/* * execute client destruction task */ static void client_destructor_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_async *w, int revents) { struct tls_user_context_t *context = (struct tls_user_context_t *) w->data; disconnect_user_msg_t *disconnect_msg; user_session_t *session; disconnect_msg = g_async_queue_pop(context->cmd_queue); if (disconnect_msg->socket == -1) { disconnect_msg->result = kill_all_clients(); } else { session = get_client_datas_by_socket(disconnect_msg->socket); if (session == NULL) { g_mutex_lock(disconnect_msg->mutex); disconnect_msg->result = NU_EXIT_ERROR; g_cond_signal(disconnect_msg->cond); g_mutex_unlock(disconnect_msg->mutex); unlock_client_datas(); return; } if (g_mutex_trylock(session->rw_lock)) { ev_io_stop(session->srv_context->loop, &session->client_watcher); disconnect_msg->result = delete_rw_locked_client(session); } else { session->pending_disconnect = TRUE; disconnect_msg->result = NU_EXIT_OK; } unlock_client_datas(); } g_mutex_lock(disconnect_msg->mutex); g_cond_signal(disconnect_msg->cond); g_mutex_unlock(disconnect_msg->mutex); }
int32_t main (int32_t argc, char *argv[]) { int32_t i, j; prog_name = argv[0]; if (pthread_key_create(&getclient, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create getclient, exiting..."); exit(1); } void (*mod_def[])(struct s_module *)= { #ifdef MODULE_MONITOR module_monitor, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CAMD33 module_camd33, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CAMD35 module_camd35, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CAMD35_TCP module_camd35_tcp, #endif #ifdef MODULE_NEWCAMD module_newcamd, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CCCAM module_cccam, #endif #ifdef MODULE_PANDORA module_pandora, #endif #ifdef MODULE_GHTTP module_ghttp, #endif #ifdef CS_CACHEEX module_csp, #endif #ifdef MODULE_GBOX module_gbox, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CONSTCW module_constcw, #endif #ifdef MODULE_RADEGAST module_radegast, #endif #ifdef MODULE_SERIAL module_serial, #endif #ifdef HAVE_DVBAPI module_dvbapi, #endif 0 }; void (*cardsystem_def[])(struct s_cardsystem *)= { #ifdef READER_NAGRA reader_nagra, #endif #ifdef READER_IRDETO reader_irdeto, #endif #ifdef READER_CONAX reader_conax, #endif #ifdef READER_CRYPTOWORKS reader_cryptoworks, #endif #ifdef READER_SECA reader_seca, #endif #ifdef READER_VIACCESS reader_viaccess, #endif #ifdef READER_VIDEOGUARD reader_videoguard1, reader_videoguard2, reader_videoguard12, #endif #ifdef READER_DRE reader_dre, #endif #ifdef READER_TONGFANG reader_tongfang, #endif #ifdef READER_BULCRYPT reader_bulcrypt, #endif #ifdef READER_GRIFFIN reader_griffin, #endif #ifdef READER_DGCRYPT reader_dgcrypt, #endif 0 }; void (*cardreader_def[])(struct s_cardreader *)= { #ifdef CARDREADER_DB2COM cardreader_db2com, #endif #if defined(CARDREADER_INTERNAL_AZBOX) cardreader_internal_azbox, #elif defined(CARDREADER_INTERNAL_COOLAPI) cardreader_internal_cool, #elif defined(CARDREADER_INTERNAL_SCI) cardreader_internal_sci, #endif #ifdef CARDREADER_PHOENIX cardreader_mouse, #endif #ifdef CARDREADER_MP35 cardreader_mp35, #endif #ifdef CARDREADER_PCSC cardreader_pcsc, #endif #ifdef CARDREADER_SC8IN1 cardreader_sc8in1, #endif #ifdef CARDREADER_SMARGO cardreader_smargo, #endif #ifdef CARDREADER_SMART cardreader_smartreader, #endif #ifdef CARDREADER_STAPI cardreader_stapi, #endif 0 }; parse_cmdline_params(argc, argv); if (bg && do_daemon(1,0)) { printf("Error starting in background (errno=%d: %s)", errno, strerror(errno)); cs_exit(1); } get_random_bytes_init(); #ifdef WEBIF if (cs_restart_mode) restart_daemon(); #endif memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(struct s_config)); cfg.max_pending = max_pending; if (cs_confdir[strlen(cs_confdir) - 1] != '/') strcat(cs_confdir, "/"); init_signal_pre(); // because log could cause SIGPIPE errors, init a signal handler first init_first_client(); cs_lock_create(&system_lock, 5, "system_lock"); cs_lock_create(&config_lock, 10, "config_lock"); cs_lock_create(&gethostbyname_lock, 10, "gethostbyname_lock"); cs_lock_create(&clientlist_lock, 5, "clientlist_lock"); cs_lock_create(&readerlist_lock, 5, "readerlist_lock"); cs_lock_create(&fakeuser_lock, 5, "fakeuser_lock"); cs_lock_create(&ecmcache_lock, 5, "ecmcache_lock"); cs_lock_create(&readdir_lock, 5, "readdir_lock"); cs_lock_create(&cwcycle_lock, 5, "cwcycle_lock"); cs_lock_create(&hitcache_lock, 5, "hitcache_lock"); coolapi_open_all(); init_config(); cs_init_log(); if (!oscam_pidfile && cfg.pidfile) oscam_pidfile = cfg.pidfile; if (!oscam_pidfile) { oscam_pidfile = get_tmp_dir_filename(default_pidfile, sizeof(default_pidfile), "oscam.pid"); } if (oscam_pidfile) pidfile_create(oscam_pidfile); cs_init_statistics(); init_check(); init_stat(); // These initializations *MUST* be called after init_config() // because modules depend on config values. for (i=0; mod_def[i]; i++) { struct s_module *module = &modules[i]; mod_def[i](module); } for (i=0; cardsystem_def[i]; i++) { memset(&cardsystems[i], 0, sizeof(struct s_cardsystem)); cardsystem_def[i](&cardsystems[i]); } for (i=0; cardreader_def[i]; i++) { memset(&cardreaders[i], 0, sizeof(struct s_cardreader)); cardreader_def[i](&cardreaders[i]); } init_sidtab(); init_readerdb(); cfg.account = init_userdb(); init_signal(); init_srvid(); init_tierid(); init_provid(); start_garbage_collector(gbdb); cacheex_init(); init_len4caid(); init_irdeto_guess_tab(); write_versionfile(false); led_init(); led_status_default(); azbox_init(); mca_init(); global_whitelist_read(); cacheex_load_config_file(); for (i = 0; i < CS_MAX_MOD; i++) { struct s_module *module = &modules[i]; if ((module->type & MOD_CONN_NET)) { for (j = 0; j < module->ptab.nports; j++) { start_listener(module, &module->ptab.ports[j]); } } } //set time for server to now to avoid 0 in monitor/webif first_client->last=time((time_t *)0); webif_init(); start_thread((void *) &reader_check, "reader check"); cw_process_thread_start(); lcd_thread_start(); do_report_emm_support(); init_cardreader(); cs_waitforcardinit(); led_status_starting(); ac_init(); for (i = 0; i < CS_MAX_MOD; i++) { struct s_module *module = &modules[i]; if ((module->type & MOD_CONN_SERIAL) && module->s_handler) module->s_handler(NULL, NULL, i); } // main loop function process_clients(); cw_process_thread_wakeup(); // Stop cw_process thread pthread_cond_signal(&reader_check_sleep_cond); // Stop reader_check thread // Cleanup webif_close(); azbox_close(); coolapi_close_all(); mca_close(); led_status_stopping(); led_stop(); lcd_thread_stop(); remove_versionfile(); stat_finish(); cccam_done_share(); kill_all_clients(); kill_all_readers(); if (oscam_pidfile) unlink(oscam_pidfile); webif_tpls_free(); init_free_userdb(cfg.account); cfg.account = NULL; init_free_sidtab(); free_readerdb(); free_irdeto_guess_tab(); config_free(); cs_log("cardserver down"); log_free(); stop_garbage_collector(); free(first_client->account); free(first_client); // This prevents the compiler from removing config_mak from the final binary syslog_ident = config_mak; return exit_oscam; }
