Exemple #1
static BOOL
JPEGTransformFromHandle(FreeImageIO* src_io, fi_handle src_handle, FreeImageIO* dst_io, fi_handle dst_handle, FREE_IMAGE_JPEG_OPERATION operation, int* left, int* top, int* right, int* bottom, BOOL perfect) {
	const BOOL onlyReturnCropRect = (dst_io == NULL) || (dst_handle == NULL);
	const long stream_start = onlyReturnCropRect ? 0 : dst_io->tell_proc(dst_handle);
	BOOL swappedDim = FALSE;
	BOOL trimH = FALSE;
	BOOL trimV = FALSE;

	// Set up the jpeglib structures
	jpeg_decompress_struct srcinfo;
	jpeg_compress_struct dstinfo;
	jpeg_error_mgr jsrcerr, jdsterr;
	jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays = NULL;
	jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays = NULL;
	// Support for copying optional markers from source to destination file
	JCOPY_OPTION copyoption;
	// Image transformation options
	jpeg_transform_info transfoptions;

	// Initialize structures
	memset(&srcinfo, 0, sizeof(srcinfo));
	memset(&jsrcerr, 0, sizeof(jsrcerr));
	memset(&jdsterr, 0, sizeof(jdsterr));
	memset(&dstinfo, 0, sizeof(dstinfo));
	memset(&transfoptions, 0, sizeof(transfoptions));

	// Copy all extra markers from source file
	copyoption = JCOPYOPT_ALL;

	// Set up default JPEG parameters
	transfoptions.force_grayscale = FALSE;
	transfoptions.crop = FALSE;

	// Select the transform option
	switch(operation) {
		case FIJPEG_OP_FLIP_H:		// horizontal flip
			transfoptions.transform = JXFORM_FLIP_H;
			trimH = TRUE;
		case FIJPEG_OP_FLIP_V:		// vertical flip
			transfoptions.transform = JXFORM_FLIP_V;
			trimV = TRUE;
		case FIJPEG_OP_TRANSPOSE:	// transpose across UL-to-LR axis
			transfoptions.transform = JXFORM_TRANSPOSE;
			swappedDim = TRUE;
		case FIJPEG_OP_TRANSVERSE:	// transpose across UR-to-LL axis
			transfoptions.transform = JXFORM_TRANSVERSE;
			trimH = TRUE;
			trimV = TRUE;
			swappedDim = TRUE;
		case FIJPEG_OP_ROTATE_90:	// 90-degree clockwise rotation
			transfoptions.transform = JXFORM_ROT_90;
			trimH = TRUE;
			swappedDim = TRUE;
		case FIJPEG_OP_ROTATE_180:	// 180-degree rotation
			trimH = TRUE;
			trimV = TRUE;
			transfoptions.transform = JXFORM_ROT_180;
		case FIJPEG_OP_ROTATE_270:	// 270-degree clockwise (or 90 ccw)
			transfoptions.transform = JXFORM_ROT_270;
			trimV = TRUE;
			swappedDim = TRUE;
		case FIJPEG_OP_NONE:		// no transformation
			transfoptions.transform = JXFORM_NONE;
	// (perfect == TRUE) ==> fail if there is non-transformable edge blocks
	transfoptions.perfect = (perfect == TRUE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	// Drop non-transformable edge blocks: trim off any partial edge MCUs that the transform can't handle.
	transfoptions.trim = TRUE;

	try {

		// Initialize the JPEG decompression object with default error handling
		srcinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jsrcerr);
		srcinfo.err->error_exit = ls_jpeg_error_exit;
		srcinfo.err->output_message = ls_jpeg_output_message;

		// Initialize the JPEG compression object with default error handling
		dstinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jdsterr);
		dstinfo.err->error_exit = ls_jpeg_error_exit;
		dstinfo.err->output_message = ls_jpeg_output_message;

		// Specify data source for decompression
		jpeg_freeimage_src(&srcinfo, src_handle, src_io);

		// Enable saving of extra markers that we want to copy
		jcopy_markers_setup(&srcinfo, copyoption);

		// Read the file header
		jpeg_read_header(&srcinfo, TRUE);

		// crop option
		char crop[64];
		const BOOL hasCrop = getCropString(crop, left, top, right, bottom, swappedDim ? srcinfo.image_height : srcinfo.image_width, swappedDim ? srcinfo.image_width : srcinfo.image_height);

		if(hasCrop) {
			if(!jtransform_parse_crop_spec(&transfoptions, crop)) {
				FreeImage_OutputMessageProc(FIF_JPEG, "Bogus crop argument %s", crop);

		// Any space needed by a transform option must be requested before
		// jpeg_read_coefficients so that memory allocation will be done right

