char *ConvertToText( Datum value, Oid column_type, MemoryContext fn_mcxt, char** pbuf ) { bool typIsVarlena; Oid typiofunc; FmgrInfo proc; char* result; // FILE* log; // log = fopen("/var/lib/postgresql/serializer.log", "a"); getTypeOutputInfo(column_type, &typiofunc, &typIsVarlena); fmgr_info_cxt( typiofunc, &proc, fn_mcxt ); // fprintf(log, "Oid of function: %i\n", proc.fn_oid); result = OutputFunctionCall( &proc, value ); if((column_type != INT8OID) && (column_type != BOOLOID) && (column_type != INT4OID) && (column_type != FLOAT8OID) && (column_type != INT2OID) && (column_type != FLOAT4OID)) { // fprintf(log, "WELL WELL\n"); result = json_escape_str(pbuf, result); // fprintf(log, "result: %s\n", result); // fclose(log); return result; } // fclose(log); return result; }
void *ls2_monitor(void *ctx) { LSError lserror; LSErrorInit(&lserror); LSHandle* lshandle = pub_serviceHandle; char buffer[MAXBUFLEN]; char esc_buffer[MAXBUFLEN]; char command[MAXLINLEN] = "/usr/bin/ls-monitor 2>&1"; THREAD_DATA data; char line[MAXLINLEN]; pthread_key_t key; if (ctx) data.message = (LSMessage *)ctx; else return NULL; // Create thread key/value pthread_key_create(&key, ls2_thread_cleanup); pthread_setspecific(key, &data); data.fp = popen(command, "r"); syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "ls2 pipe fp %p\n", data.fp); if (!data.fp) { if (!LSMessageReply(lshandle, data.message, "{\"returnValue\": false, \"ouroboros\": true, \"stage\": \"failed\"}", &lserror)) goto error; return NULL; } // Loop through the output lines while (fgets(line, sizeof line, data.fp)) { // Chomp the newline char *nl = strchr(line,'\n'); if (nl) *nl = 0; // Have status updates been requested? if (lshandle && data.message) { if (!strstr(line, "ouroboros")) { // Send it as a status message. strcpy(buffer, "{\"returnValue\": true, \"ouroboros\": true, \"stage\": \"status\", \"status\": \""); strcat(buffer, json_escape_str(line, esc_buffer)); strcat(buffer, "\"}"); // %%% Should we break out of the loop here, or just ignore the error? %%% if (!LSMessageReply(lshandle, data.message, buffer, &lserror)) goto error; } } } goto end; error: LSErrorPrint(&lserror, stderr); LSErrorFree(&lserror); end: return NULL; }
// // Send a standard format command failure message back to webOS. // The command will be escaped. The output argument should be a JSON array and is not escaped. // The additional text will not be escaped. // The return value is from the LSMessageReply call, not related to the command execution. // static bool report_command_failure(LSHandle* lshandle, LSMessage *message, char *command, char *stdErrText, char *additional) { LSError lserror; LSErrorInit(&lserror); char buffer[MAXBUFLEN]; char esc_buffer[MAXBUFLEN]; // Include the command that was executed, in escaped form. snprintf(buffer, MAXBUFLEN, "{\"errorText\": \"Unable to run command: %s\"", json_escape_str(command, esc_buffer)); // Include any stderr fields from the command. if (stdErrText) { strcat(buffer, ", \"stdErr\": "); strcat(buffer, stdErrText); } // Report that an error occurred. strcat(buffer, ", \"returnValue\": false, \"errorCode\": -1"); // Add any additional JSON fields. if (additional) { strcat(buffer, ", "); strcat(buffer, additional); } // Terminate the JSON reply message ... strcat(buffer, "}"); // fprintf(stderr, "Message is %s\n", buffer); // and send it. if (!LSMessageReply(lshandle, message, buffer, &lserror)) goto error; return true; error: LSErrorPrint(&lserror, stderr); LSErrorFree(&lserror); end: return false; }
void json_profile_argument_debug(struct emu_profile_argument *argument, int indent, bool has_name, GString *str) { switch( argument->render ) { case render_struct: if( has_name ) g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s\"%s\" : {\n", indent*4, " ", argument->argname); // printf("%*s\"%s\" : {\n", indent*4, " ", argument->argname); else g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s{\n", indent*4, " "); // printf("%*s{\n", indent*4, " "); struct emu_profile_argument *argumentit; for( argumentit = emu_profile_arguments_first(argument->value.tstruct.arguments); !emu_profile_arguments_istail(argumentit); argumentit = emu_profile_arguments_next(argumentit) ) { if( argumentit != emu_profile_arguments_first(argument->value.tstruct.arguments) ) g_string_append_printf(str, ",\n"); // printf(",\n"); json_profile_argument_debug(argumentit,indent+1, true, str); } g_string_append_printf(str, "\n"); // printf("\n"); g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s}", indent*4," "); // printf("%*s}", indent*4," "); break; case render_array: if( has_name ) g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s\"%s\" : [\n", indent*4, " ", argument->argname); // printf("%*s\"%s\" : [\n", indent*4, " ", argument->argname); else g_string_append_printf(str, "[\n"); // printf("[\n"); for( argumentit = emu_profile_arguments_first(argument->value.tstruct.arguments); !emu_profile_arguments_istail(argumentit); argumentit = emu_profile_arguments_next(argumentit) ) { if( argumentit != emu_profile_arguments_first(argument->value.tstruct.arguments) ) g_string_append_printf(str, ",\n"); // printf(",\n"); json_profile_argument_debug(argumentit,indent+1, false, str); } g_string_append_printf(str, "\n"); // printf("\n"); g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s]", indent*4, " "); // printf("%*s]", indent*4, " "); break; case render_int: if( has_name ) g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s\"%s\" : \"%i\"", indent*4, " ", argument->argname, argument->value.tint); // printf("%*s\"%s\" : \"%i\"", indent*4, " ", argument->argname, argument->value.tint); else g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s\"%i\"", indent*4, " ", argument->value.tint); // printf("%*s\"%i\"", indent*4, " ", argument->value.tint); break; case render_short: if( has_name ) g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s\"%s\" : \"%i\"", indent*4, " ", argument->argname, argument->value.tshort); // printf("%*s\"%s\" : \"%i\"", indent*4, " ", argument->argname, argument->value.tshort); else g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s\"%i\"", indent*4, " ", argument->value.tshort); // printf("%*s\"%i\"", indent*4, " ", argument->value.tshort); break; case render_string: { char *data = argument->value.tchar; GString *escaped = g_string_sized_new(strlen(data)*2); json_escape_str(escaped, data); if( has_name ) g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s\"%s\" : \"%s\"", indent*4, " ", argument->argname, escaped->str); // printf("%*s\"%s\" : \"%s\"", indent*4, " ", argument->argname, argument->value.tchar); else g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s\"%s\"", indent*4, " ", escaped->str); // printf("%*s\"%s\"", indent*4, " ", argument->value.tchar); g_string_free(escaped, TRUE); } break; case render_bytea: { unsigned char *data = argument->; unsigned int size = argument->value.bytea.size; GString *escaped = g_string_sized_new(size*5); json_escape_bytea(escaped, data, size); if( has_name ) g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s\"%s\" : \"%s\"", indent*4, " ", argument->argname, escaped->str); // printf("%*s\"%s\" : \"%s\"", indent*4, " ", argument->argname, argument->value.tchar); else g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s\"%s\"", indent*4, " ", escaped->str); // printf("%*s\"%s\"", indent*4, " ", argument->value.tchar); g_string_free(escaped, TRUE); } break; case render_ptr: json_profile_argument_debug(argument->value.tptr.ptr, indent+1, false, str); break; case render_ip: if( has_name ) g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s\"%s\" : \"%s\"", indent*4, " ", argument->argname, inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&argument->value.tint)); // printf("%*s\"%s\" : \"%s\"", indent*4, " ", argument->argname, inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&argument->value.tint)); else g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s\"%s\"", indent*4, " ", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&argument->value.tint)); // printf("%*s\"%s\"", indent*4, " ", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&argument->value.tint)); break; case render_port: if( has_name ) g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s\"%s\" : \"%i\"", indent*4, " ", argument->argname, ntohs((uint16_t)argument->value.tint)); // printf("%*s\"%s\" : \"%i\"", indent*4, " ", argument->argname, ntohs((uint16_t)argument->value.tint)); else g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s\"%i\"", indent*4, " ", ntohs((uint16_t)argument->value.tint)); // printf("%*s\"%i\"", indent*4, " ", ntohs((uint16_t)argument->value.tint)); break; case render_none: if( has_name ) g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s\"%s\" : \"\"", indent*4, " ", argument->argname); // printf("%*s\"%s\" : \"\"", indent*4, " ", argument->argname); else g_string_append_printf(str, "%*s\"\"", indent*4, " "); // printf("%*s\"\"", indent*4, " "); break; } }
