject = asObject(structure->prototypeForLookup(callFrame));
    PropertyStorage* protoPropertyStorage = &protoObject->m_propertyStorage;
    __ movl_mr(static_cast<void*>(protoPropertyStorage), X86::edx);

    // Check eax is an object of the right Structure.
    JmpSrc failureCases1 = checkStructure(X86::eax, structure);

    // Check the prototype object's Structure had not changed.
    Structure** prototypeStructureAddress = &(protoObject->m_structure);
    __ cmpl_im(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(prototypeStructure), prototypeStructureAddress);
    JmpSrc failureCases2 = __ jne();

    // Checks out okay! - getDirectOffset
    __ movl_mr(cachedOffset * sizeof(JSValue*), X86::edx, X86::eax);

    JmpSrc success = __ jmp();

    void* code = __ executableCopy(m_codeBlock->executablePool());

    // Use the repatch information to link the failure cases back to the original slow case routine.
    void* lastProtoBegin = prototypeStructures->list[currentIndex - 1].stubRoutine;
    X86Assembler::link(code, failureCases1, lastProtoBegin);
    X86Assembler::link(code, failureCases2, lastProtoBegin);

    // On success return back to the hot patch code, at a point it will perform the store to dest for us.
    intptr_t successDest = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(stubInfo->hotPathBegin) + repatchOffsetGetByIdPropertyMapOffset;
    X86Assembler::link(code, success, reinterpret_cast<void*>(successDest));

    prototypeStructures->list[currentIndex].set(code, structure, prototypeStructure);

    // Finally repatch the jump to slow case back in the hot path to jump here instead.
    intptr_t jmpLocation = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(stubInfo->hotPathBegin) + repatchOffsetGetByIdBranchToSlowCase;
    X86Assembler::repatchBranchOffset(jmpLocation, code);
void JIT::compileGetByIdHotPath(int resultVReg, int baseVReg, Identifier*, unsigned propertyAccessInstructionIndex)
    // As for put_by_id, get_by_id requires the offset of the Structure and the offset of the access to be repatched.
    // Additionally, for get_by_id we need repatch the offset of the branch to the slow case (we repatch this to jump
    // to array-length / prototype access tranpolines, and finally we also the the property-map access offset as a label
    // to jump back to if one of these trampolies finds a match.

    emitGetVirtualRegister(baseVReg, X86::eax);

    emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotJSCell(X86::eax, baseVReg);

    JmpDst hotPathBegin = __ label();
    m_propertyAccessCompilationInfo[propertyAccessInstructionIndex].hotPathBegin = hotPathBegin;

    __ cmpl_im_force32(repatchGetByIdDefaultStructure, FIELD_OFFSET(JSCell, m_structure), X86::eax);
    ASSERT(X86Assembler::getDifferenceBetweenLabels(hotPathBegin, __ label()) == repatchOffsetGetByIdStructure);
    addSlowCase(__ jne());
    ASSERT(X86Assembler::getDifferenceBetweenLabels(hotPathBegin, __ label()) == repatchOffsetGetByIdBranchToSlowCase);

    __ movl_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(JSObject, m_propertyStorage), X86::eax, X86::eax);
    __ movl_mr(repatchGetByIdDefaultOffset, X86::eax, X86::eax);
    ASSERT(X86Assembler::getDifferenceBetweenLabels(hotPathBegin, __ label()) == repatchOffsetGetByIdPropertyMapOffset);
void JIT::compilePutByIdHotPath(int baseVReg, Identifier*, int valueVReg, unsigned propertyAccessInstructionIndex)
    // In order to be able to repatch both the Structure, and the object offset, we store one pointer,
    // to just after the arguments have been loaded into registers 'hotPathBegin', and we generate code
    // such that the Structure & offset are always at the same distance from this.

    emitGetVirtualRegisters(baseVReg, X86::eax, valueVReg, X86::edx);

    // Jump to a slow case if either the base object is an immediate, or if the Structure does not match.
    emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotJSCell(X86::eax, baseVReg);

    JmpDst hotPathBegin = __ label();
    m_propertyAccessCompilationInfo[propertyAccessInstructionIndex].hotPathBegin = hotPathBegin;

