void AfterEffectsBurner::slotProcessOutputLine( const QString & line, QProcess::ProcessChannel channel )
	bool com = line.contains( mCompleteRE );
	bool framecom = line.contains( mFrameCompleteRE );
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
	bool fatalMachError = line.contains(QRegExp("failed to name Mach port"));
	if( fatalMachError ) {
		jobErrored("the Host has fatal Mach Errors until AB restarts.");

	if( framecom ) {
		if( taskStarted() ) {
			bool frameCheckFailure = false;
			if( !mJob.outputPath().endsWith( ".avi" ) && !mJob.outputPath().endsWith( ".mov" ) ) {
				QString framePath = makeFramePath( mJob.outputPath(), mFrame );
				QFileInfo fi( framePath );
				frameCheckFailure = !(fi.exists() && fi.isFile() && fi.size() > 0);
				if( !frameCheckFailure )
					emit fileGenerated(framePath);
				QString log = QString("Frame %1 %2").arg(framePath).arg(frameCheckFailure ? "missing" : "found");

			if( frameCheckFailure ) {
				jobErrored("AE: Got frame complete message, but frame doesn't exist or is zero bytes");

			logMessage("AE: Completed frame: " + QString::number(mFrame));
			taskDone( mFrame );
			if( !com && mFrame <= mFrameEnd )
				taskStart( mFrame );

	if( com ) {
		if( mJob.outputPath().endsWith( ".avi" ) || mJob.outputPath().endsWith( ".mov" ) )
			emit fileGenerated(mJob.outputPath());
		LOG_3("AEB::slotReadOutput emit'ing jobFinished()");

	JobBurner::slotProcessOutputLine( line, channel );
Exemple #2
JobBurner::JobBurner( const JobAssignment & jobAssignment, Slave * slave, int options )
: QObject( slave )
, mSlave( slave )
, mCmd( 0 )
, mJobAssignment( jobAssignment )
, mJob( jobAssignment.job() )
, mLoaded( false )
, mOutputTimer( 0 )
, mMemTimer( 0 )
, mLogFlushTimer( 0 )
, mCheckupTimer( 0 )
, mState( StateNew )
, mOptions( Options(options) )
, mCurrentCopy( 0 )
, mLogFilesReady( false )
, mLogFile( 0 )
, mLogStream( 0 )
, mCmdPid( 0 )
	mOutputTimer = new QTimer( this );
	connect( mOutputTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( updateOutput() ) );

	mMemTimer = new QTimer( this );
	connect( mMemTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( checkMemory() ) );

	mCheckupTimer = new QTimer( this );
	connect( mCheckupTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( checkup() ) );
	/* Ensure we are actually assigned some tasks to work on */
	mTaskAssignments = mJobAssignment.jobTaskAssignments();
	if( mTaskAssignments.isEmpty() ) {
		jobErrored( QString("JobAssignment has no assigned tasks, Job Assignment key: %1").arg(mJobAssignment.key()) );

	// Double check that we are still assigned
	if( mJobAssignment.jobAssignmentStatus().status() != "ready" ) {
		LOG_1( "JobAssignment no longer ready, cancelling the burn" );

	/* Make sure each of the tasks are still valid, some could have already been unassigned or cancelled */
	/* Also verify that the jobtask record matches the assignment */
	mTasks = JobTask::table()->records( mTaskAssignments.keys( JobTaskAssignment::schema()->field("fkeyjobtask")->pos() ), /*select=*/true, /*useCache=*/false );
	foreach( JobTaskAssignment jta, mTaskAssignments ) {
		JobTask task = jta.jobTask();
		if( jta.jobAssignmentStatus().status() != "ready" || task.status() != "assigned" || task.host() != Host::currentHost() ) {
			LOG_1( QString("JobTask no longer assigned, discarding. keyJobTask: %1  keyJobTaskAssignment: %2  jobtask status: %3 jobtaskassignment status: %4")
				.arg(task.key()).arg(jta.key()).arg(task.status()).arg(jta.jobAssignmentStatus().status()) );
			mTaskAssignments -= jta;
			mTasks -= task;