LanguageDialog::LanguageDialog(const QString &defaultLang, const QString &defaultKeyboard, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::LanguageDialog), _trans(NULL), _qttrans(NULL) { _instance = this; setAttribute(Qt::WA_ShowWithoutActivating); qDebug() << "Default language is " << defaultLang; qDebug() << "Default keyboard layout is " << defaultKeyboard; QSettings settings("/settings/noobs.conf", QSettings::IniFormat, this); QString savedLang = settings.value("language", defaultLang).toString(); QString savedKeyLayout = settings.value("keyboard_layout", defaultKeyboard).toString(); ui->setupUi(this); setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint); setAttribute(Qt::WA_QuitOnClose, false); QDir kdir("/keymaps/", "*.qmap"); QStringList keyboardlayouts = kdir.entryList(); foreach (QString layoutfile, keyboardlayouts) { layoutfile.chop(5); ui->keyCombo->addItem(layoutfile, layoutfile); }
QString MemSpecParser::findGeneratedHeaders() const { QLinkedList<QString> fileNames, dirs, nextDirs; for (int i = 0; generated_includes[i] != 0; ++i) fileNames += QString(generated_includes[i]); QDir kdir(_kernelSrcDir); if (!"include")) memSpecParserError(QString("Include directory \"%1\" cannot be found.") .arg(kdir.absolutePath())); QString ret; dirs.append(kdir.absolutePath()); // Implemented a BFS of files QLinkedList<QString>::iterator f_it; while (!fileNames.isEmpty() && !dirs.isEmpty()) { // Change to the next directory QDir currDir(dirs.first()); dirs.pop_front(); // Search for all missing files in current directory f_it = fileNames.begin(); while (f_it != fileNames.end()) { QFileInfo info(currDir, *f_it); if (info.exists() && info.isFile()) { ret += "#include <" + kdir.relativeFilePath(info.absoluteFilePath()) + ">\n"; f_it = fileNames.erase(f_it); } else ++f_it; } // Append all directories to the list foreach (QString d, currDir.entryList(QDir::Dirs|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) nextDirs.push_back(currDir.absoluteFilePath(d)); // Switch to the next directory level if (dirs.isEmpty()) { dirs = nextDirs; nextDirs.clear(); } } // Did we find all headers? If not, then try to compile it anyway... if (!fileNames.isEmpty()) { QString s; for (f_it = fileNames.begin(); f_it != fileNames.end(); ++f_it) s += "\n" + *f_it; debugerr("Failed to find the following headers in \"" << kdir.absolutePath() << "\":" << s); } return ret; }
Vector2i Jerk::getMovementDir() const { Vector2i kdir(0, 0); if(Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Key::UPARROW)) { kdir.y -= 1; } if(Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Key::DOWNARROW)) { kdir.y += 1; } if(Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Key::LEFTARROW)) { kdir.x -= 1; } if(Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Key::RIGHTARROW)) { kdir.x += 1; } return kdir; }
void Foam::FitData<FitDataType, ExtendedStencil, Polynomial>::calcFit ( scalarList& coeffsi, const List<point>& C, const scalar wLin, const label facei ) { vector idir(1,0,0); vector jdir(0,1,0); vector kdir(0,0,1); findFaceDirs(idir, jdir, kdir, facei); // Setup the point weights scalarList wts(C.size(), scalar(1)); wts[0] = centralWeight_; if (linearCorrection_) { wts[1] = centralWeight_; } // Reference point point p0 = this->mesh().faceCentres()[facei]; // Info << "Face " << facei << " at " << p0 << " stencil points at:\n" // << C - p0 << endl; // p0 -> p vector in the face-local coordinate system vector d; // Local coordinate scaling scalar scale = 1; // Matrix of the polynomial components scalarRectangularMatrix B(C.size(), minSize_, scalar(0)); for(label ip = 0; ip < C.size(); ip++) { const point& p = C[ip]; d.x() = (p - p0)&idir; d.y() = (p - p0)&jdir; # ifndef SPHERICAL_GEOMETRY d.z() = (p - p0)&kdir; # else d.z() = mag(p) - mag(p0); # endif