    // It is important that the following instruction plants a 32bit immediate, in order that it can be patched over.
    __ cmpl_im_force32(repatchGetByIdDefaultStructure, FIELD_OFFSET(JSCell, m_structure), X86::eax);
    ASSERT(X86Assembler::getDifferenceBetweenLabels(hotPathBegin, __ label()) == repatchOffsetPutByIdStructure);
    addSlowCase(__ jne());

    // Plant a load from a bogus ofset in the object's property map; we will patch this later, if it is to be used.
    __ movl_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(JSObject, m_propertyStorage), X86::eax, X86::eax);
    __ movl_rm(X86::edx, repatchGetByIdDefaultOffset, X86::eax);
    ASSERT(X86Assembler::getDifferenceBetweenLabels(hotPathBegin, __ label()) == repatchOffsetPutByIdPropertyMapOffset);
Exemple #9
void JIT::compileOpCallSlowCase(Instruction* instruction, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator& iter, unsigned callLinkInfoIndex, OpcodeID opcodeID)
    int dst = instruction[1].u.operand;
    int callee = instruction[2].u.operand;
    int argCount = instruction[3].u.operand;
    int registerOffset = instruction[4].u.operand;


    // The arguments have been set up on the hot path for op_call_eval
    if (opcodeID == op_call)
    else if (opcodeID == op_construct)

    // Fast check for JS function.
    __ testl_i32r(JSImmediate::TagMask, X86::ecx);
    JmpSrc callLinkFailNotObject = __ jne();
    __ cmpl_im(reinterpret_cast<unsigned>(m_interpreter->m_jsFunctionVptr), 0, X86::ecx);
    JmpSrc callLinkFailNotJSFunction = __ jne();

    // First, in the case of a construct, allocate the new object.
    if (opcodeID == op_construct) {
        emitPutVirtualRegister(registerOffset - RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderSize - argCount);
        emitGetVirtualRegister(callee, X86::ecx);

    __ movl_i32r(argCount, X86::edx);

    // Speculatively roll the callframe, assuming argCount will match the arity.
    __ movl_rm(X86::edi, (RegisterFile::CallerFrame + registerOffset) * static_cast<int>(sizeof(Register)), X86::edi);
    __ addl_ir(registerOffset * static_cast<int>(sizeof(Register)), X86::edi);

    m_callStructureStubCompilationInfo[callLinkInfoIndex].callReturnLocation =

    JmpSrc storeResultForFirstRun = __ jmp();

    // This is the address for the cold path *after* the first run (which tries to link the call).
    m_callStructureStubCompilationInfo[callLinkInfoIndex].coldPathOther = __ label();

    // The arguments have been set up on the hot path for op_call_eval
    if (opcodeID == op_call)
    else if (opcodeID == op_construct)

    // Check for JSFunctions.
    __ testl_i32r(JSImmediate::TagMask, X86::ecx);
    JmpSrc isNotObject = __ jne();
    __ cmpl_im(reinterpret_cast<unsigned>(m_interpreter->m_jsFunctionVptr), 0, X86::ecx);
    JmpSrc isJSFunction = __ je();

    // This handles host functions
    JmpDst notJSFunctionlabel = __ label();
    __ link(isNotObject, notJSFunctionlabel);
    __ link(callLinkFailNotObject, notJSFunctionlabel);
    __ link(callLinkFailNotJSFunction, notJSFunctionlabel);
    emitCTICall(((opcodeID == op_construct) ? Interpreter::cti_op_construct_NotJSConstruct : Interpreter::cti_op_call_NotJSFunction));
    JmpSrc wasNotJSFunction = __ jmp();

    // Next, handle JSFunctions...
    __ link(isJSFunction, __ label());

    // First, in the case of a construct, allocate the new object.
    if (opcodeID == op_construct) {
        emitPutVirtualRegister(registerOffset - RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderSize - argCount);
        emitGetVirtualRegister(callee, X86::ecx);

    // Speculatively roll the callframe, assuming argCount will match the arity.
    __ movl_rm(X86::edi, (RegisterFile::CallerFrame + registerOffset) * static_cast<int>(sizeof(Register)), X86::edi);
    __ addl_ir(registerOffset * static_cast<int>(sizeof(Register)), X86::edi);
    __ movl_i32r(argCount, X86::edx);


