Exemple #1
int APIENTRY WinMain(
	HINSTANCE hInstance,
	HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
	LPSTR lpCmdLine,
	int nCmdShow
	return 0;
Exemple #2
void ElDorito::Initialize()
	::CreateDirectoryA(GetDirectory().c_str(), NULL);

	// init our command modules

	// load variables/commands from cfg file
	Modules::CommandMap::Instance().ExecuteCommand("Execute dewrito_prefs.cfg");
	Modules::CommandMap::Instance().ExecuteCommand("Execute autoexec.cfg"); // also execute autoexec, which is a user-made cfg guaranteed not to be overwritten by ElDew

	//This should be removed when we can save binds
	Modules::CommandMap::Instance().ExecuteCommand("Bind CAPITAL +VoIP.Talk");

	// Parse command-line commands
	int numArgs = 0;
	LPWSTR* szArgList = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &numArgs);
	bool usingLauncher = Modules::ModuleGame::Instance().VarSkipLauncher->ValueInt == 1;
	bool skipKill = false;
	bool dedicated = false;

	if( szArgList && numArgs > 1 )
		std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> converter;

		for( int i = 1; i < numArgs; i++ )
			std::wstring arg = std::wstring(szArgList[i]);
			if( arg.compare(0, 1, L"-") != 0 ) // if it doesn't start with -

#ifndef _DEBUG
			if (arg.compare(L"-launcher") == 0)
				usingLauncher = true;

#ifdef _DEBUG
			if (arg.compare(L"-dedicated") == 0)
				dedicated = true;

			if (arg.compare(L"-multiInstance") == 0)
				skipKill = true;

			size_t pos = arg.find(L"=");
			if( pos == std::wstring::npos || arg.length() <= pos + 1 ) // if it doesn't contain an =, or there's nothing after the =

			std::string argname = converter.to_bytes(arg.substr(1, pos - 1));
			std::string argvalue = converter.to_bytes(arg.substr(pos + 1));

			Modules::CommandMap::Instance().ExecuteCommand(argname + " \"" + argvalue + "\"", true);

	if (dedicated)
		// Commenting this out for now because it makes testing difficult
		DetourAttach((PVOID*)&Video_InitD3D, &hooked_Video_InitD3D);

		if (DetourTransactionCommit() != NO_ERROR) {

	// Language patch
	Patch(0x2333FD, { (uint8_t)Modules::ModuleGame::Instance().VarLanguageID->ValueInt }).Apply();

	setWatermarkText("ElDewrito | Version: " + Utils::Version::GetVersionString() + " | Build Date: " __DATE__);

#ifndef _DEBUG
	if (!usingLauncher) // force release builds to use launcher, simple check so its easy to get around if needed
		MessageBox(GetConsoleWindow(), "Please run Halo Online using the ElDewrito launcher.\nIt should be named DewritoUpdater.exe.", "ElDewrito", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
		TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), 0);

	if (!skipKill)
		int ourPid = GetCurrentProcessId();
		killProcessByName("eldorado.exe", ourPid);
		killProcessByName("custom_menu.exe", ourPid);
		killProcessByName("DewritoUpdater.exe", ourPid);

	// Initialize server modules
	CreateThread(0, 0, StartRconWebSocketServer, 0, 0, 0);