void GPSTrackListWidget::khtmlMouseReleaseEvent(khtml::MouseReleaseEvent *e) { QString status = jsStatusBarText(); // If a new point to the map have been moved around the map, the Status // string is like : "(mkr:1, lat:25.5894748, lon:47.6897455478, alt:211)" if (status.startsWith(QString("(mkr:"))) extractGPSPositionfromStatusbar(status); // If a new map zoom level have been selected, the Status // string is like : "newZoomLevel:5" if (status.startsWith(QString("newZoomLevel:"))) { status.remove(0, 13); d->zoomLevel = status; } // If a new map type have been selected, the Status // string is like : "newMapType:G_SATELLITE_MAP" if (status.startsWith(QString("newMapType:"))) { status.remove(0, 11); d->mapType = status; } KHTMLPart::khtmlMouseReleaseEvent(e); }
void GPSTrackListWidget::khtmlMouseMoveEvent(khtml::MouseMoveEvent *e) { QString status = jsStatusBarText(); // If a new point to the map is dragged around the map, the status bar // string is like : "(mkr:1, lat:25.5894748, lon:47.6897455478)" if (status.startsWith(QString("(mkr:"))) extractGPSPositionfromStatusbar(status); KHTMLPart::khtmlMouseMoveEvent(e); }
void HTMLWidget::slotScanForJSMessages() { const QString status = jsStatusBarText(); if (status!=QLatin1String("(event)" )) return; kDebug()<<status; const QString eventBufferString = runScript(QLatin1String("kmapReadEventStrings();")).toString(); if (eventBufferString.isEmpty()) return; const QStringList events = eventBufferString.split(QLatin1Char( '|' )); emit(signalHTMLEvents(events)); }