    // Put the return value in dst. In the interpreter, op_ret does this.
    JmpDst storeResult = __ label();
    __ link(wasNotJSFunction, storeResult);
    __ link(storeResultForFirstRun, storeResult);

    __ movl_i32m(reinterpret_cast<unsigned>(m_codeBlock), m_interpreter->sampler()->codeBlockSlot());
Exemple #10
void JIT::compileOpCall(OpcodeID opcodeID, Instruction* instruction, unsigned callLinkInfoIndex)
    int dst = instruction[1].u.operand;
    int callee = instruction[2].u.operand;
    int argCount = instruction[3].u.operand;
    int registerOffset = instruction[4].u.operand;

    // Handle eval
    JmpSrc wasEval;
    if (opcodeID == op_call_eval) {
        emitGetVirtualRegister(callee, X86::ecx);

        __ cmpl_ir(asInteger(JSImmediate::impossibleValue()), X86::eax);
        wasEval = __ jne();

    // This plants a check for a cached JSFunction value, so we can plant a fast link to the callee.
    // This deliberately leaves the callee in ecx, used when setting up the stack frame below
    emitGetVirtualRegister(callee, X86::ecx);
    __ cmpl_ir_force32(asInteger(JSImmediate::impossibleValue()), X86::ecx);
    JmpDst addressOfLinkedFunctionCheck = __ label();
    addSlowCase(__ jne());
    ASSERT(X86Assembler::getDifferenceBetweenLabels(addressOfLinkedFunctionCheck, __ label()) == repatchOffsetOpCallCall);
    m_callStructureStubCompilationInfo[callLinkInfoIndex].hotPathBegin = addressOfLinkedFunctionCheck;

    // The following is the fast case, only used whan a callee can be linked.

    // In the case of OpConstruct, call out to a cti_ function to create the new object.
    if (opcodeID == op_construct) {
        int proto = instruction[5].u.operand;
        int thisRegister = instruction[6].u.operand;

        emitPutJITStubArg(X86::ecx, 1);
        emitPutJITStubArgFromVirtualRegister(proto, 4, X86::eax);
        emitGetVirtualRegister(callee, X86::ecx);

    // Fast version of stack frame initialization, directly relative to edi.
    // Note that this omits to set up RegisterFile::CodeBlock, which is set in the callee
    __ movl_i32m(asInteger(noValue()), (registerOffset + RegisterFile::OptionalCalleeArguments) * static_cast<int>(sizeof(Register)), X86::edi);
    __ movl_rm(X86::ecx, (registerOffset + RegisterFile::Callee) * static_cast<int>(sizeof(Register)), X86::edi);
    __ movl_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(JSFunction, m_scopeChain) + FIELD_OFFSET(ScopeChain, m_node), X86::ecx, X86::edx); // newScopeChain
    __ movl_i32m(argCount, (registerOffset + RegisterFile::ArgumentCount) * static_cast<int>(sizeof(Register)), X86::edi);
    __ movl_rm(X86::edi, (registerOffset + RegisterFile::CallerFrame) * static_cast<int>(sizeof(Register)), X86::edi);
    __ movl_rm(X86::edx, (registerOffset + RegisterFile::ScopeChain) * static_cast<int>(sizeof(Register)), X86::edi);
    __ addl_ir(registerOffset * sizeof(Register), X86::edi);

    // Call to the callee
    m_callStructureStubCompilationInfo[callLinkInfoIndex].hotPathOther = emitNakedCall(reinterpret_cast<void*>(unreachable));
    if (opcodeID == op_call_eval)
        __ link(wasEval, __ label());

    // Put the return value in dst. In the interpreter, op_ret does this.

