static void do_notify(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct jsonrpc_msg *msg; struct jsonrpc *rpc; struct json *params; struct stream *stream; const char *method; char *string; int error; method = ctx->argv[2]; params = parse_json(ctx->argv[3]); msg = jsonrpc_create_notify(method, params); string = jsonrpc_msg_is_valid(msg); if (string) { ovs_fatal(0, "not a JSON RPC-valid notification: %s", string); } error = stream_open_block(jsonrpc_stream_open(ctx->argv[1], &stream, DSCP_DEFAULT), &stream); if (error) { ovs_fatal(error, "could not open \"%s\"", ctx->argv[1]); } rpc = jsonrpc_open(stream); error = jsonrpc_send_block(rpc, msg); if (error) { ovs_fatal(error, "could not send notification"); } jsonrpc_close(rpc); }
void jsonrpc_session_close(struct jsonrpc_session *s) { if (s) { jsonrpc_close(s->rpc); reconnect_destroy(s->reconnect); stream_close(s->stream); pstream_close(s->pstream); free(s); } }
static void jsonrpc_session_disconnect(struct jsonrpc_session *s) { if (s->rpc) { jsonrpc_error(s->rpc, EOF); jsonrpc_close(s->rpc); s->rpc = NULL; s->seqno++; } else if (s->stream) { stream_close(s->stream); s->stream = NULL; s->seqno++; } }
static void do_request(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct jsonrpc_msg *msg; struct jsonrpc *rpc; struct json *params; struct stream *stream; const char *method; char *string; int error; method = ctx->argv[2]; params = parse_json(ctx->argv[3]); msg = jsonrpc_create_request(method, params, NULL); string = jsonrpc_msg_is_valid(msg); if (string) { ovs_fatal(0, "not a valid JSON-RPC request: %s", string); } error = stream_open_block(jsonrpc_stream_open(ctx->argv[1], &stream, DSCP_DEFAULT), &stream); if (error) { ovs_fatal(error, "could not open \"%s\"", ctx->argv[1]); } rpc = jsonrpc_open(stream); error = jsonrpc_send(rpc, msg); if (error) { ovs_fatal(error, "could not send request"); } error = jsonrpc_recv_block(rpc, &msg); if (error) { ovs_fatal(error, "error waiting for reply"); } print_and_free_json(jsonrpc_msg_to_json(msg)); jsonrpc_close(rpc); }
static void do_listen(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct pstream *pstream; struct jsonrpc **rpcs; size_t n_rpcs, allocated_rpcs; bool done; int error; error = jsonrpc_pstream_open(ctx->argv[1], &pstream, DSCP_DEFAULT); if (error) { ovs_fatal(error, "could not listen on \"%s\"", ctx->argv[1]); } daemonize(); rpcs = NULL; n_rpcs = allocated_rpcs = 0; done = false; for (;;) { struct stream *stream; size_t i; /* Accept new connections. */ error = pstream_accept(pstream, &stream); if (!error) { if (n_rpcs >= allocated_rpcs) { rpcs = x2nrealloc(rpcs, &allocated_rpcs, sizeof *rpcs); } rpcs[n_rpcs++] = jsonrpc_open(stream); } else if (error != EAGAIN) { ovs_fatal(error, "pstream_accept failed"); } /* Service existing connections. */ for (i = 0; i < n_rpcs; ) { struct jsonrpc *rpc = rpcs[i]; struct jsonrpc_msg *msg; jsonrpc_run(rpc); if (!jsonrpc_get_backlog(rpc)) { error = jsonrpc_recv(rpc, &msg); if (!error) { error = handle_rpc(rpc, msg, &done); jsonrpc_msg_destroy(msg); } else if (error == EAGAIN) { error = 0; } } if (!error) { error = jsonrpc_get_status(rpc); } if (error) { jsonrpc_close(rpc); ovs_error(error, "connection closed"); memmove(&rpcs[i], &rpcs[i + 1], (n_rpcs - i - 1) * sizeof *rpcs); n_rpcs--; } else { i++; } } /* Wait for something to do. */ if (done && !n_rpcs) { break; } pstream_wait(pstream); for (i = 0; i < n_rpcs; i++) { struct jsonrpc *rpc = rpcs[i]; jsonrpc_wait(rpc); if (!jsonrpc_get_backlog(rpc)) { jsonrpc_recv_wait(rpc); } } poll_block(); } free(rpcs); pstream_close(pstream); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct ovsdb_client_command *command; char *database; struct jsonrpc *rpc; ovs_cmdl_proctitle_init(argc, argv); set_program_name(argv[0]); parse_options(argc, argv); fatal_ignore_sigpipe(); daemon_become_new_user(false); if (optind >= argc) { ovs_fatal(0, "missing command name; use --help for help"); } for (command = get_all_commands(); ; command++) { if (!command->name) { VLOG_FATAL("unknown command '%s'; use --help for help", argv[optind]); } else if (!strcmp(command->name, argv[optind])) { break; } } optind++; if (command->need != NEED_NONE) { if (argc - optind > command->min_args && (isalpha((unsigned char) argv[optind][0]) && strchr(argv[optind], ':'))) { rpc = open_jsonrpc(argv[optind++]); } else { char *sock = xasprintf("unix:%s/db.sock", ovs_rundir()); rpc = open_jsonrpc(sock); free(sock); } } else { rpc = NULL; } if (command->need == NEED_DATABASE) { struct svec dbs; svec_init(&dbs); fetch_dbs(rpc, &dbs); if (argc - optind > command->min_args && svec_contains(&dbs, argv[optind])) { database = xstrdup(argv[optind++]); } else if (dbs.n == 1) { database = xstrdup(dbs.names[0]); } else if (svec_contains(&dbs, "Open_vSwitch")) { database = xstrdup("Open_vSwitch"); } else { jsonrpc_close(rpc); ovs_fatal(0, "no default database for `%s' command, please " "specify a database name", command->name); } svec_destroy(&dbs); } else { database = NULL; } if (argc - optind < command->min_args || argc - optind > command->max_args) { free(database); VLOG_FATAL("invalid syntax for '%s' (use --help for help)", command->name); } command->handler(rpc, database, argc - optind, argv + optind); free(database); jsonrpc_close(rpc); if (ferror(stdout)) { VLOG_FATAL("write to stdout failed"); } if (ferror(stderr)) { VLOG_FATAL("write to stderr failed"); } return 0; }