if (ip == 0) { scale = cmptMax(cmptMag((d))); } // Scale the radius vector d /= scale; Polynomial::addCoeffs ( B[ip], d, wts[ip], dim_ ); } // Additional weighting for constant and linear terms for(label i = 0; i < B.n(); i++) { B[i][0] *= wts[0]; B[i][1] *= wts[0]; } // Set the fit label stencilSize = C.size(); coeffsi.setSize(stencilSize); bool goodFit = false; for(int iIt = 0; iIt < 8 && !goodFit; iIt++) { SVD svd(B, SMALL); scalar maxCoeff = 0; label maxCoeffi = 0; for(label i=0; i<stencilSize; i++) { coeffsi[i] = wts[0]*wts[i]*svd.VSinvUt()[0][i]; if (mag(coeffsi[i]) > maxCoeff) { maxCoeff = mag(coeffsi[i]); maxCoeffi = i; } } if (linearCorrection_) { goodFit = (mag(coeffsi[0] - wLin) < linearLimitFactor_*wLin) && (mag(coeffsi[1] - (1 - wLin)) < linearLimitFactor_*(1 - wLin)) && maxCoeffi <= 1; } else { // Upwind: weight on face is 1. goodFit = (mag(coeffsi[0] - 1.0) < linearLimitFactor_*1.0) && maxCoeffi <= 1; } // if (goodFit && iIt > 0) // { // Info << "FitData<Polynomial>::calcFit" // << "(const List<point>& C, const label facei" << nl // << "Can now fit face " << facei << " iteration " << iIt // << " with sum of weights " << sum(coeffsi) << nl // << " Weights " << coeffsi << nl // << " Linear weights " << wLin << " " << 1 - wLin << nl // << " sing vals " << svd.S() << endl; // } if (!goodFit) // (not good fit so increase weight in the centre and weight // for constant and linear terms) { // if (iIt == 7) // { // WarningIn // ( // "FitData<Polynomial>::calcFit" // "(const List<point>& C, const label facei" // ) << "Cannot fit face " << facei << " iteration " << iIt // << " with sum of weights " << sum(coeffsi) << nl // << " Weights " << coeffsi << nl // << " Linear weights " << wLin << " " << 1 - wLin << nl // << " sing vals " << svd.S() << endl; // } wts[0] *= 10; if (linearCorrection_) { wts[1] *= 10; } for(label j = 0; j < B.m(); j++) { B[0][j] *= 10; B[1][j] *= 10; } for(label i = 0; i < B.n(); i++) { B[i][0] *= 10; B[i][1] *= 10; } } } if (goodFit) { if (linearCorrection_) { // Remove the uncorrected linear coefficients coeffsi[0] -= wLin; coeffsi[1] -= 1 - wLin; } else { // Remove the uncorrected upwind coefficients coeffsi[0] -= 1.0; } } else { // if (debug) // { WarningIn ( "FitData<Polynomial>::calcFit(..)" ) << "Could not fit face " << facei << " Weights = " << coeffsi << ", reverting to linear." << nl << " Linear weights " << wLin << " " << 1 - wLin << endl; // } coeffsi = 0; } }
Foam::label Foam::quadraticFitSnGradData::calcFit ( const List<point>& C, const label faci ) { vector idir(1,0,0); vector jdir(0,1,0); vector kdir(0,0,1); findFaceDirs(idir, jdir, kdir, mesh(), faci); scalarList wts(C.size(), scalar(1)); wts[0] = centralWeight_; wts[1] = centralWeight_; point p0 = mesh().faceCentres()[faci]; scalar scale = 0; // calculate the matrix of the polynomial components scalarRectangularMatrix B(C.size(), minSize_, scalar(0)); for(label ip = 0; ip < C.size(); ip++) { const point& p = C[ip]; scalar px = (p - p0)&idir; scalar py = (p - p0)&jdir; #ifdef SPHERICAL_GEOMETRY scalar pz = mag(p) - mag(p0); #else scalar pz = (p - p0)&kdir; #endif if (ip == 0) scale = max(max(mag(px), mag(py)), mag(pz)); px /= scale; py /= scale; pz /= scale; label is = 0; B[ip][is++] = wts[0]*wts[ip]; B[ip][is++] = wts[0]*wts[ip]*px; B[ip][is++] = wts[ip]*sqr(px); if (dim_ >= 2) { B[ip][is++] = wts[ip]*py; B[ip][is++] = wts[ip]*px*py; B[ip][is++] = wts[ip]*sqr(py); } if (dim_ == 3) { B[ip][is++] = wts[ip]*pz; B[ip][is++] = wts[ip]*px*pz; //B[ip][is++] = wts[ip]*py*pz; B[ip][is++] = wts[ip]*sqr(pz); } } // Set the fit label stencilSize = C.size(); fit_[faci].setSize(stencilSize); scalarList singVals(minSize_); label nSVDzeros = 0; const scalar& deltaCoeff = mesh().deltaCoeffs()[faci]; bool goodFit = false; for(int