		// Prepare transformation workspace
		// Fails right away if perfect flag is TRUE and transformation is not perfect
		if( !jtransform_request_workspace(&srcinfo, &transfoptions) ) {
			FreeImage_OutputMessageProc(FIF_JPEG, "Transformation is not perfect");

		if(left || top) {
			// compute left and top offsets, it's a bit tricky, taking into account both
			// transform, which might have trimed the image,
			// and crop itself, which is adjusted to lie on a iMCU boundary

			const int fullWidth = swappedDim ? srcinfo.image_height : srcinfo.image_width;
			const int fullHeight = swappedDim ? srcinfo.image_width : srcinfo.image_height;

			int transformedFullWidth = fullWidth;
			int transformedFullHeight = fullHeight;

			if(trimH && transformedFullWidth/transfoptions.iMCU_sample_width > 0) {
				transformedFullWidth = (transformedFullWidth/transfoptions.iMCU_sample_width) * transfoptions.iMCU_sample_width;
			if(trimV && transformedFullHeight/transfoptions.iMCU_sample_height > 0) {
				transformedFullHeight = (transformedFullHeight/transfoptions.iMCU_sample_height) * transfoptions.iMCU_sample_height;

			const int trimmedWidth = fullWidth - transformedFullWidth;
			const int trimmedHeight = fullHeight - transformedFullHeight;

			if(left) {
				*left = trimmedWidth + transfoptions.x_crop_offset * transfoptions.iMCU_sample_width;
			if(top) {
				*top = trimmedHeight + transfoptions.y_crop_offset * transfoptions.iMCU_sample_height;

		if(right) {
			*right = (left ? *left : 0) + transfoptions.output_width;
		if(bottom) {
			*bottom = (top ? *top : 0) + transfoptions.output_height;

		// if only the crop rect is requested, we are done

		if(onlyReturnCropRect) {
			return TRUE;

		// Read source file as DCT coefficients
		src_coef_arrays = jpeg_read_coefficients(&srcinfo);

		// Initialize destination compression parameters from source values
		jpeg_copy_critical_parameters(&srcinfo, &dstinfo);

		// Adjust destination parameters if required by transform options;
		// also find out which set of coefficient arrays will hold the output
		dst_coef_arrays = jtransform_adjust_parameters(&srcinfo, &dstinfo, src_coef_arrays, &transfoptions);

		// Note: we assume that jpeg_read_coefficients consumed all input
		// until JPEG_REACHED_EOI, and that jpeg_finish_decompress will
		// only consume more while (! cinfo->inputctl->eoi_reached).
		// We cannot call jpeg_finish_decompress here since we still need the
		// virtual arrays allocated from the source object for processing.

		if(src_handle == dst_handle) {
			dst_io->seek_proc(dst_handle, stream_start, SEEK_SET);

		// Specify data destination for compression
		jpeg_freeimage_dst(&dstinfo, dst_handle, dst_io);

		// Start compressor (note no image data is actually written here)
		jpeg_write_coefficients(&dstinfo, dst_coef_arrays);

		// Copy to the output file any extra markers that we want to preserve
		jcopy_markers_execute(&srcinfo, &dstinfo, copyoption);

		// Execute image transformation, if any
		jtransform_execute_transformation(&srcinfo, &dstinfo, src_coef_arrays, &transfoptions);

		// Finish compression and release memory

	catch(...) {
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Load(FreeImageIO *io, fi_handle handle, int page, int flags, void *data) {
	if (handle) {

		try {
			// set up the jpeglib structures

			struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
			struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;

			// step 1: allocate and initialize JPEG decompression object

			cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);

			jerr.error_exit     = jpeg_error_exit;
			jerr.output_message = jpeg_output_message;


			// step 2a: specify data source (eg, a handle)

			jpeg_freeimage_src(&cinfo, handle, io);

			// step 2b: save special markers for later reading
			jpeg_save_markers(&cinfo, JPEG_COM, 0xFFFF);
			for(int m = 0; m < 16; m++) {
				jpeg_save_markers(&cinfo, JPEG_APP0 + m, 0xFFFF);

			// step 3: read handle parameters with jpeg_read_header()

			jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE);

			// step 4: set parameters for decompression

			unsigned int scale_denom = 1;		// fraction by which to scale image
			int	requested_size = flags >> 16;	// requested user size in pixels
			if(requested_size > 0) {
				// the JPEG codec can perform x2, x4 or x8 scaling on loading
				// try to find the more appropriate scaling according to user's need
				double scale = MAX((double)cinfo.image_width, (double)cinfo.image_height) / (double)requested_size;
				if(scale >= 8) {
					scale_denom = 8;
				} else if(scale >= 4) {
					scale_denom = 4;
				} else if(scale >= 2) {
					scale_denom = 2;
			cinfo.scale_num = 1;
			cinfo.scale_denom = scale_denom;

			if ((flags & JPEG_ACCURATE) != JPEG_ACCURATE) {
				cinfo.dct_method          = JDCT_IFAST;
				cinfo.do_fancy_upsampling = FALSE;