Dispatch() { int nready, result; int *clientReady; ClientPtr client; int op; nextFreeClientID = MINCLIENT; nClients = 0; clientReady = (int *) ALLOCATE_LOCAL(sizeof(int) * MaxClients); if (!clientReady) return; while (1) { /* wait for something */ nready = WaitForSomething(clientReady); while (!dispatchException && (--nready >= 0)) { client = currentClient = clients[clientReady[nready]]; /* Client can be NULL if CloseDownClient() is called during this dispatchException loop. */ if (client == (ClientPtr)NULL) continue; isItTimeToYield = FALSE; while (!isItTimeToYield) { result = ReadRequest(client); if (result <= 0) { if (result < 0) CloseDownClient(client); break; } client->sequence++; if (result > (MAX_REQUEST_SIZE << 2)) result = FSBadLength; else { op = MAJOROP; if (op >= NUM_PROC_VECTORS) result = ProcBadRequest (client); else result = (*client->requestVector[op]) (client); } if (result != FSSuccess) { if (client->noClientException != FSSuccess) CloseDownClient(client); break; } } FlushAllOutput (); } /* reset if server is a drone and has run out of clients */ if (drone_server && nClients == 0) { dispatchException |= DE_RESET; } if (dispatchException) { /* re-read the config file */ if (dispatchException & DE_RECONFIG) { NoticeF("Re-reading config file\n"); if (ReadConfigFile(configfilename) != FSSuccess) ErrorF("couldn't parse config file\n"); SetConfigValues(); dispatchException &= ~DE_RECONFIG; } /* flush all the caches */ if (dispatchException & DE_FLUSH) { NoticeF("flushing all caches\n"); CacheReset(); dispatchException &= ~DE_FLUSH; } /* reset */ if (dispatchException & DE_RESET) { NoticeF("resetting\n"); break; } /* die *now* */ if (dispatchException & DE_TERMINATE) { NoticeF("terminating\n"); kill_all_clients(); exit(0); break; } } } kill_all_clients(); dispatchException = 0; }
int32_t main(int32_t argc, char *argv[]) { fix_stacksize(); run_tests(); int32_t i, j; prog_name = argv[0]; struct timespec start_ts; cs_gettime(&start_ts); // Initialize clock_type if(pthread_key_create(&getclient, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create getclient, exiting..."); exit(1); } void (*mod_def[])(struct s_module *) = { #ifdef MODULE_MONITOR module_monitor, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CAMD33 module_camd33, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CAMD35 module_camd35, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CAMD35_TCP module_camd35_tcp, #endif #ifdef MODULE_NEWCAMD module_newcamd, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CCCAM module_cccam, #endif #ifdef MODULE_PANDORA module_pandora, #endif #ifdef MODULE_GHTTP module_ghttp, #endif #ifdef CS_CACHEEX module_csp, #endif #ifdef MODULE_GBOX module_gbox, #endif #ifdef MODULE_CONSTCW module_constcw, #endif #ifdef MODULE_RADEGAST module_radegast, #endif #ifdef MODULE_SCAM module_scam, #endif #ifdef MODULE_SERIAL module_serial, #endif #ifdef HAVE_DVBAPI module_dvbapi, #endif 0 }; find_conf_dir(); parse_cmdline_params(argc, argv); if(bg && do_daemon(1, 0)) { printf("Error starting in background (errno=%d: %s)", errno, strerror(errno)); cs_exit(1); } get_random_bytes_init(); #ifdef WEBIF if(cs_restart_mode) { restart_daemon(); } #endif memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(struct s_config)); cfg.max_pending = max_pending; if(cs_confdir[strlen(cs_confdir) - 1] != '/') { strcat(cs_confdir, "/"); } init_signal_pre(); // because log could cause SIGPIPE errors, init a signal handler first init_first_client(); cs_lock_create(__func__, &system_lock, "system_lock", 5000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &config_lock, "config_lock", 10000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &gethostbyname_lock, "gethostbyname_lock", 10000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &clientlist_lock, "clientlist_lock", 5000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &readerlist_lock, "readerlist_lock", 5000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &fakeuser_lock, "fakeuser_lock", 5000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &ecmcache_lock, "ecmcache_lock", 5000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &ecm_pushed_deleted_lock, "ecm_pushed_deleted_lock", 