iIt = 0; iIt < 10 && !goodFit; iIt++) { SVD svd(B, SMALL); scalar fit0 = wts[0]*wts[0]*svd.VSinvUt()[1][0]/scale; scalar fit1 = wts[0]*wts[1]*svd.VSinvUt()[1][1]/scale; goodFit = fit0 < 0 && fit1 > 0 && mag(fit0 + deltaCoeff) < 0.5*deltaCoeff && mag(fit1 - deltaCoeff) < 0.5*deltaCoeff; if (goodFit) { fit_[faci][0] = fit0; fit_[faci][1] = fit1; for(label i = 2; i < stencilSize; i++) { fit_[faci][i] = wts[0]*wts[i]*svd.VSinvUt()[1][i]/scale; } singVals = svd.S(); nSVDzeros = svd.nZeros(); } else // (not good fit so increase weight in the centre and for linear) { wts[0] *= 10; wts[1] *= 10; for(label i = 0; i < B.n(); i++) { B[i][0] *= 10; B[i][1] *= 10; } for(label j = 0; j < B.m(); j++) { B[0][j] *= 10; B[1][j] *= 10; } } } if (goodFit) { // remove the uncorrected snGradScheme coefficients fit_[faci][0] += deltaCoeff; fit_[faci][1] -= deltaCoeff; } else { Pout<< "quadratifFitSnGradData could not fit face " << faci << " fit_[faci][0] = " << fit_[faci][0] << " fit_[faci][1] = " << fit_[faci][1] << " deltaCoeff = " << deltaCoeff << endl; fit_[faci] = 0; } return minSize_ - nSVDzeros; }
void Foam::CentredFitSnGradData<Polynomial>::calcFit ( scalarList& coeffsi, const List<point>& C, const scalar wLin, const scalar deltaCoeff, const label facei ) { vector idir(1,0,0); vector jdir(0,1,0); vector kdir(0,0,1); this->findFaceDirs(idir, jdir, kdir, facei); // Setup the point weights scalarList wts(C.size(), scalar(1)); wts[0] = this->centralWeight(); wts[1] = this->centralWeight(); // Reference point point p0 = this->mesh().faceCentres()[facei]; // p0 -> p vector in the face-local coordinate system vector d; // Local coordinate scaling scalar scale = 1; // Matrix of the polynomial components scalarRectangularMatrix B(C.size(), this->minSize(), scalar(0)); forAll(C, ip) { const point& p = C[ip]; const vector p0p = p - p0; d.x() = p0p & idir; d.y() = p0p & jdir; d.z() = p0p & kdir; if (ip == 0) { scale = cmptMax(cmptMag((d))); } // Scale the radius vector d /= scale; Polynomial::addCoeffs(B[ip], d, wts[ip], this->dim()); } // Additional weighting for constant and linear terms for (label i = 0; i < B.m(); i++) { B(i, 0) *= wts[0]; B(i, 1) *= wts[0]; } // Set the fit label stencilSize = C.size(); coeffsi.setSize(stencilSize); bool goodFit = false; for (int iIt = 0; iIt < 8 && !goodFit; iIt++) { SVD svd(B, small); scalarRectangularMatrix invB(svd.VSinvUt()); for (label i=0; i<stencilSize; i++) { coeffsi[i] = wts[1]*wts[i]*invB(1, i)/scale; } goodFit = ( mag(wts[0]*wts[0]*invB(0, 0) - wLin) < this->linearLimitFactor()*wLin) && (mag(wts[0]*wts[1]*invB(0, 1) - (1 - wLin) ) < this->linearLimitFactor()*(1 - wLin)) && coeffsi[0] < 0 && coeffsi[1] > 0 && mag(coeffsi[0] + deltaCoeff) < 0.5*deltaCoeff && mag(coeffsi[1] - deltaCoeff) < 0.5*deltaCoeff; if (!goodFit) { // (not good fit so increase weight in the centre and weight // for constant and linear terms) WarningInFunction << "Cannot fit face " << facei << " iteration " << iIt << " with sum of weights " << sum(coeffsi) << nl << " Weights " << coeffsi << nl << " Linear weights " << wLin << " " << 1 - wLin << nl << " deltaCoeff " << deltaCoeff << nl << " sing vals " << svd.S() << nl << "Components of goodFit:\n" << " wts[0]*wts[0]*invB(0, 0) = " << wts[0]*wts[0]*invB(0, 0) << nl << " wts[0]*wts[1]*invB(0, 1) = " << wts[0]*wts[1]*invB(0, 1) << " dim = " << this->dim() << endl; wts[0] *= 10; wts[1] *= 10; for (label j = 0; j < B.n(); j++) { B(0, j) *= 10; B(1, j) *= 10; } for (label i = 0; i < B.m(); i++) { B(i, 0) *= 10; B(i, 1) *= 10; } } } if (goodFit) { // Remove the uncorrected coefficients coeffsi[0] += deltaCoeff; coeffsi[1] -= deltaCoeff; } else { WarningInFunction << "Could not fit face " << facei << " Coefficients = " << coeffsi << ", reverting to uncorrected." << endl; coeffsi = 0; } }