        __ movl_i32m(reinterpret_cast<unsigned>(m_codeBlock), m_interpreter->sampler()->codeBlockSlot());
	void compile(RuntimeBlockInfo* block, bool force_checks, bool reset, bool staging, bool optimise) {
		mov(rax, (size_t)&cycle_counter);

		sub(dword[rax], block->guest_cycles);

		sub(rsp, 0x28);

		for (size_t i = 0; i < block->oplist.size(); i++) {
			shil_opcode& op  = block->oplist[i];
			switch (op.op) {

			case shop_ifb:
				if (op.rs1._imm)
					mov(rax, (size_t)&next_pc);
					mov(dword[rax], op.rs2._imm);

				mov(call_regs[0], op.rs3._imm);


			case shop_jcond:
			case shop_jdyn:
					mov(rax, (size_t)op.rs1.reg_ptr());

					mov(ecx, dword[rax]);

					if (op.rs2.is_imm()) {
						add(ecx, op.rs2._imm);

					mov(rdx, (size_t)op.rd.reg_ptr());
					mov(dword[rdx], ecx);

			case shop_mov32:

				verify(op.rs1.is_reg() || op.rs1.is_imm());

				sh_to_reg(op.rs1, mov, ecx);

				reg_to_sh(op.rd, ecx);

			case shop_mov64:

				verify(op.rs1.is_reg() || op.rs1.is_imm());

				sh_to_reg(op.rs1, mov, rcx);

				reg_to_sh(op.rd, rcx);

			case shop_readm:
				sh_to_reg(op.rs1, mov, call_regs[0]);
				sh_to_reg(op.rs3, add, call_regs[0]);

				u32 size = op.flags & 0x7f;

				if (size == 1) {
					movsx(rcx, al);
				else if (size == 2) {
					movsx(rcx, ax);
				else if (size == 4) {
					mov(rcx, rax);
				else if (size == 8) {
					mov(rcx, rax);
				else {
					die("1..8 bytes");

				if (size != 8)
					reg_to_sh(op.rd, ecx);
					reg_to_sh(op.rd, rcx);

			case shop_writem:
				u32 size = op.flags & 0x7f;
				sh_to_reg(op.rs1, mov, call_regs[0]);
				sh_to_reg(op.rs3, add, call_regs[0]);

				if (size != 8)
					sh_to_reg(op.rs2, mov, call_regs[1]);
					sh_to_reg(op.rs2, mov, call_regs64[1]);

				if (size == 1)
				else if (size == 2)
				else if (size == 4)
				else if (size == 8)
				else {
					die("1..8 bytes");


		mov(rax, (size_t)&next_pc);

		switch (block->BlockType) {

		case BET_StaticJump:
		case BET_StaticCall:
			//next_pc = block->BranchBlock;
			mov(dword[rax], block->BranchBlock);

		case BET_Cond_0:
		case BET_Cond_1:
				//next_pc = next_pc_value;
				//if (*jdyn == 0)
				//next_pc = branch_pc_value;

				mov(dword[rax], block->NextBlock);

				if (block->has_jcond)
					mov(rdx, (size_t)&Sh4cntx.jdyn);
					mov(rdx, (size_t)&sr.T);

				cmp(dword[rdx], block->BlockType & 1);
				Xbyak::Label branch_not_taken;

				jne(branch_not_taken, T_SHORT);
				mov(dword[rax], block->BranchBlock);

		case BET_DynamicJump:
		case BET_DynamicCall:
		case BET_DynamicRet:
			//next_pc = *jdyn;
			mov(rdx, (size_t)&Sh4cntx.jdyn);
			mov(edx, dword[rdx]);
			mov(dword[rax], edx);

		case BET_DynamicIntr:
		case BET_StaticIntr:
			if (block->BlockType == BET_DynamicIntr) {
				//next_pc = *jdyn;
				mov(rdx, (size_t)&Sh4cntx.jdyn);
				mov(edx, dword[rdx]);
				mov(dword[rax], edx);
			else {
				//next_pc = next_pc_value;
				mov(dword[rax], block->NextBlock);


			die("Invalid block end type");

		add(rsp, 0x28);


		block->code = (DynarecCodeEntryPtr)getCode();

void JIT::privateCompileGetByIdChain(StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, Structure* structure, StructureChain* chain, size_t count, size_t cachedOffset, void* returnAddress, CallFrame* callFrame)
    // We don't want to repatch more than once - in future go to cti_op_put_by_id_generic.
    ctiRepatchCallByReturnAddress(returnAddress, reinterpret_cast<void*>(Interpreter::cti_op_get_by_id_proto_list));

    Vector<JmpSrc> bucketsOfFail;