static bool read_file(LSHandle* lshandle, LSMessage *message, char *filename, bool subscribed) { LSError lserror; LSErrorInit(&lserror); FILE * file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!file) { sprintf(file_buffer, "{\"returnValue\": false, \"errorCode\": -1, \"errorText\": \"Cannot open %s\"}", filename); if (!LSMessageReply(lshandle, message, file_buffer, &lserror)) goto error; return true; } char chunk[CHUNKSIZE]; int chunksize = CHUNKSIZE; syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Reading file %s\n", filename); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); int filesize = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); if (subscribed) { if (sprintf(file_buffer, "{\"returnValue\": true, \"filesize\": %d, \"chunksize\": %d, \"stage\": \"start\"}", filesize, chunksize)) { if (!LSMessageReply(lshandle, message, file_buffer, &lserror)) goto error; } } else if (filesize < chunksize) { chunksize = filesize; } int size; int datasize = 0; while ((size = fread(chunk, 1, chunksize, file)) > 0) { datasize += size; chunk[size] = '\0'; sprintf(file_buffer, "{\"returnValue\": true, \"size\": %d, \"contents\": \"", size); strcat(file_buffer, json_escape_str(chunk, file_esc_buffer)); strcat(file_buffer, "\""); if (subscribed) { strcat(file_buffer, ", \"stage\": \"middle\""); } strcat(file_buffer, "}"); if (!LSMessageReply(lshandle, message, file_buffer, &lserror)) goto error; } if (!fclose(file)) { if (subscribed) { sprintf(file_buffer, "{\"returnValue\": true, \"datasize\": %d, \"stage\": \"end\"}", datasize); if (!LSMessageReply(lshandle, message, file_buffer, &lserror)) goto error; } } else { sprintf(file_buffer, "{\"returnValue\": false, \"errorCode\": -1, \"errorText\": \"Cannot close file\"}"); if (!LSMessageReply(lshandle, message, file_buffer, &lserror)) goto error; } return true; error: LSErrorPrint(&lserror, stderr); LSErrorFree(&lserror); end: return false; }
// // Run a shell command, and return the output in-line in a buffer for returning to webOS. // The global run_command_buffer must be initialised before calling this function. // The return value says whether the command executed successfully or not. // static bool run_command(char *command, bool escape, char *buffer) { LSError lserror; LSErrorInit(&lserror); char esc_buffer[MAXBUFLEN]; // Local buffers to store the current and previous lines. char line[MAXLINLEN]; // fprintf(stderr, "Running command %s\n", command); // buffer is assumed to be initialised, ready for strcat to append. // Is this the first line of output? bool first = true; bool array = false; // Start execution of the command, and read the output. FILE *fp = popen(command, "r"); // Return immediately if we cannot even start the command. if (!fp) { return false; } // Loop through the output lines while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp)) { // Chomp the newline char *nl = strchr(line,'\n'); if (nl) *nl = 0; // Add formatting breaks between lines if (first) { if (buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] == '[') { array = true; } first = false; } else { if (array) { strcat(buffer, ", "); } else { strcat(buffer, "<br>"); } } // Append the unfiltered output to the buffer. if (escape) { if (array) { strcat(buffer, "\""); } strcat(buffer, json_escape_str(line, esc_buffer)); if (array) { strcat(buffer, "\""); } } else { strcat(buffer, line); } } // Check the close status of the process if (pclose(fp)) { return false; } return true; error: LSErrorPrint(&lserror, stderr); LSErrorFree(&lserror); end: // %%% We need a way to distinguish command failures from LSMessage failures %%% // %%% This may need to be true if we just want to ignore LSMessage failures %%% return false; }
