Exemple #1
  "type" : "function",
  "name" : "edit",
  "generate" : "jswrap_interface_edit",
  "params" : [
    ["funcName","JsVar","The name of the function to edit (either a string or just the unquoted name)"]
Fill the console with the contents of the given function, so you can edit it.

NOTE: This is a convenience function - it will not edit 'inner functions'. For that, you must edit the 'outer function' and re-execute it.
void jswrap_interface_edit(JsVar *funcName) {
  JsVar *func = 0;
  if (jsvIsString(funcName)) {
    funcName = jsvLockAgain(funcName);
    func = jsvSkipNameAndUnLock(jsvFindChildFromVar(execInfo.root, funcName, 0));
  } else {
    func = funcName;
    funcName = jsvGetPathTo(execInfo.root, func, 4, 0);

  if (jsvIsString(funcName)) {
    if (jsvIsFunction(func)) {
      JsVar *scopeVar = jsvFindChildFromString(func, JSPARSE_FUNCTION_SCOPE_NAME, false);
      JsVar *inRoot = jsvGetIndexOf(execInfo.root, func, true);
      bool normalDecl = scopeVar==0 && inRoot!=0;
      jsvUnLock2(inRoot, scopeVar);
      JsVar *newLine = jsvNewFromEmptyString();
      if (newLine) { // could be out of memory
        /* normalDecl:
         * function foo() { ... }
         * NOT normalDecl:
         * foo.replaceWith(function() { ... });
        JsVar *funcData = jsvAsString(func, false);

        if (normalDecl) {
          jsvAppendString(newLine, "function ");
          jsvAppendStringVarComplete(newLine, funcName);
          jsvAppendStringVar(newLine, funcData, 9, JSVAPPENDSTRINGVAR_MAXLENGTH);

        } else {
          jsvAppendStringVarComplete(newLine, funcName);
          jsvAppendString(newLine, ".replaceWith(");
          jsvAppendStringVarComplete(newLine, funcData);
          jsvAppendString(newLine, ");");
    } else {
      jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Edit should be called with the name of a function");
  } else {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Edit should be called with edit(funcName) or edit('funcName')");
  jsvUnLock2(func, funcName);
Exemple #2
void jsfGetJSONWithCallback(JsVar *var, JSONFlags flags, const char *whitespace, vcbprintf_callback user_callback, void *user_data) {
  JSONFlags nflags = flags + JSON_INDENT; // if we add a newline, make sure we indent any subsequent JSON more
  if (!whitespace) whitespace="  ";

  if (jsvIsUndefined(var)) {
    cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "undefined");
  } else {
    // Use IS_RECURSING  flag to stop recursion
    if (var->flags & JSV_IS_RECURSING) {
      cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, " ... ");
    var->flags |= JSV_IS_RECURSING;

    if (jsvIsArray(var)) {
      JsVarInt length = jsvGetArrayLength(var);
      bool limited = (flags&JSON_LIMIT) && (length>(JsVarInt)JSON_LIMIT_AMOUNT);
      bool needNewLine = false;
      cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?"[ ":"[");
      JsVarInt lastIndex = -1;
      bool numeric = true;
      bool first = true;
      JsvObjectIterator it;
      jsvObjectIteratorNew(&it, var);
      while (lastIndex+1<length && numeric && !jspIsInterrupted()) {
        JsVar *key = jsvObjectIteratorGetKey(&it);
        if (!jsvObjectIteratorHasValue(&it) || jsvIsNumeric(key)) {
          JsVarInt index = jsvObjectIteratorHasValue(&it) ? jsvGetInteger(key) : length-1;
          JsVar *item = jsvObjectIteratorGetValue(&it);
          while (lastIndex < index) {
            if (!limited || lastIndex<(JsVarInt)JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT || lastIndex>=length-(JsVarInt)JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT) {
              if (!first) cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?", ":",");
              first = false;
              if (limited && lastIndex==length-(JsVarInt)JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT) cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, JSON_LIMIT_TEXT);
              bool newNeedsNewLine = ((flags&JSON_SOME_NEWLINES) && jsonNeedsNewLine(item));
              if (flags&JSON_ALL_NEWLINES) {
                needNewLine = true;
                newNeedsNewLine = true;
              if (needNewLine || newNeedsNewLine) {
                jsonNewLine(nflags, whitespace, user_callback, user_data);
                needNewLine = false;
              if (lastIndex == index)
                jsfGetJSONWithCallback(item, nflags, whitespace, user_callback, user_data);
                cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_NO_UNDEFINED)?"null":"undefined");
              needNewLine = newNeedsNewLine;
        } else {
          numeric = false;