    // Check eax is an object of the right Structure.
    JmpSrc baseObjectCheck = checkStructure(X86::eax, structure);

    Structure* currStructure = structure;
    RefPtr<Structure>* chainEntries = chain->head();
    JSObject* protoObject = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        protoObject = asObject(currStructure->prototypeForLookup(callFrame));
        currStructure = chainEntries[i].get();

        // Check the prototype object's Structure had not changed.
        Structure** prototypeStructureAddress = &(protoObject->m_structure);
        __ cmpl_im(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(currStructure), prototypeStructureAddress);
        bucketsOfFail.append(__ jne());

    PropertyStorage* protoPropertyStorage = &protoObject->m_propertyStorage;
    __ movl_mr(static_cast<void*>(protoPropertyStorage), X86::edx);
    __ movl_mr(cachedOffset * sizeof(JSValue*), X86::edx, X86::eax);
    JmpSrc success = __ jmp();

    void* code = __ executableCopy(m_codeBlock->executablePool());

    // Use the repatch information to link the failure cases back to the original slow case routine.
    void* slowCaseBegin = reinterpret_cast<char*>(stubInfo->callReturnLocation) - repatchOffsetGetByIdSlowCaseCall;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < bucketsOfFail.size(); ++i)
        X86Assembler::link(code, bucketsOfFail[i], slowCaseBegin);

    // On success return back to the hot patch code, at a point it will perform the store to dest for us.
    intptr_t successDest = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(stubInfo->hotPathBegin) + repatchOffsetGetByIdPropertyMapOffset;
    X86Assembler::link(code, success, reinterpret_cast<void*>(successDest));

    // Track the stub we have created so that it will be deleted later.
    stubInfo->stubRoutine = code;

    // Finally repatch the jump to slow case back in the hot path to jump here instead.
    intptr_t jmpLocation = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(stubInfo->hotPathBegin) + repatchOffsetGetByIdBranchToSlowCase;
    X86Assembler::repatchBranchOffset(jmpLocation, code);
    Vector<JmpSrc> bucketsOfFail;

    // Check eax is an object of the right Structure.
    __ testl_i32r(JSImmediate::TagMask, X86::eax);
    bucketsOfFail.append(__ jne());
    bucketsOfFail.append(checkStructure(X86::eax, structure));

    Structure* currStructure = structure;
    RefPtr<Structure>* chainEntries = chain->head();
    JSObject* protoObject = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        protoObject = asObject(currStructure->prototypeForLookup(callFrame));
        currStructure = chainEntries[i].get();

        // Check the prototype object's Structure had not changed.
        Structure** prototypeStructureAddress = &(protoObject->m_structure);
        __ cmpl_im(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(currStructure), prototypeStructureAddress);
        bucketsOfFail.append(__ jne());

    PropertyStorage* protoPropertyStorage = &protoObject->m_propertyStorage;
    __ movl_mr(static_cast<void*>(protoPropertyStorage), X86::edx);
    __ movl_mr(cachedOffset * sizeof(JSValue*), X86::edx, X86::eax);
    __ ret();

    void* code = __ executableCopy(m_codeBlock->executablePool());

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < bucketsOfFail.size(); ++i)
        X86Assembler::link(code, bucketsOfFail[i], reinterpret_cast<void*>(Interpreter::cti_op_get_by_id_proto_fail));

    stubInfo->stubRoutine = code;

    ctiRepatchCallByReturnAddress(returnAddress, code);
void JIT::privateCompileGetByIdProto(StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, Structure* structure, Structure* prototypeStructure, size_t cachedOffset, void* returnAddress, CallFrame* callFrame)
    // We don't want to repatch more than once - in future go to cti_op_put_by_id_generic.
    ctiRepatchCallByReturnAddress(returnAddress, reinterpret_cast<void*>(Interpreter::cti_op_get_by_id_proto_list));

    // The prototype object definitely exists (if this stub exists the CodeBlock is referencing a Structure that is
    // referencing the prototype object - let's speculatively load it's table nice and early!)
    JSObject* protoObject = asObject(structure->prototypeForLookup(callFrame));
    PropertyStorage* protoPropertyStorage = &protoObject->m_propertyStorage;
    __ movl_mr(static_cast<void*>(protoPropertyStorage), X86::edx);