// // Get the listing of a directory, and return it's contents. // bool get_dir_listing_method(LSHandle* lshandle, LSMessage *message, void *ctx) { LSError lserror; LSErrorInit(&lserror); char buffer[MAXBUFLEN]; char esc_buffer[MAXBUFLEN]; struct dirent *ep; // Local buffer to hold each line of output from ls char line[MAXLINLEN]; // Is this the first line of output? bool first = true; // Was there an error in accessing any of the files? bool error = false; json_t *object = json_parse_document(LSMessageGetPayload(message)); json_t *id = json_find_first_label(object, "directory"); if (!id || (id->child->type != JSON_STRING) || (strspn(id->child->text, ALLOWED_CHARS"/") != strlen(id->child->text))) { if (!LSMessageRespond(message, "{\"returnValue\": false, \"errorCode\": -1, \"errorText\": \"Invalid or missing directory\"}", &lserror)) goto error; } // Start execution of the command to list the directory contents DIR *dp = opendir(id->child->text); // If the command cannot be started if (!dp) { if (!LSMessageRespond(message, "{\"returnValue\": false, \"errorCode\": -1, \"errorText\": \"Unable to open directory\"}", &lserror)) goto error; // The error report has been sent, so return to webOS. return true; } // Initialise the output message. strcpy(buffer, "{"); // Loop through the list of directory entries. while (ep = readdir(dp)) { // Start or continue the JSON array if (first) { strcat(buffer, "\"contents\": ["); first = false; } else { strcat(buffer, ", "); } strcat(buffer, "{\"name\":\""); strcat(buffer, json_escape_str(ep->d_name, esc_buffer)); strcat(buffer, "\", "); strcat(buffer, "\"type\":\""); if (ep->d_type == DT_DIR) { strcat(buffer, "directory"); } else if (ep->d_type == DT_REG) { strcat(buffer, "file"); } else if (ep->d_type == DT_LNK) { strcat(buffer, "symlink"); } else { strcat(buffer, "other"); } strcat(buffer, "\"}"); } // Terminate the JSON array if (!first) { strcat(buffer, "], "); } // Check the close status of the process, and return the combined error status if (closedir(dp) || error) { strcat(buffer, "\"returnValue\": false}"); } else { strcat(buffer, "\"returnValue\": true}"); } // Return the results to webOS. if (!LSMessageRespond(message, buffer, &lserror)) goto error; return true; error: LSErrorPrint(&lserror, stderr); LSErrorFree(&lserror); end: return false; }
// // Dump the contents of an sqlite3 database table // static bool dump_sqlite(LSMessage *message, char *database, char *table) { LSError lserror; LSErrorInit(&lserror); char buffer[MAXBUFLEN]; char esc_buffer[MAXBUFLEN]; char line[MAXLINLEN]; // Local buffer to store the command char command[MAXLINLEN]; sprintf(command, "sqlite3 %s .dump 2>&1", database); // Is this the first line of output? bool first = true; // Was there an error in accessing any of the files? bool error = false; // Length of buffer before the last command int lastlen = 0; // Start execution of the command to list the config files. FILE *fp = popen(command, "r"); // If the command cannot be started if (!fp) { // then report the error to webOS. if (!report_command_failure(message, command, NULL, NULL)) goto end; // The error report has been sent, so return to webOS. return true; } if (!LSMessageRespond(message, "{\"stage\": \"start\", \"returnValue\": true}", &lserror)) goto error; // Initialise the output message. strcpy(buffer, "{"); lastlen = strlen(buffer); // Loop through the list of files in the scripts directory. while (fgets( line, sizeof line, fp)) { // Chomp the newline char *nl = strchr(line,'\n'); if (nl) *nl = 0; if ((strlen(line) <= 13+strlen(table)+9) || strncmp(line, "INSERT INTO \"", 13) || strncmp(line+13, table, strlen(table)) || strncmp(line+13+strlen(table), "\" VALUES(", 9) || strncmp(line+strlen(line)-2, ");", 2)) { continue; } *(line+strlen(line)-2) = 0; // Push out a partial chunk if (strlen(buffer) >= CHUNKSIZE) { // Terminate the JSON array if (!first) { strcat(buffer, "], "); } strcat(buffer, "\"stage\": \"middle\", "); // Check the error status, and return the current error status if (error) { strcat(buffer, "\"returnValue\": false}"); } else { strcat(buffer, "\"returnValue\": true}"); } // fprintf(stderr, "Message is %s\n", buffer); // Return the results to webOS. if (!LSMessageRespond(message, buffer, &lserror)) goto error; // This