5000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &readdir_lock, "readdir_lock", 5000); cs_lock_create(__func__, &cwcycle_lock, "cwcycle_lock", 5000); init_cache(); cacheex_init_hitcache(); init_config(); cs_init_log(); init_machine_info(); init_check(); if(!oscam_pidfile && cfg.pidfile) { oscam_pidfile = cfg.pidfile; } if(!oscam_pidfile) { oscam_pidfile = get_tmp_dir_filename(default_pidfile, sizeof(default_pidfile), "oscam.pid"); } if(oscam_pidfile) { pidfile_create(oscam_pidfile); } cs_init_statistics(); coolapi_open_all(); init_stat(); ssl_init(); // These initializations *MUST* be called after init_config() // because modules depend on config values. for(i = 0; mod_def[i]; i++) { struct s_module *module = &modules[i]; mod_def[i](module); } init_sidtab(); init_readerdb(); cfg.account = init_userdb(); init_signal(); init_provid(); init_srvid(); init_tierid(); init_fakecws(); start_garbage_collector(gbdb); cacheex_init(); init_len4caid(); init_irdeto_guess_tab(); write_versionfile(false); led_init(); led_status_default(); azbox_init(); mca_init(); global_whitelist_read(); ratelimit_read(); for(i = 0; i < CS_MAX_MOD; i++) { struct s_module *module = &modules[i]; if((module->type & MOD_CONN_NET)) { for(j = 0; j < module->ptab.nports; j++) { start_listener(module, &module->ptab.ports[j]); } } } //set time for server to now to avoid 0 in monitor/webif first_client->last = time((time_t *)0); webif_init(); start_thread("reader check", (void *) &reader_check, NULL, NULL, 1, 1); cw_process_thread_start(); checkcache_process_thread_start(); lcd_thread_start(); do_report_emm_support(); init_cardreader(); cs_waitforcardinit(); emm_load_cache(); load_emmstat_from_file(); led_status_starting(); ac_init(); start_thread("card poll", (void *) &card_poll, NULL, NULL, 1, 1); for(i = 0; i < CS_MAX_MOD; i++) { struct s_module *module = &modules[i]; if((module->type & MOD_CONN_SERIAL) && module->s_handler) { module->s_handler(NULL, NULL, i); } } // main loop function process_clients(); SAFE_COND_SIGNAL(&card_poll_sleep_cond); // Stop card_poll thread cw_process_thread_wakeup(); // Stop cw_process thread SAFE_COND_SIGNAL(&reader_check_sleep_cond); // Stop reader_check thread // Cleanup #ifdef MODULE_GBOX stop_sms_sender(); #endif webif_close(); azbox_close(); coolapi_close_all(); mca_close(); led_status_stopping(); led_stop(); lcd_thread_stop(); remove_versionfile(); stat_finish(); dvbapi_stop_all_descrambling(); dvbapi_save_channel_cache(); emm_save_cache(); save_emmstat_to_file(); cccam_done_share(); gbox_send_good_night(); kill_all_clients(); kill_all_readers(); for(i = 0; i < CS_MAX_MOD; i++) { struct s_module *module = &modules[i]; if((module->type & MOD_CONN_NET)) { for(j = 0; j < module->ptab.nports; j++) { struct s_port *port = &module->ptab.ports[j]; if(port->fd) { shutdown(port->fd, SHUT_RDWR); close(port->fd); port->fd = 0; } } } } if(oscam_pidfile) { unlink(oscam_pidfile); } // sleep a bit, so hopefully all threads are stopped when we continue cs_sleepms(200); free_cache(); cacheex_free_hitcache(); webif_tpls_free(); init_free_userdb(cfg.account); cfg.account = NULL; init_free_sidtab(); free_readerdb(); free_irdeto_guess_tab(); config_free(); ssl_done(); detect_valgrind(); if (!running_under_valgrind) cs_log("cardserver down"); else cs_log("running under valgrind, waiting 5 seconds before stopping cardserver"); log_free(); if (running_under_valgrind) sleep(5); // HACK: Wait a bit for things to settle stop_garbage_collector(); NULLFREE(first_client->account); NULLFREE(first_client); free(stb_boxtype); free(stb_boxname); // This prevents the compiler from removing config_mak from the final binary syslog_ident = config_mak; return exit_oscam; }