			// step 5a: start decompressor and calculate output width and height


			// step 5b: allocate dib and init header

			if((cinfo.num_components == 4) && (cinfo.out_color_space == JCS_CMYK)) {
				// CMYK image
				if((flags & JPEG_CMYK) == JPEG_CMYK) {
					// load as CMYK
					dib = FreeImage_Allocate(cinfo.output_width, cinfo.output_height, 32, FI_RGBA_RED_MASK, FI_RGBA_GREEN_MASK, FI_RGBA_BLUE_MASK);
					if(!dib) return NULL;
					FreeImage_GetICCProfile(dib)->flags |= FIICC_COLOR_IS_CMYK;
				} else {
					// load as CMYK and convert to RGB
					dib = FreeImage_Allocate(cinfo.output_width, cinfo.output_height, 24, FI_RGBA_RED_MASK, FI_RGBA_GREEN_MASK, FI_RGBA_BLUE_MASK);
					if(!dib) return NULL;
			} else {
				// RGB or greyscale image
				dib = FreeImage_Allocate(cinfo.output_width, cinfo.output_height, 8 * cinfo.num_components, FI_RGBA_RED_MASK, FI_RGBA_GREEN_MASK, FI_RGBA_BLUE_MASK);
				if(!dib) return NULL;

				if (cinfo.num_components == 1) {
					// build a greyscale palette
					RGBQUAD *colors = FreeImage_GetPalette(dib);

					for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
						colors[i].rgbRed   = (BYTE)i;
						colors[i].rgbGreen = (BYTE)i;
						colors[i].rgbBlue  = (BYTE)i;
			if(scale_denom != 1) {
				// store original size info if a scaling was requested
				store_size_info(dib, cinfo.image_width, cinfo.image_height);

			// step 5c: handle metrices

			if (cinfo.density_unit == 1) {
				// dots/inch
				FreeImage_SetDotsPerMeterX(dib, (unsigned) (((float)cinfo.X_density) / 0.0254000 + 0.5));
				FreeImage_SetDotsPerMeterY(dib, (unsigned) (((float)cinfo.Y_density) / 0.0254000 + 0.5));
			} else if (cinfo.density_unit == 2) {
				// dots/cm
				FreeImage_SetDotsPerMeterX(dib, (unsigned) (cinfo.X_density * 100));
				FreeImage_SetDotsPerMeterY(dib, (unsigned) (cinfo.Y_density * 100));

			// step 6a: while (scan lines remain to be read) jpeg_read_scanlines(...);

			if((cinfo.out_color_space == JCS_CMYK) && ((flags & JPEG_CMYK) != JPEG_CMYK)) {
				// convert from CMYK to RGB

				JSAMPARRAY buffer;		// output row buffer
				unsigned row_stride;	// physical row width in output buffer

				// JSAMPLEs per row in output buffer
				row_stride = cinfo.output_width * cinfo.output_components;
				// make a one-row-high sample array that will go away when done with image
				buffer = (*cinfo.mem->alloc_sarray)((j_common_ptr) &cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, row_stride, 1);

				while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) {
					JSAMPROW src = buffer[0];
					JSAMPROW dst = FreeImage_GetScanLine(dib, cinfo.output_height - cinfo.output_scanline - 1);

					jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, buffer, 1);

					for(unsigned x = 0; x < FreeImage_GetWidth(dib); x++) {
						WORD K = (WORD)src[3];
						dst[FI_RGBA_RED]   = (BYTE)((K * src[0]) / 255);
						dst[FI_RGBA_GREEN] = (BYTE)((K * src[1]) / 255);
						dst[FI_RGBA_BLUE]  = (BYTE)((K * src[2]) / 255);
						src += 4;
						dst += 3;
			} else {
				// normal case (RGB or greyscale image)

				while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) {
					JSAMPROW dst = FreeImage_GetScanLine(dib, cinfo.output_height - cinfo.output_scanline - 1);

					jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, &dst, 1);

				// step 6b: swap red and blue components (see LibJPEG/jmorecfg.h: #define RGB_RED, ...)
				// The default behavior of the JPEG library is kept "as is" because LibTIFF uses 
				// LibJPEG "as is".

				if(cinfo.num_components == 3) {
					for(unsigned y = 0; y < FreeImage_GetHeight(dib); y++) {
						BYTE *target = FreeImage_GetScanLine(dib, y);
						for(unsigned x = 0; x < FreeImage_GetWidth(dib); x++) {
							INPLACESWAP(target[0], target[2]);
							target += 3;

			// step 7: read special markers

			read_markers(&cinfo, dib);

			// step 8: finish decompression


			// step 9: release JPEG decompression object


			// check for automatic Exif rotation

			// everything went well. return the loaded dib

			return (FIBITMAP *)dib;
		} catch (...) {
			if(NULL != dib) {

	return NULL;