      // non-numeric  - but NOT for standard JSON
      if ((flags&JSON_PRETTY))
        jsfGetJSONForObjectItWithCallback(&it, flags, whitespace, nflags, user_callback, user_data, first);
      if (needNewLine) jsonNewLine(flags, whitespace, user_callback, user_data);
      cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?" ]":"]");
    } else if (jsvIsArrayBuffer(var)) {
      JsvArrayBufferIterator it;
      bool allZero = true;
      jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it, var, 0);
      while (jsvArrayBufferIteratorHasElement(&it)) {
        if (jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetFloatValue(&it)!=0)
          allZero = false;
      bool asArray = flags&JSON_ARRAYBUFFER_AS_ARRAY;

      if (allZero && !asArray) {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "new %s(%d)", jswGetBasicObjectName(var), jsvGetArrayBufferLength(var));
      } else {
        const char *aname = jswGetBasicObjectName(var);
        /* You can't do `new ArrayBuffer([1,2,3])` so we have to output
         * `new Uint8Array([1,2,3]).buffer`! */
        bool isBasicArrayBuffer = strcmp(aname,"ArrayBuffer")==0;
        if (isBasicArrayBuffer) {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, asArray?"[":"new %s([", aname);
        if (flags&JSON_ALL_NEWLINES) jsonNewLine(nflags, whitespace, user_callback, user_data);
        size_t length = jsvGetArrayBufferLength(var);
        bool limited = (flags&JSON_LIMIT) && (length>JSON_LIMIT_AMOUNT);
        // no newlines needed for array buffers as they only contain simple stuff

        jsvArrayBufferIteratorNew(&it, var, 0);
        while (jsvArrayBufferIteratorHasElement(&it) && !jspIsInterrupted()) {
          if (!limited || it.index<JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT || it.index>=length-JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT) {
            if (it.index>0) cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?", ":",");
            if (flags&JSON_ALL_NEWLINES) jsonNewLine(nflags, whitespace, user_callback, user_data);
            if (limited && it.index==length-JSON_LIMITED_AMOUNT) cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, JSON_LIMIT_TEXT);
            JsVar *item = jsvArrayBufferIteratorGetValue(&it);
            jsfGetJSONWithCallback(item, nflags, whitespace, user_callback, user_data);
        if (flags&JSON_ALL_NEWLINES) jsonNewLine(flags, whitespace, user_callback, user_data);
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, asArray?"]":"])");
        if (isBasicArrayBuffer && !asArray) cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, ".buffer");
    } else if (jsvIsObject(var)) {
      IOEventFlags device = (flags & JSON_SHOW_DEVICES) ? jsiGetDeviceFromClass(var) : EV_NONE;
      if (device!=EV_NONE) {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "%s", jshGetDeviceString(device));
      } else {
        bool showContents = true;
        if (flags & JSON_SHOW_OBJECT_NAMES) {
          JsVar *proto = jsvObjectGetChild(var, JSPARSE_INHERITS_VAR, 0);
          if (jsvHasChildren(proto)) {
            JsVar *constr = jsvObjectGetChild(proto, JSPARSE_CONSTRUCTOR_VAR, 0);
            if (constr) {
              JsVar *p = jsvGetIndexOf(execInfo.root, constr, true);
              if (p) cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "%v: ", p);
              /* We had the constructor - now if there was a non-default toString function
               * we'll execute it and print the result */
              JsVar *toStringFn = jspGetNamedField(var, "toString", false);
              if (toStringFn && toStringFn->varData.native.ptr != (void (*)(void))jswrap_object_toString) {
                // Function found and it's not the default one - execute it
                JsVar *result = jspExecuteFunction(toStringFn,var,0,0);
                cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "%v", result);
                showContents = false; // we already printed something
        if (showContents) {
          JsvObjectIterator it;
          jsvObjectIteratorNew(&it, var);
          cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?"{ ":"{");
          bool needNewLine = jsfGetJSONForObjectItWithCallback(&it, flags, whitespace, nflags, user_callback, user_data, true);
          if (needNewLine) jsonNewLine(flags, whitespace, user_callback, user_data);
          cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, (flags&JSON_PRETTY)?" }":"}");
    } else if (jsvIsFunction(var)) {
      if (flags & JSON_IGNORE_FUNCTIONS) {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "undefined");
      } else {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "function ");
        jsfGetJSONForFunctionWithCallback(var, nflags, user_callback, user_data);
    } else if (jsvIsString(var) && !jsvIsName(var)) {
      if ((flags&JSON_LIMIT) && jsvGetStringLength(var)>JSON_LIMIT_STRING_AMOUNT) {
        // if the string is too big, split it and put dots in the middle
        JsVar *var1 = jsvNewFromStringVar(var, 0, JSON_LIMITED_STRING_AMOUNT);
        JsVar *var2 = jsvNewFromStringVar(var, jsvGetStringLength(var)-JSON_LIMITED_STRING_AMOUNT, JSON_LIMITED_STRING_AMOUNT);
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "%q%s%q", var1, JSON_LIMIT_TEXT, var2);
        jsvUnLock2(var1, var2);
      } else {
        cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "%q", var);
    } else {
      cbprintf(user_callback, user_data, "%v", var);