    // Check eax is an object of the right Structure.
    JmpSrc failureCases1 = checkStructure(X86::eax, structure);

    // Check the prototype object's Structure had not changed.
    Structure** prototypeStructureAddress = &(protoObject->m_structure);
    __ cmpl_im(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(prototypeStructure), prototypeStructureAddress);
    JmpSrc failureCases2 = __ jne();

    // Checks out okay! - getDirectOffset
    __ movl_mr(cachedOffset * sizeof(JSValue*), X86::edx, X86::eax);

    JmpSrc success = __ jmp();

    void* code = __ executableCopy(m_codeBlock->executablePool());

    // Use the repatch information to link the failure cases back to the original slow case routine.
    void* slowCaseBegin = reinterpret_cast<char*>(stubInfo->callReturnLocation) - repatchOffsetGetByIdSlowCaseCall;
    X86Assembler::link(code, failureCases1, slowCaseBegin);
    X86Assembler::link(code, failureCases2, slowCaseBegin);

    // On success return back to the hot patch code, at a point it will perform the store to dest for us.
    intptr_t successDest = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(stubInfo->hotPathBegin) + repatchOffsetGetByIdPropertyMapOffset;
    X86Assembler::link(code, success, reinterpret_cast<void*>(successDest));

    // Track the stub we have created so that it will be deleted later.
    stubInfo->stubRoutine = code;

    // Finally repatch the jump to slow case back in the hot path to jump here instead.
    intptr_t jmpLocation = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(stubInfo->hotPathBegin) + repatchOffsetGetByIdBranchToSlowCase;
    X86Assembler::repatchBranchOffset(jmpLocation, code);
    // The prototype object definitely exists (if this stub exists the CodeBlock is referencing a Structure that is
    // referencing the prototype object - let's speculatively load it's table nice and early!)
    JSObject* protoObject = asObject(structure->prototypeForLookup(callFrame));
    PropertyStorage* protoPropertyStorage = &protoObject->m_propertyStorage;
    __ movl_mr(static_cast<void*>(protoPropertyStorage), X86::edx);

    // Check eax is an object of the right Structure.
    __ testl_i32r(JSImmediate::TagMask, X86::eax);
    JmpSrc failureCases1 = __ jne();
    JmpSrc failureCases2 = checkStructure(X86::eax, structure);

    // Check the prototype object's Structure had not changed.
    Structure** prototypeStructureAddress = &(protoObject->m_structure);
    __ cmpl_im(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(prototypeStructure), prototypeStructureAddress);
    JmpSrc failureCases3 = __ jne();

    // Checks out okay! - getDirectOffset
    __ movl_mr(cachedOffset * sizeof(JSValue*), X86::edx, X86::eax);

    __ ret();

    void* code = __ executableCopy(m_codeBlock->executablePool());

    X86Assembler::link(code, failureCases1, reinterpret_cast<void*>(Interpreter::cti_op_get_by_id_proto_fail));
    X86Assembler::link(code, failureCases2, reinterpret_cast<void*>(Interpreter::cti_op_get_by_id_proto_fail));
    X86Assembler::link(code, failureCases3, reinterpret_cast<void*>(Interpreter::cti_op_get_by_id_proto_fail));

    stubInfo->stubRoutine = code;

    ctiRepatchCallByReturnAddress(returnAddress, code);
void JIT::privateCompilePutByIdTransition(StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, Structure* oldStructure, Structure* newStructure, size_t cachedOffset, StructureChain* chain, void* returnAddress)
    Vector<JmpSrc, 16> failureCases;
    // Check eax is an object of the right Structure.
    __ testl_i32r(JSImmediate::TagMask, X86::eax);
    failureCases.append(__ jne());
    __ cmpl_im(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(oldStructure), FIELD_OFFSET(JSCell, m_structure), X86::eax);
    failureCases.append(__ jne());
    Vector<JmpSrc> successCases;

