Exemple #1
void ScummEngine_v4::o4_ifState() {
	int a = getVarOrDirectWord(PARAM_1);
	int b = getVarOrDirectByte(PARAM_2);

	// WORKAROUND bug #3306145 (also occurs in original): Some old versions of
	// Indy3 sometimes fail to allocate IQ points correctly. To quote:
	// "About the points error leaving Castle Brunwald: It seems to "reversed"!
	// When you get caught, free yourself and escape, you get 25 IQ points even
	// though you're not supposed to. However if you escape WITHOUT getting
	// caught, you get 0 IQ points (supposed to get 25 IQ points)."
	// This workaround is meant to address that.
	if (_game.id == GID_INDY3 && a == 367 &&
	    vm.slot[_currentScript].number == 363 && _currentRoom == 25) {
		b = 0;

	jumpRelative(getState(a) == b);
Exemple #2
void ScummEngine_v4::o4_ifNotState() {
	int a = getVarOrDirectWord(PARAM_1);
	int b = getVarOrDirectByte(PARAM_2);

	jumpRelative(getState(a) != b);
Exemple #3
void ScummEngine_v2::ifNotStateCommon(byte type) {
	int obj = getActiveObject();

	jumpRelative((getState(obj) & type) == 0);
Exemple #4
void ScummEngine_v0::o_ifNotEqualActiveObject2() {
	bool equal = ifEqualActiveObject2Common((_opcode & 0x80) == 0);