    var->flags &= ~JSV_IS_RECURSING;
Exemple #3
  "type" : "staticmethod",
  "class" : "E",
  "name" : "openFile",
  "generate" : "jswrap_E_openFile",
  "params" : [
    ["path","JsVar","the path to the file to open."],
    ["mode","JsVar","The mode to use when opening the file. Valid values for mode are 'r' for read, 'w' for write new, 'w+' for write existing, and 'a' for append. If not specified, the default is 'r'."]
  "return" : ["JsVar","A File object"],
  "return_object" : "File"
Open a file
JsVar *jswrap_E_openFile(JsVar* path, JsVar* mode) {
  JsFile file;
  file.data = 0;
  file.fileVar = 0;
  FileMode fMode = FM_NONE;
  if (jsfsInit()) {
    JsVar *arr = fsGetArray(true);
    if (!arr) return 0; // out of memory

    char pathStr[JS_DIR_BUF_SIZE] = "";
    char modeStr[3] = "r";
    if (!jsvIsUndefined(path)) {
      if (!jsfsGetPathString(pathStr, path)) {
        return 0;

      if (!jsvIsUndefined(mode))
        jsvGetString(mode, modeStr, 3);

#ifndef LINUX
      BYTE ff_mode = 0;
      bool append = false;

      if(strcmp(modeStr,"r") == 0) {
        fMode = FM_READ;
#ifndef LINUX
        ff_mode = FA_READ | FA_OPEN_EXISTING;
      } else if(strcmp(modeStr,"a") == 0) {
        fMode = FM_WRITE;
#ifndef LINUX
        ff_mode = FA_WRITE | FA_OPEN_ALWAYS;
        append = true;
      } else if(strcmp(modeStr,"w") == 0) {
        fMode = FM_WRITE;
#ifndef LINUX
        ff_mode = FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS;
      } else if(strcmp(modeStr,"w+") == 0) {
        fMode = FM_READ_WRITE;
#ifndef LINUX
        ff_mode = FA_WRITE | FA_OPEN_ALWAYS;
      if(fMode != FM_NONE && allocateJsFile(&file, fMode, FT_FILE)) {
#ifndef LINUX
        if ((res=f_open(&file.data->handle, pathStr, ff_mode)) == FR_OK) {
          if (append) f_lseek(&file.data->handle, file.data->handle.fsize); // move to end of file
        file.data->handle = fopen(pathStr, modeStr);
        if (file.data->handle) {
          file.data->state = FS_OPEN;
          // add to list of open files
          jsvArrayPush(arr, file.fileVar);
        } else {
          // File open failed
          file.fileVar = 0;

        if(res != FR_OK)
          jsfsReportError("Could not open file", res);

    } else {
      jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR,"Path is undefined");


  return file.fileVar;

  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "File",
  "name" : "close",
  "generate_full" : "jswrap_file_close(parent)"
Close an open file.
void jswrap_file_close(JsVar* parent) {
  if (jsfsInit()) {
    JsFile file;
    if (fileGetFromVar(&file, parent) && file.data->state == FS_OPEN) {
#ifndef LINUX
      file.data->handle = 0;
      file.data->state = FS_CLOSED;
      // TODO: could try and free the memory used by file.data ?

      JsVar *arr = fsGetArray(false);
      if (arr) {
        JsVar *idx = jsvGetIndexOf(arr, file.fileVar, true);
        if (idx) {
          jsvRemoveChild(arr, idx);

  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "File",
  "name" : "write",
  "generate" : "jswrap_file_write",
  "params" : [
    ["buffer","JsVar","A string containing the bytes to write"]
  "return" : ["int32","the number of bytes written"]
Write data to a file.

**Note:** By default this function flushes all changes to the
SD card, which makes it slow (but also safe!). You can use
`E.setFlags({unsyncFiles:1})` to disable this behaviour and
really speed up writes - but then you must be sure to close
all files you are writing before power is lost or you will
cause damage to your SD card's filesystem.
size_t jswrap_file_write(JsVar* parent, JsVar* buffer) {
  FRESULT res = 0;
  size_t bytesWritten = 0;
  if (jsfsInit()) {
    JsFile file;
    if (fileGetFromVar(&file, parent)) {
      if(file.data->mode == FM_WRITE || file.data->mode == FM_READ_WRITE) {
        JsvIterator it;
        jsvIteratorNew(&it, buffer, JSIF_EVERY_ARRAY_ELEMENT);
        char buf[32];

        while (jsvIteratorHasElement(&it)) {
          // pull in a buffer's worth of data
          size_t n = 0;
          while (jsvIteratorHasElement(&it) && n<sizeof(buf)) {
            buf[n++] = (char)jsvIteratorGetIntegerValue(&it);
          // write it out
          size_t written = 0;
#ifndef LINUX
          res = f_write(&file.data->handle, &buf, n, &written);
          written = fwrite(&buf, 1, n, file.data->handle);
          bytesWritten += written;
          if(written == 0)
            res = FR_DISK_ERR;
          if (res) break;
        // finally, sync - just in case there's a reset or something
        if (!jsfGetFlag(JSF_UNSYNC_FILES)) {
#ifndef LINUX

  if (res) {
    jsfsReportError("Unable to write file", res);
  return bytesWritten;