    //  ecx = baseObject
    __ movl_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(JSCell, m_structure), X86::eax, X86::ecx);
    // proto(ecx) = baseObject->structure()->prototype()
    __ cmpl_im(ObjectType, FIELD_OFFSET(Structure, m_typeInfo) + FIELD_OFFSET(TypeInfo, m_type), X86::ecx);
    failureCases.append(__ jne());
    __ movl_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(Structure, m_prototype), X86::ecx, X86::ecx);
    // ecx = baseObject->m_structure
    for (RefPtr<Structure>* it = chain->head(); *it; ++it) {
        // null check the prototype
        __ cmpl_ir(asInteger(jsNull()), X86::ecx);
        successCases.append(__ je());

        // Check the structure id
        __ cmpl_im(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(it->get()), FIELD_OFFSET(JSCell, m_structure), X86::ecx);
        failureCases.append(__ jne());
        __ movl_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(JSCell, m_structure), X86::ecx, X86::ecx);
        __ cmpl_im(ObjectType, FIELD_OFFSET(Structure, m_typeInfo) + FIELD_OFFSET(TypeInfo, m_type), X86::ecx);
        failureCases.append(__ jne());
        __ movl_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(Structure, m_prototype), X86::ecx, X86::ecx);

    failureCases.append(__ jne());
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < successCases.size(); ++i)
        __ link(successCases[i], __ label());

    JmpSrc callTarget;

    // emit a call only if storage realloc is needed
    if (transitionWillNeedStorageRealloc(oldStructure, newStructure)) {
        __ push_r(X86::edx);
        __ push_i32(newStructure->propertyStorageCapacity());
        __ push_i32(oldStructure->propertyStorageCapacity());
        __ push_r(X86::eax);
        callTarget = __ call();
        __ addl_ir(3 * sizeof(void*), X86::esp);
        __ pop_r(X86::edx);

    // Assumes m_refCount can be decremented easily, refcount decrement is safe as 
    // codeblock should ensure oldStructure->m_refCount > 0
    __ subl_im(1, reinterpret_cast<void*>(oldStructure));
    __ addl_im(1, reinterpret_cast<void*>(newStructure));
    __ movl_i32m(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(newStructure), FIELD_OFFSET(JSCell, m_structure), X86::eax);

    // write the value
    __ movl_mr(FIELD_OFFSET(JSObject, m_propertyStorage), X86::eax, X86::eax);
    __ movl_rm(X86::edx, cachedOffset * sizeof(JSValue*), X86::eax);

    __ ret();
    JmpSrc failureJump;
    if (failureCases.size()) {
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < failureCases.size(); ++i)
            __ link(failureCases[i], __ label());
        failureJump = __ jmp();

    void* code = __ executableCopy(m_codeBlock->executablePool());

    if (failureCases.size())
        X86Assembler::link(code, failureJump, reinterpret_cast<void*>(Interpreter::cti_op_put_by_id_fail));

    if (transitionWillNeedStorageRealloc(oldStructure, newStructure))
        X86Assembler::link(code, callTarget, reinterpret_cast<void*>(resizePropertyStorage));
    stubInfo->stubRoutine = code;
    ctiRepatchCallByReturnAddress(returnAddress, code);
Exemple #15
int encode_op(char *opcode, char *op_data)
	int rd,rs,rt,imm,funct,shaft,target;
	char tmp[256];
	const char *fi = "%s %d";
	const char *fg = "%s %%g%d";
	const char *ff = "%s %%f%d";
	const char *fl = "%s %s";
	const char *fgi = "%s %%g%d, %d";
	const char *fgl = "%s %%g%d, %s";
	const char *fgg = "%s %%g%d, %%g%d";
	const char *fggl = "%s %%g%d, %%g%d, %s";
	const char *fggi = "%s %%g%d, %%g%d, %d";
	const char *fggg = "%s %%g%d, %%g%d, %%g%d";
	const char *fff = "%s %%f%d, %%f%d";
	const char *fgf = "%s %%g%d, %%f%d";
	const char *ffg = "%s %%f%d, %%g%d";
	const char *fffl = "%s %%f%d, %%f%d, %s";
	const char *ffff = "%s %%f%d, %%f%d, %%f%d";
	const char *ffgi = "%s %%f%d, %%g%d, %d";
	const char *ffgg = "%s %%f%d, %%g%d, %%g%d";
	char lname[256];

	shaft = funct = target = 0;