is now the first line of output first = true; // Initialise the output message. strcpy(buffer, "{"); lastlen = strlen(buffer); } // Start or continue the JSON array if (first) { strcat(buffer, "\"results\": ["); lastlen = strlen(buffer); first = false; } else if (strlen(buffer) > lastlen) { strcat(buffer, ", "); lastlen = strlen(buffer); } // Store the command output strcat(buffer, "\""); strcat(buffer, json_escape_str(line+13+strlen(table)+9, esc_buffer)); strcat(buffer, "\""); } // Terminate the JSON array if (!first) { strcat(buffer, "], "); } strcat(buffer, "\"stage\": \"end\", "); // Check the close status of the process, and return the combined error status if (pclose(fp) || error) { strcat(buffer, "\"returnValue\": false}"); } else { strcat(buffer, "\"returnValue\": true}"); } // fprintf(stderr, "Message is %s\n", buffer); // Return the results to webOS. if (!LSMessageRespond(message, buffer, &lserror)) goto error; return true; error: LSErrorPrint(&lserror, stderr); LSErrorFree(&lserror); end: return false; }
int lwes_event_attribute_to_string (struct lwes_event_attribute *attribute, char *buffer, int offset) { int n; char *tmp_buffer; if (attribute->type == LWES_U_INT_16_TOKEN) { return lwes_U_INT_16_to_string(*((LWES_U_INT_16 *)attribute->value), buffer, offset); } else if (attribute->type == LWES_INT_16_TOKEN) { return lwes_INT_16_to_string(*((LWES_INT_16 *)attribute->value), buffer, offset); } else if (attribute->type == LWES_U_INT_32_TOKEN) { return lwes_U_INT_32_to_string(*((LWES_U_INT_32 *)attribute->value), buffer, offset); } else if (attribute->type == LWES_INT_32_TOKEN) { return lwes_INT_32_to_string(*((LWES_INT_32 *)attribute->value), buffer, offset); } else if (attribute->type == LWES_U_INT_64_TOKEN) { n = sprintf(buffer + offset, "\""); n += lwes_U_INT_64_to_string(*((LWES_U_INT_64 *)attribute->value), buffer, offset + n); n += sprintf(buffer + offset + n, "\""); return n; } else if (attribute->type == LWES_INT_64_TOKEN) { n = sprintf(buffer + offset, "\""); n += lwes_INT_64_to_string(*((LWES_INT_64 *)attribute->value), buffer, offset + n); n += sprintf(buffer + offset + n, "\""); return n; } else if (attribute->type == LWES_BOOLEAN_TOKEN) { return lwes_BOOLEAN_to_string(*((LWES_BOOLEAN *)attribute->value), buffer, offset); } else if (attribute->type == LWES_IP_ADDR_TOKEN) { n = sprintf(buffer + offset, "\""); n += lwes_IP_ADDR_to_string(*((LWES_IP_ADDR *)attribute->value), buffer, offset + n); n += sprintf(buffer + offset + n, "\""); return n; } else if (attribute->type == LWES_STRING_TOKEN) { n = sprintf(buffer + offset, "\""); tmp_buffer = json_escape_str((char *)attribute->value); if (tmp_buffer != NULL) { n += lwes_LONG_STRING_to_string((LWES_LONG_STRING)tmp_buffer, buffer, offset + n); free(tmp_buffer); } n += sprintf(buffer + offset + n, "\""); return n; } return 0; }
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR mod_led_8x8_rgb_handler( struct espconn *pConnection, request_method method, char *url, char *data, uint16 data_len, uint32 content_len, char *response, uint16 response_len ) { if (mod_led_8x8_text == NULL) { mod_led_8x8_text = (char *)os_zalloc(MOD_LED_8x8_RGB_MAX_TEXT); } if (method == POST && data != NULL && data_len != 0) { if (led_8x8_rgb_busy()) { json_error(response, MOD_LED8x8RGB, BUSY_STR, NULL); return; } if (mod_led_8x8_rgb_parse(data, data_len)) { if (!led_8x8_rgb_set_dimensions(mod_led_8x8_cols, mod_led_8x8_rows)) { json_error(response, MOD_LED8x8RGB, "Dimensions can not be set", NULL); return; } mod_led_8x8_rgb_preferences_set(); } if ( !led_8x8_rgb_scroll( mod_led_8x8_r, mod_led_8x8_g, mod_led_8x8_b, mod_led_8x8_text, MOD_LED_8x8_RGB_MAX_SPEED - mod_led_8x8_speed + 1, mod_led_8x8_rgb_scroll_done ) ) { json_error(response, MOD_LED8x8RGB, BUSY_STR, NULL); return; } } char data_str[WEBSERVER_MAX_VALUE * 2]; char *escaped = json_escape_str(mod_led_8x8_text, MOD_LED_8x8_RGB_MAX_TEXT); json_data( response, MOD_LED8x8RGB, OK_STR, json_sprintf( data_str, "\"cols\" : %d, " "\"rows\" : %d, " "\"Speed\" : %d, " "\"R\" : %d, " "\"G\" : %d, " "\"B\" : %d, " "\"Text\" : \"%s\"", led_8x8_rgb_get_cols(), led_8x8_rgb_get_rows(), mod_led_8x8_speed, mod_led_8x8_r, mod_led_8x8_g, mod_led_8x8_b, escaped ), NULL ); os_free(escaped); }