	if(strcmp(opcode, "mvhi") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fgi, tmp, &rs, &imm) == 3)
		    return mvhi(rs,0,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "mvlo") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fgi, tmp, &rs, &imm) == 3)
		    return mvlo(rs,0,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "add") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return add(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "nor") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return nor(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "sub") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return sub(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "mul") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return mul(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "addi") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return addi(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "subi") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return subi(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "muli") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return muli(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "input") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fg, tmp, &rd) == 2)
		    return input(0,0,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "inputw") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fg, tmp, &rd) == 2)
		    return inputw(0,0,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "inputf") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ff, tmp, &rd) == 2)
		    return inputf(0,0,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "output") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fg, tmp, &rs) == 2)
		    return output(rs,0,0,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "outputw") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fg, tmp, &rs) == 2)
		    return outputw(rs,0,0,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "outputf") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ff, tmp, &rs) == 2)
		    return outputf(rs,0,0,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "and") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return _and(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "or") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return _or(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "sll") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return sll(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "srl") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return srl(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "slli") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return slli(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "srli") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return srli(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "b") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fg, tmp, &rs) == 2)
		    return b(rs,0,0,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "jmp") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fl, tmp, lname) == 2) {
		    return jmp(label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "jeq") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggl, tmp, &rs, &rt, lname) == 4) {
		    return jeq(rs,rt,label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "jne") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggl, tmp, &rs, &rt, lname) == 4) {
		    return jne(rs,rt,label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "jlt") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggl, tmp, &rs, &rt, lname) == 4) {
		    return jlt(rs,rt,label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "jle") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggl, tmp, &rs, &rt, lname) == 4) {
		    return jle(rs,rt,label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "call") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fl, tmp, lname) == 2)  {
		    return call(label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "callR") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fg, tmp, &rs) == 2)
		    return callr(rs,0,0,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "return") == 0){
		    return _return(0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "ld") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return ld(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "ldi") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return ldi(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "ldlr") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fgi, tmp, &rs, &imm) == 3)
		    return ldlr(rs,0,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fld") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ffgg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return fld(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "st") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return st(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "sti") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fggi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return sti(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "stlr") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fgi, tmp, &rs, &imm) == 3)
		    return stlr(rs,0,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fst") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ffgg, tmp, &rd, &rs,&rt) == 4)
		    return fst(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fadd") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ffff, tmp, &rd, &rs, &rt) == 4)
		    return fadd(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fsub") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ffff, tmp, &rd, &rs, &rt) == 4)
		    return fsub(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fmul") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ffff, tmp, &rd, &rs, &rt) == 4)
		    return fmul(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fdiv") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ffff, tmp, &rd, &rs, &rt) == 4)
		    return fdiv(rs,rt,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fsqrt") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fff, tmp, &rd, &rs) == 3)
		    return fsqrt(rs,0,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fabs") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fff, tmp, &rd, &rs) == 3)
		    return _fabs(rs,0,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fmov") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fff, tmp, &rd, &rs) == 3)
		    return fmov(rs,0,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fneg") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fff, tmp, &rd, &rs) == 3)
		    return fneg(rs,0,rd,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fldi") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ffgi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return fldi(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fsti") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, ffgi, tmp, &rt, &rs, &imm) == 4)
		    return fsti(rs,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fjeq") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fffl, tmp, &rs, &rt, lname) == 4) {
		    return fjeq(rs,rt,label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "fjlt") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fffl, tmp, &rs, &rt, lname) == 4) {
		    return fjlt(rs,rt,label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "halt") == 0){
		    return halt(0,0,0,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "setL") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fgl, tmp, &rd, lname) == 3) {
		    return setl(0,rd,label_cnt++);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "padd") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fgi, tmp, &rt, &imm) == 3) {
		    return padd(0,rt,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "link") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fi, tmp, &imm) == 2) {
		    return link(0,0,imm);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "movlr") == 0){
		return movlr(0,0,0,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "btmplr") == 0){
		return btmplr(0,0,0,0);
	if(strcmp(opcode, "padd") == 0){
		if(sscanf(op_data, fgg, tmp, &rd, &rt) == 3) {
		    return padd(0,rt,d,0);

	return -1;